Tributes To Greatness

Black Zot






If you are somewhere not drinking, not driving, and certainly not anywhere where laughing is inappropriate, check out Black Pebble and Co as they One-Up The Flowbee. Yes, they really did it... Direct YouTube Link


Hey, you were warned! I'm not replacing your keyboard or finding you a new job because you just spewed drink from howling with laughter in the middle of a corporate conference call...



Thank you for the praise. Any chance this thread can get stickied? It's an amazing resource.



Going to do another acknowledgement here, to my partner in crime on YouTube. He's busy looking for a new job and possible roof over his head atm so he hasn't had time to really do much, but he is taking what little time his days afford to do small vids and such. So here are a couple links. One to our YouTube Channel where I annotated my tush off so please watch where you can read my crafty notes. The other is his blog with a character he created the base for using CoH. The character, from what I understand, will either be a part of his upcoming book series or part of the same universe. Anyway Enjoy!

YouTube linkage:

Blog linkage:



Thank you for contributing, LadyGrimrose!

Some more great works:

Evangel_NA unveiled their Video Memories. Direct YouTube Link

theHedoren composed an instrumental piece titled Now Leaving: Paragon City.

Thor's Assassin uploaded their For Great Justice tribute video. Direct YouTube Link

super1water did a subtitle narritive to City Of Hero images. Direct YouTube Link

pewlagon spent a few minutes reminiscing about game changes over the years while showcasing the printed maps. Direct YouTube Link

What other examples have there been that I've missed? Please share!



Join in!

Interface created AE arch # 554396 "Your Final Mission", a version of the end of the game world. Read all the clues, that's where the story is.

Shiver_EU showcased their Statesman Tattoo.

ChristopherRobin wants to know who wants a shot at some free art to memorialize their City Of Hero characters? Direct deviantART page

Giveaway Part 2: Just state what you want.

Pssst, Hit Streak is hosted a Twitch chat with lots of Paragon Studios employees, including Positron and War Witch and Zwillinger! Direct Twitch link



There is beauty all around:

Real World Hero has begun! Only five days left for the auction.

REDRUM invites stories of your funniest City Of Heroes moments.

Soul Storm shares the results of hundreds of hours of evolution on their movie poster.

Rubberlad shares artistic depictions of virtual realism and invites your emotional screenshots, too.

DarthDelicious succulently summarized the coXso events over the weekend. Whew, that was a ton of fun packed into just a few days! I highly recommend trying the puzzles. No cheating by looking up the answers first!



Remember: Real World Hero auction ends this weekend, complete with an AP33 Party!

Electric-Knight started a ramble session about Positivity, Consideration and Respect, basically the embodiment of what I have been searching for with these highlights. Thanks for encouraging smiles!

JayboH started a discussion about Favorite ATs.

TimTheEnchanter completed another video tribute to hero and villain tenacity, titled Oblivion's Edge. Direct YouTube Link

Oh, and whichever dev decided to add NPC chatter dependent on our activity, thank you. Things such as ...

... makes me want to be more than a good player. It makes me want to be the best hero I can be to myself and all I encounter. Thank you!



Making memories:

Angelus Animi has created a Halloween Thriller video, with their signature quality and humor. Direct YouTube Link

Bookkeeper_Jay revived the discussion onFavorite In-Game Moments.

that_darn_lurker celebrated Things Loved About CoH Game Design.

TheRing took a trip down memory lane with Screenshots And Stories From The First Tanker Tuesday.

Then Hyperstrike gave a hat-tip to the Last International TT.

Lionors resurrected Dark_Respite's Coolest Place In-Game thread.



ChristopherRobin deserves extra KUDOS. Their original coXso weekend event starting 11/02/2012 was extended again and again to include the maximum number of players and artists possible, and then some, clear through 11/20/2012. Truly heroic labor of love. Thank you, ChristopherRobin! And thank you for assisting with logistics, DarthDelicious!

These links document that huge community event. Please let me know of any typos or if you can help fill in a ??? blank.

