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  1. [ QUOTE ]
    Thank you for your compliments.

    [ QUOTE ]
    One mistake I noticed was with Howling Twilight. Magnitude 2 only stuns up to minions, not lieutenants.

    I'll update this post as I find things. I'm just reading through it now, but I know I'll forget by the time I reach the end.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Somehow, I remember Howling Twilight being slightly more potent in practice than on paper, but that might just be because of how I always immediately follow my Howling Twilights with a Dark Pit chaser. That'll be fixed in the next version, thanks.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    You may want to also add a note about the -regen in Howling Twilight. -500% regen for 30 sec. I hit it as often as it comes up against AVs, even if I'm not trying to unsquish a blapper.
  2. Alright video gurus, I'm hoping you can help me out.

    I just bought a new system with an ATI Radeon HD 2600 XT. Went in and installed the latest drivers (7.12) and started getting all sort of color issues stretching from the splash screen at system start up into CoH. I found a few other places documenting similar issues related to the new driver release.

    Rolled back to 7.11s. Now, my out of game problems are gone, but in-game there's a lot of odd graphic bugs.

    Odd colorations. The base portal and the paper debris floating around Galaxy City are very noticable examples, but I'm also seen Sprint trails colored red and blue for no apparent reason. These vary within a single game session.

    Vertical screen tearing when the character is turning.

    Just reading through the thread it looks like the first problem may be relatively recent and going back to older drivers may help, but I don't know which version to try.

    Does anyone have any advice on this, or what to tweak to deal with the vertical tearing? I'm not worried about absolutely fantastic graphics, just getting rid of the graphical bugs.

    Thanks in advance
  3. You don't quite have the durability of a tank, particularly a well-supported tank, but if you're doing things right, you're plenty sturdy enough in most situations. Some foes may be tougher than others (see: Rularuu Overseers), but in small teams, I usually go in first on my Dark Defender.
  4. Sadly, even now, CK is still waiting for Penelope in Pocket D 2. After all the trouble we went to, trying to help him get ready, giving him dance lessons (he never did get the hang of it, though I swear his brain was bobbing along with the beat for a while), and even chipping in for some turtle wax, she never showed.

  5. Do not drop your anchor debuff on the very closest bad guy and just expect him to be one of the last standing. Odds are, he was the closest to everyone else too.

    Do not charge someone for a mission. At least not on the hero side. Fortune teller isn't that rare, and usually if you find a highbie who needs it, they'll tip more than you'd have charged anyway, and you don't come out smelling like the sewers.

    Do not brag about how tough your Stalker is in PvP. You sneak up on people and hit them when they can't see you. It's effective, and there's nothing wrong with it, but unless you like dying a lot, your Stalker does his share of running for his life too, so don't brag about how tough he is.
  6. To the first, Yay! More costume options are always good.

    To the second, good, BUT, you really need to get a better grip on what stealth should do in this game. It's being steadily stripped of its usefulness bit by bit. At the rate you're going, it's going to be not much more than a costume option by mid-year.

    To the third: YES! Not that there isn't some validity to the points made by the other posters who do like duoing on-level AVs, but soloability in the late game has just been profoundly improved. Perhaps a heroic with full bosses and AVs setting is needed?
  7. A nice beginning. I really love Croatoa too, so I'm going to help you clear up a few gaps and inaccuracies. Feel free to integrate this into later versions of your guide if you like.

    The kill badges are not for 100 of the creatures. The Haunted badge even says it's awarded for banishing 'hundreds' of ghosts from these lands. Popular opinion is that it's 333 of each type. I think someone has actually counted to be sure, but it certainly wasn't me.

    Other Croatoa badges:

    Believer - Awarded for Defeating Sally twice. Sally can typically be found out in the lake, appearing every hour or so. One hit will take her down, so don't shoot until you're ready.
    Giant Killer - Awarded for defeating Jack in Irons. Jack is a Giant Monster who spawns either in the SW area of Croatoa, or up in the Grim Vale with Eochai, where they'll fight it out.
    Pumpkin King - Awarded for defeating Eochai. Eochai is a Giant Monster who spawns either in the SE area of Croatoa, or up in the Grim Vale with Jack, where they'll fight it out.

    If you're having trouble finding these, most servers have a global channel where monster alerts are typically posted that can be a big help.

    Grim Wanderer, Ensorcelled, Spiritual - Exploration badges in Croatoa. Check your favroite map site for hints on where to find them

    Alumnus - Awarded for touching all the History Plaques about Croatoa (one is in Atlas Park). Again, your favorite map site will help finding these.

    Cabalist - Awarded for completing Katie Hannon's Task Force. (You can find her right beside where you get the Ensorcelled badge) You get access to this by completing Buck Salinger's missions, and only the leader need have access to start a task force.

    X Times the Victor - Awarded for defeating Mary Macomber during the task force, at Ten Times the Victor, you get access to the Witch Hat as a costume piece.

    As a note, Katie's TF is one of the best in CoH, challenging and entertaining without turning into the tedious timesink that virtually all the others are. Even if you're not a big fan of TFs, you should do this one at least once.

    For the hunt badges, you'll get a substantial portion of most of them doing the missions, even you're doing them solo. Fir Bolg and Tuatha are easy to find in missions, and plentiful in and around Salmanaca. The Task Force is great for finishing up your Red Cap and/or Sorceress hunting badges. If you're not up for that, both are also found in quantity in the northern parts of Croatoa. Ghosts, on the other hand, tend to be a bit scarcer. They don't appear in nearly as many missions, and only spawn at night. Although they do spawn in town, the best place I've found to hunt them is south of Salmanaca.

