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  1. I don't ignore the portals because they are worth beau coupe XP. Like the level of mission complete. If you are fast you only get a pair or two of behemoths to put down or ignore.
  2. Same problem on Blue side Orabanga Portals. I bugged it.
  3. If you have a Big Lots store in your area check out the software section and you may be able to still find some Good VS Evil editions for $10. They come with a month of game time. Upgrade your account with the code for a cheaper full experience than just a Trial code.

    Welcome to the game.
  4. I currently have a problem with one character that just earned the Intern DJ badge (Inspiration drop after Mission complete). I earned it and immediately started running O-missions and didn't get the drops even made sure I had slots open to get the inspirations. Petitioned and they are saying it has to build up charges. I challenged that reply.

    Because on several other characters that just earned the badge ran regular missions and was getting inspiration drops.
  5. Super stuff so far. Thanks Leandro and ION for putting it up in Google. I took a different look at the data and grouped it by the 28 Generic IO Set types. Forgive my formatting.

           Running                                         # in Range      # in Range 
              Average          Summary Type           10-14   %      15-19   %
               5.3%            Accurate - Defense       32    6.4%      20     4.2%
               3.0%            Accurate - to Hit          14    2.8%      15     3.2%
               2.6%            Accurate Heal              13    2.6%      12     2.5%
               0.0%            AOE                             0    0.0%       0      0.0%
               1.6%            Confuse                      11    2.2%       5      1.1%
               6.6%            Defense                      28    5.6%      36     7.6%
               0.0%            Defense Debuff              0    0.0%       0      0.0%
               0.0%            End Mod                       0    0.0%       0      0.0%
               2.0%            Fear                           15    3.0%       5      1.1%
               3.7%            Heal                           23    4.6%      13      2.7%
              13.8%           Hold                           81   16.2%      54    11.4%
                1.5%           Immobilization               9     1.8%       6      1.3%
                0.0%           Knockback                    0     0.0%       0     0.0%
                8.5%           Melee                         34     6.8%     49    10.3%
                7.6%           PBAOE                        37     7.4%     37     7.8%
                3.0%           Pet Damage                  9     1.8%     20     4.2%
                5.4%           Ranged                        19     3.8%     34      7.2%
                4.6%           Recharge Pets             35     7.0%     10      2.1%
                9.6%           Resist                        32     6.4%     62     13.1%
                2.3%           Sleep                         16     3.2%      6      1.3%
                7.5%           Slow                          44     8.8%     29     6.1%
                0.0%           Snipe                          0      0.0%      0     0.0%
                5.0%           Stun                          26     5.2%     23     4.8%
                0.0%           Taunt                         0      0.0%      0      0.0%
                0.0%           To Hit Buff                  0      0.0%      0      0.0%
                0.0%           To Hit Debuff               0      0.0%      0      0.0%
                3.0%           Travel                        0      0.0%      29     6.1%
                3.4%           Universal Travel           23     4.6%      10     2.1%
    From this admittedly still small sample it looks like Holds are weighted way too high (13.8%) as well as Slows (7.5%). Melee and Ranged should be weighted evenly IMO but Ranged is only 5.4% to Melee 8.5%. I don't know of any Recharge Intensive Pets available below 18 (PA Decoys) and yet they are 7.0% of the 10 to 14 Level Range.
  6. Bio Hazard - Bio Threat - The Fauna Avenger - The PETA Punisher - The Pet Revenger - Animal Protector
  7. I was there. Good times, good times. I was also in on the same thing on Virtue except we brought Hami down. I think it was 9 minutes from leave the rock to Hami down. Warburg nukes flying all the time. A real light show.
  8. I roll every time I get 20 merits no matter what the level. And if over 35 I still roll in the 31 to 35 bracket.
  9. The timer for the Flyer starts when the first person on the team enters the map. So mark that time down and defeat the Flyer just after 20 minutes are up. Then it won't spawn again for another 20 minutes. If you don't pay attention to the timer the Flyer can surprise you. Also after you defeat the flyer and are working on Recluse and the Towers watch the time or you will get another Flyer spawn at a point where you are deeply engaged.
  10. You can pencil me in I should be back from WI by then and ready to raid. I can lead a Scrapper or Assault Team. I have a Stone Tank I would be willing to run with the Tank Team just to look at the raid from that team.
  11. I have a Scrapper, 2 Tanks, Blaster, Controller, and Defender I can bring if it starts at 7PM Eastern. Unfortunately I have a commitment earlier in the day.
  12. Here is a little something to consider. I can lead the raid if Kid doesn't.

