P.E.R.C. Presents: The Great Makeover - The Vindicators




Originally Posted by Alpha_XBS View Post
Taking screenshots for me has been tricky too. I play in full mode on Windows 7 too.

What has worked for me is:

1. Take a screenshot with Print Screen, Paste on Paint.
2. This gives me a blank black page (like you).
3. Alt-tab back to the game, repeat step 1.
4. For some odd reason, then the screenshot will paste this time.

Hope this helps.
As may have been mentioned, in Windows 7 windowed mode will allow for print screen to function correctly. In full screen there are problems that prevent things from being captured reliably.



Originally Posted by Seldom View Post
As may have been mentioned, in Windows 7 windowed mode will allow for print screen to function correctly. In full screen there are problems that prevent things from being captured reliably.
Just trying to provide an alternate method that has worked for me since I have also read about other people having issues with Windowed Mode and the Snipping Tool.

@Alpha XBS ~ Victory
Thunder Light - Peacebringer * Displaced Calibre - Dual Pistols/Time Corruptor * Defendatron WS - Warshade
Madame Distress - Ill/Rad Controller * Madame Infernus - Fire/Thermal Corruptor



Some damn nice ones! I like a lot of the Aurora ones, with extra points to the people who remember she's black.

In the room the women come and go
Talking of Michelangelo.



There are tons of great and interesting designs in this thread! I have learned a lot, not only about characters I've "known" for years, but also about what players think about costumes.

It makes me wish I had a machine that could run the game properly available at the moment. If I did, I think I'd do two different lineups: the team as I'd design it given free reign and the team as I'd design it as a dev trying to implement other players' preferences. Maybe I'll do that someday in an art thread, once I get a new system up and running.

"Bombarding the CoH/V fora with verbosity since January, 2006"

Djinniman, level 50 inv/fire tanker, on Victory
-and 40 others on various servers

A CoH Comic: Kid Eros in "One Light"



Originally Posted by MisterMagpie View Post
Some damn nice ones! I like a lot of the Aurora ones, with extra points to the people who remember she's black.
She is? She always looked tan to me.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



So's Calvin Scott. Hurray for racially homogenous marraiges in Paragon City!

Carl and Sons @Aurora Girl (Pinnacle)
Originally Posted by EarthWyrm View Post
But I do understand that there is an internet rule that any bad idea must be presented by someone at least twice a year to remind everyone who hasn't already read every previous thread on the topic precisely why the idea is bad.



Originally Posted by Aurora_Girl View Post
So's Calvin Scott. Hurray for racially homogenous marraiges in Paragon City!
lol...some of didn't think that was the case obviously.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
She is? She always looked tan to me.
Yep! Her skin's not like, super dark, but she's black. It's much more evident on Mother Mayhem.

In the room the women come and go
Talking of Michelangelo.



Originally Posted by MisterMagpie View Post
Yep! Her skin's not like, super dark, but she's black. It's much more evident on Mother Mayhem.
Who again looked tan to me and not black.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
Who again looked tan to me and not black.
When I see those characters, I often think of Frozone's complaint in the DVD commentary to "Mr. Incredible and Pals," in which he complains that the animators turned him from black to tan. "Oh, the TAN superhero gets caught!"

Mother Mayhem always looked not even tan, but white, to me, though. I always found it odd that the two different dimensional versions of Aurora Scott were of different ethnicities.

"Bombarding the CoH/V fora with verbosity since January, 2006"

Djinniman, level 50 inv/fire tanker, on Victory
-and 40 others on various servers

A CoH Comic: Kid Eros in "One Light"



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
She is? She always looked tan to me.
I'm reminded of Silvio Berlusconi complimenting Barack Obama's "nice tan."




Originally Posted by Mr_Morbid View Post
I'm reminded of Silvio Berlusconi complimenting Barack Obama's "nice tan."
I'm not the only one who thought she was white

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Global Handle: @Von Krieger
Concept: Modernizing

Vindicator: Aurora Borealis

Why: The overarching concept I went with in this set of four was to update and modernize the looks of the four heroines, but also to retain some of the central aspects and themes of their in-game appearances.

Aurora was the first one I did. My initial idea was to go for something in tribute and reference to Sister Psyche, but that's been done several times already in the thread, so I decided to go a different way with the look.

The unique pieces of Aurora's outfit are the rings, belt, and tiara, and while I can't replicate those parts exactly I can utilize similar pieces to get the same effect.

Aurora also has, essentially, a one color outfit, which in my mind looks to simplistic. Her outfit also shows off a lot of skin.

So keeping all those in mind I went with the Imperial Dynasty set as the base for her outfit. The inherent gold edges to the outfit also help to prevent the outfit from being monotone. The ID pieces also show skin, so right away we have the monocolor thing kicked aside and we've matched up the showing off some skin theme Aurora has.

With the baked-in gold being selected for us, using the Retro Sci Fi boots, gloves, and shoulders tinting them a similar shade gives us the look of the rings that Aurora has as her unique pieces.

I also used the Barbarian tiara as a stand-in for Aurora's signature piece. Unfortunately that means I can't keep her hair style, as the ponytail she sports has the bit of hair in the front ending up behind the tiara.

So I kept the gold theme and chose the hairstyle I did in order to compliment the tiara.

Also of note is that white is an absolute pain in the butt to get to show up as make up. :P

Aurora's in-game outfit looked, to me, kind of like the relatively simple attire a novice hero would be able to get. Or in Aurora's case make with a compass and a pair of scissors.

I think the look I gave her appears more professional-seeming and less "I made my own outfit all by myself!"

Vindicator: Mynx

Mynx is another character whose outfit screams that they made it at home in their spare time. Or in Mynx's case that her mother sewed her for Halloween. Trust me, I know from experience wearing a tiger-stripped outfit on Halloween.

I'm not sure what it is with Mynx that sets off my "uncanny valley" sense, but her color palette has just always seemed a bit off to me. She also has the misfortune of being stuck with the CoH Classic tiger pattern, which for some unknown reason looks like it's smeared all over.

So keeping her 'human' coloration or white skin and brilliant red hair, I decided to do something different with the stripy pattern. Since giving her blue skin and white markings made her broadcast "I AM RIPPING OFF MYSTIQUE, GENERICIZE ME!," and my efforts and giving her a better looking bodysuit did not pan out, I instead went for the Bioluminescence pieces for her top and bottom.

Unlike all the heroines in the Vindicators and Freedom Phalanx (Except Valkyrie, but she wears armor) Mynx is actually covered up entirely from the neck down. Reading over her biography she was experimented on by Crey, which got her her powers, and also that her secondary changed from /Regen to /Super Reflexes, representing the regenerative serum wearing off.

A lot of comic book characters with Regen powers heal back to their original state, while with Mynx I was thinking that subjected to testing the limits of the regenerative effect would have a lasting mark on her. Either from scarring from wounds so severe that the regeneration couldn't fully restore them, or from the serum going above and beyond returning injured areas to the point of previous function. Instead adapting them to be more resistant to harmful effects in the future.

I was contemplating throwing out the blue entirely in favor of red for my Mynx revamp. Using the third darkest red for the Bio markings makes for some pretty horrific looking scars. But in the end I decided to stick with blue as I was putting together Mynx's new outfit.

For some reason I see Mynx and my brain goes "Professional lady wrestler!" I think that might be due to my e-mail namesake Hellkat being a striped quasi-cat girl lady wrestler. So I used parts that reminded me of pro wrestling attire. Kind of a mix of Kharma/Awesome Kong, Nattie Neidhart, and Beth Phoenix (which is why Mynx is wearing a tiara.)

I went with the Sport boots and gloves since they had an elbow and knee pad thing, and for some reason I get kind of a Matt/Jeff Hardy-Classic Undertaker kind of vibe from them. I used gold as a secondary color on the outfit once again to keep the outfit from getting too monotonous as well as using the third primary color alongside red and blue.

I kind of picture the reasoning behind the change in attire as Mynx finally coming to terms with her alterations and no longer feeling like she should hide her scars.

Vindicator: Luminary

Poor Luminary. As far as I can see she doesn't have a signature part. Aurora had her rings, Mynx had her M belt, and Ms. Liberty has her swordbelt and shoulder pads. Though since at the moment PC's can't access the old, non-reflecting Metallic options that might count.

The good thing with a robot character is that you don't have to put much thought behind a costume change, or a complete physical overhaul. It can easily be explained as repairs or upgrades.

For my revision of Luminary's looks I went for a sort of Glowy-White Fruit Brand Product look with her. Wherever I could I tried to use pieces that had curves, lacked sharp edges, and had a sort of plastic-composite armor sort of look.

Over all I'm rather pleased with the effect, as most of the pieces I utilized are from completely different sets. Her armor pieces all give her a smooth, sleek, feminine look to her, while the golden material of unknown composition (I am a lazy VK and don't want to research what one would use to insulate a robot superhero who would often get into battles) also matches relatively well. Once again her top, chest, and bottom pieces all come from different sets, but have an incredibly similar look to them.

I used a Carnival of Light mask for Luminary's face for several reasons. It fits the molded plastic aesthetic I was going for as well as having a Light-themed named to go along with it. If I recall correctly there are several Carnies around the Talos TUNNEL portal. So that could easily be tied in to her rebuilding as well.

Though it's next to impossible to see, I left Luminary's head as Metallic with a white Circuitry pattern. I also kept her single non-Metallic set piece, that being her belt. It's just about the only thing that could possibly carry over after an armor upgrade.

Vindicator: Ms. Liberty

Ok, I didn't realize it until I wrote up the last one did I realize that I used gold coloration in each and every costume I've made thus far. I didn't mean to do that, it just happened that way.

Ms. Liberty is another character whose costume looks pretty darn awful. I run around Atlas from level 1 to level 4 just so I only have to see that horrendous looking fade texture thing she's got on. So just about anything would be an improvement.

Of course we have to keep the American theme of the outfit with patriotic colors, and I also preserved her use of gold as an accessory color for her belt and mantle.

So I essentially armored her up to make her look the part of a heroine who has to step into some big red, white, and blue shoes. I'm not 100% happy with the way she turned out, but barring another layer of lower body accessories, there really isn't anything I can do about it.

None of the skirt options went well with the rest of her outfit, and thus allowing me to put some more red on her lower body. I attempted to balance that out with the red of her cape. I really like the way the breastplate and the Witch Leather bottom have their golden segments flowing in to one another.

I think she needs a proper headband, but those wings don't come with one. I debated putting a helmet on her or not, but she really doesn't seem the type to go around wearing a helmet.

Out of the four redesigns I have here, I think Libby here is the most lacking. There's something missing on her, but I can't quite put my finger on what it is, nor can I see a way to fix the faults that I'm seeing with her design.

Originally Posted by reiella View Post
Until I see something that states to the contrary, going to assume VK is right .



Global Handle: @Redlynne

Costume code data is given for each and every submission so that the judges of this contest (should they wish) can view these costume designs in-game, from any angle, performing any desired activity on their own computers. Several designs have elements which animate that do not translate all that well into stills and screenshots. All screenshots and costume designs were taken and edited on the Beta Test server while standing next to the current NPC costume design for ease of reference, and some use elements which are currently only available there on Beta (such as the Tech Knight costume pack).


Vindicator: Aurora Borealis

Front View
Side View
Back View

Why: Aurora Borealis is now manifesting her powers visibly in the immediate vicinity of her person. She has also traded in her former body paint/body stocking costume for actual cloth, leather and metal to update her look. Note that the NPC wears a tiara with a (now) suspiciously familiar looking emblem on it, which is not available to players.

