'Gold Standard' Peacebringer - Modernize Plasma




Originally Posted by AllYourBase View Post
I personally know at least four players that would disagree with you. I'm sure many other players have purchased one or both Kheldians but not an Invention License.
Key phrase: "Most likely." You know a few people who would disagree that the majority of current players with access to Peacebringers also have access to the IO system? Or you know a few people who happen to be exceptions to a general and still accurate statement?



Originally Posted by AllYourBase View Post
I personally know at least four players that would disagree with you. I'm sure many other players have purchased one or both Kheldians but not an Invention License.
Don't bother. If you don't play exactly his way and think exactly the way he does... *shrug* (And yes, I can mention several people - non VIP - who saw me on my khelds, had as little as *one month* on their account, and raced off to purchase them. This sort of thing helps them.)

Why he has to come in here and make a nuisance of himself for something he's obviously not interested in, I don't know. I just hope Fireheart, et al, keep refining it for those people and ignore his noise. Because this *will* help people, whether he likes it or not.

Edit: Useful script if you have greasemonkey. Does make the thread look a bit odd.



Getting somewhat back on track with the purpose of this thread....

Originally Posted by Fireheart View Post
In this instance, I happen to be trying to refine a good SO build for a Tri-form Peacebringer, while allowing for inherent Fitness and all of the tweaks that the Devs have made to our powers.

Be Well!
I'd almost put this project on hold (or wander to beta for a bit) and see just what sort of impact the i24 changes will have on it. Things like, oh (and I'm going from memory on here) do you want to grab Glowing Touch or actually dip into Medicine for Stimulant (now that it affects enemies - or was going to, if I'm remembering the coffee talk bit properly) and grab Aid Self from there, and possibly the new T5 power? And where do you fit that in? Grabbing Air Superiority? We may want to look at what can be done with biforms and the newer pool changes on SOs.

I24: Even More Options. Even on SOs.



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
Don't bother. If you don't play exactly his way and think exactly the way he does... *shrug*

Yeah, I might argue with people who have different build philosophies than me but the only thing I ever object to is blatant laziness.

I think someone like Bill is in a terrible position to say anything bad about me- He routinely advocates a completely lazy and uninspired build philosophy, offering up "The game is balanced around SO's" as a justification.

On the other hand, I've routinely helped people get the most out of their Kheld builds whether I shared their build philosophy or not. This is really case/point since I've contributed the most viable build for level 50 play on SO's only thus far in this thread. But I've also helped players min/max their Kheldian builds, and have been doing so for quite a while now. I have spent hours upon hours of time helping to look over other players builds, improve upon them, and in many cases, ultimately make them new ones. Out of MY free time, just to help the community. Feel free to scroll down for a while on the Kheld board if you don't believe me, but all I've ever seen Bill do is complain and whine and gripe about how the game should be balanced around SO's and the IO system is so bad. News flash: Just because you're too lazy to use the IO system doesn't mean it's going anywhere. The only reason that Dev's still pander to that philosophy is that they still want your money. Reality check.

You might be referencing my arguing with people like AIB or Dechs as my having a bias towards anyone "not playing exactly how I play." Let me just point out that AIB is one of my best friends in COH. I also used to talk to Dechs on almost a daily basis and we were pretty close for a while. I've played with them both pretty extensively. I consider them both great players, I just don't agree with how they build their characters at all times, and they feel the same way about me with mine.

We've routinely had heated discussions on the Kheld boards where yes, I have advocated for the superiority of my build philosophy. It's all in good fun though- I think people absolutely have the right to disagree with me, and I've witnessed some of the best players in the Kheldian community perform admirably on builds that I wouldn't personally advocate.

While I prefer my own build stratagems and I do my best to make a strong case for them, I also don't ever discount anyone's contributions to the community or capabilities with their preferred build methods as long as their approach is viable and impressive.

Bill, you are none of the above. All I've ever seen you do on the Kheldian forums is completely disregard any and all conventional build wisdom. You advocate a build philosophy that has long been extinct and long been irrelevant in the modern game. You might hate me for it, but I'm just the messenger. The game has changed and you have been left behind. Your ideas do not deserve to be taken seriously.

