Because I had the absolute pleasure of looking and being around you all...
You rock Arby Fab, and introduced me to Long Island Ice Tea. Which I am still shocked to find contains no tea!
Always remember, we were Heroes.
Thank you so much...
COMING SOON: A new Epic that will change the way you see Arachnos...
Brought to you by @Equation
Living the dream, baby. I have to admire the courage both to d that and to throw yourself out like that. It's something I think about all the time.
Anyone Who wants to argue about my usual foolishness can find me here.
I'll miss you all.
Hey Arbiter,
The name is Greg. We met at one of the Focus Groups/and/or Meet and Greet's. You were overall a friendly and awesome guy. I had no idea you were wearing a mask, and for that I have even more respect for you. I wish you the best in your future.
Feel free to friend me on facebook with your cashire cat profile, or your regular one (or both!).
Best wishes,
Gregory Skelley
50's (Only most important)
Zuraq (53 EM/SR Brute)
Stagmalite (50 Granite/Fire TanK)
(Couple of other's I don't care about.)
Just posted the following on your video linked above:
You DA MAN!!!
I was going to do a video about this but since so many know me by the written word I thought it might be prudent to do this as a written statement.
In 2005 I started playing City of Heroes. I was a bit of a bitter self-centered person who didn't give a damn about his fellow man or player.
This community changed that.
Since then, I had worked on the CoV streetwise team, written for the City Scoop, received one of 5 ever participation awards to being an example of what this game is about, and chased my dream of working in the game industry from Tennessee all the way to San Jose, where I eventually DID get to work for Paragon.
EM Stock in 2009 said that there was something about pretending to be a superhero that brought out the best in us, and I have to agree with her. Without the inspiration of every single one of you, I would not be the person I am today, and I will hold these years forever in my heart.
Hell I even have an Arachnos tattoo.
As I'm writing this, I'm worried both for all my friends in game and on the forums. I do not want to lose contact with any of you. I don;t want what this community is and stands for to go away.
I also worry for my friends AT Paragon Studios, my ex-coworkers who have been some of the most innovative and imaginative people I've ever had the pleasure of working with.
In this time of soul searching and bearing of emotion, I feel it prudent to reveal something about myself that I have kept hidden, even from my friends at the studio during my tenure, for fear it might be taken as a conflict of interest.
For the past several years, I have been involved in he Real Life Superhero movement under the name The Cheshire Cat. I have fed and clothes the homeless, raised money for various charities, stopped robberies, muggings and incidents of domestic violence, and even a car jacking. I've helped people, a lot of people and I wouldn't be the kind of person who would be the type to step up and do that if not for the people in this community.
To my friends here, I hope that you don't think less of me.
To my friends from Paragon, please know that I only kept this secret for fear of how it might be seen to the studio proper, and possibly hinder chances or returning there one day. I didn't want to be seen as a fan who took things too far.
Everyone who reads this is part of the community who taught me that it's ok to care for your fellow man. You taught me it's ok to try and be a better person, no matter what form that takes. You taught me it's ok to turn your back on selfishness.
Many of us are worried what happens to our community, and to that I do not know. What I *DO* know is that we carry the spirit of this community inside all of us, and we can carry that wherever we go. Look at Real World Hero, the charity we do every year, raising thousands for various causes. That's what this community is about.
So, there it is, I've 'come out of the phone booth' as we like to say.
You can follow me on FB at if you wish.
But it has been an honor and a privilege to work and play beside each and every one of you.
Be the hero inside, no matter what form it takes, life is too short not to.
AJ Mayall/Arbiter Fabulous/The Cheshire Cat: San Jose's Real Life Superhero.
And for those who say pics or it didn't happen...
COMING SOON: A new Epic that will change the way you see Arachnos...
Brought to you by @Equation