Artistic Note: The "aurora aura" is the Rainbow Path Aura.

Costume code:

Scale -0.02727
BoneScale -0.006471
ShoulderScale 0.259
ChestScale 0.3535
WaistScale -0.6523
HipScale 0.1705
LegScale 0.02
HeadScales  -1.454e-005,  -1.454e-005,  -1.454e-005
BrowScales  -1.454e-005,  -1.454e-005,  -1.454e-005
CheekScales  -1.454e-005,  -1.454e-005,  -1.454e-005
ChinScales  -1.454e-005,  -1.454e-005,  -1.454e-005
CraniumScales  -1.454e-005,  -1.454e-005,  -1.454e-005
JawScales  -1.454e-005,  -1.454e-005,  -1.454e-005
NoseScales  -1.454e-005,  -1.454e-005,  -1.454e-005
SkinColor  155,  99,  63
NumParts 28
BodyType 1
CostumePart ""
	Geometry Tight
	Texture1 !X_Fem_Hips_Skin_Imperial_Dynasty_01
	Texture2 none
	DisplayName P1525729866
	RegionName "Lower Body"
	BodySetName Tights/Skin
	Color1  227,  227,  227
	Color2  241,  238,  126
	Color3  0,  0,  0
	Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
	Geometry Tight
	Texture1 !X_Fem_Shirt_Skin_Imperial_Dynasty_01
	Texture2 none
	DisplayName P566009771
	RegionName "Upper Body"
	BodySetName Tights/Skin
	Color1  227,  227,  227
	Color2  241,  238,  126
	Color3  0,  0,  0
	Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
	Geometry V_fem_Head.GEO/GEO_Head_V_Asym_Standard
	Texture1 !v_sf_face_skin_head_10
	Texture2 !V_Sf_Face_Makeup_5
	DisplayName P687117166
	RegionName Head
	BodySetName standard
	Color1  255,  255,  255
	Color2  241,  238,  126
	Color3  0,  0,  0
	Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
	Geometry Loose
	Texture1 skin_bare
	Texture2 Sleeve
	DisplayName P3937616722
	RegionName "Upper Body"
	BodySetName Tights/Skin
	Color1  227,  227,  227
	Color2  241,  238,  126
	Color3  0,  0,  0
	Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
	Geometry Hi_Heels
	Texture1 smooth_01
	Texture2 !BOOT_Blend
	DisplayName P2104750136
	RegionName "Lower Body"
	BodySetName Tights/Skin
	Color1  227,  227,  227
	Color2  255,  255,  255
	Color3  0,  0,  0
	Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
	Fx Capes/N_Characters/T9i24_01/CapeFemT9i24_01.fx
	Geometry N_Fem_T9i24_01.GEO/GEO_Belt_T9i24_01
	Texture1 !X_Belt_T9i24_01
	Texture2 none
	DisplayName P177456852
	RegionName "Upper Body"
	BodySetName Tights/Skin
	Color1  227,  227,  227
	Color2  241,  238,  126
	Color3  227,  227,  227
	Color4  241,  238,  126

CostumePart ""
	Geometry Ponytail
	Texture1 Long_01a
	Texture2 Long_01b
	DisplayName P2681220175
	RegionName Head
	BodySetName standard
	Color1  199,  199,  199
	Color2  126,  204,  241
	Color3  0,  0,  0
	Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
	Fx none
	Geometry none
	Texture1 none
	Texture2 none
	Color1  31,  31,  31
	Color2  227,  227,  227
	Color3  31,  31,  31
	Color4  227,  227,  227

CostumePart ""
	Geometry Tiara_04
	Texture1 Tiara_01a
	Texture2 Tiara_01b
	DisplayName P2793026233
	RegionName Head
	BodySetName standard
	Color1  227,  227,  227
	Color2  77,  255,  76
	Color3  0,  0,  0
	Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
	Geometry none
	Texture1 none
	Texture2 none
	DisplayName P2281134661
	RegionName "Upper Body"
	BodySetName Tights/Skin
	Color1  31,  31,  31
	Color2  227,  227,  227
	Color3  31,  31,  31
	Color4  227,  227,  227

CostumePart ""
	Geometry N_Fem_Barbarian_SpadR.geo/GEO_SpadR_Barbarian_Ring_01
	Texture1 !X_Top_Fem_Barbarian_01
	Texture2 !Barbarian_Fem_Emblem_01_Mask
	DisplayName P772741860
	RegionName "Upper Body"
	BodySetName Tights/Skin
	Color1  255,  255,  255
	Color2  255,  255,  255
	Color3  0,  0,  0
	Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
	Fx none
	Geometry none
	Texture1 none
	Texture2 none
	Color1  31,  31,  31
	Color2  227,  227,  227
	Color3  31,  31,  31
	Color4  227,  227,  227

CostumePart ""
	Fx none
	Geometry none
	Texture1 none
	Texture2 none
	Color1  31,  31,  31
	Color2  227,  227,  227
	Color3  31,  31,  31
	Color4  227,  227,  227

CostumePart ""
	Geometry n_fem_steampunk_01.geo/geo_n_neck_collar_vic_steampunk_02
	Texture1 !X_N_Fem_Neck_Vic_Steampunk_01
	Texture2 none
	DisplayName P2371314042
	RegionName Head
	BodySetName standard
	Color1  241,  238,  126
	Color2  255,  255,  255
	Color3  0,  0,  0
	Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
	Fx none
	Geometry none
	Texture1 none
	Texture2 none
	Color1  31,  31,  31
	Color2  227,  227,  227
	Color3  31,  31,  31
	Color4  227,  227,  227

CostumePart ""
	Fx none
	Geometry none
	Texture1 none
	Texture2 none
	Color1  31,  31,  31
	Color2  227,  227,  227
	Color3  31,  31,  31
	Color4  227,  227,  227

CostumePart ""
	Fx none
	Geometry none
	Texture1 none
	Texture2 none
	Color1  31,  31,  31
	Color2  227,  227,  227
	Color3  31,  31,  31
	Color4  227,  227,  227

CostumePart ""
	Fx none
	Geometry none
	Texture1 none
	Texture2 none
	Color1  31,  31,  31
	Color2  227,  227,  227
	Color3  31,  31,  31
	Color4  227,  227,  227

CostumePart ""
	Fx AurasPath/RainbowTrail/RainbowTrail.fx
	Geometry none
	Texture1 none
	Texture2 none
	DisplayName P3636920680
	RegionName Special
	BodySetName "Path Auras"
	Color1  227,  227,  227
	Color2  241,  238,  126
	Color3  227,  227,  227
	Color4  241,  238,  126

CostumePart ""
	Fx none
	Geometry none
	Texture1 none
	Texture2 none
	Color1  31,  31,  31
	Color2  227,  227,  227
	Color3  31,  31,  31
	Color4  227,  227,  227

CostumePart ""
	Fx none
	Geometry none
	Texture1 none
	Texture2 none
	Color1  31,  31,  31
	Color2  227,  227,  227
	Color3  31,  31,  31
	Color4  227,  227,  227

CostumePart ""
	Fx none
	Geometry none
	Texture1 none
	Texture2 none
	Color1  31,  31,  31
	Color2  227,  227,  227
	Color3  31,  31,  31
	Color4  227,  227,  227

CostumePart ""
	Geometry none
	Texture1 none
	Texture2 none
	DisplayName P1848153390
	RegionName Head
	BodySetName standard
	Color1  31,  31,  31
	Color2  227,  227,  227
	Color3  31,  31,  31
	Color4  227,  227,  227

CostumePart ""
	Fx none
	Geometry none
	Texture1 none
	Texture2 none
	Color1  31,  31,  31
	Color2  227,  227,  227
	Color3  31,  31,  31
	Color4  227,  227,  227

CostumePart ""
	Fx none
	Geometry none
	Texture1 none
	Texture2 none
	Color1  31,  31,  31
	Color2  227,  227,  227
	Color3  31,  31,  31
	Color4  227,  227,  227

CostumePart ""
	Fx none
	Geometry none
	Texture1 none
	Texture2 none
	Color1  31,  31,  31
	Color2  227,  227,  227
	Color3  31,  31,  31
	Color4  227,  227,  227

CostumePart ""
	Fx none
	Geometry none
	Texture1 none
	Texture2 none
	Color1  31,  31,  31
	Color2  227,  227,  227
	Color3  31,  31,  31
	Color4  227,  227,  227

CostumePart ""
	Geometry none
	Texture1 none
	Texture2 none
	DisplayName P546439883
	RegionName "Lower Body"
	BodySetName Tights/Skin
	Color1  31,  31,  31
	Color2  227,  227,  227
	Color3  31,  31,  31
	Color4  227,  227,  227

CostumePart ""
	Color1  0,  0,  0
	Color2  0,  0,  0
	Color3  0,  0,  0
	Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
	Color1  0,  0,  0
	Color2  0,  0,  0
	Color3  0,  0,  0
	Color4  0,  0,  0


Vindicator: Infernal

Front View
Side View
Back View

Why: Infernal ditched his "Sir Clanks-a-lot" armor in favor of a polished black chain mail after acquiring his Wings Of Fire and a stogie that he never has a problem with lighting up. His new armor incorporates some elements of the Circle of Thorns update, to better reflect is origins and ties (in another world) to the demonic forces at his command.

Costume code:
Scale 19.89
BoneScale 1
ShoulderScale 0.4907
ChestScale 1
WaistScale 1
HipScale 1
HeadScales  0,  0,  0
BrowScales  0,  0,  0
CheekScales  0,  0,  0
ChinScales  0,  0,  0
CraniumScales  0,  0,  0
JawScales  0,  0,  0
NoseScales  0,  0,  0
SkinColor  234,  160,  137
NumParts 28
BodyType 4
CostumePart ""
	Geometry Tight
	Texture1 !X_Hips_BKUA_01
	Texture2 none
	DisplayName P887196332
	RegionName "Lower Body"
	BodySetName Tight
	Color1  0,  0,  0
	Color2  170,  0,  0
	Color3  0,  0,  0
	Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
	Geometry N_Huge_BlackKnights_Underarmor_01.geo/GEO_Chest_Tight_BK_01
	Texture1 !X_Chest_BKUA_01
	Texture2 none
	DisplayName P566009771
	RegionName "Upper Body"
	BodySetName Tight
	Color1  0,  0,  0
	Color2  170,  0,  0
	Color3  0,  0,  0
	Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
	Geometry V_HUGE_HEAD.GEO/GEO_Head_V_Asym_Standard
	Texture1 !v_face_skin_head_08
	Texture2 none
	DisplayName P687117166
	RegionName Head
	BodySetName HalfHelmets
	Color1  0,  0,  0
	Color2  170,  0,  0
	Color3  0,  0,  0
	Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
	Geometry N_Huge_Imperial_Dynasty_01.geo/GEO_N_Larm*_Imperial_Dynasty_01
	Texture1 !X_Gloves_Imperial_Dynasty_01
	Texture2 none
	DisplayName P3937616722
	RegionName "Upper Body"
	BodySetName Tight
	Color1  0,  0,  0
	Color2  212,  0,  0
	Color3  0,  0,  0
	Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
	Geometry V_HUGE_BOOT.GEO/GEO_LlegR_Flat_Toe_01
	Texture1 !Boot_V_Magic_02
	Texture2 !Boot_V_Magic_02_Mask
	DisplayName P2104750136
	RegionName "Lower Body"
	BodySetName Tight
	Color1  0,  0,  0
	Color2  212,  0,  0
	Color3  0,  0,  0
	Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
	Geometry N_HUGE_Barbarian_Belt.GEO/GEO_Belt_Barbarian_01
	Texture1 !X_Glove_Barbarian_01
	Texture2 !Barbarian_Glove_01_Mask
	DisplayName P177456852
	RegionName "Upper Body"
	BodySetName Tight
	Color1  0,  0,  0
	Color2  212,  0,  0
	Color3  0,  0,  0
	Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
	Geometry V_HUGE_HAIR.GEO/GEO_Hair_Warrior_01
	Texture1 !Hair_V_Warrior_Helm_02
	Texture2 !Hair_V_Warrior_Helm_02_Mask
	DisplayName P4179547168
	RegionName Head
	BodySetName HalfHelmets
	Color1  0,  0,  0
	Color2  212,  0,  0
	Color3  0,  0,  0
	Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
	Fx none
	Geometry none
	Texture1 none
	Texture2 none
	Color1  31,  31,  31
	Color2  227,  227,  227
	Color3  31,  31,  31
	Color4  227,  227,  227

