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  1. I cannot see why someone would want to purchase an 84-month Vet badge, although I *can* see wanting to purchase Vet rewards like the "City Traveler" badge, as well as the +5 Salvage, +5 Recipe, and +5 Auction House slots.

    That goes for the reward which lets you get your major travel power without having to get the first two tiers, and the "Fog of War" remover.

    I think that the rewards themselves should be available through Paragon Points, but the 3-month badges (all the way up to 84-months+) have to be earned. I hope that the badges will continue to be issued to us in 3-month increments. I luvz my shinies!
  2. Amerikatt

    June FArt Battle

    Originally Posted by Bubbawheat View Post
    Nah, Amerikatt is totally The Star!!
    Thanks, Bubba!


    ((Of course, the guy in syrusb's beautiful card set might disagree. Too bad, too. The colors of those cards are ... PURPLE *and* PINK!))

    (*mews plaintively at syrusb to swap her for that guy ... before the deadline arrives*)
  3. Amerikatt

    June FArt Battle

    Originally Posted by LadyJudgement View Post
    It's not an entry for the battle, just a drawing for you, apologies to the other contestants for intruding.
    That makes it even better!


    Thanks also to the FArt contestants for this little bit of indulgence.

    Hmmm! This picture has a moon, so it can be ... um ... THE MOON!

    If Null The Gull doesn't mind, maybe I can have the 10 of Fish-Stix!
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Captain_Iron View Post
    After seeing this month's theme, this image and entry immediately came to mind.

    My Character: Cat Star
    Your Character: Gorm Diabhal
    The Scene: In Faultline, near one of the many construction sites. The area is a disaster. Much of the site seems to be in ruins; barrels blown all over, a small construction shack falling to pieces, clouds of dust everywhere, even some iron girders out of place. Facing off at a slight distance, Cat Star and Gorm. They both look worn and slightly beaten, as if the fight had been going on for a while and the destruction around them is a result of it.

    And in between them, the ultimate prize. The reason for this chaotic cat-astrophe...

    A fish-shaped squeaky toy.
    (*prepares her 'Glowing Touch' and 1100 HP heals for Cat Star*)

    ((WHAT?! The honor of Kitty Kheldies -- and a squeaky toy -- are involved here! ))
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Bubbawheat View Post
    July's theme is the Movies

    The winner will get their teaser made to the best of her abilities by... Samuraiko / Dark Respite!
    Which means that it will be a top-notch production!

    I cannot wait to see what the creative folks here come up with!

    (*whispers*) The 1940 serial, "The Adventures of Amerikatt"! Nuff said, True Believers!

    (*sits on top of a stack of movie reels and noms a tub of extra-buttery popcorn*)
  6. Amerikatt

    June FArt Battle

    Originally Posted by LadyJudgement View Post
    So long, and thanks for all the fish... just kidding. Here's my take on Amerikatt:

    Great picture, Miss LJ! Thanks!

    In an alternate dimension, I am really ... Peppermint Patty!

    I'm not sure that I get the Tarot reference, though.

    (*squees with delight at getting teh free artsies and hangs the new picture in a special place in the Katt Kave!*)
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Caemgen View Post
    Ameri - *huggles and scratches behind the ears for America's number 1 super kitty!* The cake looks amazing... And I am sure it tastes.... errr... amazing!!! But boy, do I need to leave room for my birthday dinner tonight... So, um... Think you could eat up most of that cake for me???
    (*snaps to attention and gives Caem a crisp salute*)

    Aye aye, Sir! 'Operation: Cake Nom' now commencing!

    (*huggles the Birfday Boy, then scampers away with the fish-stick cake!*)

    And I will share my favorite gift so far... This comes from EuROPA777 on DA who found out about my bday and threw together a sketch for me... I was floored by this since I knly know him through working with him... But it was amazingly cool of him to do!

    (Sorry if it's too big or so, in a bit or rush and didn't have time to resize...)

    That Birfday picture is *almost* as nommy as the Fish-Stick Cake!

    (*burp!*) Um ... 'scuse me.

    (*flies a Vickybot into the room so she can cut Miss Early's cake!*)

    Happy birfday to you,
    Happy birfday to you,
    Happy birfday, dear Caemy,
    Happy birfday to you!

    (*wheels out a 3-tier fish stick cake with fudge sour creme frosting*)

    Bon apetit!

  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by KayJMM View Post
    Someone can pass me the Mind-bleach, please? Now i must take this image from my head...
    (*rolls an industrial-sized drum of "Amerikatt's Own! Mind Bleach" to Kay*)
  11. (*strikes a heroic pose in mid-air and then rawrs in Bubba's face*)

    Me, silly.

