put full forum access in Paragon Marketplace




Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
I can log in anywhere and pull up a remote Wentworth's console.
I can log in anywhere and pull up a window to check what's I've got in the Vault.
I can use all these cool path auras at the tailor.
I can give myself a colored title.
If defeated, I can pop right back up glowing with a handful of effects from big inspirations.

etc etc etc.

But I can't post in the market forum, or the Triumph server forum, or the Blaster forum?

Makes no sense.
It makes perfect sense. People who ain't subscribing don't get access to the same stuff subscribers get.

If they want full access they can pay for it.

Or the devs can go back to the pre-Freedom forum access where the nonsubscribers get any access to the forums. It won't bother me either way.



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
It makes perfect sense. People who ain't subscribing don't get access to the same stuff subscribers get.

If they want full access they can pay for it.
Well, my point is that 5-odd years of continuous subscription got me a bunch of meaningful in-game performance enhancements & neat costume stuff. The devs clearly see the value in rewarding longtime supporters of the game with a superior 'premium' game experience.

What's the point of excluding forum access from that list?
Especially given that players with a long history of subscription are likely to be valuable community assets.

If the forum restriction is an arbitrary one (and other than possible technical limitations I haven't seen a compelling argument otherwise), the community inside the gate suffers more from it than those being excluded.

Or the devs can go back to the pre-Freedom forum access where the nonsubscribers get any access to the forums. It won't bother me either way.
Me either.
The internet is full of places to post, as many longtime regulars discovered following the silly ban on game chat in the culture forum.

But "this is how it is, so it shouldn't be changed" isn't a compelling defense, and forums rarely benefit from excluding informed, motivated contributors.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
Well, my point is that 5-odd years of continuous subscription got me a bunch of meaningful in-game performance enhancements & neat costume stuff. The devs clearly see the value in rewarding longtime supporters of the game with a superior 'premium' game experience.

What's the point of excluding forum access from that list?
Especially given that players with a long history of subscription are likely to be valuable community assets.

If the forum restriction is an arbitrary one (and other than possible technical limitations I haven't seen a compelling argument otherwise), the community inside the gate suffers more from it than those being excluded.

Me either.
The internet is full of places to post, as many longtime regulars discovered following the silly ban on game chat in the culture forum.

But "this is how it is, so it shouldn't be changed" isn't a compelling defense, and forums rarely benefit from excluding informed, motivated contributors.
The exact same argument can be made about non subscribers asking for more access. Just because the devs were gracious enough to give non subscribers an inch (partial access for free) doesn't mean they are entitled to a mile (more access for free).

Wanting more access for free because they got partial access for free just isn't a compelling argument.



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
The exact same argument can be made about non subscribers asking for more access. Just because the devs were gracious enough to give non subscribers an inch (partial access for free) doesn't mean they are entitled to a mile (more access for free).

Wanting more access for free because they got partial access for free just isn't a compelling argument.
Within the confines of the game world, where developers do all the work & players enjoy the result, yes, by all means impose restraints- it's a business & the bills have to be paid. Of course, I'm finding myself continually surprised by how few in game restrictions I encounter as a max tier vet- the entire panorama of CoH is spread before me, aside from some end-game content that did not fully engage my interest when I was a paying customer.

But forums are not the game, they're an adjunct to the game. And unlike the in-game environment, the forums are 'created' by the players. Experienced, motivated players participating in forums are a resource for the game & its players, VIP and otherwise.

In game, I'm a total leech.
I enjoy (nearly) all the environment has to offer for free- aside from the dearth of character slots & incarnate stuff I haven't noticed any difference from my days as a paying customer, other than I'm not paying anything.

Here, on the forums, I am a resource. Left to my own devices I instigate discussions, I help people out with advice where appropriate, I participate in discussions. Even people who don't like me would mostly admit that on balance I'm 'good' for forums.

It doesn't make sense to me that I'm given free run of the game, the thing they deserve to be paid for, while being denied free run of the forums, where they could be taking advantage of my content creating largesse.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
Since some Prems have unlocked access to the inf cap and Went/BM I can see how access to the market forum would be useful.

Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
It makes perfect sense. People who ain't subscribing don't get access to the same stuff subscribers get.

If they want full access they can pay for it.
What. What.

Talk about hypocritical.

You say preemies with high vet status would find the market useful. You're on board with that suggestion. But apparently it stops there for you.

How would anyone not find the archetype forums useful? After all, in order to play the game you have to select an archetype.

How would anyone not find the server forums useful? After all, in order to play the game you have to select a server.

Preemies can PVP, how come they can't access the PVP forum? Preemies can play AE, how come they can't access the AE forum? Preemies have opinions, why can't they access the official news discussion forum or the developers' corner discussion forum? Badges, bases, Mac users... Preemies can get or use all of those. Preemies come from both Europe and Oceanic areas. They roleplay. They make fan media. They are likely aware of comic culture and pop culture and science news and boobs (Comic Culture is an amazing place btw, and not just because of the last one). Preemies play forum games.

