Melee AT for me?




All of the defensive powersets have pros and cons. Dark Armor is in a somewhat unique position in that nearly all of its shortcomings can now be mitigated or entirely eliminated using Inventions. This is what gives Dark Armor such strong potential.

Generally speaking, there are three paths to survivability - Defense (don't get hit), Resistance (get hit for less damage) and Regeneration (heal back damage faster than it can be dealt to you). On top of this you have Healing, which is active and by its nature reactive, but can supplement the other three.

Dark Armor combines strong resistances with modest Defense and the most powerful self-heal power in the game. It has very strong resistance to Psychic damage (the weakness of many other sets) and can be made very strong against Smashing, Lethal and Negative Energy damage as well. It has extremely good resistance to endurance drain (not immune but nearly so - Sappers aren't a problem) and offers some control options to further supplement its survivability. Self-rez powers garner mixed reviews, but of the self-rez powers Dark Armor has one of the best - Soul Transfer, which restores your health and endurance based on the number of enemies surrounding your body and deals a mag 30 (yes, thirty!) AOE stun.

So what's the downside? Some of the powers (Dark Regeneration, Cloak of Fear and to a lesser extent Death Shroud in particular) have high endurance costs. The powerset has no knockback protection. The Resistances are weak against Energy damage (one of the most common damage types in the game, especially in Incarnate content).

That sounds awful! Why is this my favorite defensive powerset?!? It's simple. The endurance costs can be mitigated. Dark Regeneration can be slotted with the Theft of Essence: chance for +End proc which makes the key power of the set much easier to use (sometimes it'll even gain you endurance!). The other powers can be slotted for endurance reduction and Incarnate powers such as Cardiac alpha, Ageless destiny and/or Support hybrid further take the edge off.

But no knockback protection? That sucks! Also easily fixed with -KB IOs. I use three for 12 points of protection, which is on par with what you'll get from powers that do include that protection in other powersets. Problem solved.

Weak against Energy? Noooooo! This is a big one, but again this is where Inventions come to your rescue. If you've spent some time making builds you'll have noticed that it's a lot easier to rack up significant Defense than it is Resistance. So starting off with good Resistance and then building Defense gets you further than going the other way, and Dark Armor already comes with some modest Defense in Cloak of Darkness to get you started. Popular build choices are Smashing/Lethal/Energy/Negative Energy softcap or Melee/Ranged/AOE softcap depending on the offensive powerset and what it lends itself towards (for example Titan Weapons gives a significant help towards Melee Defense, so you would likely go positional if using TW). Either way, the Defense will shield you from most Energy attacks and anything that does get through you can easily heal back using Dark Regeneration. Those numbers for Tankers - for more offensive-minded characters like Scrappers or Brutes, generally I'll go for the 'almost soft cap' of 32.5% rather than the softcap of 45% - that's softcap with one small purple inspiration active. This allows more of a build focus on damage output. That said, my DA tanker routinely does just what you described above - runs up to containers in Lambda and wails on them, sometimes all by himself.

The end result is a character with strong Resistances combined with capped Defenses, immune to the 'kryptonite' damage types, highly resistant to endurance drain - and if anything does manage to get lucky and spike past all that, he can heal himself back up from a sliver of HP to full health every 8 seconds or so. And if you do somehow manage to kill him, he'll just get right back up, hitting you with a mag 30 stun in the process, and you'll have to try and do it AGAIN.

I do love me some Dark Armor.

With great power comes great RTFM -- Lady Sadako
Iscariot's Guide to the Tri-Form Warshade, version 2.1
I'm sorry that math > your paranoid delusions, but them's the breaks -- Nethergoat
P.E.R.C. Rep for Liberty server



Originally Posted by Easily_Noobed View Post
What is the Assault hybrid doing for Tankers? Is it giving a boost to dps or no?
It's still broken so far as I know (in that it's treating ST attacks as if they where AoEs).

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I think you need to make two ATs: A Claws/Electric Brute, and a Shield/Axe tanker. The latter so you can get a sense of being awesomely mighty at low levels, rather than having to wait.