CostumePart ""
	Geometry V_HUGE_EYES.GEO/GEO_Eyes_Cyborg_01
	Texture1 !X_Cyborg_Head_01
	Texture2 none
	DisplayName P2793026233
	RegionName Head
	BodySetName HalfHelmets
	Color1  0,  0,  0
	Color2  212,  0,  0
	Color3  0,  0,  0
	Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
	Geometry N_huge_Imperial_Dynasty_01.geo/GEO_N_Emblem_Imperial_Dynasty_01
	Texture1 !X_Emblem_Imperial_Dynasty_01
	Texture2 none
	DisplayName P2281134661
	RegionName "Upper Body"
	BodySetName Tight
	Color1  0,  0,  0
	Color2  212,  0,  0
	Color3  0,  0,  0
	Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
	Geometry V_HUGE_SPADR.GEO/GEO_SpadR_CoThorns_02B
	Texture1 !X_SpadR_CoThorns_01B
	Texture2 !Spadr_CoThorns_01B_Mask
	DisplayName P772741860
	RegionName "Upper Body"
	BodySetName Tight
	Color1  0,  0,  0
	Color2  212,  0,  0
	Color3  0,  0,  0
	Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
	Fx none
	Geometry none
	Texture1 none
	Texture2 none
	Color1  31,  31,  31
	Color2  227,  227,  227
	Color3  31,  31,  31
	Color4  227,  227,  227

CostumePart ""
	Fx none
	Geometry none
	Texture1 none
	Texture2 none
	Color1  31,  31,  31
	Color2  227,  227,  227
	Color3  31,  31,  31
	Color4  227,  227,  227

CostumePart ""
	Geometry Cigar
	Texture1 Cigar_01
	Texture2 none
	DisplayName P2371314042
	RegionName Head
	BodySetName HalfHelmets
	Color1  0,  0,  0
	Color2  212,  0,  0
	Color3  0,  0,  0
	Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
	Fx none
	Geometry none
	Texture1 none
	Texture2 none
	Color1  31,  31,  31
	Color2  227,  227,  227
	Color3  31,  31,  31
	Color4  227,  227,  227

CostumePart ""
	Fx none
	Geometry none
	Texture1 none
	Texture2 none
	Color1  31,  31,  31
	Color2  227,  227,  227
	Color3  31,  31,  31
	Color4  227,  227,  227

CostumePart ""
	Fx none
	Geometry none
	Texture1 none
	Texture2 none
	Color1  31,  31,  31
	Color2  227,  227,  227
	Color3  31,  31,  31
	Color4  227,  227,  227

CostumePart ""
	Fx GENERIC/FX_Wings_Phoenix_Huge.fx
	Geometry none
	Texture1 !X_FX_Wings_Fire_02
	Texture2 none
	DisplayName P2318333026
	RegionName Capes
	BodySetName Wings
	Color1  255,  0,  0
	Color2  255,  253,  0
	Color3  31,  31,  31
	Color4  227,  227,  227

CostumePart ""
	Fx AurasPath/Fire/Fire_Trail.fx
	Geometry none
	Texture1 none
	Texture2 none
	DisplayName P3636920680
	RegionName Special
	BodySetName "Path Auras"
	Color1  255,  85,  0
	Color2  227,  227,  227
	Color3  31,  31,  31
	Color4  227,  227,  227

CostumePart ""
	Fx none
	Geometry none
	Texture1 none
	Texture2 none
	Color1  31,  31,  31
	Color2  227,  227,  227
	Color3  31,  31,  31
	Color4  227,  227,  227

CostumePart ""
	Fx none
	Geometry none
	Texture1 none
	Texture2 none
	Color1  31,  31,  31
	Color2  227,  227,  227
	Color3  31,  31,  31
	Color4  227,  227,  227

CostumePart ""
	Fx none
	Geometry none
	Texture1 none
	Texture2 none
	Color1  31,  31,  31
	Color2  227,  227,  227
	Color3  31,  31,  31
	Color4  227,  227,  227

CostumePart ""
	Geometry V_HUGE_CRANIUM.GEO/GEO_Cranium_Warrior_01
	Texture1 !Cranium_Warrior_02
	Texture2 !Cranium_Warrior_02_Mask
	DisplayName P1331484130
	RegionName Head
	BodySetName HalfHelmets
	Color1  0,  0,  0
	Color2  212,  0,  0
	Color3  0,  0,  0
	Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
	Geometry V_HUGE_JAW.GEO/GEO_Jaw_V_Roman_02
	Texture1 !eyes_V_Roman_01
	Texture2 !eyes_V_Roman_01_Mask
	DisplayName P1685161505
	RegionName Head
	BodySetName HalfHelmets
	Color1  0,  0,  0
	Color2  212,  0,  0
	Color3  0,  0,  0
	Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
	Fx none
	Geometry none
	Texture1 none
	Texture2 none
	Color1  31,  31,  31
	Color2  227,  227,  227
	Color3  31,  31,  31
	Color4  227,  227,  227

CostumePart ""
	Fx none
	Geometry none
	Texture1 none
	Texture2 none
	Color1  31,  31,  31
	Color2  227,  227,  227
	Color3  31,  31,  31
	Color4  227,  227,  227

CostumePart ""
	Fx none
	Geometry none
	Texture1 none
	Texture2 none
	Color1  31,  31,  31
	Color2  227,  227,  227
	Color3  31,  31,  31
	Color4  227,  227,  227

CostumePart ""
	Fx Costumes/AnimatedTails/AnimatedTail_Demon01_Huge.fx
	Geometry none
	Texture1 none
	Texture2 none
	DisplayName P546439883
	RegionName "Lower Body"
	BodySetName Tight
	Color1  0,  0,  0
	Color2  170,  0,  0
	Color3  31,  31,  31
	Color4  227,  227,  227

CostumePart ""
	Color1  0,  0,  0
	Color2  0,  0,  0
	Color3  0,  0,  0
	Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
	Color1  0,  0,  0
	Color2  0,  0,  0
	Color3  0,  0,  0
	Color4  0,  0,  0


Vindicator: Luminary

Front View
Side View
Back View

Why: Luminary has received hardware and software upgrades, dramatically increasing her processing power, but with a side effect of making her actually "luminous" in the optical spectrum.

Costume code:
Scale -0.02727
BoneScale -0.5429
ShoulderScale -0.1357
ChestScale -1
WaistScale -0.84
HipScale 0.2286
LegScale 0.02
HeadScales  0,  0,  0
BrowScales  0,  0,  0
CheekScales  0,  0,  0
ChinScales  0,  0,  0
CraniumScales  0,  0,  0
JawScales  0,  0,  0
NoseScales  0,  0,  0
SkinColor  254,  167,  0
NumParts 28
BodyType 1
CostumePart ""
	Geometry Tight
	Texture1 Electron_01
	Texture2 !Hips_Circuitry
	DisplayName P1525729866
	RegionName "Lower Body"
	BodySetName Tight
	Color1  255,  169,  0
	Color2  241,  238,  126
	Color3  0,  0,  0
	Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
	Geometry Tight
	Texture1 Electron_01
	Texture2 !Chest_Circuitry
	DisplayName P566009771
	RegionName "Upper Body"
	BodySetName Tight
	Color1  255,  169,  0
	Color2  241,  238,  126
	Color3  0,  0,  0
	Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
	Geometry V_FEM_Head.GEO/GEO_Head_No_Ears_01
	Texture1 !X_Clockwork_Head_12
	Texture2 !V_Face_Circuitry
	DisplayName P687117166
	RegionName Head
	BodySetName "Full Masks"
	Color1  255,  190,  63
	Color2  241,  238,  126
	Color3  0,  0,  0
	Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
	Geometry Smooth
	Texture1 Electron_01
	Texture2 !GLOVE_Circuitry
	DisplayName P3937616722
	RegionName "Upper Body"
	BodySetName Tight
	Color1  255,  169,  0
	Color2  241,  238,  126
	Color3  0,  0,  0
	Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
	Geometry Smooth
	Texture1 Electron_01
	Texture2 !BOOT_Circuitry
	DisplayName P2104750136
	RegionName "Lower Body"
	BodySetName Tight
	Color1  255,  169,  0
	Color2  241,  238,  126
	Color3  0,  0,  0
	Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
	Geometry none
	Texture1 none
	Texture2 none
	DisplayName P177456852
	RegionName "Upper Body"
	BodySetName Tight
	Color1  31,  31,  31
	Color2  227,  227,  227
	Color3  31,  31,  31
	Color4  227,  227,  227

CostumePart ""
	Geometry none
	Texture1 none
	Texture2 none
	DisplayName P2793026233
	RegionName Head
	BodySetName "Full Masks"
	Color1  31,  31,  31
	Color2  227,  227,  227
	Color3  31,  31,  31
	Color4  227,  227,  227

CostumePart ""
	Fx none
	Geometry none
	Texture1 none
	Texture2 none
	Color1  31,  31,  31
	Color2  227,  227,  227
	Color3  31,  31,  31
	Color4  227,  227,  227

CostumePart ""
	Geometry V_FEM_EYES.GEO/GEO_Eyes_Alpha_01
	Texture1 !X_Alpha_Eyes
	Texture2 !Hair_V_Alpha_01_Mask
	DisplayName P2371314042
	RegionName Head
	BodySetName "Full Masks"
	Color1  255,  169,  0
	Color2  241,  238,  126
	Color3  0,  0,  0
	Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
	Geometry none
	Texture1 none
	Texture2 none
	DisplayName P2281134661
	RegionName "Upper Body"
	BodySetName Tight
	Color1  31,  31,  31
	Color2  227,  227,  227
	Color3  31,  31,  31
	Color4  227,  227,  227

CostumePart ""
	Geometry none
	Texture1 none
	Texture2 none
	DisplayName P772741860
	RegionName "Upper Body"
	BodySetName Tight
	Color1  31,  31,  31
	Color2  227,  227,  227
	Color3  31,  31,  31
	Color4  227,  227,  227

CostumePart ""
	Fx none
	Geometry none
	Texture1 none
	Texture2 none
	Color1  31,  31,  31
	Color2  227,  227,  227
	Color3  31,  31,  31
	Color4  227,  227,  227

CostumePart ""
	Fx none
	Geometry none
	Texture1 none
	Texture2 none
	Color1  31,  31,  31
	Color2  227,  227,  227
	Color3  31,  31,  31
	Color4  227,  227,  227

