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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by White Hot Flash View Post
    Question for those who consider themselves Base Builders (rather than those who just threw together a functional base and haven't touched it since. I fall under this category, though with more tools and more variety I would be happy to be included in the designers category):

    Any of you show up to a Con where Devs were present and try to talk about these things? HeroCon, PAX? Anything?. Sending PMs and missives and creating reams of threads pointing to other threads doesn't seem to be working. Any of you trying to communicate in person?

    Base Builders aren't the most ignored/abused/whatever you want to call it group in the game. Ask a PvPer how they feel about the attention they got recently. I'm sure they'd gladly change positions with you. Ask the people who use the Architect regularly and have to make change after change to their arcs due to exploit fixes and other things. I'm sure they'd love to be ignored rather than have to constantly be editing arcs to keep them playable. Careful what you wish for.

    That being said, keep calling attention to what would be good for the Base Building community (and even better, for those who might wish to join that group, but are put off by the learning curve), but keep the demands and the entitled attitude to a minimum. You might get further with the Devs that way.
    PVPers get tons of attention, friend, compared to bases. JEven though base raids are gone, they have added other things, like tweaking archetypes, adding special PVP recipes and even adding a second build to each toon so that they can switch between PVP and Missions builds.
  2. As the Superleader (which I renamed to Founder) I was working on my base and deleted a large glass SG logo.

    Next thing I know, I'm kicked from the base. Can't get back in.

    I open my SG Window, and I am no longer in the supergroup.

    Thankfully, I had the SL go to an alt, and I used a second account to transfer leadership back.

    However, I had over 4 million Prestige next to my name before this happened. I know the sg won't lose it...BUT I sure will miss it

    I bought 20,000 prestige just to remove the zero from my name in the sg window.

    I have no idea if this is an isolated case, but I really, really hope it never happens to anyone else. I could have easily lost control of the SG.
  3. Bumping this thread, because it's just as important as the one I created.

    Devs, please sticky this.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
    Indeed. Most of us have better manners.
    Okay then, friend. Make the case for us. Don't just leave a sentence denouncing me.

    State your feelings and present the need for changes in your own way. This is your opportunity.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Fire_Away View Post
    What will help then? Another list? A rep who is a player? Cause I am not seeing that as much of a solution either. I'm dead serious. Been looking for the key that will unlock the communications/development barrier we have faced for some time now.

    I don't even agree with the OP that the priority is more decorative ability... but I do share OP's sense of frustration. Compare the dedicated resources to bases to say AE (another niche community... the difference being AE is a dev favorite). Something is wrong with how we continue to be treated.

    A whole issue? Probably not doable. But some real communications and positive action... that would be nice for a change.
    Well said, fellow Base Builder.

    As to the rest, I may not have gone about stating the case in the way you would, but I believe you share the same frustrations but leave them unsaid.

    Base Builders are a much bigger part of the population than you think.

    And besides, I didn't suggest they make it an immediate Issue...I suggested it as a long term idea.

    And even if they did, it doesn't mean that would be the only thing in said Issue update.

    As Lady Arete said:
    I asked in the Devs meet at test the 28th...
    If we could see an update of items in the base editor. For there are many items in missions etc that are not included in the base editor. It would be easy (I believe) to add them...

    Did not get an answer... many of us feel as though our voices go unheard? We are treated as though we are not worthy of answers, are we not?

    I'll say this: The only way to be heard is to shout loud enough to be heard over the other groups that are yelling for things.

    So long as we hold an "I would rather see content updates..." attitude, bases will never get the attention they need.

    I'm not here suggesting a boycott or some sort of protest. I'm using the tool (forum) we get by paying to play the game to voice mine frustrations and to give a central location for other Base Builders to speak up.

    No one says we have to each do it the same way. But as long as we speak up together, we have a greater chance of being heard.

    Turbo is attempting to get things done in a different way, and I respect him for that. I really respect him for it. And I hope he attains success. I'll certainy be supporting him in the endeavor.

    I'm certainly not trying to convince people to join me in a cause and support my method over his. I plan on trying every method I can, including supporting his way as well.

    The more angles we come at this, the more volume there is on the topic, and sooner or later, it topic will have to be noticed.

    Sooner or later, red names will have to speak up.

    And also, I want to be clear. This is not a personal attack on any of the developers. As I've already said, we love this game and are loyal to it. But in all honesty, can anyone say the Devs show the same loyalty to the Base Building community in return?

    Perhaps the Devs just have not made it a point of interest because the protest isn't loud enough.

    I'm not suggesting a rebellion. I'm just saying that we, as Base Builders, need to put aside our fears that if we speak up, they'll take away things like they did to the Base Raiders. Call it fear, call it cautionary reluctance. Whatever.