I really should do something about this signature.



Originally Posted by Kangstor View Post
But SR is still better if you wanna skip defense power from TW. Only time TW, BS and katana may add to an SR on defense wise maybe when leveling and that is all. Ofcourse it is debatable if SR is really better as a set or not but that is entirely different argument.
Energy being the better set (Especially for TW) was the point I was making though, honestly I think it is the only set easily capable of sustaining the endurance needed (Helped by Energy Drain being better than Power Sink).

I can't even begin to think how a non-incarnated TW/SR would get through a fight.

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Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post



Originally Posted by Justaris View Post
But no knockback protection? That sucks! Also easily fixed with -KB IOs. I use three for 12 points of protection, which is on par with what you'll get from powers that do include that protection in other powersets. Problem solved.
While I agree with most of what you said about Dark Armor's strengths, I should point out that while mag 12 KB protection is pretty good and proof against most (but not all) KB, that's not what sets with KB protection have. Sets with KB protection have some XYZ mag protection, whatever it is, and 100% KB resistance (actually, its usually 10000% resistance, but that's effectively the same thing). Because they have 100% resistance to KB, they are absolutely immune to all but unresistable KB. 12 points of KB protection from inventions will protect against any KB up to mag 12, but sets with actual KB protection cannot be knocked down by any amount of KB, no matter what their KB protection magnitude is, because 100% resistance reduces all incoming KB magnitude to zero.

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

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That's a good point. I should have remembered that, I reviewed it not all that long ago when I was doing research for the PvP beginner's group I was involved in.

I find that 12 points of knockback protection is sufficient for the vast majority of knockback in the game, but you're quite correct that anything above that would affect my DA tank and wouldn't affect another armor with a traditional protection toggle.

Edit: By the way, Easily_Noobed, you should probably count every word of Arcanaville's as worth about a hundred of mine.

With great power comes great RTFM -- Lady Sadako
Iscariot's Guide to the Tri-Form Warshade, version 2.1
I'm sorry that math > your paranoid delusions, but them's the breaks -- Nethergoat
P.E.R.C. Rep for Liberty server



From my point of view Electric Armor and Dark armor have some strong similarities. I find it better to compare the differences. Both are Primarily resist sets with some extra stuff. Both have a damage aura. Both sets have good resist to most damage types, unlike Invuln for example which is more of a resist/defense hybrid IMO.

The differences between Electric and Dark are that Electric has better base resists, it's strong vs Energy and weaker vs Negative, which is the better option IMO, and it has some offensive utility in lightning reflexes and better end management tools. Dark has a much better heal, a little bit of defense, and some defensive tools, like Cloak of Fear and OG. One note on the Dark heal. While if you look at the numbers, Dark Regen is hugely better then Energize, in a lot of ways it's overkill. It is a great heal, I won't argue there, but the fact that it can heal huge amounts is a bit wasted since you only have 100% of a health bar.

Both are very strong defensive sets when combined with IOs. It's not super hard to get capped or near capped S/L Defense on both sets. Basically the question I see is do you want some defensive utility, or some offensive utility.



I think that's one of the better comparisons of the two sets I've read. I was actually considering including a comparison to Electric in my reply, but it was a pretty long post already.

As for the overkill aspect of Dark Regeneration, it's absolutely true. It's not a Healing Flames type of heal that you'll want to use to top yourself off, and many times its full power will be unnecessary - where it really shines for me is once I've built up the other Defenses. When I have Resilient alpha-enhanced Resistances and soft-capped Defense in place and Darkest Night running on top of that, it takes a lot to make a significant dent in my health. I've got to the point now where I often don't need to use Dark Regen at all, but if I do I'll usually fire it off at around 1/3 or so health or less, which is something on the order of 1600-2000 hit points per activation.

It occurs to me that I'm somewhat hijacking this thread though, so unless the OP asks for further clarification I think I'll let the matter rest here.

