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  1. AlienOne

    *cough cough*

    Originally Posted by _Sixy_ View Post
    *dusts off old forum account*

    i just wanted to say hi...and i promise i'll be a good girl this time around.
    Oh, dear god....

  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Thirty_Seven View Post
    I hate to rain on your parade, but I hope that a lot of people transfer off of Freedom.

    I think the game is best served with the servers all being closer to equal in size. NOT equal, but closer.
    I'm not leavin'.

    You peeps are stuck with me.


    Come one, come all!

  4. Lots and lots and lots of teaming and farming and task forces and activity and marketeering and costume contests and convos on Freedom....

    ....but not a lot of RP.

    If you decide to head on over, sent me a tell @AlienOne, and I'll get 'ya hooked up with all the most active channels and get you teaming pronto!

  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by SaikoMantis View Post
    This is a screenie from when they were testing on live a few weeks back. This is with just super jump, super speed, sprint, and hurdle on. No SB, IR, or recall friend.
    Dude, your sig is full of epic win.

  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Morac_Ex_Machina View Post
    Freedom. Because Freedom is full of equal parts awesome, lulz, QQ and fail.

    Originally Posted by Westley View Post
    All of them..... because they are all identical game-wise.

    Seriously... I have alts on MANY servers right now. In my opinion anyone that restricts themselves to one server either simply doesn't have enough characters yet.... or is an idiot.
    <------Has restricted himself to basically one server....And has 50 alts now.

    *shakes head*

  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Energizing_Ion View Post
    Edit: Actually I think I will transfer one of my characters. I have a villy that I accidentally mis-typed/spelled his now I can transfer him to a random server, create that same name on my home server and then transfer the real toon back, get a free rename token and take out the extra "i" that I have in the toon's name hooray!
    This (so far) is exactly what I used it for. I wanted to change the name of my WS to "AlienOne" instead of my Peacebringer, since I'm on my WS 80% of the time, and change the name of my PB to something else... So, I just put "AlienOne" and "VestigeOne" on another server as placeholders for names, and then did the server transfer for the free rename token...

    Worked like a charm!

    I'm also going to try and take advantage of this deal to bring the Kheldian community together for some "Kheldian action" on an agreed-upon server for a few nights... Should be fun, and (hopefully) a learning experience as well...

    Thanks, devs!

  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
    if I had my way, I would change two things. Cut the shapeshift time in half, and and increase the damage of all PB attacks (more to the melee) to bring it up to par with the WS.
    That's probably something *almost* everyone in the Kheldian community could get behind...

    Problem is, we have too much fun bickering amongst ourselves to actually all sign off on something.

  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by bAss_ackwards View Post
    Guys and gals, I've got a bewildering issue with my system. I've thought and thought about what the problem could be and every test I've run has given me no clue as to what is going on.

    My issue is as the title says, performance degradation. Main system specs are:

    2.0 Ghz CPU
    GeForce GTX 285
    4.0 GB RAM
    On an Intel X25-M 80GB SSD running Windows 7 Professional 64bit.

    Anymore info needed? Any program I should use to spill my computer stats onto the boards? Tell me and I'll get right on it.

    Right now from a fresh system reboot I will be running CoH at 60 frames per second and then as I play longer my performance degrades down to a startling 7 to 8 frames per second. I am running CoH at 1920x1200 resolution on a dual monitor setup with all the graphics settings turned up to the max. It is not just this game, however. Dragon Age runs at 3 frames per second. This makes no sense. I had less RAM when I was running Windows XP 32bit and I was running CoH and Dragon Age flawlessly on the same settings.

    So what could be going on here? I've done a memtest to see if my RAM is bad, I've poked around to see if my switch from HDD to SDD could be an issue, I've reinstalled my graphics drivers several times. There is absolutely no warning flags going off that I can think of in regards to my system. Is this in regards to a 64 bit OS? Is this the cause of damaged or failing hardware? Something else?

    Any help would be appreciated and thanks so much in advance.
    I don't believe it has anything to do with your operating system being 64-bit. I run CoH on Vista 64-bit with no problems whatsoever.

    What it actually sounds like is Vista has some sort of memory leak problem. I seem to remember people (not myself) having the same sort of problem when Vista was first released...

    If I were you, I'd start doing some searches releated to "windows memory leak" and see what you can come up with.

    It may not be that, but in every case I've seen where performance degrades over time, it usually has something to do with a memory leak of some kind--especially if you were running fine to begin with when you first started up the game. Means your system can definitely handle it--it's just leaking performance somehow.

