Hmm... I'm still VIP...!




The specifics:

Subscription type: Monthly, automatic renewal
Renewal Date: the 1st of every month
Time of Day: Usually by 8pm Central time

When I read the news on August 31st, despite reading that all subscriptions/purchases had been halted, I immediately went to NCSoft's website and cancelled my sub. (Just so that I could say I did it. *shrug*) I knew that my subscription would be gone one way or the other by the next evening.

However, it seems I was not the only one unsure of whether or not VIP status would remain once the time for which we had paid had expired. Since I am undoubtedly one of the first to have their subscription date come and go, I figured I would be the guinea pig. I logged in this morning (Sept. 2nd) to find that I was still VIP! (Still had all characters slots unlocked, still had usable Incarnate powers.)

So there it is, the point of this topic: At least for the moment, it appears that whatever subscription type you had as of August 31st will remain.

@Winter. Because I'm Winter. Period.
I am a blaster first, and an alt-oholic second.



I really hope its true.

I want to continue playing till he end, as a VIP all the way.



That would explain why the "VIP until..." line is missing. I hope you are right. Thank you for sharing.



Unfortunately, it means that those who were going to resub, are unable to (I was due to resub this weekend),

So bleah...



Originally Posted by Gangrel_EU View Post
Unfortunately, it means that those who were going to resub, are unable to (I was due to resub this weekend),

So bleah...
Sucks for me. They didn't pull the payment that was due on the 26th of August and kicked me down to freemium, I've got no way to make the payment so after 7yrs I'm going to go out with a whimper instead of a bang...



If I had to hazard a guess I'd say that they'll leave any automated systems in place (such as downgrades when no payment is received) after all, why expend any effort to consider the customers at this point? Not like they're taking our money anymore.

I would say that any VIP with auto-billing or a renewal before Nov 30, make accommodation to be downgraded to a freemium player at some point in the next few months. (ie do you screens and consolidations now)

Of course, I'd be happy to have a red name tell be my assumption is incorrect.

(Heck, it'd be nice if someone said "the heck with it" and unlocked everything for everyone, but I don't see that happening either)

It's 106 miles to Grandville, we got a full tank of gas, half a pack of cigarettes, it's dark and we're wearing faceless helmets

... Hit it ...