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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
    ... and how many here don't particularly care about WoW? >.>
    What's WoW?


    "The One"
  2. That's EXTREMELY helpful.... That cam move you did of a 180 degree move while slowing to a stop to eventual focus the shot on Imperious is exactly the type of things I'm talking about... Did you program/edit all those camera moves in? Or every camera move in that video was you controlling your invisible player?

    "The One"
  3. AlienOne

    Warshade Newbie

    Originally Posted by PrincessDarkstar View Post
    I actually find the MoSTF the place my Tri-Former can show off the most. I have the AoE damage for the normal mobs, the single target damage for the AV's, the general survivability to not die, Dwarf form so I can help the tank in front of the tree without risking death, and to tank a second AV for a while should we make a bad pull on the last mission, and also used to have stimulant to aid the tank against Ghost Widow! And the TP because we always TP the puller away from the AV's to try and avoid the one shot kill.
    I agree. Khelds really DO shine on high-difficulty, high-strategy situations like the MoSTF... But, most people inexperienced with teaming with Khelds will (most of the time) automatically do not want a Kheld on the team, because they think "Oh, you'll be the first one to die." I've run the STF and MoSTF literally hundreds of times (no exagguration, really... It's my fav TF--I used to do it at least 3 times a week or more), and I've been the first to die just once. One. Uno. IMO, if you're playing a Kheld, and you find yourself dying more than "every blue moon," you're playing it wrong. And that includes my personal fav playstyle "ballz to the wall."

    That said, I actually play in human form on the STF all the way up until the very last mission (and still have no problems with the big thorn, Dr. Aion, or any other AV)... In fact, I've actually gone inside the "Security Chief" mission and had 3 Security Chiefs down before the rest of the team knew what the heck was going on... Last time I ran it, someone commented "I have a feeling that VestigeOne solos this TF, and he's just letting us tag along this time..." (haha)

    However, for the very last mission, I'll switch to my tri-form build (for nova in particular) specifically for the 4 AVs, as my human-only form becomes absolutely useless against GW and Scirroco. I've been on an STF before (and have several people who were on the team who can attest to this) where the tank was taunting Ghost Widow, and suddenly disconnected. The second I saw the "countdown sequence" appear over the tank's head, I switched to dwarf form and started taunting GW myself before she had a chance to target anyone else on the team. Thankfully, the healer was quick on her feet as well, and had several CMs on me in a matter of seconds. By the time the tank was able to get back online, we already had Ghost Widow down. That actually was the MoSTF attempt that got VestigeOne his badge... I've also been in another STF where an Ice Tank simply could not stand up to LR without going down before he could go through an entire taunt animation (was kind of funny to see, actually), so I switched to "tank mode" and taunted LR while the rest of the team (including the humiliated tank) took down the towers.

    Sorry, went off on a tangent there.... TONS of stories I could tell about the STF... LOVE that task force! It really has been one of the biggest chances I've had to show "Kheld skeptics" that we really CAN be awesome...

    "The One"
  4. I'd have to agree with Darkstar here... I almost NEVER slot procs at all for those reasons--unless it's part of a set, and the 6th set bonus is just too good to pass up (for example, 5% Psionic Defense). Then I'll slot it... Other than that... I'd sell it and profit.

    "The One"
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by PrincessDarkstar View Post
    though the AE has brought in a few people who will hit 50 without seeing them.
    Had a lvl 50 ask me yesterday where he could find some Rikti at.

    I said, "Uhhh... The Rikti War Zone?"

    He said, "Where's that at?"

    I typed in "*shakes head*....Follow me..."

    A lvl 50, mind you!


    "The One"
  6. AlienOne

    Warshade Newbie

    Originally Posted by PrincessDarkstar View Post
    They are the only badges I really go for though, that and the MoSTF which is always good to show off with
    Fo SHO! I find it especially rewarding that I can show the MoSTF on both a PB and a WS--It's the badge I'm most proud of!

    "The One"
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Toony View Post
    I also remember doing the Sara Moore TF on my scrapper and there was a cyst in the same room as Ruladak the strong.
    I've had that happen before...

    It tickled a little.

    "The One"
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Fleeting Whisper View Post
    At the same time, between super-sidekicking and being able to treat yourself as an 8-man team, the farmers now have zero reason to bother everyone else.
    Which is great for the non-farmers AND the farmers.

    "The One"
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
    However, those same people still have some crossover duties. If the animation/art/etc. people are told to give power customization priority, and the story folks need art and zone work done (say, for a Faultline treatment - and of course, they're working on GR, so there's a good bit of art to deal with,) they may be in a holding pattern there.