    If I'm right, you may possibly have to wait until Microsoft comes out with a patch for their new OS... Although I'm looking forward to being able to use Windows 7, this is why I never get an OS "the second it comes out." Wait until the first service pack or something next time...

    I can certainly attest that it runs fine in a Vista 64-bit environment, though...

  10. Too bad someone already has my name taken on Infinity! :P

    Ok, so far we have:

    1. Alien
    2. Memphis Bill
    3. DebtLover
    4. ShoeTattoo
    5. Justaris
    6. Nericus

    1. DarkEther?

    Any others? Pick a server, and as long as we have enough interest on that particular server, I'll jump in. (We have 6 free transfers a week, you know!). I may play one night with a bunch of people on one server, and then switch to another server for another night with a bunch of other people... I just want to know what it's like to hang out with you guys and team up!

  11. K, we got a vote for Champion... If it's Champion, does anyone have any conflicts? If we all do this, I vote we transfer sooner than later, so we not only have plenty of time to get together a few times for challenges, we also have plenty of time to transfer our characters back before the special ends...

    What's the word from the interested parties?

  12. I'm up for any server but Virtue or Infinity...

    ...Someone on those two servers has taken my name, so I don't want to run the risk of having my character name changed, just because someone somewhere else likes to roleplay me....

    Any suggestions? Other than the aforementioned conflict, I'm up for any day of the week, any time, any server...

    Memphis Bill, which servers do you have a high-level Kheld on? I'd like to (if possible) have our teams take on some difficult high-level content (like the iTF or the STF or a SS TF, etc.)...


    On that note, it's probably a good idea for ANYONE wishing to participate in this event to go to the other servers and reserve the character's name you would be moving--or at least check if it's taken, so you can report back here which servers you can't or won't participate on in this event.

    Also, when a server/day/time is picked, and you DO choose to participate and move a character, it's a good idea to reserve your own name on your HOME server as a placeholder as soon as the transfer is done, so you don't lose your name.
  13. Actually, that's nice and polite, and a perfectly acceptable response.

    Posting non-issues like "all my influence is on that character" is incorrectly giving the impression to other players that transferring a character causes it to lose everything it has on it.

    Factually incorrect.

    Therefore, yes, I definitely would have appreciated your latest response a lot more than the first one.


    Here's a link to the FAQ regarding server transfers... Please pay close attention particularly to the answer to the "Do all your possessions move with you when you do a character transfer?" question.

    Also, to clarify, "losing all Prestige accumulated within your Supergroup" means that the record of the prestige you earned with that character will be erased, NOT that the SG will lose the amount of prestige you earned when you leave.

    People quit SGs all the time, and the SG doesn't lose the prestige that person might have earned, just because that person left. That's nonsense.
  14. And you posting non-issues in order to discourage others from having a good time or bringing together the Kheldian community in any way is what brings out mine.

    Since you've already posted your opinion, any involvement in this thread by yourself could easily be seen as a provocation on your part, or at the very least an attempt at discouraging the rest of the community in taking part in an opportunity to play together for the first time without having to pay for it or install a test version of the game.

    Thanks for your input.


    I also find it extremely interesting that you would even post a comment about having "playstyles" affecting whether or not we have the ability to "mesh," when you yourself have derided someone in another thread for basically making the same claim.

    He says that Kheldians (in his case) inability to control the KB affects his playstyle, and therefore refuses to team with them.

    You say that others' playstyles will affect the team's ability to function as a team, and therefore refuse to participate in this opportunity.

    I won't call anyone any names, so I'll just say that's "interesting."
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Obsidian_Force2 View Post
    It's an interesting possibility but I have several issues with moving servers even temporarily.

    1. I hate high population servers with a passion, and I realize moving the smallest number of people to where the most people are makes the most sense. I just hate the higher jackhole per capita problems of high population servers.
    In this case, we wouldn't be recruiting even one of those said "jackholes." It would just be us. In either case, there hasn't been an agreed upon server anyway, so I'm not sure how this gripe is founded...

    Originally Posted by Obsidian_Force2 View Post
    2. All my wealth (several billion influence all held by my WS's) as well as my all Kheldian SG are all on my home server.
    This is not even an issue, as all your wealth transfers with you (yes, all influence), no prestige is lost by your SG when you leave, and if you're in charge of the SG, you can just pass leadership to one of your other toons temporarily. Problem solved. The ONLY issue you'd have is losing the record of how much prestige that toon had earned for that SG, and unless you're all about impressing others with stats on prestige earned (VestigeOne has earned 3.4 mil prestige for my SG, and that was even after I left the SG for a short period of time to join the "Omega Team" what?), then that's really a non-issue as well.

