How would you pick which characters to delete?

Blood Red Arachnid



If you were cutting your list of characters down to just 12 (the first screen), how would you pick them? Best names? Highest levels? Most stuff? Emotional attachment? Something else?

Essentially, what would you value most in your own characters?

They ALL float down here. When you're down here with us, you'll float too!




Have I actually played this character in the past month? If not, delete.

I'm not a fan of hoarding names from other players that might use them. And I prefer to keep my characters I actively play to a minimum so that I'm more attached to, and have fleshed out far more, the guys that I do have.



1st account: 31 fifties

2nd account: 27 fifties

I wouldnt delete 50s and i dont double powers For example if i have a fire/fire another is fire/devices another is fire /energy)

I use transfers so as to not delete when i have space
i have open the 48(i think 48 slots might be more 2 accounts= 96 slots total ) on both accounts

Usually structure on both accounts

1-40 is 50s or close to 50s (40-50)
41-46 is 11-39
47-48 expendables(transferable to Exalted or truimph)

If i were to just keep 12 id keep
4 50s - for incarnate stuff and WST and summer,winter,spring and halloween event
2 40s- for 40-50 content
3 30s - first ward and night ward
3 0-20 as expendable or transferable - for trying out new powers/ hanging out/ testing possiblities for 50

I know several people 12 slots is enough or more than enough but i like having my 96 slots open...

as Ood Sigma said....We will sing to you, Doctor. The universe will sing you to your sleep. This song is ending. But the story never ends.



What Fuegos said...I have deleted lvl 50's on VERY RARE Ocassions like my AR/Kin but that was because it was so painful to play and I couldn't take it any longer.



Well, I only have 6 50's, and they've all been shipped off to dusty corners on unplayed servers never to be played again, so they're out. Just the prospect of stripping 15 characters is daunting. I'm sure I'll come up with some method. Level will be a factor for my 3 40+ characters. After that I'm probably going by name and/or powersets so I don't end up with a bunch of similar characters.

They ALL float down here. When you're down here with us, you'll float too!




Me? I'd determine it by emotional attachment and my thoughts on the future likelihood of logging them in and enjoying them in the near and/or distant future. I may not have logged a character in for three months... and I may not log them in again for four months... but I very well might log them in again in 5 months and go on a tear of playing them very frequently and getting a lot of enjoyment out of them.

I generally don't delete characters... Instead, I'll ship them off to another server (even if I never play them again, haha)...
Then again, I honestly don't go ahead and make too many characters that I am not already confident in keeping forever and ever.

A while ago, I curtailed my creation of alts on my main server by saving costume ideas and concepts within my head and only pulling the trigger on them when I'm convinced that they are worthy of being on my permanent roster, hehe. For wild hairs, new/random ideas, I'll make one on another server... if the concept/character takes off to the point that I have to make them "for real", I'll either transfer them over or make them anew (usually make them anew, because I'd only take under 10 levels [of soloing, street sweeping and/or radio/paper missions] to come to a decision).

So... Yeah, I'd just have to think about who I log in currently and if I have a lot more fun in mind for them in the future. I play 50s very regularly, so that's not an issue.

The other important aspect, I imagine, would be to make sure I have a roster of diverse characters, both in game-mechanics and in personalities.

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and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



Originally Posted by Electric-Knight View Post
So... Yeah, I'd just have to think about who I log in currently and if I have a lot more fun in mind for them in the future. I play 50s very regularly, so that's not an issue.

The other important aspect, I imagine, would be to make sure I have a roster of diverse characters, both in game-mechanics and in personalities.
Diversity is pretty much going to kill off a few of mine in this case. While I'm attached to my blasters, my AR/Dev has one of my favourite backgrounds and I really enjoy playing him. I'll be keeping a Beam/Trap corr for a RPVG, so that pretty much bones my Beam/Dev. Likewise, I'm thinking my 2 DP blasters and DP corr are going to bite it.

On the cheating side, I'll probably +1 my static team tanker, since I don't play 50's and we'll probably just start a new team after 50 anyway.

