Canvassing interest in a roleplaying 'Summer Blockbuster' event





As the title may suggest, the event that I'm canvassing interest in is purely roleplaying in nature and is trying to capture some of the epic drama of our big-screen compatriots, The Avengers. I began to wonder openly if City of Heroes could manage something like this, and after a bit of back and forth on the forums, the considered opinion was 'perhaps not'.

But I am undeterred! I thought to myself, 'why not try and make a bit of a blockbuster event with the events we have?' So myself and a friend from Pinnacle (who would be more than happy to bring a character over) gave some thought to the very simple following scenario:

In the wake of the loss of Statesman and the month-long attempt by Nemesis to gain a foothold in Paragon City, the remaining Rikti Traditionalists have come to the conclusion that an all-out assault may give them a chance (perhaps their last chance) to break the confines of Paragon City and achieve what they set out to seven years ago.

In response, the heroes of the city must band together not only to shut down the Rikti Mothership and the troops pouring out of it, but also work with the mysterious Lady Grey to prevent Nemesis from doing yet more damage....

In obvious terms, this means a tandem event, all roleplayed with an appropriate sense of urgency, to combine the Lady Grey TF (with as many teams as could be managed) along with as many teams as could be managed to do a Mothership Raid or three. The end result could have multiple zones triggering Rikti Invasions (and this would be warned about well in advance for those not wishing to be attacked) and ample opportunity to roleplay a genuine threat to the city.

Why the RWZ? It's a zone pretty much anyone can get into, hero or villainside, the raid itself has no Incarnate requirements and even the Task Force is doable by a decent team. If this proves successful, we can look at other Summer Blockbuster events to involve our great roleplaying community.

But I'd like to hear from as many Virtueites as possible! Is this a good idea, bad idea, should some things be dropped, or added? I want to hear from you!


Part of Sister Flame's Clickey-Clack Posse



Sounds fun. Quick nitpick, though. The Rikti Traditionalists are the good guys, who believe in the old traditions of a peaceful Rikti community. The Restructurists are the bad ones.



If something like this goes down in my city, you can count me in yesterday.

(And I'll be bringing a whole lot of other RPers with me. )

@Captain-ElectricDetective MarvelThe Sapien SpiderMoravec ManThe Old Norseman
Dark-EyesDoctor SerpentineStonecasterSkymaidenThe Blue Jaguar
Guide to AltitisA Comic for New PlayersThe Lore ProjectIntro to extraterrestrials in CoH



Not to necro the thread really, but I am going to press ahead with this and see what interest I can rustle up. I'll be providing some advertising material to that effect in the next couple of weeks.


Part of Sister Flame's Clickey-Clack Posse



I think it's a terrific idea. I also think it has the potential to give a lot of the RP SGs here on Virtue a chance to get to know each other. Of course, what with real-life being kind of hectic for me and (as a result) my game time being somewhat spotty, the odds of me being able to make such an event are somewhat iffy. But give it a go! Anything that gets RPers a chance to know each other is a good thing.

Monstrus - Defenders of Paragon
Blitzkrieg - Gods of the Golden Age
Frankenstein Monster




Sorry to necro this thread, but I was sick with flu and related ailments during June (it's winter here in Australia) and this thing is back on track! Inside the next two or three hours, I will be posting the OFFICIAL trailer for the Rikti event, and in the next couple of days, I will be informing you, the Virtue public, and the Community team about this event!

Sorry to all who thought this had perhaps just faded away.


Part of Sister Flame's Clickey-Clack Posse



what do you mean by "necro the thread"

as Ood Sigma said....We will sing to you, Doctor. The universe will sing you to your sleep. This song is ending. But the story never ends.



Bring back to life a thread that had been dormant. Pretty common term.


Part of Sister Flame's Clickey-Clack Posse



I think this would be a good idea. Could do a lot of prior set-ups before it. Like, the bad Rikti found a means to transport another invasion force. A few psychic/precognitive members of various SGs all had the same vision. Just my input.



Count me in! let me know what server and what days and stuff. send me a message to @Cover Girl ! I'll transfer a toon or roll one and lvl it overnight for the event!