    But as paid subscribers, we have a right to voice any and all frustrations and make ourselves be heard.

    As I said, this isn't an attack. It's an open and honest expression of how I feel, and it's a thread for others to voice how they also feel slighted in regard to base building.

    The Developers understand this. I have been here since launch, as have many, many Base Builders. Heck, a thread I started is stickied at the top of this forum section because it is one of the hottest topics on the forums.

    They will see this for what it is...the expression of frustration on the part of one or more Base Builders. And maybe...just maybe...the right Dev will say "You know what? Maybe we do need to give them more attention. Maybe I should bering it up at the next meeting."

    You just never know.
  6. Always, we Base Builders hold back, because we live under the fear that if we speak up, the developers will take things away from us.

    How much power are you willing to let them wield over you?

    Is anything I said above NOT true? Anything?

    Because I noticed you did not speak against any of my points.

    And as a subscriber to the game...yes, we do deserve special treatment. Especially since we are the most neglected faction in the game.
  7. Also, I encourage people to post pics of items they've seen in maps that would be nice to be added to bases.
  8. The below post was written over a year ago. Have we seen ANYTHING happen for bases since? Nope.

    And the same is true for the last half decade. Wake up people.

    I said it before, I'll say it again...the devs do not give a rip about base builders, and could care less if we even left the game.

    It's been a year and not one developer or red name responded in this thread. The thread started strong, as intended, and became a solid discussion.

    They could have taken a moment at anytime in the past 383 DAYS to say "We hear you, and we are working on it."

    But nothing. We have been protesting for nearly half a decade.

    Anyway...see my latest comments HERE

    - American Angel

    Dear Developers, please don't take insult at the following letter, but rather take it as an example of the frustrastions in the Base Building community and the need for our group of subscribers to be taken seriously.

    Although many may not express themselves in the same way, the actual frustrations are mostly the same:

    We base builders have been abused long enough. Yes...abused. Neglect is a kind of abuse, is it not?

    We have long been begging...pleading...for attention to bases, yet all you have done (aside from changing the pathing rules & giving us individual permissions on storage) is remove or change features we actually needed.

    - Transparent Glass
    - Double Doors

    Now, I find it hard to believe that removing those two features was in order to "improve the game experience". Yet, you took away two very important features.

    - Beaker Racks
    - Slow Fields textures

    You totally wasted time and effort putting beakers on the beaker option that could have been added simply by making it stackable so we could make it optional. Ultra mode has messed up the only option we have for water, making it appear butt-ugly now...and only those with high-end video cards even report an attractive change to it (looks like "ice" now). Otherwise it looks like dirty, pixelated water, even on the new low settings.

    For too long, we base builders have been neglected. Did you consider that one of the reasons we still play the game is because of the base building? Because we have the ability to express ourselves artistically in the game?

    We Base Builders are a very real population of this game. We have voices and we wish to be heard. Yet, time after time, you ignore us. Once every few issues, you toss us a crumb, and that's supposed to satisfy us? How long are we expected to tolerate paying for this sort of treatment?

    We love this game, and whether you realize it or not, Base Builders are a group of some of your most loyal subscribers. But how much longer are we expected to be scorned or neglected?

    You need to show us you care.

    We need an entire issue devoted to bases added to your long-term plans, and we need some short-term changes as well.

    In the short-term, you can:
    - Give us back Double Doors
    - Give us transparent glass
    - Give us an empty beaker rack
    - Give us a 1/4 tile of water

    Any of these can be readded easily, as the coding is already there. This should be done immediately to show us that you hear our plea's and we are not just voices crying in the wind.

    In the long term, we need you to commit to an entire issue for Base Builders needs. A complete upgrade to bases:
    - Give us all of the items in maps for bases
    - Make the Supercomputer into an SG/Coalition only AE system

    I'm sure my fellow Base Builders will chime in and mention other features we want to see in a base builders issue. Heck, we'll even come up with names for the issue!

    How about: "No Place Like Home"?

    As I said above...we are loyal, dedicated players that love this game.

    Have you considered that our talents are part of the reason other players play the game? Have you considered the reactions of players when they see our artistic creations and are in awe?

    We Base Builders contribute to the future of this game. Acknowledge that, and give us our due.

    Thank you,
    American Angel (all servers; Primary is Freedom)

    If you other Base Builders and players support this post, please say so, and add your voice to the call for attention. Stop the neglect. Speak, not out of fear of the Devs taking more things away...for we need to be heard.

    (Please sticky this thread)

    I also draw attention to Turbo_Starr's thread:
  9. Both of their animations are messed up. Just a heads up.
  10. Someone just told me it's levels 25-27?????

