1962 -
I didn't see these mentioned as a separate change, since almost everything concentrated on enhancements -
The Fitness power pool is now inherent for all characters. You don't take Hurdle, Health & Stamina as power picks any longer. That opens 3 power picks for you right there.
Also, the Travel powers open earlier - you can take Fly, SuperLeap, Super Speed & Teleport at level 4 (without taking another power in that power pool, but I can see taking Hasten on its own merits).
There were also changes made to many of the Ancillary/Epic power pools, adding a fifth choice and affecting the timing of when to make those choices (they now open at 35, BTW, instead of at 41).
Also research the Blaster "inherent" power Defiance. You can shoot your first 2 Primary and fist Secondary powers when mezzed, and there is a mechanic for escalating damage.
I have to agree with everyone here - forget what you remember & pretend you haven't played before, brcause it's a whole new game compared to 2004. -
What about a water/dark blaster?
I have a cool name/concept that leans that direction, although I could also do it as either a Defender or Corruptor. -
I will also tentatively sign up - Winter Shock, lvl 49 electric/ice controller.
Learning how to survive and stay upright is a huge part of the game.
Implementing what you suggest would remove that part of the skills/knowledge learned about the game.
I've been playing the game for many years, often on the most fragile AT out there (see sig). I learned to keep an eye on my green and blue bars and the foes who will mez me. I learned to keep break-frees and blue and green skittles in my inspiration tray. I learned aggro range to keep from biting off more than I culd safely defeat.
None of this was hard to learn. The game is relatively easy - no need for twitch reflexes, which is why I am still here. No need to remove some of the rudimentary challenges (monitoring your own status in order to mitigate damage, etc.) left. -
Quote:The Devs don't agree to the same EULA that we the players agree to.This, IMO, is where grey areas show up. Will the GM see your toon as a violation? This will, by its very nature, be influenced by the GM's perceptions. The EULA rule is stated very simply, but it's very open to interpretation.
Food for thought: Consider the official material that could be considered infringement, i.e.:
Hero's Girlfriend "Lois Watson"
Reporter "Peter Kent"
Mission Objective "File X."
Should the Dev's be petitioned for IP infringement on these, or are they different enough to be fair game?
And the examples you quote are clearly parody, especially when taken in context of the papers/scanners missions they are in.
Another type of name that will get you generic'd is using the name of a real life person - you can't make Josef Stalin or Michael Jackson or Barack Obama. -
Access to your alts might be somewhat limited, depending upon your tier and on how many character slots you might have purchased. IIRC, it's 2 slots plus any you "earned" or purchased.
Also, MMs, controllers & HEATs/VEATs are restricted unless you are high enough in the reward tiers (I think you probably are, but check to make sure). -
I have to agree with GG. Those are definitely fantasy armors. Too many parts stick out that would catch a sword, etc.
I will have somebody there - ideally, my yet to be made Water Blaster, but that depends on whether the release of that powerset goes as planned.
No damage to the house, smashed windshield on my car.
To top things off, the city bus system is on strike, so having to get the husband leave early to drop me off at work before driving across town for his job. Safelite auto glass can't come to fix it until Thursday.
At my brother's house, bumming some interwebz time before heading home to set up a cot in the basement.
Have a great 4th, gang! I hope to be back online next week. -
Welp, I'm back from the cruise, only to find that the derecho that cut across from northern Indiana through central Ohio on its way to DC has knocked out my power at home (posting from work) and the ETA for restoring it has now been pushed back from Saturday 7/7 to Sunday 7/8 (yep, a whole week without power and temps in the mid to upper 90s - wheee!)
Have fun without me.
P.S. Hope the surgery goes well for your father, GATE. -
Quote:Yeah, there might be grass to be mowed or something on SaturdayI just figured you were going to be out town or something...
Asgardian Blade: Asgardian Razor (claws/regen brute)
Saint Jon: If he wakes up, most likely Hawaiian Glory (staff/wp brute), but that's totally up to him, saving the wife card on this one. -
I can bring someone - I think I have Katie unlocked on a character if needed, but I would prefer to run someone else through it, most likely Winter Shock, my electric/cold controller.
