A failed attempt to save the game is still worthwile




Originally Posted by Brillig View Post
Show the proof from the reports.

I'm sure you won't and will justify it as "not feeding the trolls."
You mean the reports that say nothing about how much it was costing them to run?

Either believe what folks in PS have said or don't. NCsoft is clearly unwilling to produce their own counter argument.

"Your records are either deleted, omitted or missing."



Originally Posted by SteelRat View Post
I wouldn't mind so much if Brian HAD come forward and said "Yup.. it's all true guys, this is how it is", at least that'd be something a little more credible than "Oh yes, I'm mates with Brian I am, and this is what we were talking about the other night". Especially when such things come from someone who makes a living out of writing fiction.
We may get that, or we may not. Brian is probably still NDA'd anyhow. We haven't heard any new grimy details one way or another yet from ANYBODY. Maybe after shutdown that will change. But if it does, unless it's posted on Youtube as Burnt suggested (highly unlikely. how often does anyone who is even a mild celebrity go out of their way to do that, just to prove it's they who is saying it?), nobody will believe it. Any other online venue he may post it on will be immediately dismissed as a troll account or a deliberate Titan smokescreen.



Originally Posted by Evil_Legacy View Post
I dont see what is wrong with asking for proof.
The problem is that when the proof is presented the long form is then suddenly the only thing that's adequate.



Originally Posted by TimTheEnchanter View Post
We may get that, or we may not. Brian is probably still NDA'd anyhow. We haven't heard any new grimy details one way or another yet from ANYBODY. Maybe after shutdown that will change. But if it does, unless it's posted on Youtube as Burnt suggested (highly unlikely. how often does anyone who is even a mild celebrity go out of their way to do that, just to prove it's they who is saying it?), nobody will believe it. Any other online venue he may post it on will be immediately dismissed as a troll account or a deliberate Titan smokescreen.
I guess the only actual "proof" will when and if either the IP will be sold or not, and or what ever NCSoft states. Or if one of the companies that supposedly made offer actually make a public statement saying whether or not they made an offer.

I never seen this much secrecy outside an illegal drug deal ever before with so many supposed offers and or supposedly turned down offers.

Even the fiasco between BMW Volkwagen and the rights to Roll-Royce/Bentley detail can be found.

Disney's purchases or aim to buy other companies is seem to be usually published, even the ones where the deal dont go through.

Yet, a simple game IP, is like it's selling top secrect government information.

And if those people were under a true NDA and or it's llegal for them to speak on it, isnt by definition, the people that may have or may have not heard from these said insiders that cant speak because it would be illegal, is proof that the person spoke about it if they indeed did tell that person who then told the rest of the community? If say Brian Clayton would have trouble gettign a job or something because of his lack of ability to keep secrets if he came out and either confirmed or denied the word that is going around, why would someone trust him for that same reason if he actually told someone else and they go around sayign things about what they told them? If the reason was they couldnt come and tell us because of a NDA isnt getting someone or telling someone that tells everyone the details a violation of most NDAs? It's like if I told someone a secrect of the government and then they told someone else saying that they heard it from this guy and those detail matched up it probably wont take much investigation to figure out who stool pigeoned. And guess who gets arrested usually, the person who spoke when they wasnt supposed to.

That why a lot of this stuff sounds fishy to me. They speak of NDA but give out information that supposedly is under the NDA that the guy cant give out because of said NDA, which sounds like they did actually disclosed information to this person who then tells everyone else. Even if a person said "Well I'm not supposed to tell you this.." and or confided in them about something they wasnt supposed to say, is it that blatant where they are willing to risk their source by putting out the information anyways?

-Female Player-
Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post
Evil_Legacy became one of my favorite posters with two words.
"Kick Rocks."
I laffed so hard. Never change, E_L!



Originally Posted by TimTheEnchanter View Post
We may get that, or we may not. Brian is probably still NDA'd anyhow. We haven't heard any new grimy details one way or another yet from ANYBODY. Maybe after shutdown that will change. But if it does, unless it's posted on Youtube as Burnt suggested (highly unlikely. how often does anyone who is even a mild celebrity go out of their way to do that, just to prove it's they who is saying it?), nobody will believe it. Any other online venue he may post it on will be immediately dismissed as a troll account or a deliberate Titan smokescreen.
If it were posted in an official capacity somewhere and there was corroborated evidence, I don't think anyone would complain. All we've had up until now (and I do realise that it's largely the nature of the beast what with NDA's and the like) is a glimmer of hope followed by the harsh reality of nothing actually changing at all. That is why people are cynical and that is why people are after something more tangible.