With great power comes great RTFM -- Lady Sadako
Iscariot's Guide to the Tri-Form Warshade, version 2.1
I'm sorry that math > your paranoid delusions, but them's the breaks -- Nethergoat
P.E.R.C. Rep for Liberty server



Yes, we may have gotten a bit sidetracked. Basically what the OP's question boils down to is how tough do you want to be and how much damage are you willing to give up for that. If you want to try to fulfill a tank roll, I think you kind of have to go with tank or brute. Some scrapper defensive sets do get a taunt aura, but the lack of taunt itself, taunting attacks, and the lower base hps pushes them down below the "tank" threshold IMO.

So between tanks and brutes, a lot of it depends on what sets you are using. I have a SS/Fire brute who is quite durable, I have acted as a tank on much of the content in the game without serious issues. However I do feel that she is kind of a 'light' tank if you can see what I mean. If you still wanted some damage, but wanted to be tougher, Fire/SS and Shield/SS tanks are both quite tough if built right, and do good damage, though not as much as a matching brute. Shield/SS does have the annoyance of having to manage both active defense and rage.

I'm currently leveling an Electric/DM tank and having a lot of fun with it. The base hps tanks get, and the resist values on tanker Electric Armor makes her very tough even with minimal slotting. The damage on that combo isn't as good as some, but I feel on the high end the damage will be ok, thanks to soul drain, and SL will make for a major boost to Electric. I've been tempted by a Fire/DM tank, but I wanted something a bit tougher then Fire.

Honestly a lot is about preferences. There have been many posts ranking the various primaries and secondaries. The thing to look for is what works well with what. I picked Electric/DM because Electric has really high resists on a tank,and the heal in Siphon Life will make it really tough. Fire/DM or DM/Fire work well too, from an offensive standpoint, because burn fills in the AoE damage hole you get in Dak Melee.

Finally, just to give my opinion/preferences, right now with IOs the way they are, I'm in favor of the resist sets, electric, dark, fire and invuln/WP to a lesser extent. Simply because it's far easier to stack up defense with IOs then it is to stack up resists. Fire is the weakest of those defensively, but adds a huge amount of offense to make up for that. For offensive sets, I like Super Strength, Dark Melee and Fire Melee. Titan weapons is strong, but I'm still on the fence about momentum.



I've seen it mentioned in a couple replies that a brute can match tanker defenses and resists with "outside buffs" now is that referencing IO bonuses or direct buffs from defenders and the like?

Thanks gang!

I took Gravity for Wormhole and Propel.
Nothing says Lovin' like hitting 'em with an oven. -AddamsFamily



It's in reference to buffs from other players.

With great power comes great RTFM -- Lady Sadako
Iscariot's Guide to the Tri-Form Warshade, version 2.1
I'm sorry that math > your paranoid delusions, but them's the breaks -- Nethergoat
P.E.R.C. Rep for Liberty server



Alright it seems that more or less answers one of questions, brute or tank.

I think I'll eventually be going tanker.

Now it comes down to the combo.

I like the weapon sets, I dunno, something about a sword or hammer or axe appeals to me, but since no one in these threads seems to mention weapon sets I'm going to assume they are underperformers.

Is this true?

So, if I start considering, shield defense, electric armor, dark armor, invuln, (maybe WP but Im not sure) what synergizes well?

The only reason I stay away from fist-to-cuffs melee sets is because the only one I feel is BOOMie enough is stone, but I hear it gets on the lower end of the damage scale. The rest of the fist sets just feel so. . . powerpuff girl and less superheroic.

I took Gravity for Wormhole and Propel.
Nothing says Lovin' like hitting 'em with an oven. -AddamsFamily



The weapon sets aren't bad. The newer ones (Staff Fighting and Titan Weapons) include a power that helps you defensively, so that's very handy when going for a tough character. I actually have Tankers of both types as current projects. Working on a new Dark tank that's DA/TW and an Electric tank that's Elec/Staff. As these two powersets are relatively new, I don't have as much experience with them as some others (hence the project characters).

As for the other weapon sets such as Battle Axe, War Mace or Dual Blades, they each bring their own flavor to the mix. Battle Axe offers a lot of mitigation via knockdown. War Mace has a good stun (and a bunch of customization options for just looking good). Dual Blades has the combo system, which offers several different effects including damage over time, mild debuff and knockdown.