CostumePart ""
	Geometry CoL_Mask_01_player.GEO/GEO_Neck_CoL_Mask_01
	Texture1 !X_Eye_CoL_FaceMask_01
	Texture2 none
	DisplayName P2488029243
	RegionName Head
	BodySetName "Full Masks"
	Color1  255,  190,  63
	Color2  241,  238,  126
	Color3  0,  0,  0
	Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
	Fx none
	Geometry none
	Texture1 none
	Texture2 none
	Color1  31,  31,  31
	Color2  227,  227,  227
	Color3  31,  31,  31
	Color4  227,  227,  227

CostumePart ""
	Fx none
	Geometry none
	Texture1 none
	Texture2 none
	Color1  31,  31,  31
	Color2  227,  227,  227
	Color3  31,  31,  31
	Color4  227,  227,  227

CostumePart ""
	Fx none
	Geometry none
	Texture1 none
	Texture2 none
	Color1  31,  31,  31
	Color2  227,  227,  227
	Color3  31,  31,  31
	Color4  227,  227,  227

CostumePart ""
	Fx none
	Geometry none
	Texture1 none
	Texture2 none
	Color1  31,  31,  31
	Color2  227,  227,  227
	Color3  31,  31,  31
	Color4  227,  227,  227

CostumePart ""
	Fx Auras/Female/Glow/GlowBody.fx
	Geometry none
	Texture1 none
	Texture2 none
	DisplayName P3636920680
	RegionName Special
	BodySetName Glow
	Color1  97,  97,  49
	Color2  241,  238,  126
	Color3  255,  169,  0
	Color4  241,  238,  126

CostumePart ""
	Fx none
	Geometry none
	Texture1 none
	Texture2 none
	Color1  31,  31,  31
	Color2  227,  227,  227
	Color3  31,  31,  31
	Color4  227,  227,  227

CostumePart ""
	Fx none
	Geometry none
	Texture1 none
	Texture2 none
	Color1  31,  31,  31
	Color2  227,  227,  227
	Color3  31,  31,  31
	Color4  227,  227,  227

CostumePart ""
	Fx none
	Geometry none
	Texture1 none
	Texture2 none
	Color1  31,  31,  31
	Color2  227,  227,  227
	Color3  31,  31,  31
	Color4  227,  227,  227

CostumePart ""
	Geometry none
	Texture1 none
	Texture2 none
	DisplayName P1848153390
	RegionName Head
	BodySetName "Full Masks"
	Color1  31,  31,  31
	Color2  227,  227,  227
	Color3  31,  31,  31
	Color4  227,  227,  227

CostumePart ""
	Fx none
	Geometry none
	Texture1 none
	Texture2 none
	Color1  31,  31,  31
	Color2  227,  227,  227
	Color3  31,  31,  31
	Color4  227,  227,  227

CostumePart ""
	Fx none
	Geometry none
	Texture1 none
	Texture2 none
	Color1  31,  31,  31
	Color2  227,  227,  227
	Color3  31,  31,  31
	Color4  227,  227,  227

CostumePart ""
	Fx none
	Geometry none
	Texture1 none
	Texture2 none
	Color1  31,  31,  31
	Color2  227,  227,  227
	Color3  31,  31,  31
	Color4  227,  227,  227

CostumePart ""
	Fx none
	Geometry none
	Texture1 none
	Texture2 none
	Color1  31,  31,  31
	Color2  227,  227,  227
	Color3  31,  31,  31
	Color4  227,  227,  227

CostumePart ""
	Geometry none
	Texture1 none
	Texture2 none
	DisplayName P546439883
	RegionName "Lower Body"
	BodySetName Tight
	Color1  31,  31,  31
	Color2  227,  227,  227
	Color3  31,  31,  31
	Color4  227,  227,  227

CostumePart ""
	Color1  0,  0,  0
	Color2  0,  0,  0
	Color3  0,  0,  0
	Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
	Color1  0,  0,  0
	Color2  0,  0,  0
	Color3  0,  0,  0
	Color4  0,  0,  0


Vindicator: Ms. Liberty

Front View
Side View
Back View

Why: Forced by circumstances beyond her control to step up and fill the very large shoes of both her mother and grandfather after their untimely deaths, and confronted with the "reality" of her Praetorian counterpart, Ms. Liberty prevailed upon Serge of ICON in nearby Steel Canyon to design her a new costume in all the "copious free time" he's had since ICON opened a new branch in Atlas Park. The result is a departure from the "armed cheerleader" look Ms. Liberty has sported in years past and is an attempt on her part to be taken more seriously as the last surviving blood relative of both Marcus Cole and Stefan Richter, and the leader of Longbow.

Costume code:
Scale -3.244
BoneScale -1
ShoulderScale -0.25
WaistScale -1
LegScale 0.02
HeadScales  0,  0,  0
BrowScales  0,  0,  0
CheekScales  0,  0,  0
ChinScales  0,  0,  0
CraniumScales  0,  0,  0
JawScales  0,  0,  0
NoseScales  0,  0,  0
SkinColor  234,  160,  137
NumParts 28
BodyType 1
CostumePart ""
	Geometry Tight
	Texture1 !X_Hips_Retro_SciFi_02_GLOW
	Texture2 none
	DisplayName P1525729866
	RegionName "Lower Body"
	BodySetName Tight
	Color1  2,  0,  153
	Color2  255,  255,  255
	Color3  0,  0,  0
	Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
	Geometry Tight
	Texture1 !X_Fem_Shirt_Imperial_Dynasty_01
	Texture2 none
	DisplayName P566009771
	RegionName "Upper Body"
	BodySetName Tight
	Color1  2,  0,  153
	Color2  255,  255,  255
	Color3  0,  0,  0
	Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
	Geometry V_fem_Head.GEO/GEO_Head_V_Asym_Standard
	Texture1 !v_sf_face_skin_head_10
	Texture2 !V_Face_Small_Mask_4
	DisplayName P687117166
	RegionName Head
	BodySetName standard
	Color1  212,  0,  0
	Color2  255,  190,  63
	Color3  0,  0,  0
	Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
	Geometry Folded
	Texture1 !glove_V_Skin_Wedding_01
	Texture2 !glove_V_Skin_Wedding_01_Mask
	DisplayName P3937616722
	RegionName "Upper Body"
	BodySetName Tight
	Color1  255,  255,  255
	Color2  255,  190,  63
	Color3  0,  0,  0
	Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
	Geometry Folded
	Texture1 smooth_01
	Texture2 none
	DisplayName P2104750136
	RegionName "Lower Body"
	BodySetName Tight
	Color1  255,  255,  255
	Color2  255,  255,  255
	Color3  0,  0,  0
	Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
	Fx Capes/N_Characters/T9i24_01/CapeFemT9i24_01.fx
	Geometry N_Fem_T9i24_01.GEO/GEO_Belt_T9i24_01
	Texture1 !X_Belt_T9i24_01
	Texture2 none
	DisplayName P177456852
	RegionName "Upper Body"
	BodySetName Tight
	Color1  2,  0,  153
	Color2  255,  190,  63
	Color3  2,  0,  153
	Color4  255,  190,  63

CostumePart ""
	Geometry Long_05
	Texture1 Long_01a
	Texture2 Long_01b
	DisplayName P2681220175
	RegionName Head
	BodySetName standard
	Color1  255,  169,  0
	Color2  204,  202,  0
	Color3  0,  0,  0
	Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
	Fx none
	Geometry none
	Texture1 none
	Texture2 none
	Color1  31,  31,  31
	Color2  227,  227,  227
	Color3  31,  31,  31
	Color4  227,  227,  227

CostumePart ""
	Geometry none
	Texture1 none
	Texture2 none
	DisplayName P2793026233
	RegionName Head
	BodySetName standard
	Color1  31,  31,  31
	Color2  227,  227,  227
	Color3  31,  31,  31
	Color4  227,  227,  227

CostumePart ""
	Geometry V_FEM_EMBLEM.GEO/GEO_Emblem_Roman_02
	Texture1 !Emblem_V_Roman_02
	Texture2 !Emblem_V_Roman_02_Mask
	DisplayName P2281134661
	RegionName "Upper Body"
	BodySetName Tight
	Color1  212,  0,  0
	Color2  255,  190,  63
	Color3  0,  0,  0
	Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
	Geometry V_FEM_SPADR.GEO/GEO_SpadR_Justice01
	Texture1 !x_male_spadr_eagle_armor_mask
	Texture2 !spadr_v_eagle01_dual
	DisplayName P772741860
	RegionName "Upper Body"
	BodySetName Tight
	Color1  212,  0,  0
	Color2  255,  169,  0
	Color3  0,  0,  0
	Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
	Fx none
	Geometry none
	Texture1 none
	Texture2 none
	Color1  31,  31,  31
	Color2  227,  227,  227
	Color3  31,  31,  31
	Color4  227,  227,  227

CostumePart ""
	Fx none
	Geometry none
	Texture1 none
	Texture2 none
	Color1  31,  31,  31
	Color2  227,  227,  227
	Color3  31,  31,  31
	Color4  227,  227,  227

CostumePart ""
	Geometry none
	Texture1 none
	Texture2 none
	DisplayName P2371314042
	RegionName Head
	BodySetName standard
	Color1  31,  31,  31
	Color2  227,  227,  227
	Color3  31,  31,  31
	Color4  227,  227,  227

CostumePart ""
	Fx none
	Geometry none
	Texture1 none
	Texture2 none
	Color1  31,  31,  31
	Color2  227,  227,  227
	Color3  31,  31,  31
	Color4  227,  227,  227

CostumePart ""
	Fx none
	Geometry none
	Texture1 none
	Texture2 none
	Color1  31,  31,  31
	Color2  227,  227,  227
	Color3  31,  31,  31
	Color4  227,  227,  227

CostumePart ""
	Fx none
	Geometry none
	Texture1 none
	Texture2 none
	Color1  31,  31,  31
	Color2  227,  227,  227
	Color3  31,  31,  31
	Color4  227,  227,  227

CostumePart ""
	Fx none
	Geometry none
	Texture1 none
	Texture2 none
	Color1  31,  31,  31
	Color2  227,  227,  227
	Color3  31,  31,  31
	Color4  227,  227,  227

CostumePart ""
	Fx Auras/Female/Sparkle/SparkleBodyLight.fx
	Geometry none
	Texture1 none
	Texture2 none
	DisplayName P3636920680
	RegionName Special
	BodySetName Sparkles
	Color1  255,  255,  255
	Color2  255,  190,  63
	Color3  2,  0,  153
	Color4  255,  190,  63

CostumePart ""
	Fx none
	Geometry none
	Texture1 none
	Texture2 none
	Color1  31,  31,  31
	Color2  227,  227,  227
	Color3  31,  31,  31
	Color4  227,  227,  227

CostumePart ""
	Fx none
	Geometry none
	Texture1 none
	Texture2 none
	Color1  31,  31,  31
	Color2  227,  227,  227
	Color3  31,  31,  31
	Color4  227,  227,  227

CostumePart ""
	Fx none
	Geometry none
	Texture1 none
	Texture2 none
	Color1  31,  31,  31
	Color2  227,  227,  227
	Color3  31,  31,  31
	Color4  227,  227,  227

CostumePart ""
	Geometry none
	Texture1 none
	Texture2 none
	DisplayName P1848153390
	RegionName Head
	BodySetName standard
	Color1  31,  31,  31
	Color2  227,  227,  227
	Color3  31,  31,  31
	Color4  227,  227,  227

CostumePart ""
	Fx none
	Geometry none
	Texture1 none
	Texture2 none
	Color1  31,  31,  31
	Color2  227,  227,  227
	Color3  31,  31,  31
	Color4  227,  227,  227

CostumePart ""
	Fx none
	Geometry none
	Texture1 none
	Texture2 none
	Color1  31,  31,  31
	Color2  227,  227,  227
	Color3  31,  31,  31
	Color4  227,  227,  227

CostumePart ""
	Fx none
	Geometry none
	Texture1 none
	Texture2 none
	Color1  31,  31,  31
	Color2  227,  227,  227
	Color3  31,  31,  31
	Color4  227,  227,  227

CostumePart ""
	Fx none
	Geometry none
	Texture1 none
	Texture2 none
	Color1  31,  31,  31
	Color2  227,  227,  227
	Color3  31,  31,  31
	Color4  227,  227,  227

CostumePart ""
	Geometry none
	Texture1 none
	Texture2 none
	DisplayName P546439883
	RegionName "Lower Body"
	BodySetName Tight
	Color1  31,  31,  31
	Color2  227,  227,  227
	Color3  31,  31,  31
	Color4  227,  227,  227

CostumePart ""
	Color1  0,  0,  0
	Color2  0,  0,  0
	Color3  0,  0,  0
	Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
	Color1  0,  0,  0
	Color2  0,  0,  0
	Color3  0,  0,  0
	Color4  0,  0,  0


Vindicator: Mynx

Front View
Side View
Back View

Why: Mynx has always been the most comfortable with her costume and wasn't willing to go "hog wild" redesigning it. She did however switch to using a new bodysuit (to better show off her physique) and added a mini vest as a nod towards "putting on some clothes" (and partially in defiance of her Praetorian counterpart's fashion sense).