Quote:So again, just from anecdotal evidence, i.e., what I do personally - I have about a dozen blasters. 2 of them are at 50, the rest between 15 & 40. So my statement about powersets and choices above is across all levels.Oh, and let me remind everyone - the metric I am interested in is how many blaster actively use their nukes **before level 50**.
An informal survey based on resposes to this thread are probably all you are going to get. -
On Tuesday, I will be at sea between Key West & Grand Cayman - not gonna try to bounce off the satellite to join y'all.
See you for Numina the following week. -
Which I'm sure that the devs have already pulled datamining info to find out.
BUT - that sort of info is rarely shared here or anywhere else with the players. In fact, before the changes to blasters that resulted in Defiance 2.0, the only information from datamining that was shared by the devs was that "blasters were underperforming" at all game levels. Nothing specifically quantitative.
P.S. Whether I take my nuke or not depends heavily upon the primary powerset adn what are my other choices in the build. Whether I use it depends on whether I am soloing or teaming. I am much more likely to use it teaming because I have other players to cover me as I regain endurance. This does not apply to my AR blaster, who routinely uses her nuke, which probably supports the OP. -
We missed you, GATE! Hope you had a nice dinner with your brother.
Miladys' Knight offered this in his long list of suggestions:
Quote:I thought this was a different way to look at things. A lot of the danger is when the blaster has melee brought to him/her - because the mobs close. What if the stupid AI were set to have mobs want to stand back. But I would also want to add a fix to the ridiculously long range attacks that the NPCs have that have longer ranges than my blasters.The Blaster is deadly at 40' and less. Make the MoB AI reflect that. Make the mobs reluctant to close with the blaster so that having a MoB close to melee is an uncommon occurrence instead of the usual PVE melee gank fest. -
Quote:True, but with so little detail about the idea other than the 4 attributes in the OP, the title is all we had to go on as to the "origin" of the enhancements.Er... the suggestion is totally unconnected to Origins, other than the word Origin being part of the "normal" naming scheme for enhancement types.
The idea of an enhance-all-attributes enhancement is kind of interesting, although the bypassing-ED part is a whole can of worms preferably left unopened.
Looking at it from your angle, I am not really a fan of adding yet another type of enhancement to an already crowded list (TO, DO, SO, IO, ATO, HO, SHO, TitanO, are there some I missed?)
If it can only be added to the primary, then Tankers couldn't use it to up any damages, only defense/resistances? Or Blasters could up damage, but not any of the soft controls in their secondaries?
What would be the point since it seems pretty easy to reach the cap without adding a new mechanic.
Also, would it apply to secondary effects such as KB (energy blasts), Defense Debuff (sonic blasts), Slows (ice blasts), etc.? -
I'm not trying to police the forum, but you might have better luck with this in the Suggestions and Ideas forum located further down the page.
As for the idea - no thank you, I would rather not have something tied to origins, since they have had so little effect on the character (other than which store has the best prices for buying back enhancements and partially where to get DOs & SOs, even though those are also available in RWZ & the Midnighters Club).
I would rather not feel "penalized" in some way because I just randomly picked an Origin 8 years ago, or somehow picked an Origin that didn't get the "best" Origin-specific enhancement you are suggesting. -
The title of your thread implies that the solo game does not "work" - that is completely in error, as it works for a significant portion of the playerbase just fine. I am actually a bit offended at the title of this thread for starting from a negative and asking people to disprove it.
I solo nearly 80% of my time in game, and generally only team with friends at scheduled events (weekly TFs).
I have repeated content several times - mostly in story arcs that I enjoy, some for the story (O Wretched Man) and some for the particular challenges, but also some arcs which have specific rewards I want (Stephanie Preebles' arc with the wedding band, Monty's Midnighters arc, etc.) -
Bringing my dark domi Ebony Shadows or possibly my dark blaster AdAstra.
Kinda fun watching Ellls go through the wonders and tedium of purchasing a house.
I will be there, probably with my WS Incarnate Shadow.