So what really makes you sad? What really hits you?




I will never forget the the leader of the first sg that Healix was ever in. (The Sons of Horus.)
He did a lot of dancing in the game...when talking, after a mish, etc. I asked him about it one day. Turns out he was a young guy in his 20s' who had spina bifida, and could barely walk, even with a walker. He danced in the game because he could.

�Many things worth doing in the world had been declared impossible before they were done.�



Originally Posted by Turgenev View Post
I have a story to write before the end, of my last conversation with him. I hope to share it here, or perhaps on one of the social media sites.
Hope you'll post it here on the forums, too!



I am going to miss it all. The incredible people I've met, the sheer radiant joy of being able to casually fly in any direction I wanted to because I wanted to. To be part of something that was more than the sum of its' parts on so many levels.

But mostly the people. What NCSoft is guilty of is enough in this case to make me wish cancer on their children. They have stolen away something vastly more tangible and coherent than 'some video game'. This is the only one of a kind really, in a world stuffed full of the mediocre, predatory, idiotic and uninspired. There was only and can ever only be one City of Heroes, and they stole it from us. I cannot wish enough bile, hatred, pain and rage on those people. There isn't a rational limit for me.

I have known too many people that had this one thing, this one place they could go where they weren't laughed at or called naive for believing in something good, and using their god given imaginations to MAKE something good and share it, where they got to fight the good fight like the icons of their youth and were able to take a part of that back into their real lives every day. A very good friend of mine was confined to a wheelchair after Iraq, and this game was an enormous part of his recovery, his main was Heironymous Black, and that few hours a week he was able to spend with him helped him power through some ugly, ugly ****. And NCSoft has murdered it. The have stolen it. It was the only place of its' kind that offered this kind of sanctuary, and they destroyed it.

It's hard for me to think of all the incredible things that I've been part of with this 'video game' and not be outraged and infuriated about it all over again. This was a monument, a lone island in a sea of sewage and mediocrity. What really gets me? Kheldians. They really get me. I look at my Kheld, my final character and Cosmic Knight and imagine all the amazing things that were going to be done with them in near future (this was a rumor I was told, as kheld mythology was a huge part of the early game, and Battalion was supposed to have something to do with it) that I'm never going to get to make part of his storyline. That gets me. Never getting to log in and see the other Eternals on Training Night or Friday RP. Best supergroup I was ever a part of, and I only got to rediscover them a month before NCSoft announced the sunset. The issue that we've waited years and years for, that would have brought people back to this game, the new powersets that were fun as hell that I'll never get to tell my buddies about, because it will never go live. Ugh. OK, enough from me.

Stand UP.



What makes me sad is that my second home will likely burn and I will be forced to watch it burn and be unable to do anything. I mean, after so long of being able to thwart evil, we must watch evil WIN!

What makes me mad is the fact that I can't help but think that the world is conspiring to destroy all GOOD games in favor of WEAK cheap games. Part of me feels like someone at NCSoft has entertained the idea of going into the Louvre in France and replacing one of the paintings there with a drawing done by a two-year old!

Villains are those who dedicate their lives to causing mayhem. Villians are people from the planet Villia!



That I will likely never find support classes as robust and dynamic as they were in CoH..

Forever to be shoehorned back into the "heal bot/super squishy" role..



What hurts most.. is seeing how much it hurts all of you.

I left the game, pretty much for good. I left with good memories, with so much love.. but the designer in me felt it was ailing, old systems holding it back, making each step forward harder and harder. I couldn't bring myself to stick around.

I've since found a new MMO to love, just recently... But I won't forget City of Heroes. How could I? It was an experience like no other. It gave me the inspiration to create so many characters who grew right in front of me- in power, in personality, in character... Nothing else has ever made me feel so at home in making a character. Everything from the outfit choices to the sublime community to the wonderful multiverse Paragon City was set in- it all added up to bliss.

And despite all that, I'm not nearly as attached as all of you. So the thing that hurts most, is seeing how it affects you guys. I love you.

Maybe some day, another world will come along, one that tries to strive for the community and character this game had. Maybe I'll see you again.

<3 Chompie (Arblis / Scantily Clad / Sunsoldier, and many, many others. May Virtue rise again)
*A wave goodbye, from the first picture I ever uploaded to imageshack*



What makes me sad...

-Sept. 30th would have been my last day in game until December, after I got settled. Now when the computer goes live again... no CoH, unless I have a Pre-christmas miracle.

-Not getting to see the War Witch ghost model replaced with a live model.

-Not being able to RP anymore. Nowhere else has the same RP community. (Never try to RP in WoW all they want is "conversation". Try to create your own background and they will tear you appart.)

-Helping make CoH videos. We restarted the channel the VERY week the announcement came down.

-And worst, like many have said, watching the developers get canned on a holiday weekend.