'Gold Standard' Peacebringer - Modernize Plasma




Originally Posted by Fireheart View Post
Well, we're not really talking about precious metals, economics, or politics here, we're talking about Peacebringers. In this instance, since you seem determined to derail the thread,
All I see from him is:
This message is hidden because TwoHeadedBoy is on your ignore list.
Not sure why he has to keep repeating that in so many threads. Maybe if he stopped acting the way he has been, he'd be able to say something else....



Originally Posted by LordXenite View Post
I go away for two years, and I see that despite the changes, nothing really changed... Awesome!

Welcome Back, where ya been?

He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.



Originally Posted by New Dawn View Post
Welcome Back, where ya been?
Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
I knew you'd be back! Been too long, friend. How be you?
I'm doing great, thanks! I hope all's great with you guys!

As you where I've been... well, I've been around. Champions Online, Star Trek Online, SWTOR, TERA, The Secret World, Guild Wars 2 (very Soon™) not to mention some single-player games.

I'm visiting for now, for just a month, but perhaps I'll stay longer. We'll see.

I believe that a Kheldian Gold Standard should be based on SO's, and for anything above that... there's Platinum!

Save Ms. Liberty (#5349) Augmenting Peacebringers The Umbra Illuminati



Originally Posted by LordXenite View Post
Champions Online, Star Trek Online, SWTOR,
I'm on them games an all, although not really having as much interest in them.

He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.



Welcome Back, LordXenite! I remember you from wayback, too. Things are all different, but the trolls are the same - they just have different names.

In this instance, I happen to be trying to refine a good SO build for a Tri-form Peacebringer, while allowing for inherent Fitness and all of the tweaks that the Devs have made to our powers.

Be Well!



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
All I see from him is:

Not sure why he has to keep repeating that in so many threads. Maybe if he stopped acting the way he has been, he'd be able to say something else....

Maybe when Bill starts spending more than 10 inf on his characters I'll start losing some sleep over his opinions. Just kidding. No I won't.



Originally Posted by Fireheart View Post
Welcome Back, LordXenite!
Originally Posted by Fireheart View Post
In this instance, I happen to be trying to refine a good SO build for a Tri-form Peacebringer, while allowing for inherent Fitness and all of the tweaks that the Devs have made to our powers.
I think that's a worthy cause.

I believe that a Kheldian Gold Standard should be based on SO's, and for anything above that... there's Platinum!

Save Ms. Liberty (#5349) Augmenting Peacebringers The Umbra Illuminati



Originally Posted by LordXenite View Post

I think that's a worthy cause.

.... though for some reason I want to take your avatar and stick it in a M:TG deck... >.>



Hi you guys.

I wanted to first thank you, and second beg your forgiveness. For years, I have loathed the kheldians as a complete waste of developer resources and a failed project that was brilliant in concept, and died in execution. Since I've come back, I decided to make it my mission to understand just what the hell was compelling people to play these broken and deficient ATs. I tried fiddling with them extensively in Mids, determined to do it myself. I eventually gave up in my usual disgust, figuring it must be some kind of masochistic impulse that drove them to the Khelds.

That was before I read first, the MFing Warshade, by the brilliant Dechs. And the Gold Standard PB contained in this thread, which I had found an earlier version of and been passionately in nerd love with.

With a few modifications, I have been able to use both builds to create the characters I have waited eight years to be able to play.

The changes to Light Form and the treatment Dechs gave the WS made them two of the now most played and dearly loved toons I have in my stable, standing next to the champions and paragons of light and darkness that have called my account home for all these years.

I cannot thank you guys, the people that stuck it out with the khelds and MADE it work, regardless of the dearth of developer interest, enough for teaching me that I know absolutely nothing about how to build or play a kheld. The experience has been one of the most entertaining and explosive (and in the case of my WS, vaguely disgusting) experiences I have had on this game.

Thank You, Thank You, Thank You

Stand UP.



Originally Posted by King_Moloch View Post
Hi you guys.

I wanted to first thank you, and second beg your forgiveness. For years, I have loathed the kheldians as a complete waste of developer resources and a failed project that was brilliant in concept, and died in execution. Since I've come back, I decided to make it my mission to understand just what the hell was compelling people to play these broken and deficient ATs. I tried fiddling with them extensively in Mids, determined to do it myself. I eventually gave up in my usual disgust, figuring it must be some kind of masochistic impulse that drove them to the Khelds.

That was before I read first, the MFing Warshade, by the brilliant Dechs. And the Gold Standard PB contained in this thread, which I had found an earlier version of and been passionately in nerd love with.

With a few modifications, I have been able to use both builds to create the characters I have waited eight years to be able to play.

