looking for some clarification




Originally Posted by T_Immortalus View Post
And get them stolen before cpyrighted? No.
The fact that you seem to think you have to sit around and wait for some undefined circumstances to copyright something makes me think you also have no idea what you're talking about there as well. Or maybe you don't realize that copyright, patents, and trademark are all different things with different requirements. The only thing i know for certain is your statement makes no sense on its face in the real world.

I wouldn't help this game if my life depended on it either. They don't care about us customers, least of all the non-VIP who still spend money, and they don't listen to the obvious problems this game has.

I just got treated very poorly by customer support so no more Mr. Helpful. I'm telling it like I now feel, abused and unwanted.

Make whatever jokes you want. They just prove how horrible this community sure as hell seems right now. A community the company representatives love being that horrible so long as they get their almighty dollar.
It's more because you're being an entitled, petty, egocentric, narcissistic jerk*. Well, mostly. Also your sheer stubborn refusal to understand fairly straightforward aspects of games, networking, system design, etcetera contributes a bit.

*Technically those adjectives are a bit redundant used together, but your approach to being a jerk is diverse and nuanced enough that it seems appropriate.

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...



Originally Posted by Schismatrix View Post
The fact that you seem to think you have to sit around and wait for some undefined circumstances to copyright something
Can "it's not finished yet"(specifically, my game idea that uses it) be a good enough reason for you?




Originally Posted by T_Immortalus View Post
It works for other games, but I know the risks and have already planned simple ways around the problems.

I'm a bit more clever than I may appear.
Good luck with that. Both statements.

Having read the general tack of your posts today, I won't be reading further. Take care.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
Good luck with that. Both statements.

Having read the general tack of your posts today, I won't be reading further. Take care.
Are people not expected to have off days where they have been greatly angered?

Are you married?
Have you ever looked at another person of the opposite gender in an admiring way?

Your spouse should hold that against you despite all your past and future actions.

My post you quoted was before I was angered today. My angry posts also say nothing against how clever I am, but they do say that I am a normal human susceptible to harassment from others(who will all be modsmacked with me if they want to uphold the forums rules) like any other human.

I'm not Ghandi, so expecting me to be like him is a tall order.

are you Ghandi and Einstein and Stephen Hawking combined? no? then maybe you should hold your tongue.

I'm not religious, but I like this adage because of what it means : "let he who is without sin cast the first stone"
Nobody should be "casting stones"(that means you too) because nobody is "without sin"(misinterpret this one phrase which means "without fault" in this case, go ahead).



Originally Posted by T_Immortalus View Post
Can "it's not finished yet"(specifically, my game idea that uses it) be a good enough reason for you?
I'm not a patent lawyer, but my understanding of the process is that if it's a technical idea, you should try to get a patent/copyright/whatever ASAP. You don't have to be actively using it to do so. If it's a truly original and patentable idea, it would be better to have the patent and sit on it for a few years than eventually try to implement it and have to pay royalties to somebody else who came up with it independently and patented it in the meantime. Again, I am not a patent lawyer, but if you really think you have a good idea, look into it.
Originally Posted by T_Immortalus View Post
"without sin"(misinterpret this one phrase which means "without fault" in this case, go ahead).
I'm more of a cosine guy. (hey, you said to misinterpret! )



Originally Posted by T_Immortalus View Post
Are you married?
Nope... It's not legal for me to marry who I want in my state.

Have you ever looked at another person of the opposite gender in an admiring way?
Nope, can't say as I have... considering the implied meaning here of "admiring."

Sorry folks, don't mean to derail this *wonderful* thread... but hetero-normative statements drive me bonkers.



I didn't mean to offend anyone, Thirty-Seven(Is your name like the Resistance member 32? Did you get it from doing something memorable 37 times? ), but I did mean to call attention to the fact that people apparently love to ignore all history and future evidence in relation to something so that they can feed their own desire to believe in the extreme(good or bad).
There are people who will believe "that can never be bad" despite evidence to the contrary and those who believe "that has always been bad" despite evidence tot he contrary.

It's funny. People supposedly say "the Loyalists are evil and Resistance are good, no question" about this game, but they don't realize that they are being as inflexible and tyrannical as the supposed "Tyrant" they oppose.
It's like religion. "Everyone else is always wrong."




Originally Posted by Hopeling View Post
I'm not a patent lawyer, but my understanding of the process is that if it's a technical idea, you should try to get a patent/copyright/whatever ASAP.
It really isn't quite complete. It's got a couple of issues, and is more of a specific idea using other basic ideas applied other places before(but likely not patented/copyrighted because they're basic).
Pretty much, when it is ready to be copyrighted/patented will be when it is ready to be what a game design is based around.

I'm trying to improve the way we play games. I want games to play smoother and more reliable than ever, without just throwing a quantum supercomputer and "wormhole internet" at it.
Though, if they ever do prove the existence of wormholes and discover a way to use them then it will most likely be used for communication before any objects are able to travel through.



Originally Posted by T_Immortalus View Post
I didn't mean to offend anyone, Thirty-Seven
None taken. I was just being a pain.

(Is your name like the Resistance member 32? Did you get it from doing something memorable 37 times? )
Nope, nothing at all to do with the Resistance. My name refers to my favorite number... which itself derives from a rather long story involving my best friend in High School, a CD player and a trip to McDonald's that made 37 a very important part to the rest of my HS career.

And no, it has nothing to do with the Kevin Smith movie. However, I have to laugh extra hard now every time that scene comes up, though.