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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by AllYourBase View Post
    I think it's technically, "nothing can accelerate past 1c in normal space-time."
    Relativity forbids objects with mass moving at the speed of light in a vacuum (the laws of physics also forbit all massless objects from moving at anything other than the speed of light in a vacuum).

    The mass-energy equations of special relativity suggest that any attempt to try to accelerate an object with mass to the speed of light would require unbounded (infinite) energy.

    The equations of physics generate ill-defined results for mass objects moving at *higher* than the speed of light which is often a sign that those equations are incomplete.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by houtex View Post
    If the bubble is *started moving* at 10c... then the field collapses
    How exactly does a gravitational wave "collapse?"

    The problem with this form of propulsion is not that it requires energy to keep moving: my understanding is you only need enough energy to set the wave in motion. The problem is I don't know if anyone has determined a method for exiting the bubble once it starts moving from the inside.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by B_L_Angel View Post
    There's 12 ATs. There was room for easy mode brutes/scrappers,controllers,doms, normal mode veats,corruptors, dominators,controllers, stalkers, tanks, defenders, and hard mode Heats and Blasters.
    That's like saying there was room for bugs of different degrees.

    The data showed there were two kinds of ATs. Controllers, Defenders, Scrappers, Brutes, Tankers, Stalkers, Corruptors, Masterminds, Peacebringers, Warshades, Soldiers, Widows, and Dominators were the first type. They all had relatively comparable average reward earning rates, leveling rates, solo and teaming performance, when averaged across the entire playerbase.

    The second type was composed of Blasters. If Blasters were at one end of a continuous range of performance, that theory might at least have some basis in fact. But in fact, every archetype had powerset combinations that in general clustered around the average while blasters uniquely had all of its powerset combinations clustering far away from the average. The reasons for that are complex, but also completely irrelevant.
  4. Aloha Andy. For what its worth, I think you've been the most engaged, most energized, most entertaining community manager in the long history of this game, and I would say more but I'm running out of my quota of E's.

    You deserve the break; enjoy it while you can. And by all means, shoot me an email if you can to let me know where you land. Where ever that may be, I'm certain it will be worth spending some time there.

  5. So, why is this feature interesting? Lots of reasons, but here's one in particular:

    So here I am chilling in an old school Hami raid, which I used to demorecord a lot. The old school raids where after you cleared the mitos you used to just stand around waiting. And waiting. And waiting.

    I wonder what was going on while I was just standing around waiting...

    Huh. Hey, is that the rally rock way back there?

    Why yes it is.

    Sorry for the jerky movement: I use inverted-y mouse control, but demorecord apparently doesn't.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by PowerStream View Post
    Yes I considered it VERY seriously. But I kept being told no..

    I guess it would have helped if had had been a dev and not just a player...
    Given Matt's view on the subject, probably not.
  7. Arcanaville

    Good news all..

    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    It's surprising to me that there seem to be people who specifically go looking for instances of people being hopeful, happy or at least satisfied with the situation with the express purpose of "tempering expectations." And I don't get that.
    These are people on the internet Sam, you have to temper your expectations.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
    I was wondering if the beta client would be the thing we should be playing demos into the future with.
    You have to be a little careful about playing very old demos with very new clients because sometimes the animation names change, and then the entities don't do anything. Or sometimes they join the Ice Capades:

    That is being played back with the camera repositioned, by the way.

    Man, I24 (and I25 after) feels like we were about to discover the fountain of youth, with a tree growing on it that had a never-ending supply of fruit that tasted like whatever you were in a mood for. And then a crevasse opened in the earth and swallowed us all...
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by LadyGrimrose View Post
    "Welcome aboard, good luck finding a group flunkie"
    One thing internet denizens in general tend to lack is any sense of irony.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Black Pebble View Post
    Rhymes with "Detached Camera Control."
    Holy **** that actually works in beta.

    Holy **** it works on older demorecords.

    You didn't think it would take me that long to figure out F2.
  11. Well, work got in the way of making much progress today. I basically finished the class functions for storing and retrieving attribute aspects and handling metered attributes (i.e. the first 24).

    So instead, I'll just leave this as an example of why I love my job so very very much:

    Riddle: is this upgrade completed, or not completed?

    I should point out that this series of messages comes up basically all at once, without any human intervention whatsoever. The user isn't doing anything in between those lines of display. I like to call this Schrodinger's upgrade.

