A suggestion for reward balancing in AE missions
I'm sure this will be abused.
creat alts, have them defeated over and over to make powersets seem dangerous
Story arcs: �Viva la Represi�n! (#2327) | Mysterious Virus (#11762) | Four Horsemen of the 2012 Apocalypse (#531874) | Deadly Dragon | White Slime
My story on union.virtueverse.com
None of what you suggested is needed. What is need is for the devs to pay attention to their self professed schedule and keep updating AE one issue behind. Until that happens all these other things don't register on the to do meter.
The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.
i think other things need to be addressed in AE instead of this
-as many others would agree, the search function is epicly useless, it will pretty much never help you slim down what you are looking for
-more specific enemy placement, just using back middle and front could be any number of spawn spawns and doesnt work at all on outdoor maps
-fixing the rating system to something that actually matters, there are numerous other posts by big name AE authors describing how broken this system is
That kind of abuse is probably addressed by having a hard limit on how many times an account can register a challenge score each 24 hours.
In this case you have decided to limit it to 1 defeat per 24 hours.
The Farmers will thank you since The Power Level Set will have almost constant deaths and reward more while the Non PL sets which are played less and when played have fewer deaths will reward even less. The reason for this is as follows.
The farmers simply do their war cry of "AE PL FARM!!!" to assemble thousands of players and has them all die at the start of the first run every day. Now the PLPowerset is ranked +8 in difficulty for every team of Power Levelers and quickly becomes the most difficult set in the game with Max rewards.
Meanwhile the Non-PL sets outnumber the PL Powersets and so will not be played as often resulting in a low difficulty score.
Even worse when they are run the NonPLpowersets will be run by normal players fighting to live and so on most runs the Power Sets will score no difficulty points since most people who play them won't die resulting in an even lower number of points.
End result is that the tougher power sets will reward less then they do now, and the PL power sets reward more.
You are not thinking like a Min-Maxer and this is leading you to the same problem the Devs face. Add a rule to stop an exploit and the Min Maxer finds a new exploit. Add a rule to stop the new exploit and the min maxer may well find a way to use your new rule to add an even bigger exploit.
In this case you have decided to limit it to 1 defeat per 24 hours. The Farmers will thank you since The Power Level Set will have almost constant deaths and reward more while the Non PL sets which are played less and when played have fewer deaths will reward even less. The reason for this is as follows. The farmers simply do their war cry of "AE PL FARM!!!" to assemble thousands of players and has them all die at the start of the first run every day. Now the PLPowerset is ranked +8 in difficulty for every team of Power Levelers and quickly becomes the most difficult set in the game with Max rewards. Meanwhile the Non-PL sets outnumber the PL Powersets and so will not be played as often resulting in a low difficulty score. Even worse when they are run the NonPLpowersets will be run by normal players fighting to live and so on most runs the Power Sets will score no difficulty points since most people who play them won't die resulting in an even lower number of points. End result is that the tougher power sets will reward less then they do now, and the PL power sets reward more. |
But this might be solved by having the challenge score divided by the cumulated number of defeated enemies, aka a case fatality rate. It's like how doctors estimate how "challenging" a disease if for an individual.
Note: the number of defeated enemies can't be lower than an arbitrary number (relatively low) in order to prevent divisions by zero.
Story arcs: �Viva la Represi�n! (#2327) | Mysterious Virus (#11762) | Four Horsemen of the 2012 Apocalypse (#531874) | Deadly Dragon | White Slime
My story on union.virtueverse.com
Good point there. Yes, my original suggestion would yield a gross advantage to popular sets, regardless if they are popular for PL reasons, or just because they are on top of the selection list or appeal to a current trend. Worse indeed would be that rarely played powersets would yield far too little.
But this might be solved by having the challenge score divided by the cumulated number of defeated enemies, aka a case fatality rate. It's like how doctors estimate how "challenging" a disease if for an individual. Note: the number of defeated enemies can't be lower than an arbitrary number (relatively low) in order to prevent divisions by zero. |
Sorry if I am misunderstanding you as I am unclear as to how the "challenge score" is now figured. If I am understanding you you are proposing that only a certain number of defeats per account will be counted towards the challenge score, and that those defeats would be divided by the number of enemies killed by that account in the same period. In other words now the PSDS (Power Set Difficulty Score) is a Player Deaths/Kills with a cap after X number of deaths.
