So I got this shiny Achilles' Heal IO....



Posted an unusually good drop, and I thought - I'll slot that on my Peacebringer! Now I already have one in White Dwarf Flare, and I'm not ready to go on any major Wentworth's sprees to buy any, so I have just the one proc and lotsa powers to slot it in.

I spend a good amount of time in human and dwarf form, and so I had considered slotting this thing in either Solar Flare, Luminous Detonation or Glinting Eye. Glinting Eye is appealing because of the short recharge and the fact that I'm not really slotting it. (1Acc/1Dam) but the two aoe's have more chances per cast, can benefit more on the team, and the dwarf double-stomp might just be awesome if the procs line up just right.

ON THE OTHER HAND, Nova is pretty well slotted, and I could use an excuse to hop into squid form from time to time, and could slot it in bolt or detonation there.

What say you, brother and sister khelds?

The Scrappers' Guide to Dark Melee | Kheldian Binds and Strategies



Forgive this reply because it is about efficiency

I am going to ignore the low chance to proc for now and assume it has procced, against a minion that proc is worthless because you will probably be 2 shotting them anyway, against a lt the proc still isn't much cop, against a boss it works out ok, but not as good as a damage proc.

So it is only when you get to EB's or AV's that the proc actually starts to have a benefit, but even then you have to consider the 20% chance to proc and that it only lasts for 10 seconds, so over the course of an AV fight it still won't be all that effective, though better than nothing. (I remember seeing the numbers on the scrapper boards and this is correct - I will look them up if you really want)

My advice is this:

Only slot it in whatever power you would use against an AV (So maybe the Nova ST blasts if you fight them in Nova) and only slot it if you have already maxed out the damage slotting on that power.

I wouldn't bother slotting it in any AoE, because although the idea sounds good, nothing really lasts long enough for the -res to really have a chance to work.

Princess Darkstar - Proud Member of the Handprints of Union, the #1 ranked SG in Europe!
British by act of union, English by grace of God, Northern by pure good fortune!
Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post



I'd have to agree with Darkstar here... I almost NEVER slot procs at all for those reasons--unless it's part of a set, and the 6th set bonus is just too good to pass up (for example, 5% Psionic Defense). Then I'll slot it... Other than that... I'd sell it and profit.

"The One"

Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
The way you play changes your IO slotting..

76 characters and Twenty-four 50s later, I still love this game.
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Originally Posted by AlienOne View Post
I'd have to agree with Darkstar here...
Wasn't expecting that lol

The only procs I would always try and get are the purple procs because they are just great - especially in AoE's (Budget dependant of course).

Princess Darkstar - Proud Member of the Handprints of Union, the #1 ranked SG in Europe!
British by act of union, English by grace of God, Northern by pure good fortune!
Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post



I gotta say, if you've already got it in White Dwarf Flare, you probably don't need another anywhere else, unless you've got specific plans for fighting high-difficulty single targets like PrincessDarkstar said.

The reasoning for slotting it in White Dwarf Flare is that White Dwarf is good for tanking and debuffing, so it does less damage than either form can, therefore it can use the -Res debuff, even for ten seconds.

I'd probably invest in slotting the Nova Cone/AoE blasts with some +Chance for Negative damage, because quite frankly, I miss having those on Ascendantia!

I believe that a Kheldian Gold Standard should be based on SO's, and for anything above that... there's Platinum!

Save Ms. Liberty (#5349) Augmenting Peacebringers The Umbra Illuminati



Originally Posted by PrincessDarkstar View Post
I wouldn't bother slotting it in any AoE, because although the idea sounds good, nothing really lasts long enough for the -res to really have a chance to work.

The -res IO can do wonders, but only if many attacks use it. Unless you're planning to slot 2 or 3 of it on your main attack chain powers, it won't help much, even vs AVs.
On the other hand, if used on many attacks, it need a boss level opponent to start being usefull.

On a rule of thumb, using proc need at least 2 of them on a single power to be really usefull and not just a mere bonus. But only after you already have 95% damage bonus through enhancements on the same power. A well sloted aoe/pbaoe attack can be really destructive, if properly slotted while also using 2 procs.



Thanks, all, for the replies!

I'm leaning towards selling it now, based on what you've said, but I'm also considering putting it in White Dwarf Strike, which would cover two-thirds of my dwarf form attack chain, which will eventually be heavily proc'd. In another half a level when he hits 45.

But then there's the influence I could get.... meh. I'll probably sell it.

Okay, I have what I need - thanks again!

The Scrappers' Guide to Dark Melee | Kheldian Binds and Strategies



On my human-form PB, I have three or possibly four of these planned to be slotted in her fast firing single target attacks. I'd go for all five, but alas; I do not have the slots to do it and still get the set bonuses she needs.

It might not seem like much, and in a short, small fight, it isn't. But against larger groups or against AVs, this will add up.



Originally Posted by Starcloud View Post
On my human-form PB, I have three or possibly four of these planned to be slotted in her fast firing single target attacks. I'd go for all five, but alas; I do not have the slots to do it and still get the set bonuses she needs.

It might not seem like much, and in a short, small fight, it isn't. But against larger groups or against AVs, this will add up.
At the risk of getting dragged into an arguement I don't think they will work out better than a standard damage proc against anything other than AV's, simply because even bosses don't stand up long enough to get the full benefit.

Ignoring the chance to proc, lets assume it has procced on a boss, you then have 10 seconds to cause 10% extra damage, but considering a boss only have ~1500 hit points that 10% can only be 150 damage at most, even less because the first hit with that proc will likely take a chunk of hp, and even worse because the boss is unlikely to actually last the full 10 seconds.

Getting a guaranteed 70 damage straight from a proc is better against everything other than an AV.

But then you have to consider that you cannot self stack the chance for -res, but there is nothing stopping a damage proc going off every time you hit. So I would use the chance for -res as a 2nd proc only, and that is assuming you have fully slotted the rest of the power.

It is one of those times where it sounds like a nice idea, but doesn't quite pan out in practice.

Princess Darkstar - Proud Member of the Handprints of Union, the #1 ranked SG in Europe!
British by act of union, English by grace of God, Northern by pure good fortune!
Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post