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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Stunrunner View Post
    It does. SIREN is not the same as Siren, as far as the game is concerned.
    Well, unfortunately, "Siren", the name, is blocked. It's been on the Blocked List for quite some time, if not forever. And it doesn't matter how you capitalize it.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Sapphic_Neko View Post
    Candy and Mandy get my vote! Still upset that we haven't got any of their costume pieces in game yet!
  3. 1. Syrusb/Liz
    2. Henri
    3. daveyj3
  4. I have literally tried everything, early last night I completely uninstalled everything that had to do with NCsoft and CoH and then reinstalled everything. CoH was reinstalled, but it is all still loading onto the NCsoft Launcher, I am able to get in, but only to Atlas Park and/or Mercy Island while the rest of the download is at 59% and has been going since last night. It says "Connecting" then switches between 1-8 KBs/Sec. I have been continuously exiting the launcher and restarting it, nothing seems to be working to get the Installation/Patching to speed up. It's incredibly inconvenient, I have never encountered this until yesterday.
  5. I just want to log on! I don't know why it is going so slowly for me, it is at 5 KBs/sec and is at 1%.
  6. After today's scheduled maintenance, my NCsoft loader is taking a really long time to download the new patch. It's been on 0% for a really long time and has over 6000 remaining hours. And it is at 6 KBs/second. I tried restarting my computer and turning on and off the NCsoft loader, but it's still at 0%. Is anyone else having this problem?
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Citizen_Razor View Post
    I wanted to snag "Razor" on Exalted, but missed out on it. Whoever got it must've worked ultra fast, as I was trying to snag it as soon as i21 came live. Ah well. So I'll stick with Citizen Razor on Liberty for now.
    Razor is a blocked name.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Goblin_Queen View Post
    I ended up only getting one name from my home server and that was Goblin Queen. I forcefully made myself not get the others. I figure I'll keep Virtue home and come here for vacations since I did get a bunch of names I always wanted on Virtue. I started off with getting some names from my characters on CO and then went down a list of names I've always tried for in the years past.

    There are two long lists, one of the names I got and one for the names I didn't get. I'd probably trade names from one list to another since the second list had some big wishlist names of mine.

    Names I missed out on:
    Shadow is blocked on all servers, it is taken on some, so the owners can never release it, but it is indeed blocked.
  9. I was wondering if the Purchasable Aura Unlock and Cape Unlock in the Paragon Market affects all characters or if it is just a per character transaction?
  10. Well I hope you have fun I know I have been having a lot of fun with the new changes!
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DarkGob View Post
    Just to clarify right off the bat, I mean on the forum. I'm red-green colorblind, now I can barely tell the difference between rednames and regular posters. Also, it's an ugly color and clashes horribly with the blue background (and no, I don't want to use the Villain color scheme, tyvm).
    Being Red-Green colorblind myself, I am also having trouble telling the difference between the regular names and Red names. I would prefer the names be either the original white, or a much lighter goldenrod.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Sun_Runner View Post
    I didn't purchase nine boxes.
    You're right, just checked mine and it says 3 Years, 1 Month. I just got the 54 Month Veteran Reward Last month, that is not right at all.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Sardan View Post
    Hmm, not only is my point balance zero (given what we've seen in this thread it must be zero for everyone), but I note that while I've been an active subscriber since 2005, the account management page is showing my total paid time as 4 years 9 months. Even though I've never let my subscription lapse.

    This doesn't bode well for the servers coming up soon.
    That is because it does not include game time purchased through boxes. It considers all months of game time attached to a CoH/CoV Retail Box as Free time, not paid time.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Biowraith View Post
    Mine is saying my point balance is zero (haven't bought any, but have been subscribed since July).
    Glad it's not just me then! Hope buying those points won't some how cancel out the points I would be getting for being subscribed in July, August, and this month.
  15. Is anyone else's account management page not showing Paragon Points earned since July and only showing the ones they just bought?
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
    That's because Green Lantern isn't a name, it's a title. The Green Lantern Corps is the name of a fictional intergalactic military/police force whose members are known commonly as Green Lanterns.
    Okay that was a bad example on my part, but the point is still stands. Using numbers and special characters does not generally work.
  17. I really don't like the naming conventions that you mentioned in your post. Just because you can use up to 20 characters in your name doesn't mean that should use 20 characters for your name. Same with the special characters and numbers, just because they're there, doesn't mean you should use them.

    You don't see the numerous other Green Lanterns calling themselves "G4EEn 1antern?" and "Blue-Green Lantern" just because there's already a Green Lantern around.

    People who post things like "There are infinite possibilities for names!" and the whole "There are plenty of names if you don't mind them not being very good" shtick are in denial, and I shake my head in amazement at them. It's fine for you to be content with "Super Scrapper Romeo" but Juliet will be committing suicide for other reasons, namely your awful name.

    Yes, the possibilities are physically endless, but at some point you're going to run into names that are too long to fit into SG Roster without cutting part of the name cut off, or names that are so long that their font needs to be minimized to fit onto the Team Display. And adding special characters besides a "." after Ms, Mrs, Mr, Dr, and Jr, is pathetic. You mine as well just throw in the towel and request a GM turn your name into "Generic 001234564654" because that's all you are, Generic, because your not the original of the name you tried to get before adding the "." to it.

