Unoriginality and the WST

Agent White



Originally Posted by T_Immortalus View Post
Just checked, it has a 2 hour recharge for Mission Transporter, permanent version.
I could have sworn it used to be a half hour. Maybe they changed it to longer to make the temporary one more valuable without having to make the temporary one be a really short recharge?
Nope. The recharge time was not changed since the power was introduced.

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project



Originally Posted by T_Immortalus View Post
Just checked, it has a 2 hour recharge for Mission Transporter, permanent version.
I could have sworn it used to be a half hour. Maybe they changed it to longer to make the temporary one more valuable without having to make the temporary one be a really short recharge?

You would think the "one person" version of such powers would have the same or shorter recharge.

Oh well.
No, it's always been basically "until tomorrow." (Alright, so I was wrong on the specifics. Long, is my real point.) That was a complaint about the power way back when, when the Mac Pack was first released.

I'm sure the recharge on the one-man version would be shorter than the team version if they were both introduced today. But the one-man one is significantly older, part of a different time and design philosophy in this game. A time when you still had to wait for level 14 to get your travel power, the Yellow and Green train lines were still separated, and Ninja/Beast Run and the TUNNEL network didn't exist (it may have been pre-Ouroboros or RWZ or other multi-exit "shortcut" zones, too, I can't really remember offhand). At the time, being able to go straight from an event in Atlas Park to your mission at Portal Corp was a huge boon, even if you could only use it once a night. The alternative was taking the train to Steel, then running clear across the zone to the other train, taking that to Talos, then crossing that to get to the ferry to Peregrine, then crossing that entire zone to the mission door.

Nowadays, putting something like that on a timer that long simply isn't going to sell it, even if it does let you bring your friends. It's too easy to get around otherwise to make skipping travel once or twice a night enough to get people excited.

FUN FACT: That burst of light when you level up is actually the effectiveness escaping from your enhancements all at once.



The Mac edition was around the time of Issue 14 and Mission Architect. It was after Ouroboros and the Midnight Squad and RWZ.

I agree that it sucks though.
They should change it, which would only require a simple number tweak under 1 minute.



Originally Posted by T_Immortalus View Post
The Mac edition was around the time of Issue 14 and Mission Architect. It was after Ouroboros and the Midnight Squad and RWZ.
Well okay. That answers that.

(Ouro had a higher entrance requirement back then, though, and you couldn't set foot in the RWZ until 35, so... still a pretty big real at the time.)

FUN FACT: That burst of light when you level up is actually the effectiveness escaping from your enhancements all at once.