So the DFB is an abomination now? (sarcasm)




Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
this can happen just as easily from running normal mission content.

I still vividly recall all of the gimp-tastic junk builds bashing their heads against the original Terra Volta respect trial with me when it first came out- the blaster with three travel powers, the defender with a bunch of pool melee attacks.
I can verify this from personal experience. Not the Terra Volta thing, though - I've run that thing, what... Three times total? But I remember my own builds and my own understanding of the game back in the pre-I1 days. I knew I could slot more than one enhancement of the same type in the same power, but I was convinced that Build Up was the same as a red inspiration, I didn't think I'd ever need Practised Brawler because... Well, I'd just come out of Diablo 2, and I never saw stuns and holds there, so I didn't think there would be any here. Took me fighting through several Pariahs in my Cape mission in I2 months later that I realised what had been happening to me when I fought the Lost and why I hated their bosses so much. I kept putting to-hit buff enhancements in my Build Up because I thought that mattered and it really didn't. I kept skipping status effects because... Meh, who needs those when I can take more attacks? I kept running out of endurance for reasons I don't even remember any more, I ran Sprint while fighting because I didn't know it had a cost...

OK, granted, a LOT of this was before Combat Attributes and Real Numbers when I still believed Jack Emmert's ridiculous idea that "you don't need stats" so all I knew was my powers did "moderate" damage and had a "short" recharge. But then, you have to remember that while real numbers help ME now, to a new player that's still the kind of stuff you don't understand right away when starting a game, and I doubt too many even know to use them.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
I kept putting to-hit buff enhancements in my Build Up because I thought that mattered and it really didn't. I kept skipping status effects because... Meh, who needs those when I can take more attacks? I kept running out of endurance for reasons I don't even remember any more, I ran Sprint while fighting because I didn't know it had a cost...
I vividly remember one of my pals four slotting his blaster's Combat Jumping for defense because he "needed defense".

On one of my first characters, an MA/SR scrapper, I skipped Hasten for Flurry because Hasten didn't sound fun.


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Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
On one of my first characters, an MA/SR scrapper, I skipped Hasten for Flurry because Hasten didn't sound fun.
Yeah, I did that too. What is really sad is back then Hasten also added +Def. I even slotted brawl... yup.

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My first character was a stalker. I got her all the way up to 15-17 or so before I figured out (accidentally! by placing the wrong enhancement in an empty slot) you could slot more than one enhancement of the same type in a power. I was totally the Jill of all trades.

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Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



Originally Posted by Siolfir View Post
That number comes up a little short of max int. >.>
Perhaps they meant max unsigned short int



On my empath (and first character past level five, first fifty too) I skipped adrenaline boost because I couldn't use it on myself and I wanted a cool looking attack instead.

...deep in my heart I don't feel that bad about that, BUT I UNDERSTAND WHY IT WAS BAD.

She has a rather nice build now.

In the room the women come and go
Talking of Michelangelo.



Originally Posted by Tylerst View Post
Perhaps they meant max unsigned short int
Note the wording chosen.

Originally Posted by MisterMagpie View Post
On my empath (and first character past level five, first fifty too) I skipped adrenaline boost because I couldn't use it on myself and I wanted a cool looking attack instead.

...deep in my heart I don't feel that bad about that, BUT I UNDERSTAND WHY IT WAS BAD.

She has a rather nice build now.
I named my emp/rad Inattentive, and she lives up to it most of the time. I would've taken an attack instead of Adrenaline Boost but doing so wouldn't let me announce "now accepting bribes for AB" when I join a PuG.

Originally Posted by PleaseRecycle View Post
it has gone from unconscionable to downright appalling that we have no way of measuring our characters' wetness.
Originally Posted by Brillig View Post
It's hard to beat the entertainment value of Whackjob Wednesdays.



Originally Posted by Wicked_Wendy View Post
So last night I logged on and while I was waiting in Atlas Park for my partner to arrive I overheard a few things in broadcast that made me laugh ... [while not direct quotes the following was basically the short conversation]

New player: So exactly what is a DFB?