    But I am glad it works for you

    Edit: Welcome back to the game, I hope you enjoy Issue 21! It seems like it'll be a pretty awesome update to the game!
  18. Earlier today, Avatea announced that Free Trials would be retiring on August 17th:
    Originally Posted by Avatea View Post
    As the launch of City of Heroes Freedom™ draws nearer, we wanted to thank all of you who started your super powered adventures in our universe through our free Trial program. Some of you were drawn to City of Heroes®' amazing character customization options and flashy spandex costumes, others followed friends and relatives or simply wanted something different, and the Trial program was the perfect first step!

    With City of Heroes becoming available for free by the end of the year, free trials are however no longer necessary and we are planning to retire the Trial program on August 17, 2011.

    What does this mean?
    • No new free trials will be able to be created starting August 17, 2011 BUT all free trials started prior to that date will run through completion, even if the end of the trial falls after August 17, 2011.
    • This also means that the current "Refer a Friend" program that utilizes trials will be discontinued. We will be introducing a brand new program in the coming weeks so stay tuned for more information on this!
    The City of Heroes Trial program may be coming to an end, it is a new beginning with City of Heroes Freedom and the choices it will give you!

    Now that Free Trials are done with, can we have the names on them released? There really is no point in locking names behind accounts that will never see the light of day again.

    And before you try to say that all the names on all trial accounts are crappy names generated by RMT scammers, I hope you realize that you are lying to yourself. Tons of people try out the game on Trial Accounts and make characters with decent names. After Trial Accounts had their Global Names purged, when /getglobalname is used, you could see that there are some pretty great names locked behind Trial Accounts, and not just RMT Scammer names.

    If these people aren't going to be using these, why can't you just release them? They never made it past level 14 and never belonged to a paying customer anyways!
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by bAss_ackwards View Post
    So is anyone here going to make a Gravity Control/Time Manipulation Controller?
    I have a character on Virtue waiting for i21 to hit to re-roll as a Gravity/Time Controller.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Serva_Obscura View Post
    These aren't cape rigs, they're solid like the warrior belt

    All of those pieces have player versions.

    El Topo specifically says that "For those of you that want to try this look on your character, some of these costume pieces will be available in the Paragon Market later this year." Which implies that NOT all of those pieces will have player versions. Which probably means that the really cool pieces will not be made available for players.
  21. My only concern now is how many costume pieces from what they are wearing will the players actually be able to purchase from the Paragon Market?

    I really would like access to the butt cape and loin cloth, but I really doubt we'll be getting them, or anything the Agony and Death Mages are wearing for that matter.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Noble Savage View Post
    Can we call it? Is it safe to say that Ghost Widow is the single most compelling character design in the game, as voted by the COH forums? Reading through all the posts, I don't think we can make any conclusions about single best Male character design, but Ghost Widow appears to get the trophy for "Favorite Design" and "Favorite Female Design" by a pretty wide margin.

    Wonder if it's possible to identify a "Favorite Male Design"? Or a 2nd favorite female design, since GW ran away with the top spot.
    Mirror Spirit and Foreshadow.
  23. My Fortunata is named Scarlet, and she is RPd as having Spider-based powers, her immobilizes and holds are webs trapping her opponents and the confuse powers are pheromone-based. I really like her
  24. Yogurt

    So rude!

    Originally Posted by Silver Gale View Post
    *Creating name-holder for my I21 Time Manipulator, gotta grab those names early.*

    *Load costume from file, get name, zone into Atlas!*

    Tell [a level 1 Warshade]: you gonna be playing that character alot?
    Me [Tell]: This is a placeholder for a character I'll make next Issue. I am not level pacting with you.
    Tell [a level 1 Warshade]: so rudeeeeee
    Tell [a level 1 Warshade]: lmao

    I didn't realise it was rude to refuse to level pact with random strangers! Sorry, level 1 Warshade!
    My first thought was that the he was going to ask for your name.
  25. Yogurt

    My First...

    Originally Posted by Linea_Alba View Post
    Check my archives in my sig, there's probably something there you can use. You may need a google docs or gmail account to download them. You'll have to evaluate the quality of the builds yourself, it's just an archive of builds I've collected, both good builds and bad builds.

    If you want one of my personal builds, for a ranged build look for the control variants like:
    • Fortunata - Isabella - Control - Rev 4a [i19].mxd (Cheaper)
    • Fortunata - Isabella - Control - Rev 4a [i19].mxd (More Expensive)
    Only swap the endurance procs in the attacks to damage procs, or move those slots anywhere else you need them. I was never able to verify if those procs were bug-fixed, so it's best to use something else or use the slots elsewhere.

    If you have expense troubles, 5 slot the epic attacks and use those three slots for Mindlink and TTL to remove the Hamis. You can dig farther back into the my retired builds to find cheaper slotting for Dominate, Subdue, and AoC to reduce those costs.
    Everything else is either relatively cheap or easily obtainable with A-Merits.

    Probably something like the following for the cheapest version:

    Villain Plan by Mids' Villain Designer 1.942

    Click this DataLink to open the build!

    | Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |

    Thanks for all the help!

    I downloaded Mids to view the build. If I were to switch Mu Mastery for Soul Mastery, which powers would I choose (I want Soul Tentacles, so would I choose Gloom or Dark Obliteration?) Also could I get rid of one of the three to make room for a Travel Power, preferably Super Jump?