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  1. AkuTenshiiZero

    Larger doorways?

    I remember at one point seeing a guide on how to place the single-square doorways adjacent to each other, effectively making a room look much larger by preventing the bottleneck created by doorways. Unfortunately, it was a long time ago and I can't seem to locate the guide...

    Halp? If anyone has a link to such a guide, it would be much appreciated.
  2. Considdering that this issue was from two days ago, and I have not played since, nor have I been aware of said patch...

    My bad :P
  3. I normally wouldn't make a big deal about bugs, but twice this has resulted in a mission being 100% uncompletable.

    For some reason, NPCs are having trouble entering elevators, and aren't making the full trasition from one end to the other. What results is an invisible NPC standing at the entrance point, framed by whatever buff auras they had at the time. These invisible NPCs can react to you with whatever "Player Nearby" speech they have, but otherwise cannot act, move, or be targeted. AoE may effect them, but I'm not sure.

    Where this becomes a problem is in Rescue/Kidnaping missions and Safeguard/Mayhem missions. Obviously, Rescue/Kidnaps are incompletable if your NPC gets stuck and cannot reach the exit. In the case of Safeguards/Mayhems, twice I have had the end boss and/or their lackeys get stuck, leaving me little choice but to exit or kill time until the timer runs out.

    As I said, this is a pretty serious issue if it results in missions being incompletable.
  4. I don't know, I like it as is. The ambiguity makes the arc spooky.
  5. I do have Seeds, and I use it pretty much every time it's off cooldown. I'm of the opinion that it is the best power in my arsenal. But still, I'm working with DOs still (Lvl 25, for the record), and it's not the most accurate power. Plus the cooldown means I don't get to use it every spawn. Beyond that, I honestly tend to feel a little guilty because I'm cutting down overall XP, but nobody complains so I guess it isn't that bad.

    And really, why skip Taunt? The more trying to kill you, the stronger you are, and the team loves you. What is there to lose?
  6. It also doesn't help that on most teams, either I'm the sole source of AoE and/or we have yet another moron Brute who skipped Taunt. Therefore, everything tries to kill me. And usually succeeds. But that's a player issue, not a Dom issue.
  7. I can agree with this. There are a few options I would appreciate on both side. For one, why don't men have shorts?
  8. I can usually estimate pretty well. Honestly, I find it easier to set the height, then figure on what it is for your bio. For the record, I call the default Male "Slim" height 6' 2".

    As far as weight goes...No. Too complicated, and would mess with other people's concepts. I.E., I use the Robotic face skin for my character, but that's just to help conceal the gaps in his mask. He is human under there. But under such a system, his head alone would weight like 20 pounds.
  9. Alright, so maybe I'm imagining things, but my question is pretty simple:

    Is Plant/Thorn the slowest combination in existance or what?

    Strangler's cast time is absurd, Impale's windup takes all day, the redraw seems to happen way too often, and I just got Thorn Burst...Guess what? The wind up takes forvever.

    It just seems to me that by the time I execute most of my powers, my target is dead. Especially when it comes to Strangler. Considder the following:

    The team is faced with a usual mix of Minions, LTs, and a Boss. Okay, first thing I'm doing is Roots once aggro has been settled. Now I have Strangler to put out somewhere. A minion is a waste of time. I'd love to mez the boss, but that's impossible. Guess I'd be most useful mezzing the most threatening LT in the group. I hit Strangler on a full health LT...By the time he's held, his health has gone down half thanksto the team. A second or two later he's dead. Well, great. Why did I bother?
  10. Hey, just don't end up like my last cellmate. He hung himself weeks ago. Startin' to smell somethin' fierce...

  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Emperor_Justin View Post
    Hover + a blaster, vs a pack of foes who are largely melee=win for blaster.
    Pretty much this. Fly, or more specifically Hover, is the most tactically useful power bar none. None of the other travel powers offer the same level of combat capability (insofar as movement is concerned. Things like Hasten or Flurry are another story entirely). Due to the incredible advantage flight offers, it has to be balanced somehow. Therefore, it's balance is that using Fly is nowhere near efficient, likewise with prolonged use of Hover. Even despite this, Hover can easily make a battle one-sided.

    I don't complain about Fly's End cost because, frankly, I have no right to complain.


    I would, however, like to see a third level of flight added: Supersonic Flight. Something along the lines of Quantum Flight would be perfect. Just a way to zip from A to B at insane speeds. Of course, new powers would have to be added to the other three pools, but I'm too lazy to think of anything right now.
  12. First off, why healing only civillians? It would be nice for an XP boost, but I'd rather assist some PPD officers and get a little backup in return.

    I would love it if my Elec Corruptor could overload the bank's security system and stifle their flow of reinforcements. It's a real pain to have people shooting you in the back while you're trying to blow the vault at the 22nd National.

    How about Ice wielders and Earth Assault/Control users being able to block off doorways? Spawn a solid wall of ice or rock with a taunt aura, forcing Mobs to break through if they want to get to you. HP of the wall can be scaled by your Max HP.

    Psionic, Gravity, Kinetics, Super Strength, and maybe Storm should be able to hurl environmental objects. Damage can be scaled by object weight and user level, cars being unique by adding an AoE Fire/Smashing effect which can hit players, including the one who threw it.

    Random side note: I think Teleportation needs more capabilities. I don't know how it would work, but it would be pretty sweet to TP through walls.

