577 -
Well, everybody and their cat can complain how bad bad tankers are, we all can emphatically agree that bad tankers are useless, but... Well, how to get better?
No, really, it isn't trolling, it's a genuine question. I rolled my Shields/Elec with TFs in mind, but now all I do on him is farming Rikti in RWZ and declining team invites, especially if there's anything about "needing a tank". I don't want to be the worst player on the team... I seriously have no idea what exactly a tank is supposed to do to "hold aggro", or rather the thing I see others doing seems to me, well, patently impossible to do. How can anyone alternate between different targets WITH SUCH A SPEED? and how do you see what's happening in all that lightshow anyway? Lrn2play, I suppose, but... I don't want to be a team-ruining guy while I do learn. Especially on small EU servers where everyone knows everyone else.
Ok, sorry, just wanted to blow off steam... Having a tank seemed such a good idea, but it seems that the only way I can melee is scrapperlock, I need some distance between me and the baddies to have any sort of situational awareness... Well, /me goes to roll Cold/something defender or Something/cold troller... At least you can't miss ice shields vanishing from teammates. -
Which means no one was exactly gimped. You've completed the TF, you've got your rewards, everything's perfecty-perrfect. You want a REAL horror story? Here it is: There's a certain friend of mine who has VERY specific idea of how every TF in the game should be played. Mind you, their ideas are good, their builds are top-notch, in fact as long as you agree with them, they're a perfect player to team with and I mean it.
Until they're on team with someone who has no less specific but contrary idea. It always ends up with someone being kicked (or quitting), EVEN IF THEY WERE THE ONLY MELEE TOON ON THE LGTF, just before Hami mish. Then the quitter had sent us all tells of how leader was stupid b/c they wanted to fight Dra'Gon, why only stupid RPers do that, and how we should all quit and restart the TF under their brilliant leadership.
Both our TF and their recruiting failed. No one got ANYTHING for their efforts. Despite all the perfect builds (And yes, I've checked. Everyone was softcapped, had silly global +rech, and so on. First few missions of the TF were pure steamrolling too.) Two hideless stalkers played by AE babies would have been more useful than 10-billions builds by excellent players, just because both parties had WAY TOO SPECIFIC expectations about how everyone else "had to" play. Seriously, if either of them was just a tiny bit more tactful it would have been the best LGTF ever... Now it's a contender for the most awful TF I ever personally participated in, right there with a 15-hours Citadel and other horrors.
P.S. If you read this, and remember that LGTF... Yes, it rubbed me VERY wrong way, but aside from that you still are great. -
For any lvl14 travel power (and a few things that aren't, e/g Combat Jumping and Speed Boost): http://wiki.cohtitan.com/wiki/Blessi...ion_(4_Points) But it's much, much more expensive. (because anyone can slot it, and full set of Zephyr in a single power gives 3% ranged and AoE defense...)
Thanks Eek, very useful info. (especially the bit about large enemies and Thunder.) Absolutely agree that Malta gunslingers are annoying in that way.
Then again, from THEIR point of view this is a smart thing to do.
I remember this has been fixed already, but I saw it again just a half an hour ago. Invisible Zeus titan. I'm not yet sure what exactly triggered it (I was on my shield/elec tanker, so it may be something to do with Chain Induction.)
Anyway /bugged this from the game already, standing right next to the titan, but here's a bit more detailed account:
I was soloing the final mission of Indigo's arc, +1/x5 difficulty. I ran into patrol consisting of single orange Hercules, (it was moving before aggro and said something, so I think it was patrol), after a short battle it started to run away, we ran into another group of Zeus, Gunslinger boss, and a few other mobs including another Hercules (Zeus said something too...) Things became a bit tense, so I didn't carefully observe what exactly happened to the runner...
Anyway, when I returned invisible Zeus was there. I had pulled it and a few other mobs, then defeated those other mobs, and have written /bug standing next to the invisible titan (I know I was standing next to it because I saw effect of AAO displayed in midair, and heard sounds of robotic punching.) Then I rushed past remaining mobs to the boss room, and completed the mission (it did complete normally.)