@SteelRat; @SteelRat2
"Angelina my love, I'm a genius!"
"Of course you are darling, that's why I married you. Physically, you're rather unattractive"



Originally Posted by SteelRat View Post
If it were posted in an official capacity somewhere and there was corroborated evidence, I don't think anyone would complain. All we've had up until now (and I do realise that it's largely the nature of the beast what with NDA's and the like) is a glimmer of hope followed by the harsh reality of nothing actually changing at all. That is why people are cynical and that is why people are after something more tangible.
last official capacity was called BS from NCsoft by a select group and few so I find it odd that even an offical statement from them was not good enoug hevidence but we are suppose to take their hearsay as facts.

But in general, yes, an official statement would suffice fro meither side about the situation.

But since hearsay is adequate information for a particualr group, I heard from this guy on the street that heard from this driver who knows this corporate guy that their company that I cannot name, nor can I name the person, that they plan on making a big offer, a sum which I cannot disclose, to NCSoft for the IP. They said they tried to talk to them but was snubbed in the past but will try again.

-Female Player-
Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post
Evil_Legacy became one of my favorite posters with two words.
"Kick Rocks."
I laffed so hard. Never change, E_L!



No proof has been submitted - only hearsay.

Originally Posted by Ogi View Post
The problem is that when the proof is presented the long form is then suddenly the only thing that's adequate.

Originally Posted by Paladiamors View Post
I love you, I Burnt the Toast!



Originally Posted by Evil_Legacy View Post
I guess the only actual "proof" will when and if either the IP will be sold or not, and or what ever NCSoft states. Or if one of the companies that supposedly made offer actually make a public statement saying whether or not they made an offer.

I never seen this much secrecy outside an illegal drug deal ever before with so many supposed offers and or supposedly turned down offers.

Disney's purchases or aim to buy other companies is seem to be usually published, even the ones where the deal dont go through.

Yet, a simple game IP, is like it's selling top secrect government information.
I think that's the same reason a lot of the anti-NCsoft crowd have been rather annoyed. We definitely are in a very unusual situation here with this information blackout coming from all directions.

Some of it MAY be caused by the fact that NCsoft has accidentally found themselves in hot water before, over things they didn't see any reason to be an issue. So perhaps there's more paranoia there than we realize. It may even be paranoia over nothing, but they can't tell the difference.

That may be the difference between a company like NCsoft and Disney or BMW. I also won't pretend to understand the difference between how business is done in Korea and other examples. Maybe this lack of transparency is just standard 'business as usual' for them. If there's multiple companies who made a bid for it, then it could be akin to a silent auction where nobody gets to disclose what their bid was.

The top secret government thing just reminded me of a few things. Since we've been in the box of conspiracy theories: I was once a hardcore UFO fanatic. And the Roswell crash was always the holy grail. But as I poked around that more and more, I became convinced that the "alien craft" of myth was actually an early version of the Blackbird. Maybe it isn't, but that was the theory I came up with, long before I saw anyone else suggest it. But regardless, when it crashed, the first explanation the government decided to give to the people was that it was a flying saucer. BIG F'ING MISTAKE. One that they still haven't been able to brush off more than 50 years later.

Why are a lot of people still iffy about NCsoft's decision? If CoH was under-performing, why didn't they just say that? Follow up on PS's announcement and make an official statement (which should have been prepared before PS was even given the news). The company realignment to slowly pull out of the West isn't even needed to justify it. "The product isn't selling, so we're choosing to stop." That would have been a simple honest business answer. And people would've been angry, but it's a very simple explanation. Why not tell us that? Because they want to save face and not admit to the public that they had a failing product? If not that, then what? Either way, it hasn't worked out too well on the PR front. Like the Roswell incident, maybe sometimes the cover story is just as important, perhaps even more important, than what you're trying to cover up. NCsoft doesn't have a history of good communication with its customers.

And if those people were under a true NDA and or it's llegal for them to speak on it, isnt by definition, the people that may have or may have not heard from these said insiders that cant speak because it would be illegal, is proof that the person spoke about it if they indeed did tell that person who then told the rest of the community? If say Brian Clayton would have trouble gettign a job or something because of his lack of ability to keep secrets if he came out and either confirmed or denied the word that is going around, why would someone trust him for that same reason if he actually told someone else and they go around sayign things about what they told them? If the reason was they couldnt come and tell us because of a NDA isnt getting someone or telling someone that tells everyone the details a violation of most NDAs? It's like if I told someone a secrect of the government and then they told someone else saying that they heard it from this guy and those detail matched up it probably wont take much investigation to figure out who stool pigeoned. And guess who gets arrested usually, the person who spoke when they wasnt supposed to.
That may very well be the reason there's no concrete evidence. I've even wondered if Fansy's funky way of saying a lot without actually telling us anything, is for the purposes of denying NCsoft's legal department an angle of attack. The more vague the information, the less likely they have a case.