    Incidentally, that upgrade actually failed.
  12. Arcanaville


    Originally Posted by Slaunyeh View Post
    So, the United States is the only functional democracy in the world?
    I'm going to assume that's a rhetorical question with extremely poor aim.
  13. Arcanaville


    Originally Posted by That_Ninja View Post
    Sparta also had a 20:1 slave to citizen ratio and it's not like any of them got to vote. Electing officials to decide issues is not a real democracy, having the citizens directly vote on it is, which would be a disaster for many reasons (mob rules, demagogues, etc).
    There's a story about the populace of Athens voting to having someone executed in defiance of the law, and after they were put to death when it was determined the evidence against them was false, they decided to rectify that by voting to have the people who originally accused the person executed, again in defiance of the law.

    You couldn't have found a less palatable bunch of poster boys for democracy than the Athenians back in the day if you hired the same ad agency responsible for all those "The King" Burger King commercials.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by American_Knight View Post
    Echoing what the president has said in the past about not letting a crisis go to waste, how can one make real money from the death of this game?
    Bet someone a lot of money they can't tell you how many superhero-based MMOs there are, and tell them you'll settle up with them on December 1.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Evil_Legacy View Post
    Thought the Japanese did that.
  16. Arcanaville


    Originally Posted by Redlynne View Post
    Of all places ... SPARTA.

    Sparta wasn't a direct democracy in the sense that Athens was, and it definitely had strains of monarchy and oligarchy running through it ... so Sparta might not be the sort of "ideal" democracy/republic you'd want to replicate today. But Sparta maintained stability as a city-state for something on the order of over 600 years(!) ... until they had their economic support cut out from under them (by their rivals "freeing" and empowering their slave populations of Helots to rise up and overthrow their Spartan overlords). Indeed, many of the conventions of how government should be structured that went into The Constitution were not based on Athenian democracy, but rather upon the longstanding stability of Sparta.
    The American founding fathers took significant inspiration from Sparta, but only broadly. Sparta wasn't just kind of like an oligarchy, it was a genuine oligarchy with almost no democratic aspects at all. It wasn't just politically non-democratic, it wasn't even socially democratic.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Black Pebble View Post
    Sorry, Bus Control and Bus Blasting were not on the list.
    Bus Control was too interruptible.

    Yeah, I went there.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DustyFarrell View Post
    The game has been removed from the public portion of the PlayNC website even though the "News" does not yet contain an official announcement. The "CoH News" does, but the main news feed does not. However, removing the game in favor of "Blade and Soul" indicates to me that NC Soft has already decided that CoH is going away and those resources will be moved to promoting and serving "Blade and Soul".
    I think you need to realize that decision was made in August. Anything that might be happening right now involves reversing that decision, not preventing it. Everything that happens from September 1 to November 30 will happen because the decision has been *made* to shut the game down. That's not theoretical, that's history.

    Seeing the process of disconnecting and deleting aspects of City of Heroes should not in any way alter anyone enthusiasm or hope that the game can be changed, since the single largest event short of server shutdown has already happened: (essentially) all the Paragon Studios employees were terminated. I don't know why anyone would be thinking to themselves "I know it was bad when they fired all the developers and shut down the studio, but now that I see them remove us from the website I know its really over."
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Black Pebble View Post
    You're missing about 4 really obvious ones, most of which were expansions or modifications of what had been seen so far.

    EDIT: Hints. Tanker, Controller, Dominator, Blaster.
    I couldn't wait to roll that Plant tanker, even with all the rooting.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
    To this day, I for some reason remember what IMDB informs me was the episode "Jouney to Oasis". I remember very little about the episode except for a disembodied voice warning the characters to "Beware of Ezerhaaden!", and a floating sword.
    Its kind of hard to forget the part where Spock's father yanks off his own head.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Another_Fan View Post
    I am sorry but if everybody is satisfied, that is the ultimate reason not to make a change.
    That's actually true. But of course, many people do care about performance to some degree, which is what makes performance balancing important. Just not preeminent.
  22. Arcanaville


    Originally Posted by Nihilii View Post
    Fair enough. Gloves off, then.

    USA did not invent democracy, and can hardly be called one before 1965, compared to other actual democratic countries of the time. Even after that, it's very arguable whether it is one or not, as its political system is deeply flawed, relying on indirect voting even for presidential elections. Lobbying is omnipresent. Corporations have more power than people. Being able to lay off an entire developer team from one day to another isn't an example of a "successful democracy" to anyone who hasn't lived isolated from the rest of the world.