Sorry for any weird English, it's not my native language and I'm a bit out of practice. -
Quote:Depends on the AT and the armorNot every player is so uber that they can't make use of 3-5 seconds of not being pounded on every once in a while.
As someone already have said it makes sense with, say, Regen, or maybe as a way to mitigate godmode crash, but with sets that have good auras and no-crash T9s, you're better off being pounded on anyway, even on a non-Brute...
Thanks everybody. These explanations really helped.
Well, Thunder Strike and Chain Induction, to be precise. Are splashes from either affected by global damage buffs/debuffs, like Granite or Against All Odds? How do procs work with these powers? (I vaguely remember there was a bug with procs in Chain Induction.) And well, what's the point of Lightning Clap? Isn't it basically useless "get away from my aura and damage-dealing attacks AoE" power?
Quote:Well, as others have said the limit is 10 bars. If you don't have any Patrol XP, you get to the limit in 10 days (or 8 1/3 days with the Patroller badge).What's the limit on that? I should mention that while I haven't played in maybe a year my account has been active this whole time.... LOL
Patrol XP also works as "un-debt", and there are some other not-so-obvious rules, like what it does in the AE or during Double XP events. You can read it all here: http://wiki.cohtitan.com/wiki/Patrol_XP
By the way, the rules on sidekicking/exemplaring and mission difficulty have changed extensively during the last year. basically, everything you knew about them, and most of the things written prior to summer 2009 are wrong now. Simplified version of the changes:
1) You're automatically SKed/Exemped to the level of the current mission owner (NOT the team leader, as many seem to think. Unless there's no mission selected.) the only way to opt out is to quit the team.
2)SK ed players are still on the leash for XP calculations, but their combat level does not drop outside the leash. (so, no faceplants because your mentor decided to "scout ahead")
3) Exemped players can EARN XP, but there's an option to opt out of this as well as to stop earning XP altogether (you will get inf and debt payment intead, like 50s do).
4) While exemped you get values (HP, damage, enhancement scaling etc.) of a level you are exemped to, but powers availability is calculated as if you were 5 levels higher. (So, if you're level 50 and are on a Positron TF, you would deal damage as if you were level 15, but you would have powers you had picked up at 16,18, and 20 available. (Stamina!!!))
5) Difficulty change is now free, and allows you to set relative level (from -1 to +4) spawn size (standard to +8) whether or not you want bosses and whether or not you want AVs independent of each other.
The net effect is that it's easier than ever to get insane (by past standards) amounts of XP for most playstyles/builds, even without outright power leveling. (although Pling itself was obviously slowed down somewhat. No way to "fight" +9s and still get XP,)
Just have gotten a Shields/Elec to low 40s. Very fun both solo and teamed. As people have said, can be softcapped easily and relatively cheaply or, since you can obliterate mobs at near-farming speeds anyway, just eating purple insps works too.
Lowbie levels were a bit too frustrating though, but that might be my insufficiently advanced build-fu. -
Quote:Actually I've been using a slightly different bind for ages now (I didn't invent it, I've read it in a guide to Khelds somewhere...):*Nom nom*
Useful. Shall use. Especially since I just went and rolled a Warshade yesterday.
Perhaps previous comments on the forum biased me a bit. Hell, I think anyone gets a bit hacked after four full teamwipes
*Goes Nicti hunting*
/bind BUTTON4 "follow$$camreset$$camdist 20"
/bind BUTTON5 "target_enemy_next$$target_custom_next enemy alive quantum$$target_custom_next enemy alive void$$target_custom_next enemy alive cyst$$target_custom_next enemy alive sapper"
It uses mouse buttons instead of TAB and F (naturally, would only work with a mouse that has 4th and 5th buttons, like this one I use or a cheaper analogue. Absolutely brilliant thing these two buttons, worth every penny, not just in games. ) and it targets sappers as well as cysts.
As for the original topic... Well, I've seen just one wipe like that and that was when cyst spawned right next to an AV (Captain Castillo, with smoke grenades and FF drone. Too bad they didn't change Confuse rules for buffers back then or it would be easy too, just confuse the drones, and you don't even need insps)
Thanks for excellent guide. Very useful information.
