Your favorite COH/COV memory.




I wish I had done a Drop Ship run... That looked *epic*.


/Edit: OOH. This makes the magic *42* number of posts to go! I just *had* to comment upon that.

August 31, 2012. A Day that will Live in Infamy. Or Information. Possibly Influence. Well, Inf, anyway. Thank you, Paragon Studios, for what you did, and the enjoyment and camaraderie you brought.
This is houtex, aka Mike, signing off the forums. G'night all. - 10/26/2012
Well... perhaps I was premature about that whole 'signing off' thing... - 11-9-2012



My favorite memories are spending time with my Villain Group the United Underworld, along with other groups I've been with throughout the years. VSTF. Der Chantry, Grey Watch, Arachnos Espionage Division. So many memories. I could cry too myself.



My two favorite momments on the game are related to LRSF, when LRSF was the hardest thing on the game and almost no one could beat it.
We agreed to form a All Stalker team in order to demonstrate that the AT was not a gimpie one. So we gather on the Test Server 8 of us (my first 50 ever Eric Raven MA/Ninj) and started to grab nukes from Warburg. Between all the missions and with severals team wiped out, it takes us about 4-5 hs to complete. I think we went back to Warburg like 2 or 3 times in order to be able to complete. Once was done it was epic for all of us. I can say it was the best team i'd been part of, a true example of never surrender.

The second best moment was the first time we defeat LRSF with a 4 man team, when was a TF 8 man perfect teams only (Stone Brute and Corruptors). We went with no FOTM's toons as a rule: one mind/enrg dom, me as elec/energ brute, one rad/rad corr, and one thug/thermal MM. Was a flawless and great TF thanks to the dom (the first one who discovered the sleeping tactic).

Of course as a great memory of this game still have on my mind the first time i hit 50 with my stalker, the first time i defeated Frostfire on the Hollows, the first time i was killed in Bloody Bay by a stalker (i didnt knew about COV by that moment and was shocking to see that character), the first time i entered to Grandville... well a lot of great moments and memories.

I'll miss this game... was a great experience being part of something fun and team up with nice people on this long run.

Ea depravate semper triumphatum...



Originally Posted by Dark_Respite View Post
41 dropships. 60 minutes. Eternal glory.

Heh, good memories. That and Rikti Hill.

Make Mine COH!

"Someone has to stand up for those who can't"
- on Virtue
Skyburner - Wyldfire Agent
Silver Valor - Wyldfire Agent
Coppersmith - Shield scrapper!



I've tons of good memories. The earliest I remember is back around issue 6ish time frame that I'm fond of is I was out with my Lightning / NRG blaster flying over Perez Park. I'd just hit 21 and was zipping along killing time until my SG got on in a little while. I happened to be flying over when I noticed three heroes throwing down against the Thorns. Ok, no big deal. I almost went by when I saw them get too close to two more mobs. Que begin of party wipe as they draw in Thorns, Hydra and all sorts of ugly. I dive down as the last member is still up trying like crazy to rez her team-mates. I quickly typed, "see to them, I'll cover you".

I start hammering down. She got her team up and on their feet, and I let them take the lead. In the end: Mobs down, Hydra down. No team wipe. Good day. It may sound silly, but I felt like a hero.

Make Mine COH!

"Someone has to stand up for those who can't"
- on Virtue
Skyburner - Wyldfire Agent
Silver Valor - Wyldfire Agent
Coppersmith - Shield scrapper!



Mine is also tied to Malta sappers and is a two part story.

Part 1: CoH was the first MMO I ever experienced. Even just starting out I soloed a lot with BZB so when I finally found myself on a full team I had no knowledge of tanks herding and everyone else standing by until told to attack. Needless to say, it wasn't much of a surprise to be told, "wow, dude, you really suck at this game" since I kept diving in with the tank and faceplanting.

Which brings us to part 2: I get a tell from someone a month or three later asking if I could come help out a team of 7 on a Malta mission as they had already had several team wipes. I joined up, entered the mission, watch my perma-lude kick off, flipped out and proceeded to kill every sapper in every spawn with the team holding back until they were all down.

It was very cool to see in chat, "damn, he's good at this."

Be well, people of CoH.