The changes to Light Form and the treatment Dechs gave the WS made them two of the now most played and dearly loved toons I have in my stable, standing next to the champions and paragons of light and darkness that have called my account home for all these years.

I cannot thank you guys, the people that stuck it out with the khelds and MADE it work, regardless of the dearth of developer interest, enough for teaching me that I know absolutely nothing about how to build or play a kheld. The experience has been one of the most entertaining and explosive (and in the case of my WS, vaguely disgusting) experiences I have had on this game.

Thank You, Thank You, Thank You

Things like this are so awesome to read. I love when people give Dechs kudos for the MFing Warshade; It's the single most inspiring guide in COH history IMO, even if I don't agree with all of the build philosophies it espouses.

I'll jump on any chance I can get to give Dechs yet another /e high five for writing that guide, but I'd also like direct this poster towards Alien One's Human Only Warshade Guide while he's here. Alien made some nice updates within the last couple of issues, and I'll be releasing my 'companion guide' of sorts around i24, for strictly end game purposes.



Originally Posted by TwoHeadedBoy View Post
It's the single most inspiring guide in COH history IMO, even if I don't agree with all of the build philosophies it espouses.

It's a good thing that people disagree on things, it's a bad thing when we can't just be happy to agree to disagree. It's a bad thing when people beef themselves up to more than they are whilst putting others down.

He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.



Originally Posted by New Dawn View Post
It's a good thing that people disagree on things, it's a bad thing when we can't just be happy to agree to disagree. It's a bad thing when people beef themselves up to more than they are whilst putting others down.

Trying to lecture me about something? :|

I can agree to disagree with some of the facets of Dechs' build philosophies and still respect him. His work on the tri form Warshade mentality is freaking fantastic, and he's also an intelligent person and a good friend. I (sometimes passionately) disagree with him about things, maybe even routinely, but that doesn't change any of the above.

I guess you think that I should apply that same philosophy to everyone I interact with, and that's what you're getting at here.

First of all, I think respect should be earned, not given.

Second, entertainment takes precedence over everything else. In this thread for example, I made a perfectly harmless libertarian joke, and the "BE WELL!" guy got his panties in a bunch. That lead to Memphis Bill jumping on the "I Hate THB" bandwagon, once again, all because of a harmless joke... And Bill posted JUST to say that he doesn't read my posts. If anyone has been vindictive here, *points to Bill.*

That's ok though, because I really don't care. Everything I post on these forums, and everything I do in game, serves the primary purpose of entertaining me. Everything else is incidental. If you think that I've talked myself up to be more than I am, well then that sucks for you.

I really don't care what you think of me. I do know that I've gone out of my way to help other players though, and I plan on continuing to do so. If you don't find my opinions or advice to be satisfactory, feel free to ignore them. There are quite a few folks here who can and have testified to my advice aiding their in game experience though, especially on the Kheld board.



Originally Posted by Stone Daemon View Post
Stone is the only person who gets me. I swear.



Originally Posted by TwoHeadedBoy View Post
Stone is the only person who gets me. I swear.
And yet, you have not contributed anything useful to this thread. So far, it's just been blather and social politics. I'm finding that I resent that.

Be Well!



Feel like I just stepped in something, were the Kheld forums always a hatefest of backbiting and spite?

Stand UP.



Originally Posted by King_Moloch View Post
Feel like I just stepped in something, were the Kheld forums always a hatefest of backbiting and spite?
Nah, only in August. It'll blow over in a few weeks.



Originally Posted by Fireheart View Post

In this instance, I happen to be trying to refine a good SO build for a Tri-form Peacebringer, while allowing for inherent Fitness and all of the tweaks that the Devs have made to our powers.
I really like that idea and am interested in what you come up with. My play philosophy is to "play" rather than pursue things I'm not interested in (like the auction house). I am SO not a min/maxer which means that given a choice, I'd stick to SO's for my build. Of course, I'd use IO drops but hate having to not play in order to "play the market to get what you need for an optimal build". (I play games to play, not to work.) To me, an optimal build is a build that is fun and effective with MINIMUM non-play administrative time. :-)

Having said that, I must admit that most of my builds are very IO'd-out thanks to my husband who loves to play the market and min/max builds. I won't do it myself but I don't mind reaping the rewards if his work!

Lumin (D4,50), Caelestes Lux (PB,50), Corpus Operandi (MM,50)



Originally Posted by Fireheart View Post
And yet, you have not contributed anything useful to this thread. So far, it's just been blather and social politics. I'm finding that I resent that.

Be Well!

I guess building COH characters in the least effective possible way is of utmost importance to you and absolutely not a joking matter, so sure- I guess I might as well bite.