You'll get into the redraw issue with weapon sets, but in my opinion that's really an overblown concern. It can be a bit annoying at times but isn't going to hurt the character in a huge way. It's also worth noting that not all of the weapon sets are compatible with Shield if you choose to go that route for your primary (a Shield tank cannot take Titan Weapons, Staff Fighting or Dual Blades - any of the two-handed weapon sets).

With great power comes great RTFM -- Lady Sadako
Iscariot's Guide to the Tri-Form Warshade, version 2.1
I'm sorry that math > your paranoid delusions, but them's the breaks -- Nethergoat
P.E.R.C. Rep for Liberty server



DA/Staff is an awesome combo.

Note that Staff and Titan Weapons (and claws etc) cannot be used with a Shield.

I don't really have much experience of the other weapon sets, but I think War Mace had the most recent balance pass.

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Originally Posted by Easily_Noobed View Post
So, if I start considering, shield defense, electric armor, dark armor, invuln, (maybe WP but Im not sure) what synergizes well?
Well, the little tangent Vysires and I took upthread should illustrate most of the pros and cons of Electric versus Dark.

Shield is a primarily Defense-based set, so much of the advice about starting with good resists and building Defense with IOs can't be applied in reverse. Shield makes up for this however by being more offense-oriented with a strong AOE teleport-attack in Shield Charge and a taunt aura that doubles as a +damage buff. Shield is also one of the best primaries for holding aggro (Against All Odds is very good). You get a 'panic button' +Resistance tier 9 power with One with the Shield that helps round out your survivability in a crunch. Unlike other tier 9 'godmode' powers such as Unstoppable, OwtS only crashes your endurance when it expires rather than also crashing your health.

Invuln is one of the 'classic' good tanking sets and is a very solid choice. It mixes solid Resistances with Defense from the power Invincibility and has a good +MaxHP/healing power in Dull Pain that can be made perma. The biggest problem with Invuln is the lack of protection for psionic damage. Unfortunately there isn't much you can do to mitigate this hole using IOs. It's not nearly as common a damage type as, say, Energy damage is, but there's also very little you can do about it.

Willpower is a hybrid set, mixing Resistance, Defense and Regeneration but not excelling in any one area. It gives typed Defense (the two weapon sets that give Defense give Melee/Smashing and Melee/Lethal for TW and Staff respectively, so this doesn't synergize all the well with typed native Defense and would probably go better with something like Dark (which gives you a small amount of +Def(All)) or a pure resist set like Electric. Willpower grants good Resistances and very significant Regeneration, a mechanic not many of the other powersets leverage heavily. With its Defense beefed up with IOs, the combination of Resistance and Regen makes for a tough nut to crack. You lack a heal, unlike Dark, Electric or Invuln, but you can get Aid Self from the Medicine pool for this if you really want one or else just stock green inspirations for those occasional times when a spike of damage outpaces your regen and gets you into trouble.

Another consideration not really touched on here yet is Defense Debuff Resistance (DDR). Like most sets with native Defense, Shield and Invuln both have this*. Willpower has some, but about half as much, in keeping with its hybrid design. Characters that gain their Defense from IO Sets do not have it, and thus their Defense can be negated if the NPCs manage to land enough Defense Debuffs. Your Defense does protect you from being hit by these the same as any other attack, but once you are hit every subsequent attack hits you more easily, leading to what is known as 'cascading defense failure'. DDR protects you from this. It is possible to gain DDR from the Incarnate system, however, using the radial path of the Ageless destiny.

*I believe Shield has more than Invuln but I had a bit of trouble working out the exact numbers. Most likely someone more knowledgeable in such matters will come along and give the exact figures.

With great power comes great RTFM -- Lady Sadako
Iscariot's Guide to the Tri-Form Warshade, version 2.1
I'm sorry that math > your paranoid delusions, but them's the breaks -- Nethergoat
P.E.R.C. Rep for Liberty server



According to Mids, Invun has 50% DDR, Shield has 56.2%, and WP has 21.6%.