Costume code:
Scale -20.43
BoneScale -1
ShoulderScale -0.25
WaistScale -1
LegScale 0.02
HeadScales  0,  0,  0
BrowScales  0,  0,  0
CheekScales  0,  0,  0
ChinScales  0,  0,  0
CraniumScales  0,  0,  0
JawScales  0,  0,  0
NoseScales  0,  0,  0
SkinColor  255,  255,  255
NumParts 28
BodyType 1
CostumePart ""
	Geometry Tight
	Texture1 !X_N_Fem_Hips_Bodysuit_01
	Texture2 !HIPS_Tiger
	DisplayName P1525729866
	RegionName "Lower Body"
	BodySetName Tight
	Color1  0,  0,  102
	Color2  255,  255,  255
	Color3  0,  0,  0
	Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
	Geometry Jackets
	Texture1 !X_N_Fem_Chest_Bodysuit_01
	Texture2 !CHEST_Tiger
	DisplayName P566009771
	RegionName "Upper Body"
	BodySetName "Sleeveless Jackets"
	Color1  0,  0,  102
	Color2  255,  255,  255
	Color3  0,  0,  0
	Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
	Geometry V_fem_Head.GEO/GEO_Head_V_Asym_Standard
	Texture1 !v_sf_face_skin_head_10
	Texture2 !V_Face_Spots
	DisplayName P687117166
	RegionName Head
	BodySetName standard
	Color1  0,  0,  102
	Color2  31,  0,  0
	Color3  0,  0,  0
	Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
	Geometry Smooth
	Texture1 !X_N_Fem_Larm_Bodysuit_SHINY_01
	Texture2 !glove_Tiger
	DisplayName P3937616722
	RegionName "Upper Body"
	BodySetName "Sleeveless Jackets"
	Color1  0,  0,  102
	Color2  255,  255,  255
	Color3  0,  0,  0
	Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
	Geometry Hi_Heels
	Texture1 !sf_boot_tights_Sleek
	Texture2 !BOOT_Tiger
	DisplayName P2104750136
	RegionName "Lower Body"
	BodySetName Tight
	Color1  0,  0,  102
	Color2  255,  255,  255
	Color3  0,  0,  0
	Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
	Geometry none
	Texture1 none
	Texture2 none
	DisplayName P177456852
	RegionName "Upper Body"
	BodySetName "Sleeveless Jackets"
	Color1  31,  31,  31
	Color2  227,  227,  227
	Color3  31,  31,  31
	Color4  227,  227,  227

CostumePart ""
	Geometry A_line
	Texture1 Long_01a
	Texture2 Long_01b
	DisplayName P2681220175
	RegionName Head
	BodySetName standard
	Color1  85,  0,  0
	Color2  170,  0,  0
	Color3  0,  0,  0
	Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
	Fx none
	Geometry none
	Texture1 none
	Texture2 none
	Color1  31,  31,  31
	Color2  227,  227,  227
	Color3  31,  31,  31
	Color4  227,  227,  227

CostumePart ""
	Geometry none
	Texture1 none
	Texture2 none
	DisplayName P2793026233
	RegionName Head
	BodySetName standard
	Color1  31,  31,  31
	Color2  227,  227,  227
	Color3  31,  31,  31
	Color4  227,  227,  227

CostumePart ""
	Geometry none
	Texture1 none
	Texture2 none
	DisplayName P2281134661
	RegionName "Upper Body"
	BodySetName "Sleeveless Jackets"
	Color1  31,  31,  31
	Color2  227,  227,  227
	Color3  31,  31,  31
	Color4  227,  227,  227

CostumePart ""
	Geometry none
	Texture1 none
	Texture2 none
	DisplayName P772741860
	RegionName "Upper Body"
	BodySetName "Sleeveless Jackets"
	Color1  31,  31,  31
	Color2  227,  227,  227
	Color3  31,  31,  31
	Color4  227,  227,  227

CostumePart ""
	Fx none
	Geometry none
	Texture1 none
	Texture2 none
	Color1  31,  31,  31
	Color2  227,  227,  227
	Color3  31,  31,  31
	Color4  227,  227,  227

CostumePart ""
	Fx none
	Geometry none
	Texture1 none
	Texture2 none
	Color1  31,  31,  31
	Color2  227,  227,  227
	Color3  31,  31,  31
	Color4  227,  227,  227

CostumePart ""
	Geometry none
	Texture1 none
	Texture2 none
	DisplayName P2371314042
	RegionName Head
	BodySetName standard
	Color1  31,  31,  31
	Color2  227,  227,  227
	Color3  31,  31,  31
	Color4  227,  227,  227

CostumePart ""
	Fx none
	Geometry none
	Texture1 none
	Texture2 none
	Color1  31,  31,  31
	Color2  227,  227,  227
	Color3  31,  31,  31
	Color4  227,  227,  227

CostumePart ""
	Fx none
	Geometry none
	Texture1 none
	Texture2 none
	Color1  31,  31,  31
	Color2  227,  227,  227
	Color3  31,  31,  31
	Color4  227,  227,  227

CostumePart ""
	Fx none
	Geometry none
	Texture1 none
	Texture2 none
	Color1  31,  31,  31
	Color2  227,  227,  227
	Color3  31,  31,  31
	Color4  227,  227,  227

CostumePart ""
	Fx none
	Geometry none
	Texture1 none
	Texture2 none
	Color1  31,  31,  31
	Color2  227,  227,  227
	Color3  31,  31,  31
	Color4  227,  227,  227

CostumePart ""
	Fx auras/female/sparkle/sparkleeyeslight.fx
	Geometry none
	Texture1 none
	Texture2 none
	DisplayName P3636920680
	RegionName Special
	BodySetName Sparkles
	Color1  255,  255,  255
	Color2  31,  0,  0
	Color3  0,  0,  0
	Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
	Fx none
	Geometry none
	Texture1 none
	Texture2 none
	Color1  31,  31,  31
	Color2  227,  227,  227
	Color3  31,  31,  31
	Color4  227,  227,  227

CostumePart ""
	Geometry Korean_Vest_01
	Texture1 Korea_01a
	Texture2 Korea_01b
	DisplayName P828551227
	RegionName "Upper Body"
	BodySetName "Sleeveless Jackets"
	Color1  0,  0,  102
	Color2  255,  255,  255
	Color3  0,  0,  0
	Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
	Fx none
	Geometry none
	Texture1 none
	Texture2 none
	Color1  31,  31,  31
	Color2  227,  227,  227
	Color3  31,  31,  31
	Color4  227,  227,  227

CostumePart ""
	Geometry V_FEM_CRANIUM.GEO/GEO_Cranium_Wild_Cat_Ears
	Texture1 !eyes_V_Animal_Ears_01
	Texture2 !eyes_V_Animal_Ears_01_Mask
	DisplayName P1848153390
	RegionName Head
	BodySetName standard
	Color1  0,  0,  102
	Color2  255,  255,  255
	Color3  0,  0,  0
	Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
	Fx none
	Geometry none
	Texture1 none
	Texture2 none
	Color1  31,  31,  31
	Color2  227,  227,  227
	Color3  31,  31,  31
	Color4  227,  227,  227

CostumePart ""
	Fx none
	Geometry none
	Texture1 none
	Texture2 none
	Color1  31,  31,  31
	Color2  227,  227,  227
	Color3  31,  31,  31
	Color4  227,  227,  227

CostumePart ""
	Fx none
	Geometry none
	Texture1 none
	Texture2 none
	Color1  31,  31,  31
	Color2  227,  227,  227
	Color3  31,  31,  31
	Color4  227,  227,  227

CostumePart ""
	Fx none
	Geometry none
	Texture1 none
	Texture2 none
	Color1  31,  31,  31
	Color2  227,  227,  227
	Color3  31,  31,  31
	Color4  227,  227,  227

CostumePart ""
	Fx Costumes/AnimatedTails/AnimatedTail_Feline01_Female.fx
	Geometry none
	Texture1 !X_belt_tail_02a
	Texture2 none
	DisplayName P546439883
	RegionName "Lower Body"
	BodySetName Tight
	Color1  255,  255,  255
	Color2  2,  0,  153
	Color3  31,  31,  31
	Color4  227,  227,  227

CostumePart ""
	Color1  0,  0,  0
	Color2  0,  0,  0
	Color3  0,  0,  0
	Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
	Color1  0,  0,  0
	Color2  0,  0,  0
	Color3  0,  0,  0
	Color4  0,  0,  0


Vindicator: Swan

Front View
Side View
Back View

Why: No longer comfortable with the catcalls of the 5th Column and Freakshow in her part of Brickstown, Swan decided it was about time she started to "dress for success" and went to Lauren at ICON in Independence Port for help. Now with actual swan wings (as opposed to a feather shawl) and no longer shivering in Megasilk in winter, Swan hopes she's heard the last of jokes from escaped Ziggursky Prisoners that she's the "ugly duckling" of the Vindicators.

