Petition for Open Source Code




There are so many petitions out there for NCSoft to continue to support City of Heroes/Villains. I understand why. I'm also very emotionally attached to this MMO. I met my wife here, and we've been married for three years now. All of my friends are online and in this game.

But at the same time, I acknowledge that NCSoft has commited to their choice of action. There's no 'take-backs' or 'oops our bad' in this scenario.

What's needed is a more logical approach to this crisis. Yes. The game is going to be taken down before the end of this year; and there is nothing we can do about it.

So what I propose is a petition to release the game code. Making it open source. This would enable private servers hosted by former players of CoH to operate. There would be no further development on the game. But it would continue, as it is right now (depending on whether or not they release Issue 24).

I encourage you to look this petition over, and consider whether or not you agree with it. If you do, then please feel free to sign it. If not, enjoy the time we've been given to make peace with the inevitable. Because between a petition to continue their support, or a petition to open source a game they're shutting down regardless.... I think it's obvious which they might seriously consider.

Petition to Open Source the CoH Game Code:

@Silvermid @Musicstudio



Never going to happen without a purchase of the IP and/or studio. Please focus your thinking along functional lines of how to divest PS from NCSoft. Money talks, other things walk.

Hew in drag baby



Unless someone like Zuckerberg is a closet CoH fan, I'm afraid all the talk of Kickstarters and petitions is moot. This is something it would take millions to do. (I'm aware that some Kickstarters have raised millions. This would not be one of them.)



Originally Posted by OneFrigidWitch View Post
Never going to happen without a purchase of the IP and/or studio. Please focus your thinking along functional lines of how to divest PS from NCSoft. Money talks, other things walk.
Those of us without the financial backing to consider divesting Paragon Studios from NCSoft are left with little alternative than to use our voice. No matter how quiet or insignificant some might think of it.

Anything, any show of support; even this petition, is better than doing nothing for lack of money or business expertise.

I think it's better to say "I did something." Rather than "I sat back and watched it burn."

@Silvermid @Musicstudio



Originally Posted by Revanos View Post
Those of us without the financial backing to consider divesting Paragon Studios from NCSoft are left with little alternative than to use our voice. No matter how quiet or insignificant some might think of it.

Anything, any show of support; even this petition, is better than doing nothing for lack of money or business expertise.

I think it's better to say "I did something." Rather than "I sat back and watched it burn."
Well. I don't think it's appropriate to fight at a funeral, so I'll just say that there are more than the two alternatives you state, and your premise is flawed.

Carry on.



Originally Posted by Revanos View Post
I think it's better to say "I did something." Rather than "I sat back and watched it burn."
If you feel better afterwards then by all means do so. Just be cognizant of the fact that the IP is a corporate asset. Paragon City real estate doesn't fall to pennies on the dollar because of this decision.

The reasons why the server code will never be released to the public domain have nothing to do with the players and everything to do with the financial bottom line of NCSoft. If it can be sold or traded or developed into something new then it has value and the company would be roasted by the shareholders for throwing away valuable assets, regardless of whether that value is ever realized or not.



I signed it but I rather vote with dollars since I know that will garner more attention.



This will never happen. The underlying engine still belongs to Cryptic and is licensed by NCSoft. The terms of this licensing I have not the slightest hints on, but they may range from a one time fee to a monthly fee (big reason to shut down the game with a deadline if it's not making money.)

Regardless the terms, they are extremely unlikely to have any clause that allows them to redistribute the source code freely.