    Originally Posted by Obsidian_Force2 View Post
    3. There are several different play styles being used and I believe meshing would become a very big issue quickly.
    I believe this is unfounded as well, because we're talking about mainly the "heavy-hitter" crowd here. The people who have the intelligence to adapt to whatever team they're on (it's what smart Khelds do, yes?). I can understand if you don't trust your own Kheldian prowess enough to join the rest of us, but you're not giving anyone else any credit for having any intelligence at all about playing a Kheld with that statement. Adapt. Improve. Enjoy yourself. I've done PuG all-Kheld iTFs that turned out fine. I think a bunch of vets would do just as well. Or better.

    Originally Posted by Obsidian_Force2 View Post
    4. I just have a bad feeling about this one. Perhaps it's my inate misstrust of the transfer tool and their ability to move people back. I fear transporter accidents..." Let them play pinball with somebody elses molecules."

    Not bashing the idea, I just cannot personaly get past these issues.

    Good luck.
    And good luck to you as well.

  16. Hey, guys....

    Some of us may have wondered what it would be like to play with everyone else in this section as an all-competent-all-Kheld team....

    Well, with free server transfers, it's now possible! 6 free transfers a week until the end of January...

    So, what you waiting for?!?!? Let's see if we can set a server to all gather on and a day/time to play, and we'll all take on some of the toughest challenges in the game together!

    Once we're done, we can transfer our Khelds back to where they were before and go back about our business....

    What'ya say? You in?

  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by AlienOne View Post
    I've thought seriously about doing this with my main two toons, as I've already encountered a few people on Freedom who have made some sort of imitation of my main two characters' names. (lol)

    So, yeah... After coming across this thread and making that comment, I decided to go ahead and "reserve" my main two character's names "AlienOne" and "VestigeOne"...

    Both Virtue and Infinity servers already had someone with the name "AlienOne" on it...haha!

  18. I'm on (arguably) the highest-populated server, and I play all hours of the day and night...

    ...and I haven't experienced even close to the amount of events he is describing. It almost sounds as if the Virtue server itself may be experiencing some data execution issues or something of the sort...

    Over the past week of gameplay for me, I've seen zero zombie events occur (and I run TFs literally every day--sometimes 4 or 5 of them in a day), and only one banner event occur... And that was just about an hour or so ago in Atlas Park...

    I don't think it's truly happening "everywhere" or as bad as you imagine it to be, but in either case, I (personally) think it's a great idea to allow people the chance *every once in a while* to still get those badges at any time of the year, rather than waiting a full year for it.

  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by SilverAgeFan View Post
    As to the OP, I personally find the +5 recipes VERY useful. But I use both the market and the inventions system regularly. The increased slots means not having to choose between deleting booty vs. interrupting a good roll of play with a trip to the blackmarket or wentworths.

    As to the larger question of what could be given to vets in the future? How about vanity powers of all sorts that summon NPCs for silly emotes for one:
    • blueside:
      • [autograph session]
      • [photo shoot]
      • [journalist]
      • [groupies: female]
      • [groupies: male]
    • redside:
      • [shakedown]
      • [mug]
      • [backalley deal]
      • [insight dissent]
      • [evil assistant]
    These aren't costume parts or costume change emotes or even powers given to super-long-term vets. They would be fun, dumb character +NPC emotes. If need be, small bonus buffs similar to dayjobs could be attached to them. But not really necessary IMO.
    That's so frikkin' hilarious that I would actually go for something like this... I mean, standing there with a bunch of NPCs signing autographs and having your picture made with them?


    I love it.

  20. Yeah, I did it again this past Friday.... Actually, Tammy's gotten so "addicted" to it lately, that she's doing an "all-rad" (almost all-rad--sometimes I tank for her with my WS) STF almost every day...

    If you're on Freedom, hit me up, because there actually seems to be enough interest from people now that if I'm online, we might be able to put one together either on the spot or within an hour...

  21. I'm getting tired ot just trying to hold aggro at ALL on AVs with that power they call "taunt."

    I mean, if you can slot a full taunt set on it and still can't get the power to work correctly (especially with 80 to 90% global acc), then something's horribly wrong with it.

    Yet another reason why I call Dwarfs "lolDwarf."

  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Justaris View Post
    (not sure why Unchain doesn't do this too).
    My thoughts exactly...

  23. LoL, that's good. I like it.

  24. AlienOne

    PB tank?


    Where you at?

    300-400 mil is PLENTY for a human/dwarf form build...

  25. A wishlist? For Khelds???




    ....carry on.