Costume code:
Scale 22.27
BoneScale -2.997e-006
ShoulderScale -2.98e-006
ChestScale -2.98e-006
WaistScale -0.65
HipScale 0.5
LegScale 0.02
HeadScales  0,  0,  0
BrowScales  0,  0,  0
CheekScales  0,  0,  0
ChinScales  0,  0,  0
CraniumScales  0,  0,  0
JawScales  0,  0,  0
NoseScales  0,  0,  0
SkinColor  255,  214,  201
NumParts 28
BodyType 1
CostumePart ""
	Geometry Tight
	Texture1 !X_Fem_Hips_Imperial_Dynasty_01
	Texture2 none
	DisplayName P1525729866
	RegionName "Lower Body"
	BodySetName Tight
	Color1  255,  255,  255
	Color2  0,  0,  0
	Color3  0,  0,  0
	Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
	Geometry Tight
	Texture1 !X_Fem_Shirt_Imperial_Dynasty_01
	Texture2 none
	DisplayName P566009771
	RegionName "Upper Body"
	BodySetName Tight
	Color1  255,  255,  255
	Color2  0,  0,  0
	Color3  0,  0,  0
	Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
	Geometry V_fem_Head.GEO/GEO_Head_V_Asym_Standard
	Texture1 !v_sf_face_skin_head_10
	Texture2 !v_sf_face_Lips
	DisplayName P687117166
	RegionName Head
	BodySetName standard
	Color1  204,  0,  69
	Color2  0,  0,  0
	Color3  0,  0,  0
	Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
	Geometry Bracer_01
	Texture1 Skin_Bracer_01a
	Texture2 Skin_Bracer_01b
	DisplayName P3937616722
	RegionName "Upper Body"
	BodySetName Tight
	Color1  255,  255,  255
	Color2  0,  0,  0
	Color3  0,  0,  0
	Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
	Geometry Hi_Heels
	Texture1 smooth_01
	Texture2 !Boot_V_Heart_01
	DisplayName P2104750136
	RegionName "Lower Body"
	BodySetName Tight
	Color1  255,  255,  255
	Color2  0,  0,  0
	Color3  0,  0,  0
	Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
	Geometry none
	Texture1 none
	Texture2 none
	DisplayName P177456852
	RegionName "Upper Body"
	BodySetName Tight
	Color1  31,  31,  31
	Color2  227,  227,  227
	Color3  31,  31,  31
	Color4  227,  227,  227

CostumePart ""
	Geometry Ponytail
	Texture1 Long_01a
	Texture2 Long_01b
	DisplayName P2681220175
	RegionName Head
	BodySetName standard
	Color1  255,  255,  255
	Color2  255,  255,  255
	Color3  0,  0,  0
	Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
	Fx none
	Geometry none
	Texture1 none
	Texture2 none
	Color1  31,  31,  31
	Color2  227,  227,  227
	Color3  31,  31,  31
	Color4  227,  227,  227

CostumePart ""
	Fx EnemyFX/Carnival_Of_Light/Female_FaceMask_02.fx
	Geometry CoL_Mask_01_player.GEO/GEO_Eye_CoL_MaskDeco_02
	Texture1 !X_Jaw_CoL_FaceMask_Deco_02
	Texture2 none
	DisplayName P2793026233
	RegionName Head
	BodySetName standard
	Color1  227,  227,  227
	Color2  255,  255,  255
	Color3  31,  31,  31
	Color4  227,  227,  227

CostumePart ""
	Geometry none
	Texture1 none
	Texture2 none
	DisplayName P2281134661
	RegionName "Upper Body"
	BodySetName Tight
	Color1  31,  31,  31
	Color2  227,  227,  227
	Color3  31,  31,  31
	Color4  227,  227,  227

CostumePart ""
	Geometry V_FEM_SPADR.GEO/GEO_SpadR_Magic_Robe_01
	Texture1 !spadr_v_Witch_01
	Texture2 !spadr_v_Witch_01_Mask
	DisplayName P772741860
	RegionName "Upper Body"
	BodySetName Tight
	Color1  31,  31,  31
	Color2  227,  227,  227
	Color3  0,  0,  0
	Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
	Fx none
	Geometry none
	Texture1 none
	Texture2 none
	Color1  31,  31,  31
	Color2  227,  227,  227
	Color3  31,  31,  31
	Color4  227,  227,  227

CostumePart ""
	Fx none
	Geometry none
	Texture1 none
	Texture2 none
	Color1  31,  31,  31
	Color2  227,  227,  227
	Color3  31,  31,  31
	Color4  227,  227,  227

CostumePart ""
	Geometry none
	Texture1 none
	Texture2 none
	DisplayName P2371314042
	RegionName Head
	BodySetName standard
	Color1  31,  31,  31
	Color2  227,  227,  227
	Color3  31,  31,  31
	Color4  227,  227,  227

CostumePart ""
	Fx none
	Geometry none
	Texture1 none
	Texture2 none
	Color1  31,  31,  31
	Color2  227,  227,  227
	Color3  31,  31,  31
	Color4  227,  227,  227

CostumePart ""
	Fx none
	Geometry none
	Texture1 none
	Texture2 none
	Color1  31,  31,  31
	Color2  227,  227,  227
	Color3  31,  31,  31
	Color4  227,  227,  227

CostumePart ""
	Fx none
	Geometry none
	Texture1 none
	Texture2 none
	Color1  31,  31,  31
	Color2  227,  227,  227
	Color3  31,  31,  31
	Color4  227,  227,  227

CostumePart ""
	Fx GENERIC/FX_wings_Female_ANGEL.fx
	Geometry none
	Texture1 !X_Wings_Angel_01
	Texture2 none
	DisplayName P2318333026
	RegionName Capes
	BodySetName Wings
	Color1  255,  255,  255
	Color2  227,  227,  227
	Color3  255,  255,  255
	Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
	Fx auras/female/sparkle/sparkleeyeslight.fx
	Geometry none
	Texture1 none
	Texture2 none
	DisplayName P3636920680
	RegionName Special
	BodySetName Sparkles
	Color1  255,  255,  255
	Color2  0,  0,  0
	Color3  255,  255,  255
	Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
	Fx none
	Geometry none
	Texture1 none
	Texture2 none
	Color1  31,  31,  31
	Color2  227,  227,  227
	Color3  31,  31,  31
	Color4  227,  227,  227

CostumePart ""
	Fx none
	Geometry none
	Texture1 none
	Texture2 none
	Color1  31,  31,  31
	Color2  227,  227,  227
	Color3  31,  31,  31
	Color4  227,  227,  227

CostumePart ""
	Fx none
	Geometry none
	Texture1 none
	Texture2 none
	Color1  31,  31,  31
	Color2  227,  227,  227
	Color3  31,  31,  31
	Color4  227,  227,  227

CostumePart ""
	Geometry none
	Texture1 none
	Texture2 none
	DisplayName P1848153390
	RegionName Head
	BodySetName standard
	Color1  31,  31,  31
	Color2  227,  227,  227
	Color3  31,  31,  31
	Color4  227,  227,  227

CostumePart ""
	Fx none
	Geometry none
	Texture1 none
	Texture2 none
	Color1  31,  31,  31
	Color2  227,  227,  227
	Color3  31,  31,  31
	Color4  227,  227,  227

CostumePart ""
	Fx none
	Geometry none
	Texture1 none
	Texture2 none
	Color1  31,  31,  31
	Color2  227,  227,  227
	Color3  31,  31,  31
	Color4  227,  227,  227

CostumePart ""
	Fx none
	Geometry none
	Texture1 none
	Texture2 none
	Color1  31,  31,  31
	Color2  227,  227,  227
	Color3  31,  31,  31
	Color4  227,  227,  227

CostumePart ""
	Fx none
	Geometry none
	Texture1 none
	Texture2 none
	Color1  31,  31,  31
	Color2  227,  227,  227
	Color3  31,  31,  31
	Color4  227,  227,  227

CostumePart ""
	Geometry none
	Texture1 none
	Texture2 none
	DisplayName P546439883
	RegionName "Lower Body"
	BodySetName Tight
	Color1  31,  31,  31
	Color2  227,  227,  227
	Color3  31,  31,  31
	Color4  227,  227,  227

CostumePart ""
	Color1  0,  0,  0
	Color2  0,  0,  0
	Color3  0,  0,  0
	Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
	Color1  0,  0,  0
	Color2  0,  0,  0
	Color3  0,  0,  0
	Color4  0,  0,  0


Vindicator: Valkyrie

Front View
Side View
Back View

Why: With the assistance of her mentor, Positron, Valkyrie has been able to replace her former "garage tech" kitbashed armor made from spare parts with a "living liquid metal" controlled by her nanites in a much more high tech and personalized symbiosis than previously possible. The resulting mirror quality sleek chic look has a number of advantages over her previous work, thanks to the real time custom fit and finish of the final product giving Valkyrie a freer range of motion and thus an improvement in her combat mobility.

Artistic Note: The "white gold" portions of the Metallic armor pieces turn silvery at night, because of how the lighting engine interacts with the specific colors chosen.

Side Note: David "Noble Savage" Nakayama volunteered that he very much liked this redesign of Valkyrie of mine during the Dinner With The Devs at the Fall 2011 Player Summit. I was absolutely floored that he remembered the first time I posted this, since my original posting of this design had taken place months before! Original postings (from a year ago now!) can be found here and here, although the submission offered here for this contest has had a little bit more tweaking done to it.

Costume code:
Scale 22.88
BoneScale -0.00065
ShoulderScale -0.0001646
ChestScale -2.801e-006
WaistScale -0.0002294
HipScale 0.4997
LegScale 0.02
HeadScales  4.768e-007,  4.768e-007,  4.768e-007
BrowScales  4.768e-007,  4.768e-007,  4.768e-007
CheekScales  4.768e-007,  4.768e-007,  4.768e-007
ChinScales  4.768e-007,  4.768e-007,  4.768e-007
CraniumScales  4.768e-007,  4.768e-007,  4.768e-007
JawScales  4.768e-007,  4.768e-007,  4.768e-007
NoseScales  4.768e-007,  4.768e-007,  4.768e-007
SkinColor  246,  187,  170
NumParts 28
BodyType 1
CostumePart ""
	Geometry Tight
	Texture1 !X_Metallic_Hips_01
	Texture2 !HIPS_Blend
	DisplayName P1525729866
	RegionName "Lower Body"
	BodySetName Tight
	Color1  255,  190,  63
	Color2  241,  238,  126
	Color3  0,  0,  0
	Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
	Geometry Tight
	Texture1 !X_Metallic_Fem_Chest_01
	Texture2 !chest_blend
	DisplayName P566009771
	RegionName "Upper Body"
	BodySetName Tight
	Color1  255,  190,  63
	Color2  241,  238,  126
	Color3  0,  0,  0
	Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
	Geometry V_fem_Head.GEO/GEO_Head_V_Asym_Standard
	Texture1 !v_sf_face_skin_head_10
	Texture2 none
	DisplayName P687117166
	RegionName Head
	BodySetName standard
	Color1  255,  253,  0
	Color2  255,  255,  255
	Color3  0,  0,  0
	Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
	Geometry V_FEM_GLOVE.GEO/GEO_Larm*_Justice01
	Texture1 !x_male_glove_eagle_armor_mask
	Texture2 !glove_eaglearmor_01_dual
	DisplayName P3937616722
	RegionName "Upper Body"
	BodySetName Tight
	Color1  255,  190,  63
	Color2  241,  238,  126
	Color3  0,  0,  0
	Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
	Geometry V_FEM_BOOT.GEO/GEO_Lleg*_Justice_02
	Texture1 !x_male_boot_eagle_armor_mask
	Texture2 !boot_eaglearmor_01_dual
	DisplayName P2104750136
	RegionName "Lower Body"
	BodySetName Tight
	Color1  255,  190,  63
	Color2  241,  238,  126
	Color3  0,  0,  0
	Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
	Geometry V_FEM_BELT.GEO/GEO_Belt_Valkyrie_01
	Texture1 !X_Valkyrie_Belt_01
	Texture2 !belt_V_Valkyrie_01_Mask
	DisplayName P177456852
	RegionName "Upper Body"
	BodySetName Tight
	Color1  255,  190,  63
	Color2  241,  238,  126
	Color3  0,  0,  0
	Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
	Geometry Long_04
	Texture1 Long_01a
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	DisplayName P2681220175
	RegionName Head
	BodySetName standard
	Color1  255,  190,  63
	Color2  241,  238,  126
	Color3  0,  0,  0
	Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
	Fx none
	Geometry none
	Texture1 none
	Texture2 none
	Color1  31,  31,  31
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CostumePart ""
	Geometry V_FEM_EYES.GEO/GEO_Eyes_Valkyrie_02b
	Texture1 !X_Valkyrie_Eyes_02
	Texture2 !Eyes_V_Valkyrie_02_Mask
	DisplayName P2793026233
	RegionName Head
	BodySetName standard
	Color1  241,  238,  126
	Color2  255,  190,  63
	Color3  0,  0,  0
	Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
	Geometry V_FEM_EMBLEM.GEO/GEO_Emblem_Enforcer_02
	Texture1 !X_Enforcer_Emblem
	Texture2 !Emblem_v_Enforcer_01_Mask
	DisplayName P2281134661
	RegionName "Upper Body"
	BodySetName Tight
	Color1  255,  190,  63
	Color2  241,  238,  126
	Color3  0,  0,  0
	Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
	Geometry V_FEM_SPADR.GEO/GEO_SpadR_Justice01
	Texture1 !x_male_spadr_eagle_armor_mask
	Texture2 !spadr_v_eagle01_dual
	DisplayName P772741860
	RegionName "Upper Body"
	BodySetName Tight
	Color1  255,  190,  63
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	Color3  0,  0,  0
	Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
	Fx none
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CostumePart ""
	Fx none
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	Texture1 none
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CostumePart ""
	Geometry none
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	Texture2 none
	DisplayName P2371314042
	RegionName Head
	BodySetName standard
	Color1  31,  31,  31
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	Color3  31,  31,  31
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CostumePart ""
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	Geometry none
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CostumePart ""
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CostumePart ""
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CostumePart ""
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CostumePart ""
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CostumePart ""
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CostumePart ""
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CostumePart ""
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CostumePart ""
	Geometry none
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	Color1  31,  31,  31
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CostumePart ""
	Fx none
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CostumePart ""
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CostumePart ""
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CostumePart ""
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CostumePart ""
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CostumePart ""
	Color1  0,  0,  0
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	Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
	Color1  0,  0,  0
	Color2  0,  0,  0
	Color3  0,  0,  0
	Color4  0,  0,  0


