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  1. [ QUOTE ]

    * Mephyt is a leccy/energy/fire blaster. Do not be concerned for her wellbeing, death is simply part of her attack chain. If she dies enough maybe the Crey Industries™ lawsuit** will go away.
    ** No comment.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    As a court appointed official in the above mentioned case I would remind th defendant that as the case is still in the process of 'private' negotians and hasn't yet entered a 'public' hearing stage that even mentioning the exictence of the case could be interpreted as a breach of faith on the defendants part. While no action will be taken by the court in this matter please be aware that this behaviour might be considered a legitamte point of contention if brought before the court by the accusers in this case.

    Oh and as an aside death is no longer considered legitamate grounds to be exempt from a court case after several rather dubious 'heroes' took out massive loans, died and attempted to prove that they where not responsible for the loan as the person who origanly took out the loan was now dead.
    The courts now take a very dim view of this sort of behaviour.
    *off the record* Yes sorry just doing my job, Crey makes me sick, hope you take him for all he's got
  2. Have you never met the Malta A sapper to put your tanker to 'sleep' and a big bot to kick your booty. Any parralels to be drawn there, well perhaps not but generic Ideas like this have been available to devs for years what makes you think they are ever going to implement your particuler take on the idea.

    Re reading this it sounds a little harsh, it really ain't meant that way but it's after midnight and I just got back from the pub so most of what I said is probably best taken with a pinch of salt.
  3. Don't know if I can succsefully describe this to you but here goes. The In game and Real world economic systems are two separate enities, now NC's new move allows those entitis too at least touch perhaps even interact to me an undesirable thing. This is the basis of my objection.
  4. Sorry it doesn't look like this is going to happen unless there is a couple more people who are interested. I've really done my best to drum up interest, other than spamming everyones PM box who is listed on the Union PVP list but then if they are into PvP they've probably already read this thread and decided not to participate, and I think cold calling people is maybe a little rude.
    Perhaps the idea I'm 'profiteering' has put people off but to be honest I had hoped to run this as a regular possibly monthly thing, expanding the idea to include highlight reels, rankings tables etc. now this would have taken me some time and effort and I didn't think anyone would really mind dropping me a couple of inf for all the organisation involved. Perhaps I was wrong.
    Anway it's not without some regret that I must say that unless there is some change in the state of play then this event is unfortunatly provisionly cancelled.
    Anyone who reckons they can stop this idea going down like a lead balloon is welcome to any profit I make Saturday thats if I can still face running it cos frankly at the moment I'm a bit bummed out by it all and really just feel like shrugging my shoulders and walking away from this but I might well feel diffrent later.
    Oh and I sincerly apoligise for any inconvience caused and If I've put you out in any way ie. you were offered a TF slot and refused it in favour of atttending and the slot is now closed or any other reason you can come up with I'm willing to pay you a mill in compo for wasting your time etc. please PM me on the boards rather than Global me ingame so I can easily verify your claim.
    Thanks again and Sorry
  5. Think I might have slightly missed the point here but anyway for a laugh

    A brief guide to Desert Island Powers or How to 'Robinson Crusoe' succsefully

    Ranged shot- This is a must if you want to eat properly IMO
    Nova- top mosquito repelent, take it, slot it, love it
    Bone smasher- a useful butchery tool, Monkey stew anyone?
    Gun drone-Just in case the US discover your hideaway is Oil rich
    Bonfire-Kinda a must have for me
    Flash freeze- For quick freezing of food, keeps the flavour in better than most other things
    Phantom army- for those nights when your lonely and you want to amuse yourself with your imaginary mates and go crab stomping.
    Thunderous Blast-fishing was never so easy
    Force bubble- better known as shark repelant, going for a dip just wouldn't be the same without
    Snow storm- To power your walk in freezer, Kinda End hungry but worth it
    Eagles claw- Some people love it some people hate it but for me there is no better protection from them pesky Gorillas, I've one shotted +8 Silver back bosses with this, properly slotted of course
    Resist Elements-Mother nature can be a fierce enemy, don't take this one an everyone will think you are a total n00b sorry.
    Dull pain-great for when you stub you toe a must have IMHO
    Instant healing-does what it says on the tin (I hope)
    Blazing Aura-Altenate Mosquito repelant don't like it myself has a nasty tendency to singe everything
    Heightened Senses- Staying on the ball is ever important if you miss out on this then you'll be missing a lot of the real 'Robinson Cruosing' experience, hardcore players have been known to use this power all night so the irritating insect noise fills there 'Madness' bar quicker, this is definetly not adviced for the less experienced, in fact if your new to the whole 'Madness' bar thing I'd just forget about it for now let it do it's thing, it takes a fair amount of experience to safely influnce it in any real way, and the number of n00bs who've just run into a group of red conned gorillas trying to hug them all thinking they where back home having a tearful reunion with there family is frankly just horrific. *mini rant* The devs IMHO need to take a serious look at madness it is so seriuosly gimped that it's unbelievable. Just my 0.02 inf worth though. */mini rant*
    Chop- a good solid tool for your woodsmans duties. Another must have if you are at all serious.
    Inferno- A bit of a luxury this one take it if you can fit it into your build, Can also be used as an alternative to Nove but has same problems as blazing aura in that respect, but if you can squeeze it in the Kentuky Fried Seagull is to die for!

