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  1. AkuTenshiiZero

    Power Timer!

    While it's usefulness is situational, I can certainly recall times when I would have appreciated such a feature.

    Moreso, I'd like to see timers available on buff icons.
  2. Dominators, Illusion
    Brutes, Regeneration

    Those two are by far my biggest hopes for proliferation. I think Illusion should have been a Dominator set from the very start, it's far more of a villainous power than heroic (Mysterio, anyone?). Regeneration on a Brute would be insanely powerful, which may be why it hasn't gotten there yet.
  3. I am generally annoyed by anyone who claims to have any massive connection to one of the big NPCs out there. If you really want to be connected to a character, choose one of the lesser ones and not a Patron/FP member.

    IE, one of my friends plans to make an Arachnos Soldier who is Marshal Brass's son, always trying to live up to his father's reputation. I see little problem with this, since Brass is not a major character, and he is in no way altered to fit the new character. It would be easy to assume Brass has a family, just never mentioned.

    I've also written NPCs into my own character's storys. Such as my Dominator, Rose Prince. He went to college with the hero Rosethorn. No deep relationship, they were simply classmates. This eventually evolved into a rivalry when each gained their powers. I came up with this due to the similarity in theme and name, and the fact that she showed up in my Mayhem missions very frequently.

    As far as patrons go, the furtherst I have gone is my Corruptor, Capt. Stormrider, who is being trained by Scirocco to further hone his electrical powers. But this is something anyone who has chosen him as a Patron could say, and would equally make sense. It's simply an RP way of explaining Mu Mastery.
  4. I want a car.

    Hey, the Devs are smashing the boundaries left and right. I can dream.
  5. [ QUOTE ]
    Aku, what you described is the "Longbow Eagle Death Squad". I'm guessing this happened after you flew/SJed to the bank?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Oh no, I am well aware of that one. I often trigger it on purpose for the grande finale of a good Mayhem

    These are ground troops. The usual Nullifers and random mixture of minions, except for Eagles and Spec-Ops. They seem to be triggered seperately from the Longbow Air Force, as I call them. This is an entirely differant phenomenon, which I believe is somehow tied to side-missions. Completing one sometimes coincides with the spawn. Frankly, I have no idea what causes it.
  6. [ QUOTE ]
    So is the Shadow Shard.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    ...If you're a Hero...*Grumblesnarl*
  7. AkuTenshiiZero


    Personally, I wouldn't make it a Pool. I would make it unlockable somehow. In essence, require somebody to use a differant mode of transportation for awhile until they can get their ride. Said vehicle can have it's own avantages and disadvantages.

    1) Functions like PFF. Massive Defense/Resistance buff, but you can't do anything but move. Additionally, it just plain disables all non-auto powers.
    2) Ground speed would probably be close to SS, probably a bit slower. Air speed would be similar. The idea here is to find a middle ground between SS and Fly.
    3) Disallow usage on instances. That would just be silly.
    4) Possibly an interruptable cast time. That way you can't use the PFF effect to save your butt. It's debatable whether or not this should be added, I say yes because powers like Pocket D ports do for this very reason.
    5) The really hard part: Adding a totally new custoization system.
    6) The even harder part: Creating a throttle-based movement system. Replacing current controls with controls emulating a vehicle, Forward is gas, Back is brake, Left/Right turns. Bonus points if there's a horn button

    The whole point of having a vehicle is just for show, frankly. There's really no strategic advantage. It's all so you can say "Hey, look at my sweet ride!"

    Anyways, that was way too much typing that will likely bite me in the [censored] once somebody with a five-digit post count gets ahold of it.
  8. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]

    May I also say, never place slots into Brawl, Sprint, or Rest. They can, by default, take one enhancement each, and you will never need more than that.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    ... Stealth IO from the running or leaping set. May want two slots (one for that, one for end.)

    I don't *tend*to, but you may.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Truth be told, I put Quickfoot Run/End on mine. But that's on my Stalker, so having Stealth would be a moot point. Clever trick, though, I hadn't thought of that...
  9. I've had similar "problems". It happens sporadically, acctually. I call it "The Half Circle of Death". An army of Longbow who all gather at one point in a neat semi-circle, because I somehow spawned a ton of ambushes who got lost and regrouped in one location.

    Also known as "Brute Heaven".
  10. AkuTenshiiZero


    Not to spark false hope, but the Devs are on a serious roll lately. I mean, Power ustomization is like a massive breakthrough. Architect, issues aside, is something no other MMO can claim. And soon we're getting a morality system.

    Just saying, you never know if vehicles are really impossible...

    *Hopes REALLY @#$%ing hard...*
  11. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Acctually, a semi-valid complaint...

    Damn you Devs for proliferating Rad Blast to Blasters after I settled for a /Rad Blast Defender! Seriously, that's just mean...

    And I'm too lazy to reroll...Plus the Defender's grown on me

    [/ QUOTE ]Heh, too bad you didn't have a fire blaster. You could just re-appropriate the fire color to that sickly green that rad uses. Radiation on it's own can burn, right?

    oooh... That gives me an idea.

    Knock it off, I'm running out of slots on a couple servers already.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Yeah, but Fire doesn't have the same Defense debuff, the same look to the powers, or those deliciously awesome sound effects

    My characters are more concept-based. Appearace > Functionality in my book. Then again, I'm a roleplayer.
  12. 1 Corruptor
    2 Stalker
    2 Mastermind
    3 Scrapper
    3 Brute
    1 Blaster
    1 Defender
    1 Controller
    1 Dominator

    Scrappers and Brutes...Though honestly, I only play one of the Brutes and hardly ever play the Scrappers. Most of my charatcers don't make it to 20
  13. AkuTenshiiZero

    Win 1 Mill Inf

    Schindler's List

    As I said, I think the OP has given up on us. S'okay, I could care less about the Inf...I've been doing this for fun since the start
  14. Huh...I did not know that. I didn't even know that worked. I guess this would be the superpowered equivallent of throwing a match on the thing
  15. 1. What is your favorite word? Mjolnir (So fun to say!)

