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  1. Freaks in Shaper Cult Story Arc:
    "Aw, Man! Why do we keep falling into these patterns of self-destructive behavior?"
  2. City of Comic Relief!
    City of Neutrals!
  3. Abalest

    Son of AASQ

    [ QUOTE ]

    q) Is this the new AASQ?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    a) If it's friday.

    q) Wither Canada?
  4. You start to forget to pull your blasts.
    Adrenaline ups your power output (or, for AR, you pull the trigger harder, making the bullets go faster).
    Your phobia of doctors and hospitals makes you fight more viciously to try to stay up. Or, Barclay's teleporter phobia (but not his protomorphisis syndrome) You just don't want to get taken apart or turned to energy or whatever else that crazy Crey system does to your inside.
  5. TSA finally stopped confiscating all those bows and arrows from heroes trying to enter Paragon city, and RI's not that big of a bow-producer.

    But now:
    Convoys of big rigs haul bows and arrows into the archery-deprived Paragon city, bringing new hope for heros that can't afford gunpowder!
  6. Look to the tech SOs.
    Portacio industries is make Nanobots, and you can probably do quite a lot with being a 'test subject'.

    Also, Portacio is NOT mentioned in any mission, so it's a 'normal' company, if not a 'good' one.

    I'm also claiming the a lead engineer on nanobot design as the mother to one of my characters, and I haven't had any conflicts with CoH canon yet.
  7. Works like a charm.
    Thanks, and five stars unto thee.
  8. The thing is that I don't think the Devs can do Bo justice. Bo is too much troll to encapsulate in a single mission...
    Maybe a story arc. That would be cool.
  9. Is there a way to set a bind such that it only affects the active global channel?
    That is to say:
    I'm lazy. I'd like to write a bind that does the auto-ident for the character name and level in global chat channels as well as allow for the entry of a text string. This bind would affect the current global tab's default channel.
    Any ideas on how to accomplish this?
    I could do specific channels, but, as noted: I'm lazy.
    Thanks in advance.
  10. [ QUOTE ]
    I await the coming of the Incan Monkey God. His simple yet poetic language inspires me.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Nice Dilbert reference.

    Me, I find that I'm most creative when I'm walking.
    Somehow, the task of locomotion removes all the distractions and limits that plague me, and my mind opens to a plane of thought nodes, the "Wouldn't it be neat if" zone. I draw connections from one node to another, pulling them together into a self-sustaining and highly scalable structure from which I can expand while maintaining continuity.

    Or, I suffer a flash of inspiration before bedtime and write 4 - 7 pages of short fiction before I realize what I'm doing. After I go back and clean it up, it's just another nice node.

    I just wish I could keep writing through the less interesting parts; I've got all these great ideas, but I can't just mash them all toghether without filler.

    Ah, well...
  11. The hands acquire a shaking, the shaking becomes a warning....

    Having started to drink coffee, 'Black Stream' made me think java.
    Maybe it's an AT that derives its power from caffiene?
    It's be like a super speedster with super reflexes!
    And maximum height would be reduced!

    Goes without saying that CuppaJo will be interested in testing(or the basis for) this AT...

  12. Abalest

    "I got a rock"

    [ QUOTE ]
    Yep, still got a rock. Gonna hit the first player villain I see with it.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    This is the greatest idea on rock use EVER.
    By a non-troll, that is.
  13. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Waaaitaminute. If Ghost Falcon is a Praetorian, then Blue Steel can't have a counterpart... why?

    [/ QUOTE ]
    He probably HAS a counterpart on Praetorian earth. But his counterpart wouldn't be a Praetorian, since he isn't in the Freedom Phalanx. Ghost Falcon isn't a Praetorian either, he just lives on Praetorian earth.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    I'd argue that makes him [Ghost Falcon] a Praetorian, just as I'm a Washingtonian, but I'm not a member of the Mariners Baseball franchise.
  14. Waaaitaminute. If Ghost Falcon is a Praetorian, then Blue Steel can't have a counterpart... why?
  15. That is very nice, SweetThang. Put that up in the 'Merchandise Ideas' thread!
  16. Toldja. Well. Sorta.

    You can almost make a constant attack chain with slug-burst-slug-burst etc.
  17. Slug will never match snipe for sheer damage; however, it is much more survivable.

    I've played with Thunder strike.

    I don't want to play with it any more. Too slow for the damage it causes. It's a radial scatter, like the (IMO) useless M30, which can keep you from using your primary AoEs to best effect. The disorient just lets your foes get further away from your kill zone.

    Also: This may be a glitch, but if you use whirlwind, you can move while using flamethrower and full auto. And since the cone is set at the beginning of the attack animation (which looks really goofy), you are free to retreat around a corner and ready your next AoE. As long as you don't hit a foe with whirlwind, it takes relatively little endurance.