    Remember Slotting is all important I won't assume to go into the in and outs here but proper slotting especially invention sets can seriosly effect your ability to 'Robinson Crusoe' properly

    All power pools are kinda optional but be careful Travel powers are considered anathema to any serious 'Robinson Cruesoer' if you get spotted with one in your build you could be in for some pretty heavy derision, you have been warned, hardcore 'Robinson Cruosers' take it all very seriously you know..
  6. Yes Echo nuff props for the 'behind the scenes' mate
  7. [ QUOTE ]
    So, how, exactly, does making it easier to respec hurt the game at all, again?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    It doesn't at all my issue is the money factor being involved if you want people to be able to respac more just drop them more frequently the WW market will crash and everyone will be happy.
  8. Hopefully managed to arrange a TS server for the night.
    Also as only about half a dozen have shown any interest I'll probably just wave entrance fees and pay prizes out of my own pocket. Shame really was kinda hoping I could get a bit of a regular thing going, have a bit of a buzz, a well I'm sure some other scheme or plan will pop up in my somewhat over active imagination soon.
  9. You make an interesting point Night and I'm sure these questions may well be some of the most hotly debated in the development of this 'new' art form. But as I see it how it stands the premise we all accepted when we enrolled is that to achieve something in game takes time and effort, NC even seem to object to gold sellers/item sellers/PL for cash I'm pretty sure it is considered a breach of EULA. Now they have abandoded that premise and allowed people to influence, however indirectly (or through loopholes they may not have seen) , the in game economy. This seems to me the first step on a slippery slope to somewhere I don't know I'd be entirely happy going. Perhaps the MMO of the future will accept cash or time as equally valuable inputs though the whole process of balancing that opens up a whole new nightmare.
    For my part I'm just not happy with what NC have done here, it seems to set a nasty precedent given what I perceive to be there premise, Cash should not equate to in-game reward.
    There assertions that others should not trade cash for in-game reward also seems to be weakened by this move. Or are they preparing us for the day when you can 'Pimp' out your toon for £50 who knows.
    Well thats my 0.02 inf worth or 0.000002 pence worth at current exchange rate!
  10. The rewards would have too be good on the night for me too give up my yearly chance to go to the local pub do in drag. Erm perhaps I've said too much
  11. Ok yes, totally failed to notice the distiction myself
  12. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]

    Or let me give you a slightly more obscure example. Now for the sake of arguement I have made a deal with my dancing friend ( who Dave tends to love what you loathe the most ) that whoever completes this respec TF and chooses a recipe gets a LOTG 7.5, now both are charecters need respecs but I having forked out my £6 can choose a recipe anyone who didn't and needs to choose the respec has missed out!
    In fact through an easily workable exploit you may as well say NC will sell you inf at a rate of £1/mill!!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Ok, for starters you can't even get a LOTG +recharge from a respec trial if I remember correctly. You may get a recipe worth 5k while someone who paid nothing gets a respec... Who's the bunny then, huh?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I thought all TF's pulled from the same pool, I could be wrong it was merely a hypothetical situations

    On the second point your right kinda remind of the famous financial phrase 'Investments can go down as well as up'

    As far as your question goes 'Bugs' init
  13. Ok for those who don't believe 1 respec=20mil gained

    Toon 1- 20 mil to start - buy respec £6 - 20 mill at end
    Toom 2- 20 mil to start - but respec 20 mil - 0 at end

    So therefore there is a diffrence made in the economic wealth of a charecter through an input of cash.

    Or let me give you a slightly more obscure example. Now for the sake of arguement I have made a deal with my dancing friend ( who Dave tends to love what you loathe the most ) that whoever completes this respec TF and chooses a recipe gets a LOTG 7.5, now both are charecters need respecs but I having forked out my £6 can choose a recipe anyone who didn't and needs to choose the respec has missed out!
    In fact through an easily workable exploit you may as well say NC will sell you inf at a rate of £1/mill!!
  14. Mother you made spray my water all over my keyboard.
  15. 'kthx' in a nice way.
    Surely as a respec, if you ran out would cost u, 20 mill then by paying £6 you have gained 20 mil , No? surely an ingame benefit.
    And forsaken I'm sure I've seen someone just change there global, isn't that a better way to hide if you just want to be abusive?
  16. kthxbai
    Can anyone interpert for me please?
  17. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    It's just the idea of buying a piece of software then being charged to use it's features.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I agree with Slitty. That's REALLY close to trolling.

