So there's one thing I really hate in CoH




You are right 37..poor Dechs got his panties in a twist over hitting backspace. It is so sad.

And then had to PM me..with this..

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
I am so glad you make a better fool out of yourself than I can. Saves me a lot of work.
Funny since I was doing exactly what he was..making a big deal out of something totally stupid. Like he was. Too bad for is only cool when he does it...

Here is an idea Dechs..quoted by you. When it comes to someone having their name in the post, so you have to delete your own words 'Deal With It.'



*rolls eyes*

[Edit: My post was made -before- the edit above to add the PM comments.]



I'm stopping! Honest. *polishes halo*

Back on topic..those Moral High Ground missions are really painful. As someone said, waiting till lvl 15 works well, as then you can do both Paths on whichever side (resist or loyal) and THEN switch you will get 4 moral credits, after lvl 15.
Still..only 2 of my Prae toons actually have the badge. We really need to get those arcs in Oro.



You really want to play the PM game?

Originally Posted by MisterD
You are a funny man Dicks. Oh sorry..Dechs. How could I have made that error. Almost as funny as you being unable to solo Rommies Army..on your MFing ws..almost.
Look, I know you're not going to stop hounding my posts trying to make me look bad, but I'm ok with that. If that's how you want to spend your time, fine. At least it's entertaining.

Where to now?
Check out all my guides and fiction pieces on my blog.
The MFing Warshade | The Last Rule of Tanking | The Got Dam Mastermind
Everything Dark Armor | The Softcap
don'T attempt to read tHis mEssaGe, And believe Me, it is not a codE.



I've gotten to the point where I run the fewest possible arcs "normal" and just flash back to everything.

My personal pet peeve, though, is how the game adds names to my contact just because I've leveled up. We have that "Find Contact" button now, I'd much rather use that when I need something at my current level to do, then to have you give me a dozen new contacts (e.g. when I hit 20) that I'll never be able to run through without out-leveling at least some of them.

IMO, the only time a new contact should pop into my list is when there's a direct story-arc link between the two (e.g. the Faultline arc). (Possibly excepting the very first contact we get after the tutorial.)



Originally Posted by Tymers_Realm View Post
Otherwise, If you're worried about outleveling content, there's always turning off XP. Yes, it slows overall progression, but it is a useful tool if you want to progress through multiple Arcs. There's even a slash command for it.
While I'm plenty familiar with disabling xp, I somehow missed that particular slash command. I'm gonna have to rewrite some binds today Thank you.

Originally Posted by LostCreation View Post
I've gotten to the point where I run the fewest possible arcs "normal" and just flash back to everything.

My personal pet peeve, though, is how the game adds names to my contact just because I've leveled up. We have that "Find Contact" button now, I'd much rather use that when I need something at my current level to do, then to have you give me a dozen new contacts (e.g. when I hit 20) that I'll never be able to run through without out-leveling at least some of them.

IMO, the only time a new contact should pop into my list is when there's a direct story-arc link between the two (e.g. the Faultline arc). (Possibly excepting the very first contact we get after the tutorial.)
The thing about that where it really bugs me is I'm just OCD enough to really hate having a contact with an empty or partial bar.

Yeah, the "archaic" contact system desperately needs a total overhaul. If I had the power to change only one thing in this game, that would be it. Contact issued missions would use TF autoexemplaring to keep you in range for the mission. Their mission arcs would be streamlined so that blueside missions would not consist of the time-wasting - Go to Steel Canyon contact > Do mission in Skyway > Return to Steel canyon Contact (because you still don't have phone #) > Do another mission in Skyway > repeat until you want to play Command and Conquer instead. Contacts would stop selling enhancements (because who the hell buys enhancements from contacts anyway?) and would start selling invention salvage... When you first get access to their "store" you'd get access to common salvage appropriate to the context of their story arcs... someone with Clockwork arcs would sell clockwork gears for instance. When you reach an advanced stage in the relationship, they'd offer uncommon salvage. No rare salvage (you can buy that in AE if you really need to). Finish every contact in the game, and you should have more than one contact store where you can buy any common or uncommon salvage for a set price (which would also help stabilize the rates on the AH somewhat). Contacts would alter their dialogue (or even sometimes alter mission choices) depending on what other content you've completed... making more of what you do relevant to your own story as you progress through the game.

It would fix so many things in this game. No more outleveling content. No frustrations of "I need to buy this piece of common salvage, but there's only 3 for sale on the AH right now and they're going for 1 billion inf or more." Less needless running back & forth. And when you need to add a new story arc to the game, you don't necessarily need to build a whole new contact to present it. Sometimes you can just add it to an existing contact, that story wise, is a perfect choice for it. Individual contacts would be capable of being much more relevant over the long term, rather than "Yeah I hung out with you for a couple days, and we're friends now, but never see each other except to like the lolcat pictures the other one posts on Herobook..." I'd give the player the ability to assign one of their contacts as a "Handler" who would effectively be their primary contact, broker, and go-to guy (or girl, or robot, or sentient spell effect, or whatever) for missions, introductions, event reminders, and so on...

Dear NCsoft, if you go through with this shutdown you've guaranteed you'll not see another dime from me on any project you put out, ever.



Originally Posted by EvilGeko View Post
I've never been able to do that badge either. One of many reasons I stopped caring so much about badges.
One of many reasons I stopped caring so much about Praetoria.

Just saying.

Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!



Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
You really want to play the PM game?

Look, I know you're not going to stop hounding my posts trying to make me look bad, but I'm ok with that. If that's how you want to spend your time, fine. At least it's entertaining.
lol you two are cute


*runs fast*

Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!






OK OK, I'll make a signature without my name in it!!! JUST STOP FIGHTING!!!!


Level 53: Arrows/Devices/Munitions Blaster

....and hopeless Science-Natzi.



For the escorts, why not have them jump on the backs of your pets (if they are out) and have the pets run with you to the door/whatever. Or if you have the panther power, they can jump on your back and you can run them.

Greetings are who are doomed.