I don't ignore you on the forums because I'm not a pouty brat. If you were legitimately uninterested in interacting with me, you might want to start by keeping my name out of your mouth. If you're not mature enough to refrain from mentioning or addressing me while I'm on your ignore list though, I would just ask that someone else quote this post (preferably in context) so you can see exactly what I said. Fair is fair.



Originally Posted by TwoHeadedBoy View Post
While I prefer my own build stratagems and I do my best to make a strong case for them, I also don't ever discount anyone's contributions to the community or capabilities with their preferred build methods as long as their approach is viable and impressive.

Bill, you are none of the above. All I've ever seen you do on the Kheldian forums is completely disregard any and all conventional build wisdom. You advocate a build philosophy that has long been extinct and long been irrelevant in the modern game. You might hate me for it, but I'm just the messenger. The game has changed and you have been left behind. Your ideas do not deserve to be taken seriously.
So... we go from purposely unhelpful and condescending to this. Bored now, and proud to join the ranks of pouty brats.



Originally Posted by TwoHeadedBoy View Post
And I'm curious as to what you consider even remotely bad about the build I posted, aside from the fact that it follows the rules of the thread which are bad inherently.
In your attacks you went 3*acc/dam hamis then another dam SO. The last of which only gets ED'd down. You could of used an endurance, knocking the end cost of the attack chain down and improving dam/end more.

3 Res/End Hamis or Def/Tohit/End Hamis. With ED, each end red shaves of less and less, so it's costly. Why you would spend that much inf on shaving very little end off of something like combat jumping and needlessly adding very little def at the same time is beyond me.

Overall the build could of been more end friendly for possibly 10 times less cost.

Bear in mind that endurance loss comes from the attack chain I have moved slots to make the build cheaper and left some open for anyone to do something with it that is to taste:

| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |

He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.



Originally Posted by TwoHeadedBoy View Post
He [Memphis Bill] routinely advocates a completely lazy and uninspired build philosophy, offering up "The game is balanced around SO's" as a justification.
Since the game does not force anyone into fighting +X/x8 purple mobs, then yes... the game IS balanced around SO's. It always has been. And because the game is balanced around SO's can be reason enough, for some, to leave things at that and focus on enjoying the Kheldian AT sans crafting.

You have to remember that whenever you're fighting content that requires your specialized build filled with IO's and extra bells and whistles, it's You who forced the game to play like that by tweaking the difficulty slider.

For those players who just stumbled into the Kheldian AT and are fighting the game's content at its normal-difficulty levels a discussion of Kheldian tactics and SO-based build strategies is more meaningful than IO-builds that may be beyond the players' reach or time investments.

Therefore I do believe that a Gold Standard should be based on SO's, and for anything above that... there's a Platinum Standard.

I believe that a Kheldian Gold Standard should be based on SO's, and for anything above that... there's Platinum!

Save Ms. Liberty (#5349) Augmenting Peacebringers The Umbra Illuminati



Given the toughness of an IO'd kheld, I'd go with Diamond Standard personally.

But yes, I agree that SOs are important. I've been playing for almost a year and still don't have enough inf to go full out in IOing stuff. The most expensive thing I've ever done is my 1.5bil ill/rad, and that broke me. I always level with SOs. Eventually I'll probably forego their use entirely, as THB appears to have done. But SOs are cheap and convenient.

So a build based around SOs IS useful, at least until you have the funds (and/or access) for IOs.



The change to form-changing to set it to 0s animation lockout was an A+ bro move on the part of the devs. It makes all the difference in the world to me; the play as a triformer is just so much -smoother- with that change. Not feeling penalized for form changing makes a form changer a million times more enjoyable.



And so the legends speak of Twoheadedboy, the most trolliest troll ever to wander through COH, wandering between threads, picking the ones he doesn't agree with, and then brutally striking. will he ever stop? will anyone survive? will the perfectly fine threads be left in peace? HOW IS HIS CHAT NOT BANNED? the world may never know.

but seriously, if you have nothing productive to add why not just leave it alone?

Regards, Four-Cee-Three