Originally Posted by shadow35 View Post
We also briefly had a supergroup on Pinnacle where each of our characters was named after a credit card. My daughter was American Express, I was Visa, my Mom was Mastercard, and my Dad was Discover Card. The battle cry we'd yell altogether was,


and our Supergroup name was....Chapter 11. :P

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



Originally Posted by GadgetDon View Post
(3) The nine minute hami raid - this was before incarnate powers. Everyone participating on virtue got shivans, Warburg nukes, vanguard mechs, etc. We cleared the mitos once, and then took Hami to zero
You reminded me, Justice did some of these.

I believe we actually did one where we did not clear any mitos - we buffed on the gather rock, summoned pets out there, and charged. (All before Incarnates.) Who knows how many man-hours of collecting temp powers that was to produce something like a 4 minute raid.

On topic...

  • I have very fond memories of crossing Steel Canyon exclusively by leaping from rooftop to rooftop. I was doing this with my Inv/Broadsword Scrapper (my 2nd character ever), who had Super Jump. This was back when the Yellow and Green lines of the PTA were not linked, and SC was where you went to get from one to the other. I used to have a "route" of sorts for rooftops he could reach in succession. Since some were lower than others and jumping to the wrong one left you nowhere you could reach another rooftop without backtracking. It always gave me an oddball thrill to cross that long zone only by touching rooftops - it felt seemed Spider-Man-like, despite my character having nothing in common with that character. It's probably the closest thing Super Jump has ever given me to the feeling that Flight has given so many of us over the years.
  • Despite starting most (if not all) of my characters in Galaxy City, I still remember the joy of hearing the music that played in Atlas Park. To this day, that music sometimes still gives me goosebumps. That music is one of the crowning atmospheric achievements of the original game.
  • Back when mobs stacked infinitely and before ED/GDN, I took the same Scrapper to the southern dock areas in Peregrine Island for some Nemesis street sweeping. I herded a bunch of Jaegers around a corner, and hit them all with Head Splitter. I don't know how many critters it was, but the resulting explosion nearly killed my Scrapper, which meant it was a lot of damage back then. An SG-mate who was with me saw this and commented that she was taken aback because she though I had somehow cast Inferno. Back in those days, people street sweeping the docks was pretty common, so there were some other players nearby, and they actually stopped and "applauded" in local chat because of how cool they thought that was.
  • Using Energy Transfer on huge pulls of Freakshow on my Inv/EM Tanker taking advantage of the same mob stacking plus the early "Gauntlet" bug that allowed all Tanker attacks to become (small) AoEs. I power-leveled that Tanker into the high 30s completely solo by doing that in the back of Crey's Folley. And yes, I killed myself more than once. I seem to recall that I couldn't hit more than 11 of them at once or I would die from the self damage.
There are more, some of which I posted in this thread, because, hey, I think we're more likely to remember moments where we pulled off something ridiculous.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



My favorite moment was an United Underworld RP event. Where our then leader Autosaurus Wrecks tricked half of the Underworld into letting him turn them into biomechanical cyborgs

to then battle the remaining Underworld members and a couple of heroes working with them.

The end of the event was kind of a flop, with only a few heroes showing up, and some major grief in the PvP zone we were using.

But the setup and first RP act was some of the best and most creative RPing I've/We've ever done.

Add to that Music of Mayhem, Toxic Clock, and Cardaclysm and the year+ time I had with the United Underworld has been the most fun I've had in any game.



Just wanted to share another memory. Last winter during the event I had to go afk for a few minutes, just left my tank by one of the bridges in Founders Falls. Came back and saw a local message (can't remember who it was from) saying 'found this on the other side, thought it belonged to you!' and he dragged Winter Lord over to where I and he was just pounding on me nearly the whole time I was gone, but my health never really dipped past the 3/4 mark. That was the first time I made a build that was able to withstand an afk attack like that.

Thanks to everyone that helped make me a welcomed part of the community, and for giving me over 3 years of some of the best gaming I've been able to take part in. May the next game bring many friendships and maybe reconnect to some old CoH friends.



One of my most favorite memories is with my beloved Pinball Wizards (all Kinetics SG) and our challenge to keep J-Man alive. The contest was held way back in 2006, way before the AoE buff changes which meant we had to buff everyone individually (SB and ID).

We had a full team of 7 kins and one infamous debt loving tanker against in the shadow shard against the Eyeballs of Doom aka Rularuu spawning LVL 53 enemies. It was one of the best times I've had in the game.

If you want to see the video of it:

I am really pleased to have been apart of a group that helped changed people's perception on how powerful all Defenders are.