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Originally Posted by Easily_Noobed View Post
Basically, I want to be able to focus on surviving the hard targets, but it sounds like everyone leans towards brutes. I can tell I've really only focused on support types in this game because I guess I always perceived brutes as being paper tigers, awesome damage output but not so great defenses.

Why does anyone even play a tank or scrapper anymore if brutes are kings of damage and defense in melee?
There are plenty of reasons to play a scrapper or a tank. Tanks are noticeably tougher than brutes, though they do less damage.

Scrappers and brutes are very close to on-par with each other in the vast majority of content. Scrappers do a little more damage, brutes are a little tougher.

The only place where brutes have a clear edge is when playing with a large group and lots of buffs. A damage-capped brute does slightly more damage than a damage-capped scrapper (though the difference is only 2-3%). They also benefit from higher hit-point caps and higher resistance caps. Outside of league play, it's uncommon for either a scrapper or a brute to be capped to much.

Personally, I like scrappers more than I like brutes. I like the simplicity of a scrapper, rather than playing a brute and feeling like I can never pause for a breath or stop to think if I want to keep my damage up.

My favorite combos for being a badass and doing stupid melee tricks are Fire/SR, Dark/Shield, and WM/EA. I've played them all personally, and can vouch for them all being extremely tough, and able to dish out serious pain to enemies. Fire/shield would also be extremely good, though I haven't played it personally.



Originally Posted by Easily_Noobed View Post
I've seen it mentioned in a couple replies that a brute can match tanker defenses and resists with "outside buffs" now is that referencing IO bonuses or direct buffs from defenders and the like?

Thanks gang!
Just wanted to clarify here. The soft cap is the same for all AT's, and most brutes can reach the softcap fairly easily, or get close enough to softcap with a purple inspiration. What they can't do is reach the res cap without outside buffs, except for particular set, such as fire reaching the fire res cap, and elec reaching energy res cap.

My invuln brute has 49% def to s/l, 44% to e/ne, and 32 to f/c with only one foe in range of invincibility. So I'm soft capped to s/l/e/n, and a small purple from f/c. I have 70% res to s/l, 25 to e/n, and 30 to f/c. I also have DP to heal me and boost my max hp. When I use DP, I hit the brute HP cap. And this is using Fm, so no help from my primary set.



Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
According to Mids, Invun has 50% DDR, Shield has 56.2%, and WP has 21.6%.
That is mostly right, Shield is a bit off. It can actually get up to about 87% defense debuff resist. This is a bit hard to do though. This total comes from the fact that the defense debuff resist in Battle Agility is enhanceable, and the fact that with enough recharge you can stack 2x Active defense and so double up on the bonus there. With just one Active defense your at around 66% defense debuff resist on Shield.



Originally Posted by Vysires View Post
That is mostly right, Shield is a bit off. It can actually get up to about 87% defense debuff resist. This is a bit hard to do though. This total comes from the fact that the defense debuff resist in Battle Agility is enhanceable, and the fact that with enough recharge you can stack 2x Active defense and so double up on the bonus there. With just one Active defense your at around 66% defense debuff resist on Shield.
I stand corrected.

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Originally Posted by firespray View Post
The only place where brutes have a clear edge is when playing with a large group and lots of buffs. A damage-capped brute does slightly more damage than a damage-capped scrapper (though the difference is only 2-3%). They also benefit from higher hit-point caps and higher resistance caps. Outside of league play, it's uncommon for either a scrapper or a brute to be capped to much.
This isn't true.

Brute damage scale is 0.75, damage cap is 775%.
Scrapper damage scale is 1.125, damage cap is 500%.

At the damage cap:
Brute damage scale is 5.8125.
Scrapper damage scale is 5.625.

After factoring Critical Hits (+5% total damage against underlings and minions, +10% against everything else):
Without an ATO set unique, Scrapper damage scale increases to:
5.90625 against underlings and minions, 6.1875 against everything else.
With the Basic ATO set unique (+2%/4% Critical):
6.01875 against underlings and minions, 6.4125 against everything else.
With the Catalyzed ATO set unique (+3%/+6% Critical):
6.075 against underlings and minions, 6.525 against everything else.