Shorthand key:
DA = deviantArt
GD = General Discussions Forum
MM = Multi-Media Forum

09/26 DA Inquiry
09/26 MM Inquiry
10/14 DA Artist List
10/25 DA Naming Poll
10/27 DA Status Update
10/29 MM Status Update
10/31 GD Inquiry
11/02 DA coXso Event Schedule

In-Game Costume Contests On Virtue Server:
11/02 10am #1 Open Theme
Art Winner: 1st place Rho'Syn (@Cera Frost) from ChristopherRobinArtz

11/02 4pm #2 METAL Theme
Art Winner: 1st place Sharkatron (@MOAB) from nighthornet

11/02 8pm #3 Open Theme
Art Winner: 1st place Nemesis Plot 13 (@Black Wildfire) from syrusbLiz

11/03 11am #4 Open Theme
Art Winner: 1st place Burning Khan (@Dagalathor) from angerbunny

11/03 4pm #5 NATURAL Theme
Art Winner: 1st place Mountainflame (@El D) from cric

11/03 8pm #6 Open Theme
Art Winners: 1st place Subscape (@Doomslayer) from nighthornet & 2nd place Spectral Haunt (@Tejina1) from Mykemanila

11/04 12pm #7 Open Theme
Art Winners: 1st place Shadeknight (@Shadeknight) from baquitania & 2nd place Pyrebird (@Laevateinn) from ChristopherRobinArtz

11/04 2pm Bonus Footrace
Art Winners: 1st place Karthow (@Destiny Bane) from ???, 2nd place Citlalmina (@Ephemeris2) from ???, 3rd place ??? from ???

Art Winner: 1st place Reaper-X (@Gambit-X) from DeeDeeProductions

11/04 8pm #9 Open Theme
Art Winners: 1st place Balance-Point (@Siberian Spring) from PlayWorkArt & 2nd place Scrapyard Bot (@Silvers1) from CelticBolt

DA Crossword Puzzles:
11/03 #1 Art Winner: Llydia from gammaknight
11/03 #2 Art Winner: ??? from PlayWorkArt
11/04 #3 Art Winner: ??? from lilwassu

GD Puzzles:
11/02 #1 Art Winner: Great Rock from DeeDeeProductions
11/02 #2 Art Winner: Smersh from Pirate-Cashoo
11/02 #3 Art Winner: Texas Justice from nighthornet
11/02 #4 Art Winner: EL_D from JonathanWyke
11/02 #5 Art Winner: Smersh from Pirate-Cashoo
11/03 #6 Art Winner: Leandro from poison
11/03 #7 Art Winner: Llydia from Rei2jewels
11/04 #8 Art Winner: Yoster from ChristopherRobinArtz
11/04 #9 Art Winner: Hercules from FooRay
11/04 #10 Art Winner: Llydia from Nojitsu
11/07 #11 Art Winner: TheHeroMaster from Zoetrooper
11/09 #12 Art Winner: JKedan from Crestent
11/11 #13 Art Winner: Usershadow7989 from AlexiMcLachlan
11/15 #14 Art Winner: toadliquor from isikol

Guess The Number:
11/02 #1 MM Art Winner: 14 ShadowWings from Pirate-Cashoo & Eddy-Swan
11/03 #2 GD Art Winner: 77 Ogi from Icon-Forever
11/03 #3 MM Art Winner: 87 the_fox_Rox from Pirate-Cashoo & Eddy-Swan
11/04 #4 MM Art Winner: 39 Laylarei from Pirate-Cashoo & GreenLantern24601
11/06 #5 GD Art Winner: 85 Father Xmas from rantz
11/08 #6 GD Art Winner: 94 Hyperstrike from Zoetrooper
11/09 #7 GD Art Winner: 43 JayboH from Happy-Dan
11/11 #8 GD Art Winner: 3 Torment and Agony from AlexiMcLachlan
11/11 #9 GD Art Winner: 74 DJ1 from MMOART
11/14 #10 GD Art Winner: 40 Great Rock from sodacan

11/12 MIA
11/20 Art Forfeit: Burning Khan (@Dagalathor), Sharkatron (@MOAB), & Rho'Syn (@Cera Frost)

11/20 Redraw
11/20 GD Private Message Art Winner: TimtheEnchanter from ChristopherRobinArtz
11/20 GD Random Name Art Winner: Electric-Knight from nighthornet
11/20 In-Game Private Message Art Winner: HeroHitero (@HeroHitero) from angerbunny

11/09 GD Art Prizes
DA coXso Art Prizes
DA City Of Heroes Character REFS

Congratulations to the winners and all who were able to participate. coXso was an exceptionally memorable event and on behalf of all the players: We had super fun!!

Extra grateful for you artists who graciously shared your talents. May you have an abundance of commissions!

And once more a big THANK YOU to ChristopherRobin for making it all happen!



