Discussion: Matt "Positron" Miller's Anniversary Address




Originally Posted by Mr. DJ View Post
I'm sure you've never made mistakes.
Originally Posted by SuggestorK View Post

When i joined this Game in July 2004 Triumph existed,... a few years later the European
Such as that one right there, I might be wrong (cos I was hammered NYE 2004 but that's when I started beta, then started playing on the Euro servers Feb 3rd 2005...so a few months :P

On topic - I can't believe I've been playing this game for so long, many games have tried to stop me, even going to America for several weeks and being homeless didn't stop me. Keep it up cos what you're doing is working!!


I'm not changing this signature until I'm proclaimed 'King of the World'.



My or I should say originally my husbands account (heehee I took it over since he don't play anymore) was made march of 2007, when he first brought the game home I regretfully thought it was stupid and didn't play it then I saw him play it and was wowed instantly now he even jokes about cancelling the sub (yes I could go premium but I love my VIP perks) and I give him the evil eye and he goes into fetal position begging for forgivness about such a bad joke.

Cancel the kitchen scraps for widows and lepers, no more merciful beheadings and call off christmas!



Originally Posted by Arctic Man View Post
"On July 15th, 2003, I started working at Paragon Studios."

Really? At Paragon Studios back in 2003? I thought the game started at Cryptic...

Also: "(For those interested, this server was Triumph, the last server added until Exalted)"

What of the four EU servers added in 2005? Did Triumph not come until after those?
Yeah see, I think your hurt is showing, might want to back up a bit.

It's entirely possible he has to publicly say "Paragon Studios" due to Cryptic being a copyrighted name that was kept and is still used today. Keep in mind there isn't exactly good blood between the two studios.

Also from what I gathered he is talking only about the servers on the US servers list, the EU servers were probably maintained by a sub team and aren't counted until they were merged, Triumph WAS our last server in the US for US only customers, which is where their primary focus was.



[QUOTE=Golden Girl;4217434]I think that there's plenty of scope for stiff armers and anarchsits to carry on their evil antics after the war is over - but as Villains.

Actually mentioning anarchists gives me an idea. What if in the new Praetoria the resistance becomes Anarchists while the loyalists become something like the Patriots or Sovereignty. Think about it, with the fall of any dictator a new government is going to have to come into power. Seldom does this process ever go smoothly since every faction will think they are entitled to the "throne".



Originally Posted by Thirty-Seven View Post
I would assume it is a direct reference to the movie-themed Summer Blockbuster event that will be added to the game. Finally we will have a yearly event that occurs in the summer!
Like what? Take the fictional movie posters that people made and have missions that occur at some new premiere event theatre ? An ultra fancy one like the Chinese Grauman Theater? We've got the old drab one done up in floodlights in Atlas. Maybe with some sort of cement signatures from heroes done up around it as well as actors ? Imagine a more elaborate one with those lights. Think Atlas Park Tourist Trap.

Protect the stars? Retrieve the movie from digital pirates?

And here I thought the whole movie thing was to give them a few films to put on the marquee so we wouldn't have the same ones held over for another 8 years...

Running City of Heroes Panel - Dragon*Con 2012 MMORPG track



I just want to add that I really liked the Praetorian content and story arcs. I think it wouldn't be good if those were removed. I really like my Praetorian Resistance Rogue, it's by far my favourite character.

The only problem I have with the Praetorian content up to level 20, is that there are so few people. I think it's the best looking starting area, and should be the default starting area for new players, especially non-VIP. I think it would help convert players to VIP.



Originally Posted by RogerWilco View Post

The only problem I have with the Praetorian content up to level 20, is that there are so few people. I think it's the best looking starting area, and should be the default starting area for new players, especially non-VIP. I think it would help convert players to VIP.

while i don't know if i agree that it's the best looking (i liked the old style but the atlas revamp puts it on par i think) but i think that would have been good for 2 reasons , 1 no DFB in preatoria so no free noobs getting PL'd to 20-30 before they even know what they are doing

and 2 with the influx of so many new players i think it could fit nicely with the storyline with the "new" people coming from the other dimention now that it is opend up

except with GR being 'special' i guess that would never happen and so instead it sit's relativly dead but still new and shinny
(and i would like to see it expand to 50 and even incarnate zones on it's own)

and for people debating what will happen after tyrant is gone ...well statsman is dead but still standing around in IP giving out TF's , while that may change keep in mind not everyone has done the high lv stuff to be aware of what 'happend'

if anything i think this would be perfect for the phase tech have basic missions but if you take part in the overthrow then tyrant is gone blocking some missions but opening up new contacts and missions in the power vacum that follows



Originally Posted by PSI_lence View Post
and for people debating what will happen after tyrant is gone ...well statsman is dead but still standing around in IP giving out TF's , while that may change keep in mind not everyone has done the high lv stuff to be aware of what 'happend'
You are in for a treat in i23!

Princess Darkstar - Proud Member of the Handprints of Union, the #1 ranked SG in Europe!
British by act of union, English by grace of God, Northern by pure good fortune!
Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post