Any reason to be VIP if I am not using my level 50?
Access to your alts might be somewhat limited, depending upon your tier and on how many character slots you might have purchased. IIRC, it's 2 slots plus any you "earned" or purchased.
Also, MMs, controllers & HEATs/VEATs are restricted unless you are high enough in the reward tiers (I think you probably are, but check to make sure).
Altoholic - but a Blaster at Heart!
Originally Posted by SpyralPegacyon
"You gave us a world where we could fly. I can't thank you enough for that."
Access to your alts might be somewhat limited, depending upon your tier and on how many character slots you might have purchased. IIRC, it's 2 slots plus any you "earned" or purchased.
Also, MMs, controllers & HEATs/VEATs are restricted unless you are high enough in the reward tiers (I think you probably are, but check to make sure). |
Still, there are a number of powersets and a couple of costume sets that were free to VIPs that need to be purchased for nonVIPs. SSAs are another free VIP perk. EATs aren't to my knowledge available to nonVIPs via Paragon Rewards, only via the Market. Ability to pay rent on a base is another restriction.
You can find a partial list here at ParagonWiki.
Father Xmas - Level 50 Ice/Ice Tanker - Victory
$725 and $1350 parts lists --- My guide to computer components
Tempus unum hominem manet
Also don't forget that non-VIPs can not pay base rent (unless that's changed...). As well as the loss of a Monthly Paragon Rewards Token and the 400-550 PP a month you get as a VIP.
Also, You loose free access to the SSAs & First Ward & Night Ward Story content. As well as a number of 'Free to VIP' Costume sets & Powersets.
To be honest OP, Even if you aren't running your 50s in Incarnate content, there's enough that you'd loose to not make it worth slipping to Premium for a month or two.
Thank you for the time...

Still, there are a number of powersets and a couple of costume sets that were free to VIPs that need to be purchased for nonVIPs. SSAs are another free VIP perk. EATs aren't to my knowledge available to nonVIPs via Paragon Rewards, only via the Market. Ability to pay rent on a base is another restriction.
You can find a partial list here at ParagonWiki. |
Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.
Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.
Was thinking about leveling up some of my alts, and taking a break from my main for a month or two. Would I be missing out on anything as a Freemium player?
The slots and the vip exclusives like incarnates and base rent was the most noticeably missing. But aside from incarnates, the others are manageable.
EDIT: Of course it's under the assumption that at this time you weren't leveling your alts in the Exalted (VIP) server.
Now if your reason for letting your account lapse for a couple months is NOT because money is tight. Then use the $15/mo you normally reserve for the sub and just buy points with it. You'll have at least 2400 pts to buy the other "free for VIP" content like the mentioned zones and ssa.
Side benefit...if they happen to have a sale on one of those content while you're premium, well you'll have points and the ability to unlock them permanently at the discount price.
Now if your reason for letting your account lapse for a couple months is NOT because money is tight. Then use the $15/mo you normally reserve for the sub and just buy points with it. You'll have at least 2400 pts to buy the other "free for VIP" content like the mentioned zones and ssa.
Side benefit...if they happen to have a sale on one of those content while you're premium, well you'll have points and the ability to unlock them permanently at the discount price. |
Oh and one thing about the server slot unlocks (assuming this wasn't changed recently) you don't have to use them on existing characters. If you have alts that you haven't played for many days, you might not want to unlock them but instead use the server slot token to unlock an empty slot (if you still have some available) and start a new alt on that slot.
If you don't like that new alt and delete it, you get that server slot token back.
I can check to see if that's still the case when i get home but i would think it is.
If you unlock an empty slot, create a character, then delete the character, you have an empty slot again. Slot choices are (semi) permanent.
Note: "Semi" permanent because you do get the slot back as a server token to assign where you wish if you subscribe and drop back down to preemie again. But if you never subscribe, you never get that slot token.
Paragon Wiki:
City Info Terminal:
Mids Hero Designer:
If you unlock an empty slot, create a character, then delete the character, you have an empty slot again. Slot choices are (semi) permanent.
Note: "Semi" permanent because you do get the slot back as a server token to assign where you wish if you subscribe and drop back down to preemie again. But if you never subscribe, you never get that slot token. |
Tested with:
Global slots: 0
Server used/total: 13/18 (unlocked 13 existing alts)
Empty slots: 5
As-is, i clicked to unlock another existing alt and it gives the prompt to use up a server slot unlock. (cancelled)
Then i filled up the 5 empty slots with throwaway alts...
Server used/total: 18/18
Clicked that same existing alt to unlock it and it gives me prompt that says i don't have any unlock tokens left.
Deleted one of the throwaway alts
Server used/total: 17/18
Clicked that existing alt again and once again it brings up the prompt to use up a server slot unlock.
Just for the heck of it, also tested by deleting an existing locked lowbie alt that was created prior to Freedom and never unlocked. It of course left an empty slot and did not recover a slot token.
Behavior is the same i experienced when Freedom first launched. Don't know if it's just happening on my account...maybe others can test.
I noticed that for the most part, the only real VIP benefit I use is Incarnate. Was thinking about leveling up some of my alts, and taking a break from my main for a month or two. Would I be missing out on anything as a Freemium player? Signature story arcs don't appeal to me (I seem to suck at soloing them, and that is primarily how I like to play).