is it time for a single pet power pool?




Originally Posted by PunkRolex View Post
Likewise tha Arachnos patron pets require a particular concept in order to work.
No, if you MLP:FIM character wants one, s/he can have their own MU following them around.

Arachnos doesn't mind.

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.



I like the idea. I don't think it'll ever happen, but I like it. you could also have each power summon a different type of pet. Ranged, melee, buff, or healing. One at a time, obviously. Possibly make them take the place of a vanity pet? Bet some people would scream bloody murder over that, tho'.

"I have something to say! It's better to burn out then to fade away!"



I like this idea. The way I'd have it work is that each power would produce a pet with a different effect. Something like...

1. Enemy immobilize
2. taunt/distract
3. Melee combat pet
4. enemy debuff
5. ranged attack

The first power would be like an attack, which would immobilize one enemy, or perhaps cause a fear effect. The second would summon a pet with 1 hp but a big taunt effect, to distract an enemy (the death animation could be running away instead of falling down dead). The third power would summon an actual combat pet, but one no more powerful than what you can get with temp powers in the game now. The fourth power in the pool would be some kind of enemy debuff, maybe a fear effect or loss of accuracy or something. The last power would be a ranged attack.

The actual effect of the powers isn't the important part anyhow. The fun part would be the animations. Using power customization... which they really need to get around to adding to power pools anyhow... you can choose from several pets for each power in the pool. The enemy immobilize could be a snake to wrap around someone's legs, or a circling hawk to inhibit their movement, or a squid that you throw at their legs, or big spiders putting webbing on their feet, or whatever. The taunt pet and the melee combat pet could be whatever they have a rig for: dogs, birds, etc. The enemy debuff could be a snake spitting venom or a lion roaring, or a bird pecking at them, or bees stinging them or whatever. The ranged attack could be birds or bees, or maybe you throw a wolverine at them (fastball special!)

It would be fun to have a cowboy themed dual pistols blaster with a pet wolf and a pet eagle, right out of the pages of Max Brand.

Avatar: "Cheeky Jack O Lantern" by dimarie



Can i haz a ferret power pool pet pls.

Make it like Call hawk but the power causes confusion and a chance to increase inf and drop rate(Ferrets stole my wallet).

NeoSaturn-L50 Kat/Regen Scrapper

Paragon Family Swift
NeoSaturn's Deviations



I can see it now...

1st Pet: Kitty

You summon a feisty feline to help you battle the forces of evil!

2nd Pet: Panda

Your tiny panda assaults your foes!

3rd Pet: Man's Best Friend

You've got a faithful hound by your side.

4th Pet: Pony

It's a PONY!

5th power: Pet training.

Your pets gain new attacks! You must have at least two Pet powers selected.

My Stories

Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.



more like:

1. Pony - smiles at people
2. Unicorn - pony gets a horn and can gore people
3. pegasus - pony gets wings and doubles as a travel power

1. teddy bear - gives hugs
2. ray of sunshine - heals allies, does damage to undead
3. care bear stare - 6s stun, does not work in pvp



Originally Posted by PunkRolex View Post
The Lore pets are, y'know, tied to the Lore and not available to most of the player base anyway. Likewise tha Arachnos patron pets require a particular concept in order to work.
Also, the Lore pets are really really late game material. Like how the Ancillary/Patron pools are on the far end of a characters' lifespan. Much as I like playing my handful of 50ed out characters with Incarnate abilities, I spend a larger portion of time playing characters that aren't "finished". So, I can see wanting it as a power pool power.

But as I mentioned upthread, I think I'd probably rather see more recipes like the Backup Radio, like Dog whistle to summon a combat pet than a full power pool. Takes one less power pick and recipes tend to become abundant over time, and the bits are easy enough to get to invent one.



Originally Posted by Rajani Isa View Post
No, if you MLP:FIM character wants one, s/he can have their own MU following them around.
How did you know about Rainbow Smash?!?

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