    You're right in saying the truth hurts. It is painful to see yet another demonstration of american arrogance and ignorance, so widespread even someone at a relatively high ranking job like Matt Miller can make statements any sixth grader in educated countries would know to be wrong on a fundamental level. Particulary ironic to see that statement being made in the context of a fictional place set in the Antiquity setting, considering democracy originates from Ancient Greece.
    You were doing well up to this point:

    being able to lay off an entire developer team from one day to another isn't an example of a 'successful democracy' to anyone who hasn't lived isolated from the rest of the world
    As even Matt explicitly states in the text you quote, the United States is not a literal democracy, but a republic. In fact, many of the founding fathers explicitly distrusted direct democracies, equating them to mob rule.

    It is nevertheless true that long-term stable democracies of any kind are historically rare, and ones that are used as role models for emulation even rarer. In fact, if you scratch all the current stable democracies that derive from British colonies or are explicit emulations of British parliamentary rule, you're left with a very sparce remainder, none of which are used as models for other democracies that I'm aware of (at least, not yet). Matt's statement is highly parochial, but there is a kernel of truth to it.

    True stable democracies are mostly an 18th and 19th century invention for all but certain limited cases, and successful ones that maintain their integrity outside of isolation are almost entirely a 19th and 20th century invention. Even Athens was not an entirely stable democracy historically. Its more precise to call it an experimental democracy, and one that was not considered an especially good role model for other countries to follow precisely because of its experimental and shifting nature (among other reasons).

    I would say there has only been one actual stable really successful long-term democratic system, and that's the British Parliamentary system. Its been long-lived, it has served as the model for a large number of other democratic systems, and its most radical inspirational departure is probably the United States itself which is also a successful long term democracy. You'd be hard-pressed to name another system that is reasonably democratic, stable, long-lived, and successful in terms of both maintaining its integrity outside of isolation and replicating any significant part of itself outside its own origin.

    Switzerland is certainly both stable and approaching the two century mark in longevity; maybe in another century or two it might become the model for other democracies, although I'm skeptical at the moment. Switzerland seems to be one of those exceptional exceptions throughout history.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Another_Fan View Post
    Well I wouldn't say customization is unquantifiable. Blasters certainly had considerably more customizability than say Epic ATs. You could argue about the specific amount but all of our ATs with the exception of the epics had an incredible degree of customizability. The intangible factors only really come into play when they are desired but unavailable, and others have them. Crabs without the pack would be an example.
    I suppose everything is quantifiable if in no other sense than the amount of FTEs it took to implement or the number of options the game presents of that category. But what I meant was that the enjoyment of customization itself wasn't quantifiable, contrasting the poster in question who was arguing that enjoying performance is quantifiable by using the performance numbers themselves as a proxy for quantifying enjoyment. That, I believe, is nonsensical.
  24. Arcanaville

    Good news all..

    Originally Posted by SuperOz View Post
    And in spite of all of this, there's very little consideration for any changeover date, the impact of lost servers and a lost playerbase (people may be staying on, but a lot of people have also left) and also people who may or may not accept job offers in the interim.

    I am not so invested or selfish or foolish enough to think that industry professionals such as the team at Paragon Studios will not seek other employment; to ask people not to put food on the table for ones family is a little hypocritical in my book.

    All I'm asking is for people to look at the situation a little pragmatically and a little realistically. It's not a matter of flipping a switch and magically playing again come December 1st. If the game comes back, and I expect it very unlikely at best to be under an NCSoft banner, there will be a lag time to put together a new infrastructure. And Paragon Studios may not have significant things such as the core game engine. These are not flights of fancy; these are realities that will and may be as I type this, negotiating points between the parties.

    So yes, remain hopeful, but also give a little thought about just what going out from under the umbrella of one publisher to another or even more significantly on their own means in real-world terms. Because this game will not return magically as it stands now. Things have and will change between now and the end of November.
    When someone is dying you focus on saving their life first, not dwelling on the medical bills and recuperative therapy. There will be plenty of time to give thought to what happens after the game is saved, if its saved.

    If you want people to think realistically, then realistically the odds of the game being saved in any manner whatsoever are pretty low. But then again, the odds of actually saving someone's life through CPR are pretty low also.
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Star Ranger 4 View Post
    No, its a sociological truth. Go look it up sometime. Its called the Middle kingdom syndrome, and its been seen in behaviors of both the Japaneese, Chineese, and Korean peoples.
    I thought the "who cares what others think" thing was an internet people thing.