Master of Magesterium Really Hard Way (MOMAG) Friday, June 15th 7PM EST

akarah the hunter



Man, I hope we do this. All of my favorite peeps are in this trial now.

Ill be on at about 6:30. If anybody needs cash to buy ultimates or enhancements, I've got a couple hundred mill to give out at that time.

56 attempts later, Master of the Keyes Island Reactor. Bite Me, Anti Matter.



Yeah we got a good group so far. I also sunk about 100 mil into buying and crafting about 10 Achilles heels for people who have defense debuff powers to toss one in.



Looks like your full but if a spot does open up please keep me in mind.

My badger is 98% Psi damage and has all 4 leadership buffs and also support core hybrid. Tamerlayne - 53 Mind/Psi Dom with multiple T4's in everything.



I also have 40 extra Ultimates to give out...once we form up I will ask if any need.



I don't leave work untill your start time so I hope you all die in a fire!! lol

Not really good luck all

Scataloni Volt
Scataloni Tank
Scataloni Arrow
Rad Scataloni



Im game, sign me up, ill be there!

Lvl 50 - Inv / SS Tanker

Freedom Server



We rocked the Really Hard Way (More like Really Easy Way)

Used 1...1!!!!!!!
Ultimate Inspiration. Took less than 5 minutes. Our lore pets were still alive....

Rand another one... COMPLETE!!!! AND TRIPLE THREAT!



Caliburst || FREEDOM
L50+ Energy/Energy Blaster (1405 (1397) Badges)

Laughter is the best medicine because you can't O.D. and the refills are free.



Super awesome job everybody!

Super Gobbles - Level 50 Empathy/Psychic Blast Defender
Sinister Gobbles - Level 50 Mind Control/Psionic Assault Dominator
My City of Heroes Screenshots



Great job on RHW--thanks to Yat Man for forming and for everyone who participated. Especially those who switched toons to help us out (and therefore didn't get it on their main badger.)

I'm sure I speak for everyone when I say, I'll be happy to help out on future runs til everyone has it!

destiny morna lvl 50 emp /psi defender
mysteria morna lvl 50 ice/kin corruptor



We're getting too good at this!

Super Gobbles - Level 50 Empathy/Psychic Blast Defender
Sinister Gobbles - Level 50 Mind Control/Psionic Assault Dominator
My City of Heroes Screenshots



That's me flying above everyone! Great shot, gobbles!

destiny morna lvl 50 emp /psi defender
mysteria morna lvl 50 ice/kin corruptor



CG all on another freedom RHW!! (3 times so far for me, and NEVER on my badger , sigh!!)

Why "no Doms needed, I would rather have corrs and St dealers"...
--"CG Ion Sky"!! on being the only DOM allowed in!!

3 times I have done this for FREEDOM, at least 5 RHW's completed I know of on this server.. when can my DOM badger get it?!?

Seriously.. when can my badger get it? Always helping.

CG EVERYONE!! Death Comes 4U is me, happy to help. Too bad my Tank was "Denied Access" to help on your next "Non-RHW" run... sigh you all out for yourselves and your badges.



Originally Posted by destiny_morna View Post
That's me flying above everyone! Great shot, gobbles!
Gobbles got you and me 1st, then just you ;p

CG Hun; CU next Wednesday's Horde hopefully. Funny that I put temp flight on beside you and you didn't have it for screen shot? Yet the in next screenie, that you quote, you have temp flight on and are noticed???

So much wasted time on my non-badger "taking screenies" (but hey 3rd time isn't the charm)

..umm I won't "waste my time" with looking up commands for: Shownames etc... but

..ummmm.. "someone" wanted to post /screenshotui 0/1 to the league.. this one is better as doesn't show YOUR UI, but ya need names, badges names, titles, etc. on.

Again was me there flying beside Morna in 1st screenie, then saw in league "I am taking screen shot" and "targeted, Followed" .. and probably was too close" .. lol



Originally Posted by Tamerlayne View Post
CG all on another freedom RHW!! (3 times so far for me, and NEVER on my badger , sigh!!)

Why "no Doms needed, I would rather have corrs and St dealers"...
--"CG Ion Sky"!! on being the only DOM allowed in!!

3 times I have done this for FREEDOM, at least 5 RHW's completed I know of on this server.. when can my DOM badger get it?!?

Seriously.. when can my badger get it? Always helping.

CG EVERYONE!! Death Comes 4U is me, happy to help. Too bad my Tank was "Denied Access" to help on your next "Non-RHW" run... sigh you all out for yourselves and your badges.
I'm sorry, but it was first come first serve as far as AT's allowed. I had to turn away tons of tanks and trollers/defenders cause we were really hurting for corruptors. And once we got it, we just ran again with alts.



congrats everyone!

Do we have the full roster of the first and second league?

@Viper Kinji
Currently working on:
Turtle Snapper - SD/MA/Ice Tanker



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I had a feeling that was coming.

On a positive note. We know a winning formula. Don't let this discourage us. Freedom is home of the 10 minute Magi!!!!



Originally Posted by Yat Man View Post
I had a feeling that was coming.

On a positive note. We know a winning formula. Don't let this discourage us. Freedom is home of the 10 minute Magi!!!!
Just how many successful RHW runs does Freedom have now?

Caliburst || FREEDOM
L50+ Energy/Energy Blaster (1405 (1397) Badges)

Laughter is the best medicine because you can't O.D. and the refills are free.



I've done 6 RHW's, and 1 HW just cause we used our lore pets early for Ready to Rumble. But we still got Tyrant down to 12% HP before we couldn't overcome his regen.



I've done 2 RHW, and about 10 HWs.

A combination of tactics and build changes helped push Freedom over the event horizon.



8 RHWs and 11 HWs - pretty good record.

If you guys are doing either run again soon, I'll sign up to assist. I don't need the badge anymore, so someone needful should take my place, but I'm happy to help the gang along for any stragglers. (Baby willing, of course.)



Would really like to get this on Sevenpenny.....unfortunately he is a scrapper....

You only fail if you give up. - Dana Scully

Time Jesum Transeuntum Et Non Riverentum - Nick Cave

We're not just destroyers, at the same time we can be saviors. - Allen Walker