P.S. a minor bit of pedantry:
There are also Longbow Wardens (nearly irrelevant heroside), Malaise, Savage Siren (Safeguard AV), and a few redside-only AVs. Your point still stands, of course, but just for completeness sake... -
Quote:http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showp...5&postcount=77Somewhere I saw Castle or Posi quoted as talking about the PvP recipes selling at inf cap as a problem because they imagined the 2billion to be the most anyone would need. My Search-Fu is Search-#$%^ so I'm useless trying to find the reference for ya.
It was Castle. He called the situation with PvP IOs "rampant inflation", "obvious problem" and "horribly broken".
So I guess, changes of some sort are on their way. -
Quote:You don't have to click anything except the mission door. Arachnos tunnels are part of the zone map, and inside them there are three mission doors to the ruins you have to clear and IIRC two Arachnos-style hatches near tunnel enterances, you don't neeed these.I went to them places but it says "I must complete my active mission before entering another one" and the one i have active is the Clear 1st ruin one.
(There are also similar tunnels in Bricks, thankfully, they are much less used.) -
They're certainly bad press and source of FUD, if nothing else. You don't want this just before the release of your shiny new expansion (and with the competition ready to exploit said FUD), if you can help it. Especially in the summer, when standards of "major news" are usually lowered at gaming mags and sites.
Quote:It would be as confusing as incorrect conversions. People DO forget that not all of the world is in their own timezone, and they tend to assume any time they see is their local time, not, say, GMT or Pacific. Not to mention daylight saving... /*generic anti-DST rant.*/Or, perhaps the most "elegant" option: eschew the whole mess and ONLY post things in local time... That way people can convert to their own dang time and no one has to feel the need to fix things.
P.S. As for whether or not all this means upcoming server mergers, and whether or not server mergers mean DOOOOOOOOM!™... Well, why do something like that just before the release of a major expansion? And if GR succeeds financially, why do it after? On the other hand, if it tanks... Then we'd be very lucky if all that happens would be server mergers. -
Quote:Well, if you're not picky about your origin you can do this:I tried to stagger taking the holy trinity so that I wasn't overloading endurance cost until DO's and later.
Talisman of the Sleeping Lion Available to lvl 10 (although actually unlocking that shop in Fault isn't possible solo until lvl 15.) and acts as SO for all intents and purposes, except it doesn't combine with the real things, only with itself. My own rad/rad was Mutation, so I got uber-damage instead.
0.94 end drain with all the toggles exceept Sprint and SS, - a bit high, but manageable.
Hero Plan by Mids' Hero Designer 1,601
Click this DataLink to open the build!
Level 21 Technology Defender
Primary Power Set: Radiation Emission
Secondary Power Set: Radiation Blast
Power Pool: Speed
Power Pool: Fitness
Hero Profile:
Level 1: Radiant Aura- (A) Healing
- (19) Healing
- (A) Damage Increase
- (5) Damage Increase
- (9) Damage Increase
- (17) Defense Debuff
- (A) Recharge Reduction
- (3) Recharge Reduction
- (3) Recharge Reduction
- (A) Endurance Reduction
- (5) Endurance Reduction
- (13) To Hit Debuff
- (13) To Hit Debuff
- (A) Recharge Reduction
- (7) Recharge Reduction
- (7) Recharge Reduction
- (A) Endurance Reduction
- (9) Endurance Reduction
- (A) Endurance Reduction
- (11) Damage Increase
- (11) Damage Increase
- (15) Damage Increase
- (15) Recharge Reduction
- (17) Recharge Reduction
- (A) Recharge Reduction
- (19) Recharge Reduction
- (A) Endurance Reduction
- (A) Jumping
- (A) Healing
- (A) Endurance Modification
- (21) Endurance Modification
- (21) Endurance Modification
Level 24: [Empty]
Level 26: [Empty]
Level 28: [Empty]
Level 30: [Empty]
Level 32: [Empty]
Level 35: [Empty]
Level 38: [Empty]
Level 41: [Empty]
Level 44: [Empty]
Level 47: [Empty]
Level 49: [Empty]
Level 1: Brawl- (A) Empty
- (A) Empty
- (A) Empty
And on the yet third thought, yes, Aim can be skipped altogether/taken much later. As for whether to pick Enervating later or early... Well, I'm not sure. Fact is that solo you'd be your own tank (especially with Irradiate as your 2nd attack) so, the more baddies are debuffed, the safer you are...