Originally Posted by TimTheEnchanter View Post
Why are a lot of people still iffy about NCsoft's decision? If CoH was under-performing, why didn't they just say that? Follow up on PS's announcement and make an official statement (which should have been prepared before PS was even given the news). The company realignment to slowly pull out of the West isn't even needed to justify it. "The product isn't selling, so we're choosing to stop." That would have been a simple honest business answer.
"We're closing down the non-CoH elements of Paragon Studios as CoH's revenues can't continue to support unrelated development." That would have been a more likely step (in my book) than axing everything, all at once, with no warning, if it was a profitability problem.



Originally Posted by TimTheEnchanter View Post
I think that's the same reason a lot of the anti-NCsoft crowd have been rather annoyed. We definitely are in a very unusual situation here with this information blackout coming from all directions.

Some of it MAY be caused by the fact that NCsoft has accidentally found themselves in hot water before, over things they didn't see any reason to be an issue. So perhaps there's more paranoia there than we realize. It may even be paranoia over nothing, but they can't tell the difference.

That may be the difference between a company like NCsoft and Disney or BMW. I also won't pretend to understand the difference between how business is done in Korea and other examples. Maybe this lack of transparency is just standard 'business as usual' for them. If there's multiple companies who made a bid for it, then it could be akin to a silent auction where nobody gets to disclose what their bid was.

The top secret government thing just reminded me of a few things. Since we've been in the box of conspiracy theories: I was once a hardcore UFO fanatic. And the Roswell crash was always the holy grail. But as I poked around that more and more, I became convinced that the "alien craft" of myth was actually an early version of the Blackbird. Maybe it isn't, but that was the theory I came up with, long before I saw anyone else suggest it. But regardless, when it crashed, the first explanation the government decided to give to the people was that it was a flying saucer. BIG F'ING MISTAKE. One that they still haven't been able to brush off more than 50 years later.

Why are a lot of people still iffy about NCsoft's decision? If CoH was under-performing, why didn't they just say that? Follow up on PS's announcement and make an official statement (which should have been prepared before PS was even given the news). The company realignment to slowly pull out of the West isn't even needed to justify it. "The product isn't selling, so we're choosing to stop." That would have been a simple honest business answer. And people would've been angry, but it's a very simple explanation. Why not tell us that? Because they want to save face and not admit to the public that they had a failing product? If not that, then what? Either way, it hasn't worked out too well on the PR front. Like the Roswell incident, maybe sometimes the cover story is just as important, perhaps even more important, than what you're trying to cover up. NCsoft doesn't have a history of good communication with its customers.

That may very well be the reason there's no concrete evidence. I've even wondered if Fansy's funky way of saying a lot without actually telling us anything, is for the purposes of denying NCsoft's legal department an angle of attack. The more vague the information, the less likely they have a case.
Yeah, and then there are cases where it's best to say nothing at all until the facts are known and or can be displayed.

The first time, ok it's word on the street, second time ooook still not much new. After a few more times it become to be viewed as a myth, like Roswell with the different conclusions made. Some will still say that Roswell was still an alien UFO incident cover up and some would say that alien UFO never existed.

Yep different company different policy and that would explain their decision. Different company different policy and transparancey seems to not be their strong point but when it's replaced by something else not so transparent and or based off hearsay, then it doesnt seem any better than the ones they criticize for being non-transparent. It would have been better if they simply said that all the details are not available at this time and cannot be disclosed instead of hearsay or better yet that they just dont know for sure yet. It's is just as vague as NCSoft answer to the situation, the same response that have been panned and the cause to some for the anger.

Like I said in the prior post, my hearsay is about as likely to be true as the rest. It's just hearsay at this point. It might be true it might not but I think that is the point of the NDA, to prevent the facts from getting out and until it expires, anything about the subject is basically hearsay that is just as much likely to be true as the next hearsay or rather just as likely to be true as the Roswell incident did involve an alien UFO just as likely as it is not to involve an UFO. Yet usually when the truth do finally come out, it's usually that both sides were way off and the rabbit hole goes deeper than either side have anticipated.

-Female Player-
Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post
Evil_Legacy became one of my favorite posters with two words.
"Kick Rocks."
I laffed so hard. Never change, E_L!