Jeez. I thought I was all done even thinking about the closure, then I watched Samuraiko's farewell.

It's pretty impressive what could be done with the capture function in this game.

... and now I'm even inspired to do at least one last tour of the game, before it goes.

So that's something.

/dusty in here.

Currently: 50s (5), 40s (3), 30s (5)
Red and blue side, mostly Infinity, Virtue, and Freedom.



Please note that if you like watching COH videos, you should definitely bookmark CohTube and keep an eye on it even after the game closes. Demo editing does not require the server in order to put things together, and most of the latest Angelus Animi video was made completely offline. There will be more coming, even after the servers shut down. Calls to Action and Events Calendar
This is what 3700 heroes in a single zone looks like.
Thanks to @EnsonsDeath for the GVE code that made me VIP again!



Originally Posted by James_Bonnell View Post
Jeez. I thought I was all done even thinking about the closure, then I watched Samuraiko's farewell.

It's pretty impressive what could be done with the capture function in this game.

... and now I'm even inspired to do at least one last tour of the game, before it goes.

So that's something.

/dusty in here.
If I can make myself log in, I have two videos left to do.


Dark_Respite's Farewell Video: "One Last Day"
Book I: A Tale of Nerd Flirting! ~*~ Book II: Courtship and Crime Fighting - Chap Nine live!
MA Arcs - 3430: Hell Hath No Fury / 3515: Positron Gets Some / 6600: Dyne of the Times / 351572: For All the Wrong Reasons
378944: Too Clever by Half / 459581: Kill or Cure / 551680: Clerical Errors (NEW!)



Team coXso salutes you Lydia for making the effort of thanking everyone this way. It is beautiful!

Myself, I wanna give kudos to every soul that put time and effort into City of Heroes. Be them the makers, the artists, the players and everybody in between.
I am proud to serve Paragon City, and I will till the last second. After that I will be proud to continue art, which I have City of Heroes to thank for. Without it.. I might have never picked up that pencil again. *hugs all*

CoH Fan-Art Sale still several slots open!

Read my in-game stories and check out my DeviantART page.
- coXso - It was a memorable time filled with art!



James_Bonnell - Her videos are amazing, aren't they?

Leandro - A good reminder, but the link was mistyped. Direct CoHTube Link

Dark_Respite - You have done 33 amazing CoH videos. I've collected them all, like so many of your inspired fans. And like your other fans I know you had more than two videos left, you actually had 50+ video ideas left to create in CoH. Most importantly, I hope you will always be proud of your talent and know that you inspired so many of us to love what we create in any medium. Thank you for that tremendous gift! *hug*

DarthDelicious - Well said, DD, well said indeed!



Raise Your Glass High:

Scarlet Shocker invites celebrations of Your Favorite Things About CoH.

Turgenev penned a summary of the DC/MD Wrap Party. Direct Facebook Link

Chad Gulzow-Man again extends Black Pebble's invitation to the North Carolina Meet & Greet. Direct Facebook Link

Arcanaville wrote a stirring tribute to the balanced reality of devs, players, and game in their Last Dance. Then they offered to host one more grand community event on Beta, titled The Immortal Game, scheduled for Wendesday November 28th at 6:00pm PST. Direct CharacterCopy Link



Originally Posted by Llydia View Post
ChristopherRobin deserves extra KUDOS. Their original coXso weekend event starting 11/02/2012 was extended again and again to include the maximum number of players and artists possible, and then some, clear through 11/20/2012. Truly heroic labor of love .............................. And once more a big THANK YOU to ChristopherRobin for making it all happen!
Heroic labor of love indeed. Well said.
Thanks so much for taking the time to make this summary and for the kind words. It is most appreciated and you're welcome.
I wanted a way to give something back to the great community here and promote the many CoH artists who've created over the years.
Through this many people got a way to preserve their beloved characters and several of the participating artists got paid commission work as well.
Win/win/win in my book!

11/03 #2 Art Winner: ??? from PlayWorkArt
11/04 #3 Art Winner: ??? from lilwassu

The 2nd word puzzle for the PlayWorkArt piece was solved by Sapphic Neko (resulting piece is up in the
coXso prize artz unite! thread already) and the third puzzle was solved by Zekiran-Immortal (Lethe-Gray on DA).

One --> Artz Giveaway <-- To Rule Them ALL!

I will settle this. ORANGE FTW! - Ex Libris