Odd graphics - clothes becoming transparent
I believe the "Character Detail" setting means your character, i.e. how detailed you want your own character to appear. NPCs appearance/detail is handled by the other, general settings. I've noticed the same thing you're talking about, though. I keep my "Character Detail" setting high, so my own character looks good, but low setting elsewhere makes NPCs look like your screenshots. I think it's some of the texture settings, or World Detail, or something. It goes away when I boost those settings.
There's two settings relevant to this: Character Texture Quality, and Character Detail. Which is it that you have at max? Or is it both? To have the non-low-res versions of characters show up further away, it's the second you want to max out.
If your Character Detail slider is at 200% (or even 100%, for the distances you're showing) and this is still happening, though, then yeah, that's definitely weird.
Character Detail determines the draw distance when the engine switches between regular and lower polygon models on characters.
Character Texture Quality determines the highest quality texture map that can be used. Lower values will lead to blocky/fuzzy textures when close.
Father Xmas - Level 50 Ice/Ice Tanker - Victory
$725 and $1350 parts lists --- My guide to computer components
Tempus unum hominem manet
Character Detail determines the draw distance when the engine switches between regular and lower polygon models on characters.
Generally I think that's a Draw Distance and Level of Detail setting. At some distance, the engine starts removing polygons so that objects are simpler and easier to draw.
What setting controls that in CoH, I don't know. Character Detail is as good as any to try, Father Xmas is pretty knowledgeable and often exactly correct about these sorts of things.
Ok, I just checked. I have:
Character Texture Quality: Very High
Character Detail 100%
I just adjusted Character Detail to 200%. Although 200% makes about as much sense to me as having 200% of a glass of water, I'll go with it and see how it looks.
Did something change which would have changed these settings, or changed the world such that a higher setting is necessary?
Impervia Girl
Generally I think that's a Draw Distance and Level of Detail setting. At some distance, the engine starts removing polygons so that objects are simpler and easier to draw.
Also all NPCs are displayed at the same distance, neither character or world detail (which is draw distance/fog) affects when you see them, with the exception of a max number of NPCs display limit in which case I believe it's closest are displayed until the cap is reached. Last I looked an example of this could be found in Founders Falls around the sky scrapper north of the ICON with the huge mob of NPCs walking around the base of it. The number is/was (haven't been there recently to check) so high you could watch them pop into existence at a relatively close range. You can also see that world detail doesn't affect NPC draw distance by turning it town in an indoor mission and see critters that are obscured as you approach them by intervening walls/crates/rooms.
Father Xmas - Level 50 Ice/Ice Tanker - Victory
$725 and $1350 parts lists --- My guide to computer components
Tempus unum hominem manet
Nothing beats the combat bug where you're getting hit, but can't see from what.
Nothing beats the combat bug where you're getting hit, but can't see from what.
Same thing, but with burn patches and such

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.
Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.
Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.
Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.
For the past couple months (at least) I've noticed an issue with graphics. The character detail deteriorates quickly from a short distance. I've taken several screenshots. In each example, the left side is where the clothing is transparent, and the right side it returns to normal when I get a little closer.
My character detail is at MAX, and I've not changed any settings for years. But it behaves as if my detail settings are very low.
Anyone else see this in game? I've asked some people online while I see it, and they see it as well. I wanted to verify with more people.
I've gone to support with this, but kinda got the canned answer (go into safe mode, etc.).
Here are my shots:
(the gray skirt on the woman)
(the red skirt/dress on the woman)
(the side of the skirt on the woman)
(the side of the black skirt on the woman)
It seems to happen on tight fitting clothing, and will occur on tight knee high or thigh high boots as well.
Impervia Girl