Snobby Player # 1: A trip through the sewers mindlessly PLing and all sanctioned by the Devs

Snobby Player # 2: Yeah only the weak and lazy do that thing. Its supposed to teach you how to do very basic stuff.

It continues for a bit but you get the idea. These two geniuses were basically telling a newer player that the sewer trial sucked and he should avoid it at all costs. The best part was not a sole in Atlas Park, sadly myself included, stepped in the present our New Player with any other opinion.... I just didnt feel up to a heated debate with a couple idiots LOL
People have hated DFB for these reasons since the first day it was introduced. Where've you been?

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I do think the DFB gives way too much XP to just be a tutorial mission. Its a shortcut past the lower levels for new alts.

I dont think it should be repeatable unless you're just playing it for the badges. If its a tutorial, then it should be played once only, so give a completion badge that means you either dont earn XP if you play it again or you earn less XP (half?), then give a second badge that reduces XP further until Xp received during DFB = 0

having said that, I like the DFB. As a 7+ year player, its nice to be able to skip past the lower level quickly. Though I do still like to put new powersets and some experimental toons through the lower level story lines to get a better feel for them, I can see how this would be annoying to other experienced players, there's only so many times you can play the same story line before you start to think "if only there was a way to skip past this bit!"...and there is! the DFB.

Farming & PL: its always going to be part of the game. always. it always has been and imho always will be. There will always be someone that wants a shortcut or to tak ethe easy way. Good for them, hope they enjoy it. I like the sense of achievement when I hit 50 in a toon even if that takes a long time (and I've had a few toons since I started. my favourite being an emp/archery fender who finally hit 50 earlier this year and is now hyprid slotted). I'm not bothered by those that hit 50 with no badges, I am bothered by those that lord their "l33tness" over others because they can hit 50 in an hour. thats not what I consider skill and its not what I consider having fun playing the game (I did it once with a fire/fire tank and I deleted the toon shortly afterwards, I just had no connection at all with it. I really didnt care what happened to it. Unfortunately I have another fire/fire tank created before the PL one and I dont enjoy playing that alt much anymore so he just sits there getting dusty. I think PLing actually spoiled the idea of the powerset combo for me - others might not be affected that way though and they pay to play, or freeplay like everyone else so they should be catered for too).

DFB isnt an abomination imho. it may be to some and maybe some players have a "purity" mentality - "things were harder in my day, I levelled toons by hand! none of this patrol XP malarky or DFB codswallopp. Blood! tears! sweat! insomnia! failed marriages! thats what getting to level 20 took and then the game got tough!" - and maybe we need a way to cater for them (can you turn off patrol XP?). Perhaps a form of "hardcore" gamer. Get defeated and you lose all XP back to the beginning of the level? Insta-toon delete for the insane ones? Lose all slotted enhancements or a randome enhancement as it gets broken somehow? pick and mix from the above?

I'd like to see a non-PL way to hit 50 fast/ish (non-grindy repeat). Maybe a set of 10 -15 DFB type events that string together giving an alternate storyline, perhaps a bit more global than Paragon city, maybe interdimensional beyond praetoria, perhaps more Rikti/shivan in story? or maybe Vanguard oriented like the Soldier of Arachnos arcs but without the breaks in the XP track. (do SoA stuff, go do random other stuff, come back to continue SoA stuff, if getting my name on the list makes me powerful enough to do X or Y then make me of an appropriate level to do X or Y by the end of the mission, dont punish me for using stealth to complete my tasks, make using stealth a challenge - click-open guarded doors, surveillance cameras that need to be taken out before they negate my stealth etc.)

I'd also like to see a DFB that can be soloed. Like it or not, not everyone Teams. The game may be geared toward groups but soloing is an option and so should be properly catered for. Maybe a 1-50 path based entirely on your origin (something I dont think is made enough of) and tailored to your strengths in your AT choice. (I'm a magical hero with the ability to control others, of course I shall fend off that army of mez-immune EBs!...on second thought, let Igor the magical tank do that mission). I remember almost giving up on my AR/Elec blaster because he was stuck on a CoT arc where a map full of spirits were immune to my primarily S/L damage type. (no dropping missins then or autocompleting them)

So, no, not an abomination but not a finished product imho, its a good start but needs to be developed further.