Tributes To Greatness

Black Zot



What have you seen since learning of Friday's news that demonstrates gratitude and lifts mourning spirits?

The Parting Glass

On Friday, August 31, the City Of Heroes Facebook page posted this picture:

Personally I was numb from shock at the news of the day until I saw Paragon Studios smiling with glasses held high. Then the chorus of a song came into my head and I started bawling.

So raise the parting glass
Here's to living!
Here's to me
And here's to you
My part is over but yours is beginning
The best or worst is yours to choose...

The song/image combination haunted my aching heart. I'd like to share alternate lyrics that keep running through my mind:

Of all the things I leave behind
The things I'll miss the miss the most
Devoted fans
Supportive devs
That Primal Earth can boost

Life's memories are mine to keep
When flesh and archetype part
And memories of our journeys
Are planted within my heart

I'll miss the birth of a hero new
The sun-bright Atlas Park
The cheerful 'Gratz'
The epic raids
Sharing these things with you

I'll miss your voice
Your enthused words
You've been my abiding friends
Remember me and I'll be close
Until we meet again

So raise the parting glass
Here's to living!
Here's to me
And here's to you
The past is over but the future awaits
Noble or cruel is yours to choose

Many alts and all
The good therein
Are blessings unto man
Then we learn to reverence the worlds
Created by the Masters' hands

I seen the darkness and the light
I've seen what love can do
So take these words
And heed them well
The rest is up to you

So raise the parting glass
Here's to living!
Here's to me
And here's to you
The game is over but life's still worth living
Kindness or gloom is yours to choose

So raise the parting glass!
Here's to living!
Here's to me!
And here's to you!
My part is over but yours is beginning
The best or worst is yours to choose
To choose...
Let's choose...

Thank you, Paragon Studios. Thank you, City Of Heroes community.

Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Original song: The Parting Glass (sung by Kirsten Millsap)



Here are more examples of people doing great kindness:

Zortel is encouraging all to provide positive Support through the outpouring of emotions.

Samuraiko is creating two videos (er, make that four videos), including a memoriam of player who have passed.

Steelclaw wrote a moving fiction piece titled Epitath.

Ultimus is rousing everyone to celebrate who they are in one last reveal.

What ways have you had your spirits lifted? What are you doing to uplift another?



People are continuing great efforts to uplift:

Leandro created a video of 3000 heroes present for the Unity Rally. Direct YouTube Link

Samuraiko created a screenshot from Leandro's video.

Angelus Animi created a video tribute. Direct YouTube Link

Clawstriker wants to know what was your crowning moments of awesome.

PERC is hosting an entertaining event with Puzzles Two.

Originally Posted by Madame Pistacio View Post
I also have 2 additional puzzles, if anyone is interested in doing them just for fun, go ahead and send an email to and I will send.
Mindscythe is busy introducing 40 new players to CoH.

And TonyV organized a Paragon Studios celebration meal, aptly called Dinner's on Us!



Jaw-dropping amazing, Leandro!

It was a very nice touch to include the signature NPC heroes, villains, and Praetorians at the front.



Somehow, I missed this thread. Thanks, Llydia; this is all fantastic.



Glad you are enjoying, Jack_NoMind!

Please feel free to add or link to any other examples of players continuing to keep this the fantastic community it has always been.



Elvenheart wrote a stirring poem/song.

Their PM and song are reposted below with permission.

I would be extremely happy if anyone who thinks it would do any good at all or help in any way would share it wherever possible. I wrote it yesterday from scratch after reading MrCaptainMan's post about logging in and crying over the loss of something we love with no particular music in mind that the words might work with, so any resemblance to an existing song is coincidental. I'd really love it if someone with more musical talent than me set this to a tune!

The outpouring of sentiment over the loss of our virtual world (not just a game) has been an immensely wonderful thing, and I feel blessed that I am not alone in feeling the way I do. Reading everyone else's stories they are sharing on the forums has been what has helped me the most right now, and MrCaptainMan's post and the subsequent replies of people willing to share just how much all of this is affecting them without fear of ridicule for expressing such emotion over what some might consider "just a game" was very inspiring.

PS - In MrCaptainMan's thread, it really warmed my heart when GoldenGirl said that it's never a bad thing to cry over the loss of something you love, and then someone else followed up with "Love is precious, no matter where you find it." Those two sentiments are so very true, and I know they are something I'll be taking with me for the rest of my life.
Our City of Heroes (is a City of Friends)

The sun’s going down on our city,
Nightfall is almost at hand.
And the heroes that move through our city,
Will leave soon for some other land.

Our City of Heroes
Is a City of Friends.
And with friends from our City,
Our world never ends.

Our love that we feel for our city,
Is a love that endures through our pain.
And our tears that rain down on our city,
Are shared with our friends, not in vain.

Our City of Heroes
Is built in the heart.
Our friends are our heroes
And we're never apart.