    2. What is your least favorite word? Kumquat

    3. What turns you on? Bewbz

    4. What turns you off? Abnormal piercings

    5. What sound or noise do you love? Thunder

    6. What sound or noise do you hate? A kid throwing a tantrum

    7. What is your favorite curse word? GODDAMMIT!!

    8. What profession other than your own would you like to attempt? Comic artist

    9. What profession would you not like to participate in? Bartending

    10. If heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates? "Here's your award for 'Biggest Pain in My [censored]'."
  16. Taser Dart, much like every Origin-based Temporary Power, is not only not enhancable, but it would also be a complete waste of time to do so. The entire purpose of it is to give you something to use when you lack enough powers from your chosen sets. Ultimtely, you will forget your Taser Dart even exists, as it will be glaringly inferior to all the awesome powers you gain.

    May I also say, never place slots into Brawl, Sprint, or Rest. They can, by default, take one enhancement each, and you will never need more than that. Personally, I suggest 1 Damage or Accuracy in Brawl, 1 Endurance Reduction in Sprint, and 1 Recharcge Reduction in Rest. Just keep them updated whenever you have an otherwise useless enhancement, and you'll be just fine.
  17. Now this is potentially useful information...

    Does anyone know how Norton reacts to CoX? I run pretty horrendously slow on a mid-range PC, and I always assumed it was server-side. I'm sort of hesitant to shut off Norton, though, because I'm not sure what will happen without it's firewall, or if Vista has it's own firewall.
  18. Thanks for the info. I'll be able to figure it out from here, I'm sure. It was just a matter of finding out how to turn it on.
  19. I would prefer if this not devolve into the usual CoX Forum garbage.

    To those that had constructive input, thank you. I had overlooked some things which make my idea invalid.

    Now, if you don't mind, let this thread be buried and be done with it. People are so god damn touchy around here...
  20. [ QUOTE ]
    While Power Boost sounds nice to give Defenders as an inherent, it's pretty useless for Sonic and Cold, and not super useful for Kinetics or Dark. Substituting one useless inherent for another isn't the way to fix anything.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I seem to have made an error. I had completely forgotten PB has no effect on Resistance or Damage buffs/debuffs. That is a problem...

    Back to the drawing board on that one.
  21. [ QUOTE ]
    I don't see defenders whining that they're ineffective on teams.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I am specifically referring to Vigilance.

    [ QUOTE ]
    Defender - Vigilance - utter crap compared to every AT inherent. The problem is this isn't an easy one to fix since the support sets are all completely erratic in numerical values and they all need to be balanced out some to even start talking about a redesigned inherent for the entire AT.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    [ QUOTE ]
    An endurance discount when you're on teams is boring and in most cases, unnecessary.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    [ QUOTE ]
    Ok, so we know that Vigilance sucks. Everyone's known this ever since it was first introduced. Even the people who will come into this thread, quote those first two sentences and say that they like Vigilance actually secretly hate it.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    [ QUOTE ]
    Defiance got re-written into something that was actually useful. Vigilance is crap.. and its still crap...

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Vigilance is hated. I'm suggesting a complete overhaul to achieve two goals: Keep it thematic, and make it useful.

    If you have a suggestion to make this idea better, then feel free to share, rather than just say "No." and walk out.
  22. I recently had a few ideas concerning the Defender inherant, Vigilance. As it stands, many people dislike the power...And I can certainly understand why. I have been playing a Defender recently, and likewise would love to see it revamped heavily. Therefore, I would like to share my thoughts. For this idea, the current effects of Vigilance would be entirely replaced with two new effects.

    Effect 1 - Mez Protection

    For each member of the team in critical health, the Defender gains 1.5 Magnitude protection to all status effects. This includes the Defender themselves, and can reach a maximum of 12 Magnitude on a full team.

    How is this thematic?
    Imagine the scenario: Your team is falling. Everyone is at critical health. What's worse, you're held helpless. You are dedicated to the team, and through sheer force of will you manage to break free to rush to their aid. Sounds heroic, doesn't it? The entire point of this effect is to alow Defenders to "save the day" unhindered, allowing them freedom to take action when it is most needed.

    Effect 2 - Power Boost

    For each member of the team in critical health, the Defender gains a 6.25% boost to their powers' secondary effects. This includes the Defender themselves, and can reach a maximum of a 50% boost on a full team.

    How is this thematic?
    Just like the above, this will grant the Defender boosted capabilities when they need it most, allowing them to turn the tide of a battle instantly with boosted heals, buffs, and debuffs. Once the situation stablizes again, the Defender can relax a bit, and their powers return to normal levels.

    The theme here is to recreate Vigilance to emulate the feeling of "saving the day". While it does still have the problem of rewarding you for failing, it is a far more powerful effect than the current endurance discount, and gives a greater feeling of intensity in that you are pushing yourself to the limit for your team's sake. Additionally, counting the Defender's health will allow the power to function in solo play, albiet not at full power. Defenders are a team-based archetype, and should remain that way, therefore they can only experience their full potential on a team.

    Share your thoughts. The numbers may need tweaking, I'm sure.