    I'm at level 30 now, and I'll stay there for a while until I get the Hess TF done, thus finishing Striga. That means my take on the remaining AR/Elec powers will be delayed while I try to find a team to take out Burkeholder.

    I assume that the LRM is another radial scatter power, right? Is its range comparable to snipe?
    Could it be used to damage at a distance in a way that will cause a mob to bunch up? Can it one-shot white cons with buildup active?
  18. Congratulations!

    And, to quote Garrison Keilor:
    "Be well, do good work, and keep in touch."
  19. Abalest

    Superhero quiz

    That's only because I saw positron's comment on this from the Dev Digest, and made a few logical guesses through elimination.
    Who the heck is the yellow jacket, anyhoo?
  20. Indeed.
    As I'll be graduating soon, I'm now working out where I want to go with my career.
    NCsoft is certainly one company I would like to work for, and this guide helps cement that conviction.
  21. When Alone:

    Faultline, when you can get there, is great for early levels. This is because there are places where a hero with super or combat jumping can overlook a big pit of Vahzilok and snipe them without worrying about excessive retailiation. If the heat comes on, back up, removing line of sight and preventing further damage while you recover.
    There is rarely anyone in faultline to complain, which means you are not going to get anyone annoyed with you picking off weakened enemies.

    In more general terms, while you have the advantage of combat jump to scale buildings, warwalls, steep inclines, etc. USE IT. Any chance you can get to prevent a foe from entering melee range is a chance worth taking. With your own (usually superior) damage output and higher HP, you minimize risk at the expense of keeping your own melee skills out of action.

    Know your attack chains and their applications. If you miss a shot, will you be in danger of melee? Can you get another attack off to preserve your space? Or should you queue your fastest melee attack to trigger when the near-dead foe gets close? Know the damage output of your powers in relation to your foe's hp, and you can be more efficient with your endurance.
    And if you miss twice, pound on the damage power closest to respawning. If you drop a foe before they deal damage, only the animation of the hit occurs, but you remain unharmed.

    When you use build up or any power-enhancing power (aka 'overdrive'), try to already be in range or less than three seconds away from range, your intended target(s). Perform last-second position tweaks if needed and fire off the rest of your attacks quickly. This is especially important for AoE attacks, where the aggro you draw should be put down well before it reaches you. Then, even if you miss a few, you still have your overdrive to deal more damage or another few shots at range.

    Slot at least one melee attack heavily for damage and accuracy. With luck, you won't need it, but if you do, it's your final line of defense, and it better be powerful enough to stop or seriously inconvenience whatever backed you into a corner.

    Know thy enemy. Trolls and council and Rikti close distance when possible. Family gunners do not. They will happily chew you to bits from a distance, so break their line of sight to pull them within YOUR range, where the field of play is much more tilted in your favor.

    Consider slotting one of your early primaries as a pulling power. That means a lot of range enhancers and recharge enhancers. As mentioned elsewhere, it's a good 'taunt' without a tank.

    When on a team:
    This cannot be stressed enough. I don't mean chat about your life, but talk about the next group. Form a plan and get everyone to agree. This will get everyone into a role more quickly, regardless of their skill level. It is a rare case where people will not listen, particularly after they bite the floor once or twice.

    If a teammate is in trouble and you can afford to take a hit or two, strike their immediate threat with everything you've got, then make a break for it. The time that you (having practiced getting away from danger... usually) can keep the enemies occupied means that your teammate can come back up, and launch an attack from behind.

    Organize your screen so that you can have all the windows (Chat, target, map, team) open at once without being too restricting of your view.
    If you aren't engaged in combat, run in first-person, looking straight ahead, and hit tab repeatedly as you move. This will let you find foes before they see you (except for snipers), even if you are in a cave system. After the first few encounters in a mission, you will be able to guess the approximate positions and composition of the rest of a group, and plan accordingly.

    When possible, keep zoomed out so you can see a sniper on a ledge and minimize confusion time when the hit occurs. If your pool powers allow you to have vertical travel, (and especially now that fly no longer debuffs accuracy), do air support for your team. Recon at distance and then hold position or come in from behind once the tank has all the foes bunched up.
  22. Agreed... I'd show up to that, Particularly if it was in Seattle...
    Red Rover, Red Rover, send Statesman right over!
  23. Blackguard, that might help you GET a seat at the table, but I'm pretty sure it won't help you keep it.
  24. Yes, I would, but financial and distance problems prevent it.

    Hope it goes well, and some of my fellow heroes can make a good showing for it.

    Maybe if you offered a pin or shirt for CoH forum readers... It'd be an interesting way to advertise at the convention, especially if you (Jack) wore the faceplate.