And on the plus side, it'll be a good day for names when I get around to all this.

They ALL float down here. When you're down here with us, you'll float too!




If they get past level 32 then they are there forever,if I,m not happy about the way an alt. is feeling while I play it I will delete it. Personally I have to connect with the toon while playing some I do some I do not,at the moment I tend to play my Electric brute a lot and really enjoy it.Did the MO Miss Liberty last night with my stone tank does not get that much playtime these days but it was great fun and we succeeded in the TF so that will get played more just wish they would up the damage on tanks.

Prof Radburn controller,Celtic Ice Maiden,blaster,Miss Knockout scrapper,Mistress Davina controller,Stone Hart,tank Split Personality PB.Queen Lostris controller,Fridgid Mary blaster,Shocking Fire blaster Future Elfling defender, Little Weed controller,Capo Angelo MM, Commander Buzzsaw MM, Justice Tank tank all 50,s



Good thing I don't have more than one page then!

But seriously. if I was forced to trim my character list in half, I would just save the ones I already have a history with, or whichever ones have a VV page (although that hasn't stopped me before, I need to go through and clean out my VV pages eventually)

It's not even a matter of "saving the 50's" as..I..only *shamed*

The only time that I sit on names is when I have a character/name planned out and are just waiting for the power set to be released.



Various trade-offs between emotional attachment, how fun they are to play, level and time played.
In pretty much that order of priority.

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I am actually at a point now where the idea of grinding out each toon to unlock hybrid, and then work it up to t-4 is daunting. I've done 8 since Magi was released - and on one server, I have 8 more to work on, and another 5 or 6 on other servers.

For me - I think it all depends on the mood which one I play. But, I do want all my toons to be respectable - in the sense they should all have the big 4 accolade powers. It makes it a lot harder to delete a toon that I've invested that kind of time in. Suffering through a synapse - killing 333 Ghosts or Tuatha or Fir Bolg - they go faster when teamed - but not every server is so populated.

So, I know that I will keep my first 50, an emp/elec defender.
I will likely keep my fire/fire tank, and my fire/fire brute - although I'm hard pressed to see what the tank can do that the brute cannot.

I am almost certain to delete my elec/elec dom. I simply do not enjoy playing it. I suspect if it weren't for msrs, it might still be at level 35.

I have to keep the grav/kin. It wasn't fun until it got fulcrum shift, but now that it does, and with the new changes, it's worth keeping.

I have an ill/rad and a fire/rad, and an earth/rad controller. ( I like rad, sue me) But, I don't care much for the fire rad - the imps cannot tolerate the large mobs, so it doesn't feel that super to me. The ill/rad I don't like to play as much as the earth/rad, but it's far more capable because of perma PA, AM and Hasten.

So, I will likely get rid of the fire/rad, but probably later than sooner.

I have about 8 toons that are level 35-41. The highest is a dual pistols/energy blaster. DP is just ridiculous looking to me - DP should stand for drunk pistols, but that's just me. With the crashless nuke, I thought it would be worth keeping, but I don't think so.

I have a ice/fire blaster, but I'm thinking I should reroll it as fire/ice.

I don't see the point in deleting a toon if I have room on the roster - maybe just ignore it, let it languish on the last three pages. If I need the space, that's another story.

"Most people that have no idea what they are doing have no idea that they don't know what they are doing." - John Cleese




My 50s will **NEVER** be deleted. That's the emotional attachment thing. I have 6 of those. This means I can have 6 others.

But to be honest, overall... If they're not interesting in some way, they'll likely befalling of the axe, the lot of the non-50s. Most aren't even 20 yet, so I won't really cry about it. Maybe 2 or 3 would get saved, and that would leave me 3-4 slots to make new ones.

I'd be ok with it.

August 31, 2012. A Day that will Live in Infamy. Or Information. Possibly Influence. Well, Inf, anyway. Thank you, Paragon Studios, for what you did, and the enjoyment and camaraderie you brought.
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