    That's crap. It should be all levels. So I guess I have to try Ouroboros?
  11. On my main toon, on freedom, I have completed ALL of my regular contacts. He is level 50.

    Nothing I do gives me the new contacts to fight the evil twin.

    I tried goign to talos. I tried radio mission in PI (gives no new contacts).

    Anyone know a workaround to get the contact and do my missions?

    Devs, you really need more content for 50s!
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nitra View Post
    I had the same thing happen on test while I was using an ATI 5570. The Water effect looked very dark, so what I did was lower the water effect to low and it looked normal again. I have since traded that card for a 9800 gt and it looks fine on all modes.

    Hope this helps
    I have a Geoforce 9400 GT 1 gigabyte card...and I tried lowering the looks like it's trying to fix the issue, but it is so transparent you can barely see the field.

    Dear's time to give us simple water, at least in single 1/4 tile squares.
  13. I just watched the i17 video and it said we can battle our Doppleganger?

    How do we do this???
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Beber View Post
    The problem is that once you got the "Stop spamming the market you n00b!" message (I don't how what it is in english), buttons will stay grayed until you restart the game.

    The funny thing is that you'll be able to purchase things using the "Enter" key, but you won't be able to click the "Get Item" or "Set an offer", etc... (once again, I don't know the english names for those buttons).
    If that's the cause, it's malfunctioning, because I didn't spam anything. It was hte first thing I searched for and place a bid on.
  15. Partial phrases showing up in following typed text:

    Like if I type "Hi lovely lady"

    It shows up as "Hi lovel"

    Then next typed thing shows as "y ladyHow are you?"

    Just a heads up.
  16. Hard reboot fixed the issue. Now to try another purchase...

    ...everything seems to be functioning now.

    Another bug found though. When I search for enhancements by name, the recipes show up also.
  17. Just did a hard reboot to see if it works.
  18. Okay, on Freedom Server, I went to wentworths to make my Ragnarok.

    I needed some salvage, first of which was a Bleeding Stone. Fine. I place the bid.

    Instant purchase.

    But suddenly every "Get" button in my window is grayed out...non-clickable.

    So I leave WW and reneter...still grayed out. Zoned into base and back out, went to WW...still grayed out.

    That's right, ladies and gents...I cannot get anything out of my WW window now.

    I bugged it ingame, but this is a HUGE bug.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mirage_Maker View Post

    I tried this and it didnt work. When I look under the base, the section of the wall I cant move looks solid, I cant see through it like all the other pieces in the base.
    This is easy to fix. Stand next to the wall with your back to it. Roll your mouse wheel backward to see inside the wall and simply click on the item. Sometimes you might have to drag and drop it to another room.
  20. Same issue in Ultra Mode. At least while in Atlas or my base. Didn't try other zones.

    FYI, the other older settings no longer look like they use to. Ultra Mode has affected everything across the board, it seems.
  21. Add my mission title to the list:

    "Defeat BOSS_NAME and Guards Peregrine Island"

    And the Slow Fields no longer look like water. They are pixelated.
  22. Did you see how they look floating? Are you having the same issue?

    Another Bug: my mission title now says " Defeat BOSS_NAME and Guards Peregrine Isla"
  23. Nvidia 9400 GT 1 GB

    Water outside the base looks's just hte slow fields that are messed up.

    And I just spent time trying to tweak the settings.

    If you want to keep the particles in base, you cannot turn Character quality to low, or it messes up global particles (the slow fields disappear).
  24. The effect of creating water with Slow Fields is no messed up in Ultra Mode.

    The surface is pixelated and looks dirty. The old way looked much better.
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
    How about "Can we get going with the overall base editor revamp that will give us more freedom and choices in general" while we're at it? I want hallways I can just drag a length for, not workshops or "secure corridors" in a non PVP base.
    I want paper-thin walls. I really don't need ten feet of cement, steel, gravel, etc. between them.
    I want rooms that touch at the corners.
    I want to be able to place a room wherever I want in relation to another room, THEN select the doorway, not have a perfectly legitimate placement denied because of the "default" doorway being blocked (even if there's a spot 1-2 blocks down that's fine.)
    I want to be able to convert a room "in place" to a larger version of the same, just paying the cost difference (which we do now, really.)
    I want a holding area for crafted items (typically teleporters) when I have to delete a room and recreate it (usually because of the "larger version" actually.)
    And I'm happy to throw "wider hallways" onto the list.

    Need a "Base love" issue. >.>
    Well shoot...I agree...but I figured asking for something that was recently actually in the game might get some sort of results.

    And to your list, I would add Octogonal-shaped and round rooms, along with the ability to click and drag the corners of an object for 360 degree angles.