PB tank?




So I've been messing around with my human/dwarf PB and he is up to 41 now. More and more I've been finding my self having to tank in a pinch, the tank drops out or we just cant seem to find one. I've been really enjoying tanking but dont want to roll a pure tank since i love the option of shifting to a blapper and filling that role if a tank is present. Now in most situations I tank just fine, I even pretty solidly tank on AV mission arcs. Took on a lvl 52 version of Marauder just fine when the WP tank accidently detoggled and died. But I know i can do more. Ive been comparing resistance stats with my tanker buddy and Im not even half what they are. Basicly what im looking for is if there is a way to slot your dwarf powers to really be able to tank really well in dwarf form. Do ehancement set bonuses i put into my human form powers effect dwarf form? or is it only the dwarf powers that give me bonuses? Basicly I'd like to Dwarf tank as best I can. Nothing really amazing, I mean im just backup tanking, but Im willing to dump about 300-400 million into the build but don't know how much is necessary in dwarf form to really be able to be tank-like. I mean im sure ill not be able to stand next to lord recluse and yawn like a stone tank can. But i'd like to be as sturdy as possible. Thanks in advance.



Originally Posted by AlienOne View Post

Where you at?

300-400 mil is PLENTY for a human/dwarf form build...

Heh, wow, maybe im over saving, haha. Im used to trying to save up for my perma-PA ill/rad build. im really excited about having PB be my next project. I love being able to step up as a tank when needed. But enjoy the flexibility of being able to scrap it out when tanking is covered.



I would maybe look into 3 TOD sets in melee powers, 2 obliteration sets into your foostomps and as many makos and blessings of the zeph. as you can slot along with the steadfast protection KB protection and Ressist/global def.

This would afford you an amazing level of defence even in dwarf form (22%+ melee def and 15%+ ranged def). It would make a huge difference in your tanking ability in my opinion.

Just thought of this. With the three heals you have access to, one of the heal sets also adds ranged def.

If you PL'd to 50 just to get an "epic" thinking you'd be �ber, you're going to be sorely disappointed with the HEATs, because the VEATs were designed so that anyone with one good finger and a braincell can rock the toggles.



I've tanked AVs/GMs on my PB. The key thing to remember is you are not a "pure" tank. Your method will be to pull, hold aggro, skirt, and rotate your three heals to stay alive. Never believe that you can do the job as efficiently as a core tank. Not saying you can't get the job done, but your main focus will be to stay alive for the team.



Running 4 slots of a set in the dwarf form power will pretty well max it out with resistance. If you look at the Reactive Armor set, you will gain a bit of Def as well, which helps. Slotting the 4 in that set with Res should get you up to around 58+% to S/L. I've planned for Scirrocco's in the Flare,w hich adds a bit more Def with it 5-slotted, and in Sublimation, Doc's Wounds will give some more Res, while Num or Miracle or Harmonized help a bit more in the Def category. Getting the heal back up as much as possible is a key here, as well.

If you can afford to slot more than 4 in the dwarf form, the proc in Impervium and/or in Aegis would be nice adds to help your Psi.

Your melee attacks, if slotted heavily, could add more def using the Kinetic or ToD sets, for example. I tend to do the Crushing for the Rech bonuns, but that's me.

With Def counting roughly 2:1 for Resist, that's your main route to tweak it, IMO. Every little bit helps, and if they miss, it helps a lot.

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would it be a good idea to toss in sets of doctored wounds into my 3 heals? for the recharge bonus? those self heals are huge for my survivability where i'm sitting now.



Originally Posted by Griff Mender View Post
would it be a good idea to toss in sets of doctored wounds into my 3 heals? for the recharge bonus? those self heals are huge for my survivability where i'm sitting now.
Any of the sets with Recharge bonus are good for Khelds.

