What abusive parting gift would you leave TJ Kim?




Y'know, viewing the devolution of this thread as it centers on things that GG has said, I've come to realize something....

She's a fellow black humorist.

I must admit as the gallows draws closer, it's only become more apparent. Bravo, GG. I've should have seen it sooner. It explains so much.



Black absurdist humour is the best. Bit like NCSoft's management processes except their bottom line isn't black but red.

Frankie says it best.



Originally Posted by SinisterDirge View Post
Its the thought that counts. Just because it doesn't phase me if someone calls me cracker or white trash doesn't make the statement any less racist.

This thread isn't light hearted, it is poison. There has been too much of this **** going around. Not the way I wanted to remember you folks, and not the way I want to be remembered.
Does that mean red text on headstones will be banned from henceforth?

Frankie says it best.



I'd like to be in the same room with Mr. Kim just after the servers are shut off but while City of Heroes is still in range and cast HOWLING TWILIGHT.

(Hey! Who said anything about realistic?! This is my revenge fantasy!)

aka @Kristoff von Gelmini, leader of small SG bases (Infinity/Victory/Virtue/Protector), member of The House of Tera (Justice) and various others (Champion/Infinity/Victory/Guardian/Freedom).



Originally Posted by JohnRobey View Post
I'd like to be in the same room with Mr. Kim just after the servers are shut off but while City of Heroes is still in range and cast HOWLING TWILIGHT.

(Hey! Who said anything about realistic?! This is my revenge fantasy!)
Ohh, alright well I've got one then. All I'd do is send him three ghosts.

It's close enough to the holidays, right?

Though I don't know if that's really revenge, although the part where he gets scared ****less would be entertaining. But that's mainly a constructive act. Those ghosts are good therapists and great at reforming people.



Originally Posted by Arson_NA View Post
Anything with turds or death threats not permitted please, be more imaginative.

Personally I'd leave him with some discount vouchers for a night with Lillian Tyler. http://www.channel4.com/programmes/s.../lillian-tyler
You know what I would leave him? Karma.

As he does unto us, may it be done unto him. And may that "it" be a total shot out of the dark, and not explained at all, just *KAPOW!* one of these days.

May he be left to wonder "What?! Why?! Why me?! But [rationale for non-happening x, y and z]!! What the hell?! But what about my [x]! WHAT DO I DO NOW??!" and get nooooooooooooooooooooooo answer whatsoever.

May the great wheel of Karma turn slowly, but surely.

As for this:

gangrel: What would I send to GG... the remains of her pets and family members, if i could find them that is..
I find this egregiously..... I find it in incredibly bad taste, not amusing, and a very telling statement by the maker. GG and I have certainly never been friends and I have found her greatly annoying over the years. But this, directed at anyone, is just BEYOND in bad taste and I'm ashamed to be posting in the same forum it was posted in. Ugh. Just..... ugh. Plus, bad karma.



Originally Posted by Bad_Influence View Post
I find this egregiously..... I find it in incredibly bad taste, not amusing, and a very telling statement by the maker. GG and I have certainly never been friends and I have found her greatly annoying over the years. But this, directed at anyone, is just BEYOND in bad taste and I'm ashamed to be posting in the same forum it was posted in. Ugh. Just..... ugh. Plus, bad karma.
Considering that she suggested something similar on the Titan Network forums, guess you feel bad for that side as well...

*edit* I notice as well that you *skip* out just 2 lines earlier where i said that it was in jest...



Originally Posted by I Burnt The Toast View Post
It's all good though. Her kibun of me was/is about as effective as the kibun efforts on NCsoft It reflects more on her prejudices/ignorance than anything else.
What's ironic about this is that she's often quick to point out sexist behavior when she sees it.

I'm sorry, I didn't mean "ironic". I meant hypocritical. Oops.