The Farmers will simply die a few more times to up the PSDS. Bare in mind that Farmers have been using teammate deaths to boost their farming speed for the last 8 years by using Vengence, Rise of the Pheonix, Self destruct? and other Death based buffs and damage powers. Level 0-10 and 50 chars can in fact enter with rez inspirations and suicide multiple times to hit their Powerset Death Cap with little or no effect on their farming.
The farmers will still cause an "easy" Power Sets to get a high PSDS ranking, while as I pointed out previously the normal power sets will get a low ranking in comparison.
Further more your code is increasing in complexity and requires more system resources, as well as time, money to develop, code, and test. Standard Code Rant of course applies but we are probably looking at something like this.
Your first proposal required tracking a players account and upon death making a note of what killed them. This process only needs to run when the player dies so only uses system resources ~0-5 times per mission.
Now your code has grown to the point where whenever the player kills an enemy the system must increment the "Power Set Mob Death Counter." This process will need to execute hundreds of times per mission in the middle of combat thus adding more load to the system during a time when the system is quite busy.
Even if you are somehow able to make this system work it will most likely hurt the non farmer (Story Teller and Story Player) far more then the Farmer. Farmers often use custom character builds combined with story designs and enemy Power Sets. Often these Missions and Power Sets are difficult or impossible for your average character and player to run. Should you succeed this will result in Power Sets that are difficult for the average player being ranked easy and giving less XP thus hurting those who run the stories and those who tell them. And in the end the Farmer will move on to the next easiest power set FOR THE FARMER.
You can see this with all the nerfs to date. Many features have been reduced in rewards and therefore effectively removed from the AE Story tellers pallet, without seriously impacting farmers. The latest is the "Ambush Nerf" which has eliminated the classic comic storytelling device of swarming the hero. I used it in my HP Lovecraft inspired story to allow the NPC Deep Ones to swarm through the streets hunting down the characters. The Farmers have simply adapted by switching maps, adding patrols, and advancing into the next mob.
I don't think fighting your average Farmer, MinMaxer or PLer is worth the Devs time and effort, but IF they are going to do so they must do so before they design any game add ons AND listen to those players who spend time testing stuff. Programmers know that it's far easier to fix a problem during development or testing phase then after the system has been released. Game master know you will hear far less complaints if you start a game with a rule that prevents players from abusing a system then if you try to add one later.
Hopefully the Devs have learned these lessons and future content as well as player enjoyment will not need to be butchered in order to fight PLing.
As a programmer myself, I agree with you that fixing potential exploits is easier to do during the development/testing phase.
Without inside information, I have no clue if increment counts for enemy defeats will put a notable stress on servers.
However, the reason I came up with the idea is not because I want to punish farmers. It's because of missing powersets, and that I assume that reward balancing problems might be the cause. I know its extremely hard to predict how much reward is appropriate for newer powersets, in particular with custom power selections. The problem is not farmers, but the sheer amount of parameters, including unpredictable ones like player choices.
I think the devs need data mining in order to enable new powersets in a reasonable time. Maybe my solution, or maybe something different.
Another issue with new powersets might be finding a thematically ranged power for melee powersets. Here I suggest a pool of ranged powers. Not every martial artist master shurikens. But there might be another ranged power in the pool that fit the critter concept, without the 60% penalty for critters w/o ranged attacks.
Story arcs: �Viva la Represi�n! (#2327) | Mysterious Virus (#11762) | Four Horsemen of the 2012 Apocalypse (#531874) | Deadly Dragon | White Slime
My story on union.virtueverse.com
To begin with, I do not claim that my suggestion will address PL farms, and if it does so partially, it's an unintended side effect.
Several powersets are missing from AE, probably for a good reason. I'm certain that it is because it's very hard to predict a proper reward/challenge ratio. Changed power preferences among players can also alter which powers are hard to fight against.
So here is my suggestion: Every time a player is defeated in an AE mission, the powers used by the enemies in the battle that contributed to the defeat is given a challenge score. A lesser challenge score is also issued if a player get in non-defeat trouble such as >50% life drop, long duration mezz etc. The cumulative challenge score determine how much rewards every single power should yield on critters. With this way, new powersets like Street Justice and Staff Fighting can be added straight away, and cumulative player statistics determine rewards.
The challenge score is then put into existing balancing functions like the penalties for groups with less than three ranks and critters without ranged powers.
Story arcs: �Viva la Represi�n! (#2327) | Mysterious Virus (#11762) | Four Horsemen of the 2012 Apocalypse (#531874) | Deadly Dragon | White Slime
My story on union.virtueverse.com