This is a simplistic view of the situation, but it does work as a general case. The biggest complications are that many sets get bonus Critical rates on certain key powers for Scrappers, any set with a DoT doesn't benefit from Criticals as much (most obvious on Fiery Melee), Armor sets that deal damage don't benefit from criticals at all, and Brutes can get Gloom to supplement their single target DPS by a usually large amount on any non-weapon set.

Originally Posted by Vysires View Post
This total comes from the fact that the defense debuff resist in Battle Agility is enhanceable
This is no longer true. It can still stack with itself on multiple applications, but it cannot be enhanced as of i22.

For the OP:
Titan/Electric Brute has amazing performance and synergy between the sets - Titan Weapons is king of the heap for melee sets right now, and Electric helps it hit its ludicrously high recharge threshold for the top DPS chain, mitigates its endurance usage, protects from endurance drains, and adds a damage aura on top of it.
Titan/Elec/Body with the Agility Core Paragon Alpha builds even further on that synergy, increasing your recharge on all powers, endurance gain/recovery/drain on all powers, and Defense on all powers (which, if you use pool powers to boost your survivability, will be a helpful, if small, perk).

Anything/Shield Scrapper will be strong - Dark/Shield (exotic damage type, permable damage/accuracy buff, -tohit on every attack and a self-heal) and Fiery/Shield (exotic damage type, high single target damage with one great AoE and one okay one) are some of the best. I have heard StJ/Shield is quite good as well but have no personal experience to speak from there.

Anything/Staff Fighting Tanker will have ridiculous survivability - Staff has both a +Defense and +Resist buff available to it, and both are better on Tankers than the other ATs.

@Draeth Darkstar
Virtue [Heroes, Roleplay], Freedom [Villains], Exalted [All Sides, Roleplay]
I24 Proc Chance = (Enhanced Recharge + Activation Time) * (Current PPM * 1.25) / 60*(1 + .75*(.15*Radius - 0.011*Radius*(360-Arc)/30))
Single Target Radius = 0. AoE Non-Cone Arc = 360.



I would like to chime in regarding the OPs search.

Go Tanker. You will not be disappointed in the end if you sink the effort and influence into the build. I really like Brutes and Scrappers too, but if the desire is to eventually crush +4/x8, Tankers have a tremendous head-start on everyone else.

Choice of Armor. Everyone is giving you good feedback here, so I will add my perspective of a player that has seen "awesome" tankers in action. If you want to go Defense based, choose Shields, if you want to go Resist, choose Electric. It really is that simple. I have seen these two sets do incredible things "in-game". You could also consider Dark Armor instead of Electric depending on your "tastes". I have not grouped with a fully tricked Dark tank, but we have a Forumite that has Videos about his exploits, so I know that it would work as well as Electric in a pinch.

Choice of melee set really comes down to personal choice, but you "should" consider the AoE capabilities of each set. My personal favorites are Martial Arts, Super Strength, Street Justice and Staff melee. I am kinda liking Kinetic Melee as well on my Stalker, but thats a surprising developement. If you are aiming for a "Farm-style" toon then the most capable are Fire and Super Strength. They have been for quite some time and for good reason --> Damage.

Good luck in your search




Originally Posted by Cheetatron View Post
Im going to disagree since Energy is typed def, and TW offers melee def. TW is better paired with SR for effortless melee softcap, or a res set that has a damage aura and can really benefit from the added melee deense
Defensive Sweep grants both melee defense and smashing defense. Granted, the flat out melee defense is a bit more helpful if paired with something like SR. Still, depending on the mobs, the smashing defense boost can't be 100% discounted.

I have a TW/Energy brute...and for the most part he's pretty durable concidering he's not running any IO sets yet.

RaikenX is currently seeking new quotes to add to his signature.
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Originally Posted by Smiling_Joe View Post
::looks at RaikenX's signature::
Something funny.
That'll do, pig. That'll do.