Vindicator: Woodsman

Front View
Side View
Back View

Why: Everyone always told him that if he stood in one place too long, he'd start to put down roots. Looks like those Heroes weren't joking after all ... even if the Woodsman "is a part of the landscape" of Eden.

Costume code:
Scale 25
LegScale 0.02
HeadScales  0,  0,  0
BrowScales  0,  0,  0
CheekScales  0,  0,  0
ChinScales  0,  0,  0
CraniumScales  0,  0,  0
JawScales  0,  0,  0
NoseScales  0,  0,  0
SkinColor  155,  99,  63
NumParts 28
CostumePart ""
	Geometry V_MALE_PANTS.GEO/GEO_Hips_Skirt
	Texture1 !Hips_V_Skin_Bare_01
	Texture2 !Hips_V_Skin_Bare_01_Dual
	DisplayName P4139188627
	RegionName "Lower Body"
	BodySetName Kilts
	Color1  0,  31,  0
	Color2  85,  56,  0
	Color3  0,  0,  0
	Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
	Geometry Robe
	Texture1 skin_bare
	Texture2 !chest_v_pattern_vines
	DisplayName P566009771
	RegionName "Upper Body"
	BodySetName Unique
	Color1  0,  31,  0
	Color2  85,  56,  0
	Color3  0,  0,  0
	Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
	Geometry V_MALE_HEAD.GEO/GEO_Head_V_Asym_Standard
	Texture1 Skin_V_Head_06
	Texture2 none
	DisplayName P687117166
	RegionName Head
	BodySetName HalfHelmets
	Color1  0,  31,  0
	Color2  85,  56,  0
	Color3  0,  0,  0
	Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
	Geometry V_MALE_GLOVE.GEO/GEO_Larm*_OrganicArmor_02
	Texture1 !X_Organic_Armor_Fem_Glove_01
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	DisplayName P3937616722
	RegionName "Upper Body"
	BodySetName Unique
	Color1  38,  26,  0
	Color2  85,  56,  0
	Color3  0,  0,  0
	Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
	Geometry V_MALE_BOOT.GEO/GEO_LlegR_OrganicArmor_02
	Texture1 !X_Organic_Armor_Boot_02
	Texture2 !Boot_V_Fem_OrganicArmor_02_Mask
	DisplayName P2104750136
	RegionName "Lower Body"
	BodySetName Kilts
	Color1  0,  31,  0
	Color2  85,  56,  0
	Color3  0,  0,  0
	Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
	Geometry n_male_clubwear_shirts.geo/geo_studded_belt_03
	Texture1 !X_Clubwear_Studded_Belt
	Texture2 none
	DisplayName P177456852
	RegionName "Upper Body"
	BodySetName Unique
	Color1  0,  31,  0
	Color2  212,  140,  0
	Color3  0,  0,  0
	Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
	Geometry V_MALE_HAIR.GEO/GEO_Hair_V_Samurai_01
	Texture1 !Hair_V_Samurai_03
	Texture2 !Hair_V_Samurai_03_Mask
	DisplayName P4179547168
	RegionName Head
	BodySetName HalfHelmets
	Color1  0,  31,  0
	Color2  127,  84,  0
	Color3  0,  0,  0
	Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
	Fx none
	Geometry none
	Texture1 none
	Texture2 none
	Color1  31,  31,  31
	Color2  227,  227,  227
	Color3  31,  31,  31
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CostumePart ""
	Geometry V_MALE_Eyes.GEO/GEO_Eyes_OrganicArmor_01
	Texture1 !X_Organic_Armor_Fem_Boot_02
	Texture2 !Boot_V_Fem_OrganicArmor_02_Mask
	DisplayName P2793026233
	RegionName Head
	BodySetName HalfHelmets
	Color1  0,  31,  0
	Color2  127,  84,  0
	Color3  0,  0,  0
	Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
	Geometry MALE_Emblem.GEO/GEO_Emblem_Robe
	Texture1 Base
	Texture2 v_hart
	DisplayName P2281134661
	RegionName "Upper Body"
	BodySetName Unique
	Color1  85,  56,  0
	Color2  171,  171,  171
	Color3  0,  0,  0
	Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
	Geometry V_MALE_SPADR.GEO/GEO_SpadR_OrganicArmor_01
	Texture1 !X_Organic_Armor_Fem_SpadR_01
	Texture2 !spadr_v_OrganicArmor_01_Mask
	DisplayName P772741860
	RegionName "Upper Body"
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	Color1  0,  31,  0
	Color2  85,  56,  0
	Color3  0,  0,  0
	Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
	Fx none
	Geometry none
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	Color1  31,  31,  31
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CostumePart ""
	Fx none
	Geometry none
	Texture1 none
	Texture2 none
	Color1  31,  31,  31
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	Color3  31,  31,  31
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CostumePart ""
	Geometry Beard_Clean
	Texture1 Beard_01a
	Texture2 Beard_01b
	DisplayName P2371314042
	RegionName Head
	BodySetName HalfHelmets
	Color1  85,  56,  0
	Color2  31,  0,  11
	Color3  0,  0,  0
	Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
	Fx none
	Geometry none
	Texture1 none
	Texture2 none
	Color1  31,  31,  31
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	Color3  31,  31,  31
	Color4  227,  227,  227

CostumePart ""
	Geometry Asym
	Texture1 Cape_Top_01
	Texture2 none
	DisplayName P1987928225
	RegionName Capes
	BodySetName AsymmetricalMantle
	Color1  0,  31,  0
	Color2  85,  56,  0
	Color3  0,  0,  0
	Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
	Geometry none
	Texture1 none
	Texture2 none
	DisplayName P33398819
	RegionName Capes
	BodySetName AsymmetricalMantle
	Color1  31,  31,  31
	Color2  227,  227,  227
	Color3  31,  31,  31
	Color4  227,  227,  227

CostumePart ""
	Fx capes/origin/autumnalcloak/male/capelong2sided.fx
	Geometry none
	Texture1 none
	Texture2 none
	DisplayName P4269015351
	RegionName Capes
	BodySetName AsymmetricalMantle
	Color1  0,  31,  0
	Color2  85,  56,  0
	Color3  0,  31,  0
	Color4  85,  56,  0

CostumePart ""
	Fx auras/male/leaves/leaves_body.fx
	Geometry none
	Texture1 none
	Texture2 none
	DisplayName P3636920680
	RegionName Special
	BodySetName Leaves
	Color1  85,  56,  0
	Color2  227,  227,  227
	Color3  31,  31,  31
	Color4  227,  227,  227

CostumePart ""
	Geometry n_male_blackknights_underarmor_01.geo/geo_skirt_short_01
	Texture1 !x_skirt_bkua_01
	Texture2 none
	DisplayName P3678544962
	RegionName "Lower Body"
	BodySetName Kilts
	Color1  0,  31,  0
	Color2  85,  56,  0
	Color3  0,  0,  0
	Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
	Geometry V_MALE_TOP.GEO/GEO_Top_Robe_Toga
	Texture1 !X_Robe_Toga_Special
	Texture2 none
	DisplayName P3505621057
	RegionName "Upper Body"
	BodySetName Unique
	Color1  0,  31,  0
	Color2  85,  56,  0
	Color3  0,  0,  0
	Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
	Fx none
	Geometry none
	Texture1 none
	Texture2 none
	Color1  31,  31,  31
	Color2  227,  227,  227
	Color3  31,  31,  31
	Color4  227,  227,  227

CostumePart ""
	Geometry V_MALE_CRANIUM.GEO/GEO_Cranium_Warrior_01
	Texture1 !Cranium_Warrior_02
	Texture2 !Cranium_Warrior_02_Mask
	DisplayName P1331484130
	RegionName Head
	BodySetName HalfHelmets
	Color1  0,  31,  0
	Color2  127,  84,  0
	Color3  0,  0,  0
	Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
	Geometry V_MALE_JAW.GEO/GEO_Jaw_Warrior_02
	Texture1 !Jaw_V_Warrior_04
	Texture2 !Jaw_V_Warrior_04_Mask
	DisplayName P1685161505
	RegionName Head
	BodySetName HalfHelmets
	Color1  0,  31,  0
	Color2  127,  84,  0
	Color3  0,  0,  0
	Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
	Fx none
	Geometry none
	Texture1 none
	Texture2 none
	Color1  31,  31,  31
	Color2  227,  227,  227
	Color3  31,  31,  31
	Color4  227,  227,  227

CostumePart ""
	Fx none
	Geometry none
	Texture1 none
	Texture2 none
	Color1  31,  31,  31
	Color2  227,  227,  227
	Color3  31,  31,  31
	Color4  227,  227,  227

CostumePart ""
	Fx none
	Geometry none
	Texture1 none
	Texture2 none
	Color1  31,  31,  31
	Color2  227,  227,  227
	Color3  31,  31,  31
	Color4  227,  227,  227

CostumePart ""
	Geometry none
	Texture1 none
	Texture2 none
	DisplayName P546439883
	RegionName "Lower Body"
	BodySetName Kilts
	Color1  31,  31,  31
	Color2  227,  227,  227
	Color3  31,  31,  31
	Color4  227,  227,  227

CostumePart ""
	Color1  0,  0,  0
	Color2  0,  0,  0
	Color3  0,  0,  0
	Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
	Color1  0,  0,  0
	Color2  0,  0,  0
	Color3  0,  0,  0
	Color4  0,  0,  0


It's the end. But the moment has been prepared for ...