    I'm assuming the story folks have been told to focus on GR, myself, thus their scarcity elsewhere.
    You hit the nail on the head, as it were. The person primarily responsible for for storylines (Hero 1, I believe it is) was also a large contributor to Architect Entertainment, and as you can guess... He's had his hands full for a little while...

    "The One"
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by JDub View Post
    Well I'm a carpenter and all my friends and family are always telling me to start my own I'm hoping my unemployemnt is the motivation I needed to get out there and do it for myself. Could be a blessing in disguise.
    Now THAT'S a positive way of thinking!

    "The One"
  11. Yeah, I actually have "attempted" wide, camera arc sweeps for a video promo I put together here, but a lot of the times they weren't as smooth as I would like them to be. Plus, the closer you get to a character, the more pronounced any slight movement of the character is going to seem--so, to do a "perfect" angular arc move (best example: slo-mo bullet shot move in the first Matrix movie), it would seem you would have to enter exact commands for it--especially if you wanted to have some form of "slowing" happening when the camera gets close to a character (start fast in the distance, camera slows down considerably about 25 feet from character and finally comes to a gentle halt)...

    I see what you're saying though... Accomplishing as much as you can in-game and then just editing that is MUCH easier... I'm just trying to think in terms of doing some "character story" videos with "pro" cam moves during action scenes, rather than my *usual* "turn on Fraps and record an entire TF" way of thinking...

    If I could actually "master" the code/commands necessary for really cool cam movements like that (and many others), I'd be one step closer to creating a "live action" comic book series, without having to have a college degree in Animation, if 'ya know what I mean...(haha)

    Torroes, thnx for the detailed help you've posted as well... Since my career profession is Television & Radio broadcasting with an emphasis in video editing & videography, I have a good grasp of what you're talking about with camera movements, but not so much when it comes to entering commands into a text file to make a camera move. It's a lot different than operating a camera in r/l, that's for sure!

    "The One"
  12. AlienOne

    Warshade Newbie

    By the way, here's that video I was talkin' about in the earlier post. As you can see, Eclipse is recharged well before my previous Eclipse hit drops.

    And, no, the video is not "doctored" in any way. I can't even begin to understand how someone would be able to doctor a video with the full UI and chat bar and everything up... How would you even make it appear as if you didn't die if you did?

    I fully realize someone can edit the text file in a /demo file, but when you record a /demo file, it records it without the UI, and you can pretty much do anything you want with those files. You could one-shot Statesman with a /demo file. But, with a Fraps video recording of everything? You'd basically have to have your own special effects team to accomplish "doctoring" a video like that to look even halfway believable....


    Also, yes, we made free use of inspirations, as any *smart* player would in a "max out" situation... I was with a Spines scrapper--which, of course, "showcases the power of a scrapper" I know, Obsidian. This most definitely isn't showing any sort of surviveability for a Warshade.

    If anything, it's showing how much Warshades can suck in a "mass mob" situation, and how you can certainly have the least amount of fun in this game.


    "The One"
  13. Oh, this thread reminds me:

    If you watch my "All Kheld iTF Test Server" promo closely, you'll actually SEE a shot of 2 cysts in the same room... Shots go by fast, so you might have to freeze-frame it, but it's definitely in there...

    "The One"
  14. DEFINITELY helps! Thanks a LOT!

    So, say for example, I wanted to rotate the camera view 360 degrees around a hero while he was going through an attack animation...

    ...I would have to start out with the orignial camera positons, and then in the lines directly under that put the ending position of the camera? Or is it a lot more complicated than that with a full 360 cam move like that? Would I have to enter the new positions every 45 degrees?

    "The One"
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by SkyRocker View Post
    I do/did use Mids to kind of flesh out a character, mostly when I was going for a respec, but as far as the slotting, I'd kind of throw the sets I'd LIKE to have in there, but when it came time to actually buy the IO's I'd make a choice on what was available based on price of recipie (sp) and salvage. IF the one that I originally wanted was going for 1,000,000, well I'd pick the next best thing.
    Personally, I believe that's what any "average" gamer SHOULD do. The fact that some guys on these forums believe you should max everything "or you're a n00b player" is a bunch of Bullhockey IMO.

    Go with something that will benefit you, but don't completely break the bank to do it either... There are, after all, dozens of other ATs you can make and set out too... And that's just on one server...

    "The One"
  16. ahhhhhhhhh, ok.... That makes sense. I was talking about having perma-Eclipse. You can get a perma-Eclipse *barely* at the global recharge I previously stated, though you can definitely get an even higher global recharge than what I have right now on my WS for an "Eclipse overlap," if you're afraid of "timing issues" during a large mob fight...

