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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ynaught View Post

    I believe what the OP means is, if the target the Decoy Phantasm was spawned for has less than 25% health, then make it so it won't spawn it on them.

    I've seen that happen a lot, the Decoy gets cast on something with low HP's and then once the Decoy's target is (usually quickly) defeated, the decoy disappears. It then has to recharge the power and the player is left with one less way to deflect aggro.

    It's annoying but, meh, I don't have THAT much of a problem with it. I also wouldn't complain if it were "fixed" so...
    Ynaught has it right, and in most cases the the Phantasm would have killed the mob in the next few hits, but instead waste 8 seconds with the cast. Then looses the decoy, the extra protection, and dps waiting for the recharge. It's bad AI, not question about it.

    And seriously the "real" problem is that most of us don't care considering we have perma PA. Which in it's self just screams for a look at the sets mechanics. When your low level pet makes you say meh, to your high level pet's poor behavior. Something is not right with the set.

    Dare we even get in to that?
  2. HeroStats, and Hero Logger say otherwise!
  3. Do not cast decoy if target has less then 25% life left.

    May add to this in the future.
  4. Sucks, it was the only thing I was really looking forward to with the expansion, but I guess I would rather see it done right.
  5. So no more Keyboard shortcuts for Quick Chat?
  6. Under Choose Mission Settings I would like an option to choose &lt;None&gt; for enemy mob type. So I could then just populate a map with patrols only.

    I would go even further and add a option to select &lt;custom groups&gt; here, so I could populate a office building, or neighborhood with non combat civilians, and just utilize the patrol option to add my villains.

    Or even non combat &lt;custom group&gt; as a patrol.

    Of course then you would want to up the number of patrols allowed per mission as well.

    While I think it is awesome that we can create custom characters, and stories. I think we need a little help to drive our stories to a higher level.
  7. I just got back myself, and had the same problem. It's huge, and my legs were aching from all the walking. I think Im getting old lol. Anyways it was a blast. So many exciting new developments in the works from so many great companies. I wish I had more time to spend there, but I got to see all that I wanted to see, and a few surprises. Got my pocket D VIP pass, that was cool. WIsh I could go to the party, but I don't think I'll make it back for that. Hoping to go again next year!
  8. Yeah I agree on that Vagrantwind, like the way hers look way better. I got to see them in High Def today on the new Trailer, looked awsome.
  9. Well I always thought wings should be a power pool with both offensive and defensive sets. I think we've already seen what a hit they are in game, why not make a useful set. I particulary like how they were used as a weapon in Underworld 2. Loved the way he pearced and stabbed people with his wings.
  10. I pretty much like the character creation process the best. Not just the costumes, but powers, their names and backgrounds. I suppose that is so much fun, because the game is so good at what it does that it lets you focus on the things that you want to.So I picked costumes, but it's whats under the hood that makes my every day gameplay a pleasure.