Sonic/Energy IO Build Goals
In my experience the issue with Sonic is the widths and ranges on the cones vary too much, ranges on the cones and Shout are too short, and the animation times are excessive.
+ranged def is probably the most useful set bonus, to mitigate the alpha response from Sirens.
You don't need a lot of +rech due to the long animation times. You don't need massive amounts of +recovery for the same reason. Procs are less than stellar for this reason as well.
While solo most of the foes are asleep so you don't need high regen.
I24 is supposed to address some of the animation time issues but as it stands right now +ranged def is most likely the most useful thing you can do with the combo.
-Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. - Albert Einstein.
-I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use. - Galileo Galilei
-When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty. - Thomas Jefferson
I think you need to make some sort of commitment to what you want to do before someone else can give you a real answer. You want range cap, you don't want range cap. You might incarnate but just a little.
Every blaster type which included defenders that I make are range cap hover blasters. All my toons are incarnated to T3 at least and definitely T4 Alpha.
That includes my petless mastermind which even has T3 Hybrid.
All my toons can solo 4/8 regular content again including the petless mastermind. Some are even handling some instances of 4/8 Dark Astoria Incarnate content.
If its a concept character that your making because its your fantasy toon just to play out stories in your head or to make up in AE missions. Then your answering your own question.
Personally for me every toon concept wise or other gets the full treatment. Why ? Because why not. It doesn't cost me anything but time.
Make up your mind post a build and what your looking to tweak out and have people post ideas.
Now if your saying your stuck at 39 range defense and can't get past it then say so. I'm absolutely positive with any blaster primary and energy you can have range cap hover blaster and aid self also.
1. Why Soft Cap is Important :
2. Limits:
3. Attack Mechanics:
4. Rule of Five:
One of my 'mains' (if I can call her that given my at times crippling altisis...) is a Sonic/Energy Blaster and I've been running solo and teamed with her for over four years.
Capping range is not hugely important but I have a respectable amount on her and it helps to mitigate alpha strikes. The most important boon I have found is with recharge as it helps to stack the -res debuffs from your Sonic attacks and therefore increase your overall damage. Not hugely noticeable on a crowd but against single targets, it makes a difference.
Best tip I can give for this combo in terms of IOs is to get hold of a +Stealth IO to slot into Sprint (or like me, in Combat Jumping). It means you can get closer to line up Siren's Song on a spawn and provide a little bit more safety before sleeping them all.
@Dante EU - Union Roleplayer and Altisis Victim
The Militia: Union RP Supergroup -

I think you need to make some sort of commitment to what you want to do before someone else can give you a real answer
Make up your mind post a build and what your looking to tweak out and have people post ideas. |
I actually looked at the original question (Build Goals) from a different, broader perspective, and ended up landing on Defense again. It really does seem like when in doubt, build for Defense.
What difficulty do you solo at? +4/8? +1/1?
with SOs you can breeze through +1/1 blindfolded. With moderate defense and sirens you could bump mob count to +8. If you are talking about the ability to deal with scatter mobs/ambushes you will need more defense, etc...
You can build for +rech/dam and forgo defense, sure, but it all depends on what setting you solo at.
1. Why Soft Cap is Important :
2. Limits:
3. Attack Mechanics:
4. Rule of Five:
I like having a single force feedback +rchg proc in power thrust. It seems to hit fairly often.
Small suggestion but it's a handy little boost to your recharge rate, considering you have to take the power anyway.
I'm running the titular combination, and I'm at a bit of a crossroads regarding an IO build. My status quo with Blasters is to cap range first, but that seems really unnecessary with this combo. I also looked at a build with a priority on Damage bonuses, but the best I could get was a +39% Global increase (nothing to sneer at), which didn't seem like a huge boost given the tradeoff (13% or so Def across the board).
I'm wondering if I should just scrap traditional IO bonus slotting techniques, and just go for a grab bag of +Recovery, +HP, +Regen, and Procs.
Like I said, crossroads.
I should mention that I do solo a fair amount, but I'm not looking to turn this guy into an AV killer (obviously); I probably won't even Incarnate him past Alpha, if that. Without getting too much into the builds I was looking at, it's concept character. Really what I was hoping to elicit were some alternative options to the tried-and-true, but seemingly extraneous (in this case), +Def/+Rech/+HP/+Regen.