Discussion - Issue 23 Where Shadows Lie -[LIVE]-July 10, 2012

Agent White



Does this change only affect Lore pets, and all other types of pets still get the level shift? (I'm guessing yes, but I don't want to just go and assume)



Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
Some leagues need shifted lore pets to overcome Tyrant's ridiculous regeneration rate.
Then they need to plan better. You can't send a bunch of kids to storm the beaches. Bring buffs, bring DPS, bring heals, bring debuffs.

The Defenders of Paragon
KGB Special Section 8



Originally Posted by bpphantom View Post
Then they need to plan better. You can't send a bunch of kids to storm the beaches. Bring buffs, bring DPS, bring heals, bring debuffs.
FYI, they did send kids (green recruits) to storm the beaches.

When something good happens to me, I can never enjoy it....
I am always too busy looking for the inevitable punchline...




Originally Posted by bpphantom View Post
Then they need to plan better. You can't send a bunch of kids to storm the beaches. Bring buffs, bring DPS, bring heals, bring debuffs.
I don't think you have the slightest clue how hard it is to get people to participate at all on some servers.
Originally Posted by Ukaserex View Post
I've tried forming for this trial countless times, and I'll get plenty of melee and one empath (to buff 23 other players!) or, 8 defenders, a bunch of doms and controllers, but no blasters, brutes or scrappers.
This is typical, and varies from one night to the next (sometimes from one trial to the next). I can't tell people it is for the completely lackluster rewards, and I'm seeing fewer and fewer long-term VIP players doing this.

It also again goes to my point that if this is supposed to be the hardest trial to date, that the future trials are going to be even harder. Why? That is because the people already b*tching about how easy this trial is will be demanding an even tougher trial next time due to having more incarnate slots. Then again, these people already got their rewards, likely due to the lightning bug.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
This is typical, and varies from one night to the next (sometimes from one trial to the next). I can't tell people it is for the completely lackluster rewards, and I'm seeing fewer and fewer long-term VIP players doing this.
We'll get it eventually, Snow. Somehow...

@Exabecquerel | 50s:
1 corr (fire/kin), 1 widow (tuna), 3 MM (bots/ff, demons/dark, demons/traps), 2 brutes (ss/wp, kin/sr)
1 def (kin/dp), 2 trollers (fire/rad, earth/storm), 2 scrappers (spines/dark, kat/sr)