Champion Villains and the Cathedral of Pain




will try and be there to assist



This is tonight.

"Champion (the Community Server... or GTFO) is like a small town where everyone knows each other's names, for better or worse." -kojirodensetsu.
"If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail." - Maslow's Hammer



8 Eastern tonight, it's us against Rularuu. Be there or be...uh...I guess not fighting Rularuu.



I have prior commitments an hour after your posted start time, so I can help with this unless it takes a very long time to form.

My only toon that can participate is my blaster, t-4'd in all the right parts.

"Most people that have no idea what they are doing have no idea that they don't know what they are doing." - John Cleese




Added a telepad to Bone Snappers' base, just in case we need to run out of there. In that case, I may need 1-2 volunteers to temporarily join up.



As an FYI, we will meet in Pocket D, so I can listen to Desperate Guy and Turn-Down Girl until people show up.



Knocked out my villain tips and now prepped on redside for this event.

"Champion (the Community Server... or GTFO) is like a small town where everyone knows each other's names, for better or worse." -kojirodensetsu.
"If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail." - Maslow's Hammer



Iconoclasts base is available to use if necessary - we have the mission computer and group telepad available. Punch and Pie will be served.

Control Queen
Mind Control/Empathy
Lvl 50
Champion Server
Battle Cry:
"Oh, Honey, I don't THINK so!"



Nice and Painkiller.

I mean, painless.

Well done, Champion.

"Champion (the Community Server... or GTFO) is like a small town where everyone knows each other's names, for better or worse." -kojirodensetsu.
"If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail." - Maslow's Hammer



Epic victory, redside.

Coming soon:

Mayhem Marathon. I'm going to queue up all the Mayhem missions and run them back to back so you can get any Mayhem badges you're missing. Space will be limited so please only join for the maps you need badges from.

More details to come!



I was coming to wish y'all good luck but I was looking at the first post and not the later one and so you went an hour earlier than I was expecting (I'm at work, so I couldn't have come either way). Anyway, grats!



CoP went awesome thanks for having me .