    Evacuationless Raid Strategy -

    - Hami Taunt Tank Team (2 or 3 Tanks plus 3 support emps)
    - Yellow Taunt Tank Team (4 to 6 Tanks plus a support)
    - Front Scrapper Team (4 to 7 Scrappers or tanks plus 1 support)
    - Back Scrapper Team (4 to 7 Scrappers or tanks plus 1 support)
    - Front Assault Team (4 to 8 Blasters, Controllers, Defenders)
    - Back Assault Team (4 to 8 Blasters, Controllers, Defenders)
    - Overflow Team (anyone not on the other teams)
    GM Phase as per normal raid - Meet on Hero Rock - Organize into above teams - Once 35 folks are in the Hive clear GMs until Hamidon spawns.

    Hamidon first set of mitos Phase - Everyone reforms at Hero Rock.
    Inital targets are assigned by Team Leads.
    - Hamidon taunt team designates primary Hamidon taunter
    - Scrapper teams break into a spike team and 2 soloers. Spike teams start on the right side (front and back sets of yellows). Soloers take the center and left mitos. Team members should Thumbtack their targets on the map so they can find their way back in later phases. Optionally if low on scrapper numbers use all scrappers together as a spike team and let the Yellow taunt team take the other mitos.
    - Yellow Taunt Tank Team - Team lead assigns yellows for each tank to taunt and Tanks Thumbtack their target locations for later phases.
    - Assault Teams assign target Blues in their area of responsibility to team members and team members Thumbtack those target locations. Team can be split into pairs or have two subteams to spike damage on Blue targets.
    - Overflow teams initially target Yellows or Blues depending on AT type supporting the primary teams. In later phases they float to cover Yellow or Blue mitos not being engaged.
    All Team report readiness to Raid Lead using the Request Channel.

    Once all teams report ready the Raid Lead begins the 60 second Buffing Stage commands which go roughly like this.
    - Long Term buffs (CM, AB, IR, SB, etc) (60 seconds to main assault)
    - Lay down any oil slicks (if a Trick Arrow powerset is present) (40 seconds to main assault)
    - Fire off all Auras (RA, AM, Fulcrum Shift if Oil slicks are present, Howling Twilight, Warburg nukes, etc) (20 seconds to main assault)
    - Tank Teams launch (All tank teams eat an EOE, leave the rock and start their missions)(10 seconds to main assault)
    - Scrapper Teams launch (All scrapper teams leave the rock and engage their targets) (5 seconds to main assault)
    - Main Assault launch (all other teams leave the rock and engage their targets)
    Once all teams are engaged the rough sequence of events is that the Scrapper Teams defeat all the Yellows while the Assault Teams engaged all and defeat some of the Blues. Once all Yellows are down the Raid Leader calls for ALL Teams except the Hamidon Taunt Tank Team to attack a single designated Green Mito. Empaths on any team are invited to Buff the Hamidon Taunt Tank as often as possible at this time.

    Assault and Overflow Teams currently engaging Blues should break off and attack the designated Green target and the Scrapper Teams converge on the designated Green. The Raid then moves clockwise around Hamidon engaging and defeating one Green at a time. Holds are critical at this point and any Hold should be used as a priority attack. Scrapper, Tanker and Epic Pool Holds should be used freely to lock the Green down quickly.

    Once all Greens are down the Raid can scatter to engage the remaining Blues with Ranged Attacks.
    Pro Tip: Throw out the Vet Buff Pet to help reduce the Blue Chain Lightning effects as there is a bug that causes Chain Lightning to last pretty much indefinitely. The Vet Pet gets defeated by the Chain Lightning and that breaks the chain.
    The Raid (except for the Hamidon Taunt Tank Team) then moves to a point opposite the Hamidon Taunt Tank and remains close together.

    Hamidon Next Set of Mitos Phase - The Yellow Taunt Tank Team, the Scrapper Teams, Assault Teams, and Overflow Teams should all be bunched close together banging on Hamidon. The Hamidon Taunt Tank Team remains in place keeping Hamidon busy.