Global Handle: @Drowning Mire
Overall Vindicator Make-over theme: A mischievous rogue psychic/time corruptor has joined with the vindicators and slipped some of the vindicators into a Chrono Shift- but the vindicators got stuck in the past and are now forced to fight crime as their teen/tween selves- but the corruptor has bent their minds back to the state they were in at that age!

The girls of the Vindicators have been reduced to giggling fits, gossip, and shopping trips... Never known to be shy women, photos were captured of them trying on new styles in a local paragon city shopping center...

Vindicator: Aurora

Aurora is keeping a more modest look, though still showing some peeks of her beautiful dark complexion through her shirt's fashionably worn-style.

Vindicator: Ms. Liberty

Always her fashionable and patriotic self, Ms. Liberty still shows her colors while golden accents give her a sense of power among her allies.

Vindicator: Mynx

Always one for DIY and outlandish style, Mynx throws on a spiky collar, heavy eyeliner, and custom Doc Martens to round out her punk-rock-esque look.

Vindicator: Swan

Ever pushing the dresscode limits, Swan dons some spice girl-era patent platforms and a strapless top, keeping it mostly age appropriate.

Vindicator: Valkyrie

Never one to go on shopping sprees with the girls, 'Val' stays close to her roots and dons a lightly armored outfit with winged headband.

Who will save the Vindicators from their silliness and bring them back to reality???

[edit: i seem to have forgotten the butt-shots... guess the ladies were self conscious about it...]



Here are my entries (Yes, I can now finally look at everyone else's haha I decided to not look to keep from copying):

Handle: @BRULSER

Vindicator: Paragon (Ms. Liberty)

Why: After the death of her mother and grandfather, Ms. Liberty decided she needed a new look and identity to step out of her family's shadow. To her surprise, the people of Paragon City widely supported her taking the name Paragon. With a new name, Paragon donned a new haircut and a new costume, consisting of red, white, and blue, but also a touch of black in mourning for her dead family. ((I wanted to really let her step into the spotlight with a new, different look. I thought for a while about a new name, considering Stateswoman, but I decided she needed her own identity, and what's better than Paragon?))


Why: When Luminary began to develop a personality, no one knew exactly how she would act. Some young heroes introduced her to punk rock music. When she decided it was time for a more human look, she changed her plating to blue and donned a more "punk-rock" look. ((I wanted Luminary to have something reflecting a newer personality, which I wanted to really stand out from the other heroes.))


Why: Lena Elliot's parents blessed her to give her luck in the future. What she did not know is they also blessed her to give her the beauty of an angel. When Lena helped lock away Black Swan, who had already developed wings, something reacted within her, and she is now able to sprout wings herself. Manticore, worried after the death of Sister Psyche, wanted Swan to don armor so she would be safe. As a compromise, Manticore created a lightweight, metallic dress that would protect her from harm while looking good. The dress can be automatically extended from two rings on her arms if she needs to change into costume quickly. ((I wanted to give Swan wings like her Praetorian counterpart, and a cool new look with them. Still, I wanted Sister Psyche's death to affect it in some way, hence the metal dress to protect her from major harm.))


Why: Valkyrie's nanites are very advanced technology. When Positron showed her a new suit of armor he had been working on, they reacted and evolved into a similar, new suit of armor with an upgraded spear to match. ((I wanted to tap into the warrior and technological sides of Valkyrie with a new suit of armor and divine-feeling accessories.))

Leopard (Mynx)

Why: Mynx and Synapse broke into a Crey lab, hoping to find leads on the whereabouts of Countess Crey. Unfortunately, Mynx was exposed to a toxin that reacted with the procedures done to her, making her more feline in appearance and giving her leopard fur. She was also made faster and stronger. Unfortunately, this means she now has problems like fleas. ((As seen in the side view picture with the Fleas Aura being activated.)) She decided a bodysuit and her hairstyle would no longer work, so she grew out her hair and dawned a cool new costume, changing her name to Leopard to reflect the new changes. ((I wanted to give Mynx a completely updated, more cat-like look.))

Aurora Borealis

Why: Aurora Borealis had been through a lot. She'd had someone else's mind in her body. That person became her friend and mentor, only for a piece of Aurora herself to help kill her. Aurora decided it was time to define who she is, and decided to adopt a new costume that while her, contained subtle tributes to her mentor. She also died a red streak in her hair to remember Psyche.((I think Aurora's look needed an update, and I liked the purple on Mayhem so I decided to try it, but keep references to Psyche. I wanted her to look older, and I thought the haircut helped.))


Why: Infernal's costume felt too villainous, and sometimes people mistook him for a villain. He donned a new armor that emphasized many different parts of his personality while feeling more heroic. ((I felt he needed a heroic armor, so I emphasized the demon binder and knight aspects of his look and toned down his demon-like features.))


Why: Woodsman's nature spirit felt drawn to something. He traveled a long while before he came to a large forest, in the middle of which was an amulet. When he touched it, Woodsman's spirit became trapped inside. An 24 year old graduate student studying nature happened upon it, and the amulet fused with him. Now, he could transform into Woodsman at will, and Woodsman's personality would take over. They can always hear the other thinking in their mind. ((I thought Woodsman didn't really fit in with the group, so I gave him a younger, updated, more nature-like look and a reason for his new physical form. I thought about giving him an axe, but found I liked him better without one. I wanted to emphasize an armor aspect as well.))



Global Handle: @Zamuel

Vindicator: Ms. Liberty

Why: The obvious "American" theme needs to stay but I felt adjusting her outfit to something that seemed more mature. Retains a classic superhero vibe but the texturing is more modern than tights. However, in all this I wanted to make sure she looked like the same character so I tried to use the same face and mask as the original. IDF belt is the closest thing I saw to Statesman's belt.


Vindicator: Valkyrie

Why: The primary problem with the old outfit is that it doesn't truly look as high tech as it should, given the description. A while back she was subject of a number of revamp suggestions that aimed at different ways she could be interpreted. I leaned more towards tech than warrior but opted to add a few Valkyrie pieces. Since she's an adventurer archaeologist who is wearing a suit of armor, I felt she had to remain tall and the physique slider had to be more towards the right. I also opted to make her brunette to add a little more visual variance from others in the Vindicators.


Vindicator: Infernal

Why: While Infernal is probably a relatively nice guy, he gives off a grim and gritty anti hero vibe so I stuck with it. The type of guy who walks in the room and suddenly you hear electric guitars. When he speaks, every other word is in bold letters or all caps. Retained the armor but revamped it a bit to something more mobile. The sword was chosen as something that looked like it could actually slay demons, plus it broke up the color scheme a bit.


Vindicator: Luminary

Why: Luminary is interesting in that she's based off another character in the lore. Admittedly there's a potential "Dude, not cool" to Positron basing a robot's appearance off of someone else's wife but we'll just chalk that up to Posi doing things for SCIENCE. However, being based off a person seems like an important detail and the main thing I think the current Luminary in Talos needs is an unique face. That was my starting point with this. Female Clockwork seemed to have been designed as "pretty" and this worked rather well but doesn't show up well outside of closeups.

Luminary's clothing was designed to give a more old school sci fi vibe as her personality and tastes would be developing. I figure she'd overtly want something non threatening as she interacted with people as opposed to heavy armor and shoulder mounted cannons.


Vindicator: Swan

Why: Swan's biggest problem is that the structure of "With Skin" parts makes her look like she's not wearing anything. Figured she should keep white in the outfit and show some skin but in something better textured. Pity we don't have arm wings so I substituted the feather cape. Despite being a sorceress, being named "Swan" and having a feather shawl gave me more of an opera/ballet vibe for her.


Vindicator: Mynx

Why: Made a few tweaks to make her look more catlike. I figure with her being a college student who had to live out on the street, her uniform would be less spandex and more whatever she could find. This gives her a more streetwise vibe and thus represents a different genre of superhero not showcased in the Vindicators.


Vindicator: Aurora Borealis

Why: Similar to Swan, I tried to retain the idea of showing skin but with better textured materials. The ring visuals had to stay but I added a few splashes of purple. I also opted to make her hair color a black/purple mix like her alternate universe counterpart for more of a match between them while having more variance from her teammates.


Vindicator: Woodsman


Why: I like the Woodsman a lot as is. It's a unique silhouette with a fair bit difference from the team. All he needs is an increase in resolution.



Boy Reaper: LOVE your Luminary. I think I may use that as a character idea sometime, if that's okay?

In the room the women come and go
Talking of Michelangelo.



There are some fantastic costumes in this contest! I think that my favorites are Seldom's Mynx, Swan, and Valkyrie. The purple costume for Aurora Borealis reminds me too much of the early version of Mother Mayhem.

These are just overall fun and have been a joy to see.



Originally Posted by MisterMagpie View Post
Boy Reaper: LOVE your Luminary. I think I may use that as a character idea sometime, if that's okay?
Thanks! You can use the idea definitely! I'm glad to see someone likes it! =D



I think it's interesting that most Luminary designs show her as wanting (sometimes explicitly) to appear more 'human.' That could be used as an actual plotline at some point to service an underutilized character.




Tagging this topic... my CoH machine's been out of commission, but, fingers crossed, I get it back in time to try some ideas for this topic. . . . s'pretty doubtful, though, looking at the date.



More great designs; keep them coming.

Originally Posted by Mr_Morbid View Post
I think it's interesting that most Luminary designs show her as wanting (sometimes explicitly) to appear more 'human.' That could be used as an actual plotline at some point to service an underutilized character.
I find this interesting, too, especially since my own idea was for her to convert herself to a purely holographic construction of light, partly to distinguish her from Citadel. (I always thought of Citadel as the "robot who wants to be human" guy and Luminary as the "cheerful robot" character, but it's a subject the devs really haven't touched at all, so anyone else's opinion is as good as mine.)

I also find it surprising that so many people apparently view many of the Vindicators' current outfits as "immature." Of all the criticisms to level at them, and there certainly are plenty possible, that one never would have occurred to me. I find it interesting that immaturity is apparently what spandex conveys to today's costume specialists. (That isn't intended as a criticism of anything anyone's presented here, by the way.)

Since I don't have a system to do my own entries, I hope we see a few more sets before the contest closes!

"Bombarding the CoH/V fora with verbosity since January, 2006"

Djinniman, level 50 inv/fire tanker, on Victory
-and 40 others on various servers

A CoH Comic: Kid Eros in "One Light"



Global: @PW

Cimeroran Ms. Liberty

The grateful Cimerorans bestowed countless honors on Ms Liberty after she traveled back in time to defeat the 5th Column attempt to overthrow Imperious. Here she is in full Cimeroran regalia, donned in honor of Imperious's restoration.

Luminary 7

Luminary 7 features multiple upgrades installed by Citadel, including hectocore processors, advanced combat tactical expert systems, and the VK-99 Event Horizon vibro-blade, resulting in a significant performance increase over the previous generation Luminary Vista.

Kid Valkyrie

A relatively inexperienced but promising heroine, Kid Valkyrie has risen from the ranks of the Teen Phalanx to take a place in the new Vindicators with her mother's blessing.

Star Swan

When the Cosmic Collective threatened to destroy the solar system, Swan's telepathy was the only way the heroes of Earth were able to make contact with them and persuade them to turn aside. But this was not without cost; touching the infinite consciousness changed Swan forever.

@PW - Police Woman (50 AR/dev blaster on Liberty)
TALOS - PW war journal - alternate contact tree using MA story arcs
=VICE= "Give me Liberty, or give me debt!"