    And my partner, Rose Valiant.
  12. Amerikatt

    June FArt Battle

    Originally Posted by LadyJudgement View Post
    Whoa, that's a lot of kitty... hmmm, actually I have my own take on this character, and I might draw it up all black and white. More to follow... Thanks CR, and Amerikatt, will post something soon.
    Thanks, Miss LJ!

    (*gives LadyJudgement a couple more pawsful of nommy fish-stix*)

    If you can work in a full moon into your composition, that would be nomtastic. Thanks!
  13. Amerikatt

    June FArt Battle

    Originally Posted by ChristopherRobin View Post
    Here's a larger shot if it helps ya Bobby... lots of little stars (like 48 of them if memory serves) on her outfit.
    Also DD drew her here as well and here are some pictures of the breed.
    Thanks, CR! (*huggles*)

    (*gives CR a Family-sized box of "Amerikatt's Best Italian Bread Crumb and Herb Fish-Stix" and a coupon to get a FREE! box of "Amerikatt's Own Boysenberry Burrito-flavored Fish-Stix" with the purchase of a quart of "Amerikatt's Own Nomtastic 20% Fat Chocolate Milk"*)
  14. Amerikatt

    June FArt Battle

    Originally Posted by LadyJudgement View Post
    I will draw this AMERIkatt, is there some references I's can has?
    Thanks, LadyJudgement!

    The best possible references are ChristopherRobin's fabulous and spot-on picture of me in my sig, as well as Miss Psygon's nomtastic chiba under my name. I am a Russian Blue kitty (NOT a thrice-accursed Atlas Catgirl!!!! )

    (*gives LadyJudgement a couple pawsful of fish-stix to help stir her muse*)

    (*huggles LadyJudgement and then squees with delight!*)
  15. I cannot believe that your vids came out *that* long ago! They are timeless classics.

    Any chance we can look forward to Video #3 in the near future? Please!

    (*I* am a healer with all the good heals. Well, kinda sorta. )
  16. Amerikatt

    June FArt Battle

    Let's not forget the not-so-secret Special Rule that all FArt entries should include *me* somewhere in the composition.

    It won't necessarily help you to win that month, but it will sure make *me* squee with delight at get teh free artsies!

    You might even find some gift wrapped fish-stix under your holiday bush in December. (No promises, tho. You should give me teh free artsies out of the goodness of your heart and not because of the temptation of getting teh free fish-stickies! )
  17. Mewmewmewmewmew!

    (I concur with you, Mr. Grey. It took me close to 100 attempts before I got my *FIRST* Very Rare component. Once I had that, I quit the Trials [since I had enough components/Threads for a Tier 4 and three Tier 3 enhancers]. It was more stressful for me getting metric tonnes of unwanted components than it was running 8 dozen Trials. We need variety in the Trials and an overhaul of Biblical proportion for the loot system! )
  18. Happy Birfday, Mr. Posi, sir!

    I wanna wish ya the sweetest of sweet birfdays today.

    Tomorrow, however, I am going back to being steamed at you for continually using Power Suppression on me at the CoH 6th Anniversary Party in Pocket D.

    (*hands out whetstones to her army of Vicky Bots and gives them Posi's home address*)

    Don't worry, Mr. Posi. Those things attached to their forearms are just ... um ... cake cutters. Ya! Cake cutters!
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden_Avariel View Post
    Didn't we have one recently? When was that?
    (*Hercule Poirot voice*) "Eef yoo haf to strain ze leetle grey cells, zen eet wahs too long ago. Ne c'est pas?"
  20. Has there been any announcement of when we will have the next double XP weekend?

    I think that 4th of July weekend would be *purrrrrrrrrrrrrrfect*!

    (*crosses paws*)
  21. 1) Artist #2
    2) Artist #3
    3) Artist #7

    Honorable Mention
    4) Artist #9 (Who *would* have featured *me*, I am sure)
  22. 1. Lousy Day
    2. Syrus B/Liz
    3. ChristopherRobin

    ((Sorry I am late. Been working 15+ hours everyday for the last week at the fish-stik factory as official taste tester and barely have time for more than going to bed when I get so I can start the cycle all over again.

    Good luck to all contestants! ))
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Bubbawheat View Post
    U-stream highlights

    a global rename token will happen
    Great! When? How do we get it?
  24. Will we ever get:

    1. Whiskers;

    2. Paws;

    3. Flat chests (normal cats and other critters do *not* have such painfully obvious breasts);

    4. Mask customization (the ability to actually put a mask on animal heads rather than a vaguely mask-like fur pattern); and

    5. Fixes to clipping issues (where there are holes in the front and/or back of a costume because the head anchor seems to be set a bit high)

  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by GreenFIame View Post
    More Damage output, a Increase in range and numbers of targets, for the higher lvl Tiers.
    (*tries to purloin GreenFlame's name, because her healing and Pyronic powers are powered by the sacred Green Flame, which figures heavily in her backstory*)