Oh, the love that I feel for our city,
Is a badge shining brightly to see.
And my tears that fall down on our city,
Are shed for my friends and for me.

Our City of Heroes
Will see a new dawn,
Because our City of Heroes
In time will live on!

Our City of Heroes
Is our City of Friends,
And our City of Heroes
Will soon rise again!



The continuing saga of caring:

I need help to uncover forum fiction pieces at Roleplaying SOS.

Winterminal encourages staying positive, even and especially when there is Silence All Around.

Ravenlore created a reflective video. Direct YouTube Link

Many have shown love and mutual support through the high and hard emotions of the last few weeks. It's okay to cry.

Markovia wrote an article about how City Of Heroes is more than a game, more than a community, even more than an intregral part of many lives. We have evolved it into "a priceless work of art, unprecedented in scope and sheer scale."



Keeping positive and helping others do the same:

Gravoc want to know what was your favorite COH/COV memory.

houtex wonders what things you never noticed before, but are noticing now?

houtex also reflects on some re-discoveries, invoking a bit of nostalgic-ness-icity-ation.

Blondeshell has a long list of qualities that made City of Heroes unique, with room for everyone to add more.

TimTheEnchanter created a moving recap celebrating the players tenacity since 8/31. Direct YouTube Link



*peruses thread*




Awright. I got two links in this thread. Sweet. And thanks. And I'm humbled to be mentioned with such way more awesomer peoples than I.

This thread is win!


August 31, 2012. A Day that will Live in Infamy. Or Information. Possibly Influence. Well, Inf, anyway. Thank you, Paragon Studios, for what you did, and the enjoyment and camaraderie you brought.
This is houtex, aka Mike, signing off the forums. G'night all. - 10/26/2012
Well... perhaps I was premature about that whole 'signing off' thing... - 11-9-2012



Sentiment, Sorrow, Support, and Opportunities To Uplift:

Hit Streak hosted a community chat because he heard we missed it. KUDOS to him! Direct Twitch Link

VoodooGirl recreated City Of Heroes for a video. While shockingly sad to watch, that very depth of sadness shows how much emotion and creativity has been invested into City Of Heroes. Direct YouTube Link

You know the community is an amazing place when SDragon and several others share how CoH Saved My Life in full trust that their soul-baring stories will be handled with respect-filled care.

Thor's Assassin did a writeup about the Dinner's on Us! dev appreciate meal. Pictures also on the City Of Heroes Facebook page. Direct Blog Link

Maressa has sounded the call for the Extra Life Charity Drive. Save The Date and Join In the Gameathon on October 20!



When I think hope and positive thoughts have been sapped away, people like this show there are still some around:

Interface challenges to Post an obscure tidbit about CoH that no one else knows.

AllYourBase's wife made him a cookie.

Texarkana encourages letters of praise for CoH rednames of all eras.

Angelus Animi shared a movie that highlights both gameplay environments and rousing calls to action. Direct YouTube Link

Pep_Rally reminds that tomorrow is Tanker Tuesday 8th Year Anniversary! Congratulations, TT!



Sadness changed to smiles:

Victoria Victrix invites players to share anonymous Testimonials of how the game has helped you or those around you.

Rubberlad wonders Where Would You Settle Down If You Could Live In CoH?

Angelus Animi created another video, this time made especially to make fellow players smile. Direct YouTube Link

Mindscythe made me grin really, really big when he announced that Stan And Lou Are Back!!! Direct YouTube Link 1 & Direct YouTube Link 2

Make sure to (re-)listen to the original Stan And Lou series by Hertz. Then check out the video version of the first episode by Magmabolt Productions. (Have to play both at the same time for the correct effect on the latter link.)



Thanks for creating this thread and updating it often Llydia

Originally Posted by Paladiamors View Post
I love you, I Burnt the Toast!



Originally Posted by I Burnt The Toast View Post
Thanks for creating this thread and updating it often Llydia
Thank you for joining the celebration of people doing good, IBTT. That you and other people enjoying helps me smile more.

Originally Posted by Fire Man View Post
Those are awesome!
Glad to see you around, Fire Man!

Isn't the talent of the video makers, artists, storytellers, and other player projects mind-boggling brilliant?



It definitely is!



Lots of good to be seen, lots of good to be done:

Samuraiko shared her Farewell To Paragon City video. Warning: Having Kleenex on hand is recommended. Direct YouTube Link

Sol_Eternal created a video fly-through of many iconic CoH location. Direct YouTube Link

Angelus Animi again expanded their style of fan videos. Specifically a CoH Gangnam Style. Direct YouTube Link

The Extra Life Unity Event has raised over $7750 so far for the Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals around the world. Now THAT is when City Of Heroes players are at their finest. Keep it up, everyone! And happy gaming during the 24-hour marathon today Saturday, October 20, 2012!

Edit: Final total raised by team CoH for the Extra Life Unity Event was $8,618.00! WOW!!