Ranged damage sets and no range enh

Adeon Hawkwood



Probably because range is not an especially desirable attribute for the vast majority of powers that take ranged damage sets, *especially* now that the short range blasts are getting normalized to 80 feet. I know that personally I'd regard any range enhancement in such a set to be totally dead weight, and it would make me think pretty hard about whether I wanted to use the set at all. Even for AoEs where there's actually some point in enhancing the range (cones), if there were any other sets with notable set bonuses I wouldn't touch posi's blast with a 10 foot pole - its enhancement values are bad enough even before you waste a component on range. I think I've intentionally slotted a single target ranged attack for range only once - laser beam eyes on my tank's hami raid build. And when you do want to, dam/range HOs are an extremely cheap and effective way to do that.

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Originally Posted by Muon_Neutrino View Post
Even for AoEs where there's actually some point in enhancing the range (cones), if there were any other sets with notable set bonuses I wouldn't touch posi's blast with a 10 foot pole - its enhancement values are bad enough even before you waste a component on range.
Yeah with Posi I tend to drop the Dam/Range and then slot a 50+5 Range IO in the 6th slot if the power is a cone. It just doesn't have enough Acc, End or Rech for me to be comfortable dripping those in most cases (although I did drop the Dam/End on one character who used the Cardiac Alpha).

I agree with the sentiment though. I rarely want Range specifically in my sets so I'd much rather slot for it specifically or use an Alpha Slot Ability to get it rather than having it in sets.



There is so much reworking that should/could go into these IO sets.

There are attributes that are lacking in some sets such as range increase and with a category like Range damage that has TEN normal sets.

Sets such as TAoE and Slow movement lack inherent recharge.

TAoE only has THREE regular choices. Yes this is something I just can not and will not ever get over. I'm literally so sick of purchasing and using Posi's blasts that I stopped leveling my Water/Ice Corruptor at level 40.

Some set bonuses are obsolete IMO such as Debt protection and/or are so insignificant they only stack well with very few sets such as Psionic defense.

IMO before they create new recipes they need to address some issues with existing ones. Unless of course they do not think there are any issues, which is what I suspect...

Who do I have to *&^% around here to get more Targeted AoE recipes added?

Arc Name: Tsoo In Love
Arc ID: 413575



Originally Posted by EnigmaBlack View Post
IMO before they create new recipes they need to address some issues with existing ones. Unless of course they do not think there are any issues, which is what I suspect...
I don't think they CAN alter existing IO enhancement/set bonuses.

Misapplying it here, but the sentiment may be understood, - 'Cottage Rule' - fiddling with existing IO's has the potential to mess a lot of people's builds up, which would lead to fallout that can be avoided just by not altering anything.

The best they can probably do is new sets.

Of course, it's been a while since we saw any of those, but hey ho...


The above post may contain Cynicism, sarcasm and/or pessimism. If you object to the quantities contained, then tough.



Originally Posted by Canine View Post
I don't think they CAN alter existing IO enhancement/set bonuses.

Misapplying it here, but the sentiment may be understood, - 'Cottage Rule' - fiddling with existing IO's has the potential to mess a lot of people's builds up, which would lead to fallout that can be avoided just by not altering anything.
They've altered set bonuses in the past for balance reasons.

Arc#314490: Zombie Ninja Pirates!
Defiant @Grouchybeast
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Originally Posted by Grouchybeast View Post
They've altered set bonuses in the past for balance reasons.
The only changes I can recall are when defence bonuses went to positional and typed, and when Zephyr had the size of its bonus reduced (and that garnered them a lot of grief).

Neither of those were changing the type of the set bonus, and neither of them changed the enhancement types/values of the IO's. THAT is what I don't think they can really do, without needlessly annoying a lot of players with existing builds that use current IO's


The above post may contain Cynicism, sarcasm and/or pessimism. If you object to the quantities contained, then tough.



Originally Posted by Canine View Post
The only changes I can recall are when defence bonuses went to positional and typed, and when Zephyr had the size of its bonus reduced (and that garnered them a lot of grief).
So, yes, they've made build-affecting changes in the past when they felt it was necessary.

There are also the upcoming proc changes, which will affect every proc in the game.

Arc#314490: Zombie Ninja Pirates!
Defiant @Grouchybeast
Death is part of my attack chain.



Originally Posted by Canine View Post
I don't think they CAN alter existing IO enhancement/set bonuses.

Misapplying it here, but the sentiment may be understood, - 'Cottage Rule' - fiddling with existing IO's has the potential to mess a lot of people's builds up, which would lead to fallout that can be avoided just by not altering anything.

The best they can probably do is new sets.

Of course, it's been a while since we saw any of those, but hey ho...
Attuned sets. And the range bonus is where it should be.



It is time for more variety across ALL of the set IO's.

The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.



A change such as BoTZ had a backlash because many players slot for defense bonuses and the change was a reduction. If they would remove bonuses like debt protection and replace it with something a little more worthwhile I doubt too many players would complain because the bonus is small (and debt isn't harsh) and it eventually becomes obsolete. I hate to sound like I'm trashing the recipes but who really needs 1% Debt Protection, or maybe I'm missing something?

I'd also like to see them get rid of all recipe levels that aren't 0s and 5s (10,14,20,25 etc). Buying, selling, equipping and exemping would be so much easier.

Who do I have to *&^% around here to get more Targeted AoE recipes added?

Arc Name: Tsoo In Love
Arc ID: 413575



Originally Posted by EnigmaBlack View Post
If they would remove bonuses like debt protection and replace it with something a little more worthwhile I doubt too many players would complain because the bonus is small (and debt isn't harsh) and it eventually becomes obsolete. I hate to sound like I'm trashing the recipes but who really needs 1% Debt Protection, or maybe I'm missing something?.
Someone should suggest that!

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There's a way to dodge the cottage rule and still muck with the enhancement values of the enhancements, and possibly even add a new layer of depth to invention enhancing. It would be a simple matter of expanding all IO sets to have 9 pieces in them.

You could make a few multi-aspect IO's in some of the plain-jane sets that have more exotic effects, such as Range, or even splashing End-Mod or Slow, or Defense or Tohit-Debuffing. And you'd have plenty of room to do it in, with every set getting 3 to 6 more enhancements. Then, the folks who want more ordinary enhancement have their cake, and those who want to do wierd stuff can eat it too. All while not effecting existing builds at all.

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