Keep in mind that in my opinion once you have a basic understanding of how slotting works in this game, it's nowhere near difficult to properly slot SO's into any given AT- The real work will come down to learning how the AT/powerset in question functions. Once you have a basic grasp on how Peacebringers and properly slotting powers works though, there's really no 'right' or 'wrong' approach, and certainly no be all, end all approach as you seem to be espousing.

All that being said, here is how I would build a SO'd Peacebringer if I had to. Keeping in mind that anyone with access to Kheldians most likely also has access to the IO system, so once again, this is ultimately all an exercise in futility.

I'm assuming hami-o's are ok to use since they're accessible by f2p accounts.

| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
|78DA65946D6FD25014C76F693B5606B2CBDC93DB986330196 C0851DF2D1A75D137A|
|8247B6D48E7EEB626088482F1AD5FC8CFE417D88389468DD1 7ADAFB67F6DE36905F|
|EFFFFECFE939A70FAF3E1E663FBFFCF4841985E73DD7F7BB1 DE1BE13C723AF7F264|
|6E9D7EE7832727B2C3CD2F4AFC477BB6F4E4F45DFF73E8846 7BF2DEEB0F267EF719|
|E5189715D7A148B89E525296EF0C06BD465BB82762E49F7BC 35CB47EE19D9D8F293|
|03BDD1DD222132D8E86429CB0152AA34EFF5F36C31198EC80 60992CA571C694BC08|
|BD46E465AC20B5DF362416D886E69F3D5099E12A2F29D694F 952E663A9591AFF90C|
|7467E1B796E8177A7C4F5B6B8CA2B5B8E9B62AD74067BE036 58E62AFF528C831807|
|F9CBE0BD29E1DD05038A999331A93968598D6C86B11CF2E6B 43E8A608DABFC4A79F|
|3984F1EF398D7784D1E0E0F8756D068D0B51730C3055CEBB6 C675AECEB285F537CA|
|BF88BA1731B3258D2B5CCDF19D6296318F65AE7A76404E376 655D66DAE3E92DA1D8|
|DF72DD44FDE35998FAD05743093940D74BD812E8B1A6DEA7A 135D6F4EEF1CBAAB61|
|BD07EE739516E52FA1BA12AAD9D6B88FEA7E52B715745BD1B A9C7289F255516F15F|
|1BB1A4BE4A9C35347DC9EC62F742B1A9844638BD0B2D80FBA 7E135AB32EB575EBE6|
|ADA65F38B162A484E983A09AD8AD259466426925940709E56 1426927948E75F3C56|
|046A438F3F41D904A7044BB0EA6E060322D8D17F4DC19463C C3555CC1537999705D|
|FF5752E13B113D631A3BE409A427781B3B7763E7C7B1F37F9 37AD63B|

I opted out of Solar Flare since I'm assuming the OF -KB isn't allowed for this exercise and that power does more harm than good without it. Same deal with Photon Seekers. I included the nuke for i24.



Originally Posted by TwoHeadedBoy View Post
Keeping in mind that anyone with access to Kheldians most likely also has access to the IO system, so once again, this is ultimately all an exercise in futility.
It is far from an exercise in futility for someone like me. I may have ACCESS to the market but I find the market to be one of the least fun aspects of the game and a unpleasant near-necessity at best. So for me, good SO-focused builds are a huge help and make playing fun. My goal isn't to have the most efficient min-maxed build, but to have the build that is the most fun to play that requires the least time in the market or doing admin work. To me, that is the most efficient (for the limited amount of play time that I have).

I only glanced at the build you offered but I'll look at it closer later. Did I see correctly that it's supposed to be a human-only build?

Lumin (D4,50), Caelestes Lux (PB,50), Corpus Operandi (MM,50)



Originally Posted by nivho View Post
It is far from an exercise in futility for someone like me. I may have ACCESS to the market but I find the market to be one of the least fun aspects of the game and a unpleasant near-necessity at best. So for me, good SO-focused builds are a huge help and make playing fun. My goal isn't to have the most efficient min-maxed build, but to have the build that is the most fun to play that requires the least time in the market or doing admin work. To me, that is the most efficient (for the limited amount of play time that I have).

I only glanced at the build you offered but I'll look at it closer later. Did I see correctly that it's supposed to be a human-only build?

The market is so incredibly easy to use and things that were once hard to get are now so accessible, you could spent 5-10 minutes a day working towards a mid-ranged build and finish it in a month or less.

As one example, SSA 1 episodes 1 and 2 take like, 15 minutes max. If you're a confirmed villain or hero and you've never done them before you can run one of them twice and another once for a total of 3 alignment merits in one day. You can spend 2 of those merits on LOTG 7.5% recharges if you want, or spend all 3 on converters and easily make a significant amount of profit for a very minimal amount of effort.