    You see... you bought CoX... and now you pay a fee to use its features... So, enquiring minds will wonder, why the heck are you playing the game if you don't like to pay for it?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Being a bit a a forum Noob I don't really understand your reference to 'Trolling'

    I don't object to paying my subs don't get me wrong but paying for ingame rewards, or a rename function is IMO over the top.
  18. It's just the idea of buying a piece of software then being charged to use it's features. What if windows had said in a jolly old micropayment type way ok 1p/per file op/per Mb or what if next time you open Photoshop and want to print a photo and it comes up with a dialogue 'Thats 1280*960 by 16 million that'll be £3.50 please.' what if your mouse software charged you 0.5p per cm moved on screen plus 0.25p per click.

    'The future is dark the future is a nasty bluey/grey colour'

    As I say 'Dance with the Devil etc..
  19. OK Stundoff (sorry an error appears to have occured in the saving of your name to my memory, pay me a fiver and I'm sure I can rectify it for u, just joking mate ) my Alphane series are all named Alphane Mk.3-6 except being a bit of a dumb a** ones called Alphane MK.5 and one is Alpahne Mk. 6 no acording to NC it's gonna cost me £12 for those 2 typos something that they could fix for free. Are they ever going to see that £12, I very much doubt it!
  20. Hey mate you want to pay cos u typed Standuff instead of Standoff and didn't notice thats up to u mate, I don't and frankly don't want u 2 either.
    And as the box contains 1 month play plus 12 slots for about a tenner yes I do think their prices are relativly expansive. If you consider the month play a freebie to buy as many additional slots would cost me 3* as much. Like if I ran a pub and sold u a beer for £2 pound, you liked the pub and decided to stay for another and I charged you £6 for any more you wanted you'd laugh and walk out (at least I would).
    Personally I see this as the start of a slippery slope of in game rewards for cash something I know other people do but I don't agree with but basically I ain't no capitalist and IMO 'Dance with the Devil and the Devil calls the tune'
  21. /Rant

    I am appalled.
    1. I thought new charecter slots were way overpriced, for a £10 box set that gives you 12 slots, 5 slots for a tenner is a joke and I don't even get a free game!
    2. 5.99 for a server transfer. WHAT!! Wish someone would pay me that everytime I do a copy/paste. I imagine rename tokens are also grossly overpriced for the privilige of a server search and file change.
    3. £6 one respec OMG what a rip off. Considering with careful planning and a little reasearch you can pretty much get by not respeccing at all, respecs could be seen as for those who have made some sort of mistake (like thpught handclap sounded fun but couldn't stand the flaming!) then NC are actually charging us for our mistakes. Now does that take the mic or what.
    4. What does this mean for the policy of providing respecs at issue for those who powersets have been changed will that continue or not as it's now another way to line NC's pockets.
    You see this all works on IMO one of the more explotative 'laws' of economics that no matter what it cost for the product to be produced if people want it enough they will pay rediculous amounts in comparison. That's it NC grab em by the dangley bits and squeeze see how long they put up with it, kinda short term vision isn't it.
    Hey don't get me wrong some people might love it some people might hate it (like me obviously) but IMO that non of us even knew it was on the horizon is another big black mark in NC's community realtions scorebook. Consulation???, people only found out because of a mistake NC made, WOW now that is slick PR.
    And as hopefuly a final stake in this commercial vampires heart. I really cannot believe after all the problems NC had with gold sellers they start selling in game rewards for cash. Oh the irony!!!!
    Whats next Purple recipes £10 a pop????

    / end Rant

    *Tabs to Ebay to searchs for COX respecs £3 each*
  22. Possibly my SR is sub 20 so have never done Katie with him.
  23. Pretty sure it's End drain that causes the detoggling but I'm not entirely sure if it's Katie or her buddies.
  24. Cheers for the response folks, we should have enough people coming to run a couple of rounds. Don't forget to tell your friends, tell your family, your neighbours, tell fred down the pub hell even tell your enemies, give you a chance to settle some scores.
    And if anyone would be good enough to repost my first post on there SG forums if they think anyone might be interested it would be much appreiciated.
    The more the merrier
  25. Alphane

    Coloured light

    Right cheers just totally failed to notice that tab.