Posting Exploits
It was a few months after we got the alignment system.
My latest toon, a dp/mm blaster, had just become a Rogue, and I was doing lvl arcs in GV with him.
I was working on Pithers arc, and I finished his mission in the shard map, wherre you free Olivia Darque. I finished, getting the 5 merits for the arc.Then the mission has a 'find mission exit' so I used oro to get out. I think then I got invited to do something else and switched toons.
A few days later, I logged him in again, and Flashback TP'd (where you start a flashback arc, just to get to the zone the contact is in) to RWZ for a raid and then went blueside for a tf.
Then I went to call teh contact, to turn the arc in (in was the LAST mission in the arc) and had reset THAT mission. So I went back in, seeing what would happen if I finished it again. Another 5 merits!
So being the devious person I am..I tried it again. Finish mission, oro out, head to rwz, zone to blue, back to oro..redo mission. Another 5 merits! Exploit found!
Ah ha! I hear you say..only 5 merits? Well..yes. Till I got a toon who was 80% through Unais utterly long and stupid boring arc. For those who dont know..this is like 25 missions, and gives 41 merits. 41!
So, I got to the last mission, killing Requiem. Then I would do the following.
Enter, kill Requiem as an EB, usually netting a shard, rare recipes, or purples (I got a few)
Then Id die, on purpose, in order to base TP
Using base Oro, I'd tp to the rwz and Laeventra, then zoning to Cap, to 'switch' sides.
Once in cap, Oro back to blueside, and TP back to Unai via flashback tp.
Then, reselect his now Reset mission.
In summary..41 merits in under FIVE minutes.
I made about..oh..30k? merits in 2 weeks. Till they fixed it. As far as I know, I NEVER saw any hint of others using, finding this particular exploit. WHich, I did not tell anyone about.
After having a capped merit toon..reward merits lost any real value to me.
Ahh...good times.
I enjoyed that. Thank you for sharing.
Glad you did. It actually got boring for me..I could have made a lot more. lol.
I saw it as pay back for the crap I got about posting the Khled merits exploit on here and being yelled at.
Exploit thread here too, you should repost too
edit - wrong thread, this one
That Vinceland sounds like it would be great fun to look through
I don't suffer from altitis, I enjoy every minute of it.
Thank you Devs & Community people for a great game.
So sad to be ending ):
There's a huge list of bug's in TheNet's thread Not Goodbye, where he pretty much asks people to share their favorite ones.
Originally Posted by ShadowNate
;_; ?!?! What the heck is wrong with you, my god, I have never been so confused in my life!
Ohh cheers guys. I'll repost it there
Heh, nice one.
My little claim to infamy was right after the "abandon mission" button was implemented. I quickly realized that, as there were a couple of multi-part missions that started with you talking to an NPC, which in turn gave you a small influence/prestige/XP reward. So you could park yourself next to the NPC, talk to them, abandon, call your contact again to get the mission again, talk to them, and repeat on and on.
So I filed a bug report and that got shut down in the next patch.
Heh, nice one.
My little claim to infamy was right after the "abandon mission" button was implemented. I quickly realized that, as there were a couple of multi-part missions that started with you talking to an NPC, which in turn gave you a small influence/prestige/XP reward. So you could park yourself next to the NPC, talk to them, abandon, call your contact again to get the mission again, talk to them, and repeat on and on. So I filed a bug report and that got shut down in the next patch. |

Questions about the game, either side? /t @Neuronia or @Neuronium, with your queries!
168760: A Death in the Gish. 3 missions, 1-14. Easy to solo.
Infinity Villains
Champion, Pinnacle, Virtue Heroes
I know this is against the forum rules..and Zwill DID ask us to behave...but..
This particular exploit that I found about a year ago, and has been fixed for a looong time..I am quite proud of it.
Can I share?