And yes, I think human only is the best way to approach a build without IO's; It will ultimately be more durable than a SO'd Dwarf form can be at level 50 because of the almost 20% defense to everything that I worked in between pool toggles and combat flight. It also retains strong global resistance even outside of light form. The AOE won't be as good as Nova, but the ST is pretty strong considering the slotting restrictions and it still has *decent* AOE ability; I don't believe that having no defense whatsoever is worth the tradeoff of slightly more AOE. I'll never get behind that sort of build philosophy.



Originally Posted by TwoHeadedBoy View Post
I guess building COH characters in the least effective possible way is of utmost importance to you and absolutely not a joking matter, so sure- I guess I might as well bite.
If you *don't* like the concept, which you obviously don't, and don't agree with not min-maxing, which you obviously don't, why do you keep disrupting the thread other than to get attention like a five year old? Why do you insist on putting down the people who are interested with comments like the above? It's not "joking," it's not "cute" or "funny." If you don't like it, ignore the thread.

Also, don't assume people with access to khelds have access to the invention system. People can purchase the unlock early. We've had people who had khelds unlocked before keep them when going to premium but not have their inventions. (I've got a friend in this situation, came back to the game - they're on SOs, but their 'main' is their PB. All they work with are SOs and HOs.)

The market is so incredibly easy to use and things that were once hard to get are now so accessible, you could spent 5-10 minutes a day working towards a mid-ranged build and finish it in a month or less.
It doesn't matter if it's "easy to use," etc, if someone doesn't like dealing with that part of the game. If they don't like that part of the game, they're not going to want to deal with it. It's that simple. Talking down to someone because they don't like the things you do doesn't make anyone respect you or your opinion.

I mean, how many posts did you make putting people down in this thread before you - I have to say "grudgingly" finally made that last post that actually has some useful information in it?

Also, I'd like to thank Fireheart and everyone else actually helping out in here. This is more useful than you might think.

Wanted: Origin centric story arcs.
If you've only played an AT once (one set combo) and "hate" it - don't give up. Roll a different combo. It may just be those sets not clicking for you.



An entire build of level 50 SO's is like 5mil, tops.



Originally Posted by Stormbird View Post
If you *don't* like the concept, which you obviously don't, and don't agree with not min-maxing, which you obviously don't, why do you keep disrupting the thread other than to get attention like a five year old? Why do you insist on putting down the people who are interested with comments like the above? It's not "joking," it's not "cute" or "funny." If you don't like it, ignore the thread.
Ah, thank you for the lesson in strict forum etiquette. I would be oh so lost without your words of wisdom. I know it is of paramount importance that people on the internet behave in ways that you deem appropriate at all times. I'm not sure what I was thinking by breaking the rules you've constructed. Luckily, this isn't near as important to me as it is for you. I respect your right to preach, if that's what you enjoy doing, so please carry on. I'm sorry you don't think I'm funny. Honestly, so far, I think you're a bore.
Also, don't assume people with access to khelds have access to the invention system. People can purchase the unlock early. We've had people who had khelds unlocked before keep them when going to premium but not have their inventions. (I've got a friend in this situation, came back to the game - they're on SOs, but their 'main' is their PB. All they work with are SOs and HOs.)
And what exactly is difficult or challenging about slotting SO's and HO's that requires assistance and rigorous study...?
It doesn't matter if it's "easy to use," etc, if someone doesn't like dealing with that part of the game. If they don't like that part of the game, they're not going to want to deal with it. It's that simple. Talking down to someone because they don't like the things you do doesn't make anyone respect you or your opinion.
I don't like dealing with people who don't like dealing with that part of the game. You know, the end game in particular is a challenging team effort. My Peacebringer is one of my favorite characters- I spent quite a bit on him, and he still doesn't perform up to a very high standard compared to other AT's. The Archetype is inherently gimpy by comparison, and I can't in good conscience encourage people to Play Peacebringers on anything less than at least MODERATE budgets. I don't want to see people encouraged to spend nothing at all on their PB's only to end up having to play with those people at some point in the future, all because mediocrity was encouraged.
I mean, how many posts did you make putting people down in this thread before you - I have to say "grudgingly" finally made that last post that actually has some useful information in it?

I don't know. About as many as I felt like. Does that sound about right to you?



Originally Posted by TwoHeadedBoy View Post
Keeping in mind that anyone with access to Kheldians most likely also has access to the IO system, so once again, this is ultimately all an exercise in futility.
I personally know at least four players that would disagree with you. I'm sure many other players have purchased one or both Kheldians but not an Invention License.

"If this is to be our end, then I would have them make such an end, as to be worthy of remembrance."
In-game at @AYB
Check it out: http://youtu.be/gAJlQ6o8p9g