    Complete all the Croatoa badges and you'll receive the Geas of the Kind Ones Accolade, which boosts your attack rate, accuracy and endurance recovery, but hurts your defense.
  8. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]

    Fortunatas, silly

    Not sure if the Rogue Fortunatas in Warburg work, but the ones in Siren's Call do.

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    I confirm that only the one in Siren's Call count for this badge

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Mission Fortunatas also count toward this badge. I got most of mine, and finished the badge on a Warburg indoor mission.
  9. Just as a note, Sister Psyche does have a few Council missions.

    And yes, If you've got a stealth, or better yet a stealth porter, and know what you're doing, Sister Psyche gets a *lot* easier.
  10. I got the Rikti Drone for completing the Savant badge.
  11. I'm going into wait and see mode. Sounds decent, but depends on implementation. Lately, the ideas coming out of the Dev team sound a lot better than the actual numbers that back them up.

    Just off the concept, I'd say that it's a nice gesture, but I still see 6-slotted Aid Self and perma-PB as being the star powers of SR defense.

    A few things I'd like to see.

    Meaningful resistance outside of one-shot range. I'm looking at whoever came up with the Defiance numbers while I say this. If I'm going to count on it to keep me alive, it needs to be useful in doing just that, not just giving me a statistical anomaly on my way to the ground. Though, of course, you have to be careful or you'll overshadow the toggles. Okay, at this point, it'd be hard not to, really.

    A setup that gives me some useful ability without making me take all 3 passives. Right now, passives are my "there's nothing else to take right now" power choices. If I have to take them all, that's 7 powers I have to have from my secondary, with the other two being Quick and Elude.

    Some way to enhance this ability. Right now, I've got a lot of SR powers that I have to take, but can't really slot past 3 or 4 slots (and get anything noticable for my investment, that is), and a lot of slots that I don't know what to do with. Seems to suggest a solution, eh?
  12. Between this, and Enforced Diversification, I think we've finally killed off the required Stamina for most builds.

    Let's hear it for pyrrhic victories.

    Sorry, Positron, in and of itself, it's good news, and two days ago would have been cause for elation, but at this point, it's a chain link fence in front of an avalanche, it just doesn't mean much.

    Tell us similar buffs are coming into play for most other base effects like damage, resistance, recharge and defense, to counter the massive nerf that this change equates to, and I might change my mind, but for right now:

  13. The problem, Geko, is that we rarely fight even level mobs with no defense. We're fighting +1, +2 or higher, and that accuracy just ain't gonna cut it. We still have to slot an Accuracy SO or take an Accuracy boosting power. Give us a base SO worth of accuracy boost, and I'll call it worth something. You can choose whether to use that slot to be ultra accurate, or get your damage up on par with the others. As it is, that really isn't a choice in most people's minds.

    Bbesides, whenever we have an accuracy booster like a Tactics defender, or an enemy defense debuffer, our 'bonus' may as well not exist. Not true for the others.

    Compare this to the slows of ice, the DoT of Fire, or even the KB of energy, and the minor accuracy bonus just doesn't stack up for a set that is already dealing with having a very bad damage type.
  14. I love this thread, everything I ever needed to know about my D3 in one convenient place.

    How about the medicine pool? The Aid powers don't appeal much, but I usually duo with a Blaster and am thinking about Stimulant as a way to give her some mez protection when it's really needed.
  15. Can't say I'm happy about it, but at least that's a real explanation. If the first TF mine was that much work, someone really should have thought to simplify the process along the way, given that it was obvious that if badges were added to the new TFs, people would want them retroactively awarded.

    In reality, the fact that the badges weren't in place when the TFs were created is the core problem. Hopefully the fact that the new I5 TF doesn't have this issue is a sign that this oversight may not be occurring in the future.

    And yes, the Shadow Shard TFs need reworking into something more than repetitive time-sinks, please. A 10 hour TF doesn't require any more skill than a 3-4 hour one, just a much greater store of patience, especially given how repetitve these things get. To the positive, the graphics for the new TF badges look very nice. Now maybe give the trial badges some graphic lovin'?

    "Graphic lovin'", that's gonna get me banned, I just know it.
  16. Cuppa, don't take this personally, it's not aimed at you. I've tried to be reasonable, but this just boggles the mind.

    You know, for all the various things that have been done that piss off this or that portion of the paying populace 'for the good of the game', you'd think they'd want to go out of their way to avoid adding anything else to that list, especially something as blatantly [color= yellow]antagonistic[/color] and [color= yellow]stupid[/color] as this.

    If the technology suddenly doesn't exist to be able to datamine these, like it did before, let us know what happened, and that the imbecile responsible got fired because of it. If it does and you've decided not to use it, then there should be a good reason why not, and your community relations person should be able to be upfront in sharing it. Otherwise, when is this stacked on top of everything else we've been asked to swallow, what else are we supposed to see it as except either malicious or just plain lazy?

    Statesman and Co., seriously, here's my advice. Look up morale in the dictionary, then try do one thing before I5 hits to actually improve it around here. Reversing this decision would be a great start. It'd show that yes, you do, in fact, care that we enjoy what you're doing with the game we finance (something a number of people are really doubting, with CoV on the horizon), and it wouldn't even interfere in the "Grand Vision" that's somehow so important.