And if you have NR, Super Speed could be substituted for a third attack... Depends on what you really want to do I guess. Try it either way... -
I'd personally switch Swift, Health and Enerv. Field.
Something along these lines. (sorry for the ancient version of Mids. I just had returned and haven't done any serious build planning yet.):
Hero Plan by Mids' Hero Designer 1,401
Click this DataLink to open the build!
Hero Plan by Mids' Hero Designer 1,401
Click this DataLink to open the build!
Level 27 Mutation Defender
Primary Power Set: Radiation Emission
Secondary Power Set: Radiation Blast
Power Pool: Speed
Power Pool: Fitness
Hero Profile:
Level 1: Radiant Aura- (A)
- (A)
- (A)
- (A)
- (A)
- (A)
- (A)
- (A)
- (A)
- (A)
- (A)
- (A)
- (A)
- (A)
- (A)
- (A)
Level 32: [Empty]
Level 35: [Empty]
Level 38: [Empty]
Level 41: [Empty]
Level 44: [Empty]
Level 47: [Empty]
Level 49: [Empty]
Level 1: Brawl- (A)
- (A)
- (A)
Choking Cloud is great solo, though. (EDIT: when it's at least 5-slotted, that is. ) Mutation is definitely skippable, and EMP... Well, it might be worth it on Rad/Rad for "OMG, near-wipe" situations (PBU-Aim-EMP-ABlast or Fallout) but I never had a room on my build to test the theory.
Quote:Accelerate Metabolism and hasten both three slotted for recharge and stamina at 20, but I think I'm over reaching though.
And in team you have AM and Rad Infection/Enervating Field/Lingering Radiation. So usually you apply those, take a couple potshots... And all the mobs are dead from teammates' blasts, no one notices your own low DPS. (And at higher levels you do have attacks.)
ADD: A few more points to consider:
Yin talismans. Any type, except maybe Accuracy, is extremely useful to lowbie rad defenders, get them as early as you can.
Mezzes, even relatively weak ones, like Tsoo kicks are very dangerous to rads since all their toggles drop if the mez hits and that may mean very fast faceplant. So, you need some sort of strategy to deal with them solo or in a small team. (and yes that's why I don't skip Choking Cloud.)
Endurance, - you need lots and lots of it, Stamina+AM by themselves might be insufficient at higher levels, so you might consider making room in your build for usual shinies. Not that they're required in teams (but they're ultra-nice to have anyway), but they certainly make a difference solo. -
Although EU servers seem to be up now, all the Union chat channels are full of people who can't zone or enter mishes. The game hangs on zoning and then you're either unable to relog with that toon, or are stuck in the scenery for good (even Pocket D pass doesn't work), or something equally annoying.
Expression of: warm greetings: to Techbot Alpha.
Declaration of shared belief in capabilities of Poetic Riktispeak. Explanation that colons are often omitted: pragmatically inferable in the poetry.
Expression of gratitude for all the declarations of wishes for my continued recovery.
Declaration of doubt that the topic was posted in the right forum.
Expression of regret in case it's inappropriate. Expression of regret about forgetting the rules. -
It's already not as bad as it was, very soon I'd be off prescription stuff (steroids) but still, no physical labor, no going outside in the winter, and any eyestrain I can't interrupt at will is out of the question for a while.
As for the song... LOL, It's absolutely amazing. The first time I heard unlirick'd version a friend sent me I almost thought it was yet another pop song... Then I listened carefully...
Title: of the Song!
Naïve: Expression of Love!
Reluctance: to accept that you're gone!
Request: to turn back time and rectify my wrongs...
Repetition of:
The Title of the Song! -
Appearance: temporary.
Concerning: Anyone who remembers me: state::recovery from surgery.
Promise: eventual return. -
One more thing they can do is to just lock up the markets. That is, if you've started as a hero, the "black market" you're using after going rogue would be actually WW and vice versa. So are "trade with the enemy" restrictions.