    "The One"
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
    this packs the wallop of a cup of warm milk & honey served up by my dear old maiden aunt.

    Here's hoping you improve- keep being this wrong and you'll get plenty of practice at it.
    Don't forget the cookies, my man! That should fill your belly right up before you're tucked in tonight...

    "The One"
  18. AlienOne

    Warshade Newbie

    Originally Posted by LordXenite View Post
    You've hereby awarded the Obsessive Accolade. (This grants the water you wash your hands with +2 efficiency against grease! )
    LoLz. Well, though I do realize that having all the Accolades greatly benefits you, I really just haven't sat down to put the time into that. Every time I log into the game, I wind up doing yet another TF, or doing "MAX IT OUT!" test missions with my coalitions mates to test our builds against the greatest difficulties possible... By the time we find out the time of day, it's already too late to put time into doing something else before we log...

    On top of that, I've been putting a lot more time recently into putting together videos for CoX to hopefully get more of the public interested in the game... I'm also thinking of making a "comic series" based on a few of my characters, but I'm not sure as to whether or not I'll really have time to do that right now.

    I only have one "true" badger, and that's "AlienOne", but I've been slackin' with him as of late, because I just have way too much fun on my WS... haha!

    I'll get 'em eventually though... I'll just have to designate a time and a day to do it, and stick to

    "The One"
  19. AlienOne

    Kheld Videos

    ahhh, but you watched it without sound... :P When you hear the music, you'll understand why I wanted to start the video when I did... I thought about including a quick flash of video in between the titles to hold people's attention better, but I decided against it last second... I could probably add that back, but I've already begun work on 2 seperate videos...

    "The One"

    "The One"
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by PrincessDarkstar View Post
    I don't want to beat on a new person, but perma-hasten needs about 171.75% (With Hasten up) total recharge, you will be about 10-15 seconds away with your total.

    It could just be that you don't notice because 10-15 seconds isn't much, and obviously you still have >70% even when Hasten is down.

    Back on topic:

    I have had a very hectic day today so all thoughts of useful advice will have to wait until tomorrow - but I will give you a useful reply when I return!

    Here we go again.

    I currently have 146.3% Global Rech. with Hasten up according to Mids...

    ...and I have perma-Eclipse.

    Someone's numbers are wrong.

    Just recorded another video yesterday that shows Eclipse poppin' up right as the previous is droppin.

    "The One"
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
    You say ridiculous things, you catch flack for it.
    You respond to the flack with hysterics, you get more flack.

    I don't have the time or inclination to provide 'proof' for things that are self evident to any rational observer of the game. The sky is blue, water is wet- if you don't believe me, look for yourself. I don't need to write a textbook to make it true.
    "Hysterics," huh? LoL. You don't have a lot of life experience do 'ya? I don't think you know the meaning of a lot of the words you like to throw around. It's ok. Hopefully finishing school will help 'ya out in that department.

    "The One"
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Thirty_Seven View Post
    Good point Sharker. Though I don't read any anger into AlienOne's posts... more that he is having fun arguing and poking fun at Goat (right or wrong). [Edit: As I was writing this Alien confirmed my suspicion above]

    However, I think we all have to admit that Goat is not giving anything outside of his word to prove these facts, and then telling One that he is full of it for much the same reason (the fact that I think Goat happens to be right in this exchange not withstanding).
    You got me, dammit. :P

    Actually, I think Nethergoat is pretty much correct in his assumptions, regardless of whether or not he prefers to provide actual facts other than his written word... But, flingin' insults at me only encouraged me to antagonize him further...

    ...sorry. Couldn't help it.

    "The One"
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dalantia View Post
    Builds don't "remember" the state of their recharge. The power recharges completely, instantly.

    Actually, they do recharge automatically. This is why people have joked that Mission Teleport has a recharge of 15m.
    Oh, it does? I stand corrected. I must have been mistaken...Sorry 'bout that.

    Too bad not everyone can be as polite as you when correcting! That being said, I gotta go test that out right now!

    "The One"
  24. Hey, thought I'd post a link to a vid I just put together to promo an "All Kheld iTF" event on Test (as soon as it opens up to the general public)...

    Lemme know what 'ya think!

    Promo Vid

    "The One"
  25. AlienOne

    Kheld Videos

    All Kheld iTF Task Force Test Server Event promo video is now complete!

    Check it out here.

    Best watched in "HD!"

    Or, if you prefer the "real thing", you can download the 720p MPEG2 file here (right-click and "save as"):


    "The One"