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So last night I was in PI on my PB tank. (I so very rarely solo due to the awesome community on virtue) And something dawns on me. I was talking with a tank buddy in SG chat comparing stats and whatnot. Part of my Pug was 2 scrappers and a blaster. So I bring up my combat attributes to tell him what my resistance was. This whole time I've been trying to figure out how to buff my resistance via set bonuses and expensive enhancements and I totally forgot cosmic balance. My resist was cranked up to near tank levels just by having the scrappers and blaster on the team. (Now im not feeling so amazed about those times I tanked AVs on teams.....) Given that theres no shortage of scrappers and blasters out there, Im not so concerned about resist bonuses anymore. So now i finally see why everyone is suggesting recharge bonuses. Everything else gets taken care of by cosmic balance.



Originally Posted by Griff Mender View Post
So last night I was in PI on my PB tank. (I so very rarely solo due to the awesome community on virtue) And something dawns on me. I was talking with a tank buddy in SG chat comparing stats and whatnot. Part of my Pug was 2 scrappers and a blaster. So I bring up my combat attributes to tell him what my resistance was. This whole time I've been trying to figure out how to buff my resistance via set bonuses and expensive enhancements and I totally forgot cosmic balance. My resist was cranked up to near tank levels just by having the scrappers and blaster on the team. (Now im not feeling so amazed about those times I tanked AVs on teams.....) Given that theres no shortage of scrappers and blasters out there, Im not so concerned about resist bonuses anymore. So now i finally see why everyone is suggesting recharge bonuses. Everything else gets taken care of by cosmic balance.
Note that that only affects your Dmg Resist, and not your Defense. Also, it's effectively only in the forms. This link explains the various inherents. You also don't necessarily have control over what the team makeup is, so you're never quite sure what you have going for you until you're in the mission. I think that's why, to be a bit more self-sufficient, you'll want Rech bonuses to get those heals back up, and maybe look at sets with the positional Def bonuses.

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If you make one of your builds purely focused on dwarf, you can get some pretty extreme survivability. That's what I'm doing with my alternate warshade build right now; functionality outside of dwarf is very limited, but in dwarf I've got ~62% resist to all but psi (12%), and am softcapped to all positions with one small defense insp. High recovery as well and the dwarf attacks are fully slotted. Pb's should be able to do pretty much the same, though that costs more than 400 mil.

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Originally Posted by Griff Mender View Post
So last night I was in PI on my PB tank. (I so very rarely solo due to the awesome community on virtue) And something dawns on me. I was talking with a tank buddy in SG chat comparing stats and whatnot. Part of my Pug was 2 scrappers and a blaster. So I bring up my combat attributes to tell him what my resistance was. This whole time I've been trying to figure out how to buff my resistance via set bonuses and expensive enhancements and I totally forgot cosmic balance. My resist was cranked up to near tank levels just by having the scrappers and blaster on the team. (Now im not feeling so amazed about those times I tanked AVs on teams.....) Given that theres no shortage of scrappers and blasters out there, Im not so concerned about resist bonuses anymore. So now i finally see why everyone is suggesting recharge bonuses. Everything else gets taken care of by cosmic balance.
This is why people were recommending you go for defense bonuses. Your resists in Dwarf form (when the form is slotted for resist) can get to about 58% to all, which is more than decent. Cosmic Balance, as you noted, will get you a good amount more, depending on your team makeup.

Also, it's hard to come by resist bonuses in the IO sets... for whatever reason, they were given short shrift by the dev team (I would at least like to see them doing the double bonus that def sets now have... Smash resist bonuses should cover lethal damage as well, etc.). So defense is the way to go... especially since it will help you escape some of those nasty debuffs out there, as well as damage.

Recharge is nice as well, of course, any Kheld will want a lot of that, but defense is always nice. I wish I could swing for some on my triform PB, but it's just not possible to slot all his powers well and get decent amounts of defense. It is a lot easier on a dual-form, like you have (I plan to get def on my Warshade human/dwarf build).

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Belated Justice, #88003
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