    Anyhoo, that's just the random spiel scraped from the outer edges of my brain.
  13. This, and make cars move faster. I mean, really...What the hell is the speed limit in Paragon City? Why are the highways all deserted? We need some serious traffic going on, and now we have the tech to handle that much stuff going on.
  14. We have something similar to Decade/DiEnd already. ccDimensionShift It's acctually kinda suspiciously similar.

    I was thinking something kinda like Black RX personally. Y'know, classic style.
  15. I've been dying for a few tech-style transformations. We totally got boned on those since /cce was added after the Cyborg pack.

    ccLightRing - Character taps their wrist (like Ouro Port animation), then a ring of light appears around their feet. The ring moves up their body, leaving a column of holographic data screens concealing them, then moves back down, erasing the panels and revealing the new costume.

    ccBeamIn - Rays of light begin to form around your character in a column, then flash as you dissapear. a large beam appears in a second flash as your character returns on one knee in the new costume.

    And, being a sentai/Kamen Rider fanboy:

    ccHeroChange - Character strikes a few martial arts poses, then thrusts a hand forward. A flash of light reveals the new costume.
  16. I agree they are easy enough that they aren't worth too much in merits. SO here's another idea: Why not make some of them harder, or introduce some new, more difficult GMs?

    I want epic battles. I want to see multiple teams called in to squelch one threat. Or maybe a small group of like three GMs at once, supporting ecah other and adding to the challenge? Why do we call them giant monsters when most aren't really that big? I play redside almost exclusively, and none of the GMs over there are impressive at all. In fact, it feels like they were put in the game solely to prevent us from whining (Because Devs hate villians).

    All I know is, GMs need luvin'. And by luvin' I mean plasma beams to the face.
  17. "Battle Servants' reminds me of how much I would love to RP somebody's butler. Because the hero's butler is invariably a totaly badass engine of destruction concealed within an elderly English man.
  18. Quite frankly, this is why I cannot get myself motivated to play a defense-based character. I would much rather take reduced damage or simply heal the damage rather than suddenly get owned because everyone suddenly decided they were only going to roll between 1 and 4. At least with Resistance and Regen, the damage you take is reliably consistant, and your survival is based 100% on skill.
  19. AkuTenshiiZero

    An idea

    Kamen Rider Force

    I went for a Police/Tech motif. I have to admit, I'm pretty proud of the costume (Even if he does resemble G3-X in both costume and concept :P).

    MA/SD Tech Scrapper, figure he'd be best suited as a SJer. SS would make it too tempting to rip off Kabuto, besides that armor seems too heavy for high speed.

    Still not sold on the idea of acctually playing this character, due to the sheer number of characters I seriously need to work on, and my ever-shrinking number of free slots...But I figured I'd show off anyways, since I'm a Kamen Rider fanboy at heart :P
  20. I recall at one point suggesting the combination of Hide +Build Up + AS be incapable of missing. I mean, you're stabbing a totally unaware target, and even preparing yourself beforehand. If your character cannot land a blow like that, they seriously need to be put back in the Zig lest the kill themselves while attempting to cut open a grapefruit.

    I tend to call this "The Quarter". Because in the same instant I attacked, my target bent over to pick up a shiney quarter. It's the only feasable explaination for something so ridiculous.
  21. Not until I get my Vanguard Lazer Wings.
  22. We acctually have three modern-themed sets:


    One anchient:


    And two "wildcards":


    Out of those, three are natural, two are magic, and one is tech. We have no science or mutation. I don't care what you are RPing, the sets were designed under certain theme regardless.

    I think the best course of action is not to make a certain time-period based set, but a differan origin-based set. In which case, I vote "Beastmen" as a powerset. It easily fits in as mutation and science, even magic if you want to go the tribal route.
  23. All I can say is...I play a Dark Armor Stalker. At first, I hated the set and wondered if I made a mistake. Then it just sort of clicked, and now my survival rate* is phenominal. I'm not sure how to explain it...I think my biggest issue was getting it through my skull that I will be getting damaged. A lot. However, /DA has more than enough tools to deal with that.

    Also, I don't have much of an Endurance issue these days. Not sure what my slotting is offhand, but I seem to have balanced it out nicely using almost purely common IOs, a few SOs, and like two set IOs.

    KB is the bane of my existance, I admit. One of these days I'll have my precious Steadfast Protection unique. Someday. I skipped Shadow Dweller, so Immob gets me, but I'm a teleporter anyways so no worries.

    *(I considder popping Soul Transfer in the heat of battle to be "Surviving". Defeat is when all options are exhausted, and you are forced to use an Awaken or the hospital. That's my view, anyways.)
  24. Okay...But what about Tree of Life?

    Functionally, they are the same power, and in my eyes just as impractical as-is. However, there is a pretty obvious reason why Tree of Life is stationary. And don't even say give it legs...Flytraps are ridiculous-looking enough.

    I think the biggest drawback is the Recharge vs. Duration. It lasts a whopping minute and a half, and the recharge can be brought down to a comparable amount with common IOs alone. However...Why the hell would you need this thing for a minute and a half!? In MMORPG terms, that is an eternity. A typical fight only lasts maybe thirty seconds. If you need it longer cast the thing again, that simple.

    My suggestion is dropping the duration to 30 seconds, and the recharge to 60 seconds. This will allow for more flexability in using your Tree/Beacon.
  25. AkuTenshiiZero

    Zombie mode!

    Originally Posted by Dark Lost View Post
    You know I just read an articule in PSM about the overuse of zombies in gaming. It was about the zombie code in Skate 3 and in COD. Zombies are kinda falling out of style now.
    Well, they took over after aliens stopped being cool.

    Clearly we need more Nazis now. Then the cycle can begin anew.