    At 75% Health Hamidon will spawn another set of mitos. So the Raid Lead watches Hamidon Health and begins the Buffing Stage at Hamidon. The Buffing Stage Commands go like this.
    - Long Term buffs (CM, AB, IR, SB, etc) (60 seconds to Spawn)(at 75% this command will be given almost immediately)
    - Fire off all Auras (RA, AM, Fulcrum Shift if Oil slicks are present, Howling Twilight, Warburg nukes, etc) (20 seconds to Spawn)
    - Tank and Scrapper Teams Move Out (All tank and Scrapper teams leave the Hamidon and move to their Thumbtacks)(All Teams eat an EOE)(10 seconds to Spawn)
    - Main Assault attack (all other teams leave Hamidon and engage their targets)(Mitos spawning)
    Yellow Taunt Tank and Scrapper Teams should move quickly to their Thumbtacks and start flying so that when the mitos appear they can engage the nearest Yellow. Team Leads should watch the Yellows and make sure none of them are firing on the Assault Teams. There usually is some missed Yellow assignments here so Team Leads keep alert.

    Assault and Overflow Teams should spread out quickly once they see the mitos spawn. Do not wait for the command.

    After this point things proceed as the First Hamidon Phase - Yellows Down, Kill the Greens, Kill the Blues and back to Hamidon opposite the Taunt Tank. The next mito spawn is at 50% Health so you have a little more time to wait before the Buffing Stage is called again. The Raid Lead's timing on the buffing calls is critical so buffers watch the Request Channel closely and be prepared to buff quickly.

    And then it is lather, rinse, repeat for the next set of mitos at 25% Health and then bring Hamidon to zero HP.

    IF and ONLY IF the Raid has some rocking damage going on Hamidon there is a variant on the 25% Spawn. All the Buffing is the same but on the call for Tanks and Scrappers and Assault to move out ONLY THE Tanks move out to get Yellow Aggro. Everyone eats an EOE and stays in to hammer Hamidon down to zero HP.

    This is a tricky because the Raid Lead needs to get the word out early if they think to use this variant because not everyone is reading Request. The Team Leads need to relay the message to keep folks in on Hamidon.

    Also the Raid Lead needs to monitor the damage and if Hamidon's Health is not dropping fast enough, or there is Hami and Yellow aggro on the Main Assault the raid needs to fall back to the original strategy of engaging the Yellows and Blues before there are too many casualties.
  13. Last time I ran a Heroside Hami Raid we were barely able to get enough folks to run it effectively. It only took about 1 hour 15minutes so not too bad. But it was like pulling teeth to get 35 folks in the Hive. That is why I haven't run one in a while.

    I have been running on Virtue and they do an evacless raid now which is pretty effective. Not sure if we could do it on Protector as you need some experienced folks to not get a raid wipe.
  14. <QR>
    In the Sneak Preview of the Winter Event on 1 December I noticed that I would keep getting the gold message about receiving the Build a Snow Beast Temp Power but I only had one copy not multiple powers on my character. I was hoping it was like the Rock Temp Power where you got multiples during Halloween. Minor bug.
  15. Christmas Knight standing by on Triumph. Need to get some candy canes when the event opens to complete the costume
  16. Sounds good and cheery. I assume Red and Green for Powers and Santa looking outfits. Might need some time to get the candy canes for the appropriate attire.
  17. They are running the test again tonight starting at 8PM Eastern running to 11PM.
  18. Ditch the Norton AV and go with Freeware like AVG or AVast!. Norton is a RAM Hog and will slow down your performance.
  19. "I'll have what she's having." When Harry met Sally
    "Snakes! *sigh* Why did it have to be snakes." Indiana Jones
    Jason: [looking at the robot that Roscoe has built] Why'd you make him black?
    Roscoe: [smiling] Because I wanted him to be perfect.
  20. As soon as you add any storage item you start paying rent. You can build your teleporters, med bay and such without rent but enhancement, inspiration, and salvage storage cost 100 prestige a piece. Not a big cost considering the utility of the storage devices. Usually one or two missions worth of prestige for a full month's rent.
  21. <QR>

    Please for the love of all that is holy DO NOT PUT THE PORTAL TO PRAETORIA IN ATLAS PARK!!!

    That is all.
  22. For each character log in, right click on Chat or global tab, edit tab, find Hero Zone Events or Villain Zone Events, add to tab, click accept changes, close window, done.