I can see restricting things that actually are VIP only, such as Training Room, Exalted, ........that's about it.

Paragon Wiki: http://www.paragonwiki.com
City Info Terminal: http://cit.cohtitan.com
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Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
Within the confines of the game world, where developers do all the work & players enjoy the result, yes, by all means impose restraints- it's a business & the bills have to be paid. Of course, I'm finding myself continually surprised by how few in game restrictions I encounter as a max tier vet- the entire panorama of CoH is spread before me, aside from some end-game content that did not fully engage my interest when I was a paying customer.

But forums are not the game, they're an adjunct to the game. And unlike the in-game environment, the forums are 'created' by the players. Experienced, motivated players participating in forums are a resource for the game & its players, VIP and otherwise.

In game, I'm a total leech.
I enjoy (nearly) all the environment has to offer for free- aside from the dearth of character slots & incarnate stuff I haven't noticed any difference from my days as a paying customer, other than I'm not paying anything.

Here, on the forums, I am a resource. Left to my own devices I instigate discussions, I help people out with advice where appropriate, I participate in discussions. Even people who don't like me would mostly admit that on balance I'm 'good' for forums.

It doesn't make sense to me that I'm given free run of the game, the thing they deserve to be paid for, while being denied free run of the forums, where they could be taking advantage of my content creating largesse.
Now there's a solid argument that even the most devoted of opponents will find difficult to refute. Good work. It's the type of thing even cynical jacktards like myself can get behind and support.



Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post
What. What.

Talk about hypocritical.
Nope. I don't personally care if non subscribers get no access, partial access, or unrestricted access.

I can see the logic behind the devs decision and it makes sense. I can also understand peoples desire fore more access.

However I'm not going to support a request for more free access just because a nonsubscriber was given partial access.

Now Goat has given us a beautiful argument that I think even the most determined opponent will find difficult to refute and I applaud his efforts.



Originally Posted by Texas Justice View Post
Part of the problem is that the forum software recognizes only two types of accounts. VIP and non-VIP. Just as on the Account pages it either shows the account as being VIP or Free. Since the forum login is tied to the game account login, there isn't really a way to make more types of accounts without having to rewrite much of the Account parts of the website. Then the web team would possibly have to change how the login scripts tie to the account servers to allow multiple levels of access.
On the forum end, they'd just have to create another user group.
On the back-end in the customer database they'd probably have to change the data type that indicates paid/VIP status to something non-boolean.

Instead of

VIP_Status: True/False

They'd have to have something like:


The first part, adding another group to VBulletin is relatively easy.
The second? Dunno.

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I admin another forum for a commercial site, running a modified version of UBB that in tech terms is positively ancient. We have Root, Admin, Mod, VIP, User & Probation usergroups with their own levels of forum access.
UBB? Ewww. Think about migrating it to something that doesn't eat between 5 and 10 times the bandwidth and CPU it needs to just to server pages.

Of course if they can't automate it, or if automating it takes a lot of work I'm hosed. This is a game, after all, with a plethora of 7 year old in-game typos...
The main problem is the NCSoft web team that works on this stuff. Cheap, fast, good. Pick one, so long as it isn't fast or good.

It's probably not that they're totally incompetent. It's just that, compared to some of NCSoft's Triple A games, CoH is small potatoes, and gets blocks of work time allotted as such.

Clicking on the linked image above will take you off the City of Heroes site. However, the guides will be linked back here.



Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
Well, my point is that 5-odd years of continuous subscription got me a bunch of meaningful in-game performance enhancements & neat costume stuff. The devs clearly see the value in rewarding longtime supporters of the game with a superior 'premium' game experience.

What's the point of excluding forum access from that list?
Especially given that players with a long history of subscription are likely to be valuable community assets.

If the forum restriction is an arbitrary one (and other than possible technical limitations I haven't seen a compelling argument otherwise), the community inside the gate suffers more from it than those being excluded.

Me either.
The internet is full of places to post, as many longtime regulars discovered following the silly ban on game chat in the culture forum.

But "this is how it is, so it shouldn't be changed" isn't a compelling defense, and forums rarely benefit from excluding informed, motivated contributors.
The basic gist of it is, that they'd have to devote some full time staffing to forum moderation. Think about it. You're allowing people to log into a forum in a completely ungated manner.

Yes, it's all dreadfully manual and probably would be a ***** to script auto-signups for. But would YOU want to have to comb through 60-70 individual forums looking to root out malicious spammers, in addition to having to do your REAL job during the day?

Clicking on the linked image above will take you off the City of Heroes site. However, the guides will be linked back here.



Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
UBB? Ewww. Think about migrating it to something that doesn't eat between 5 and 10 times the bandwidth and CPU it needs to just to server pages.
It's pretty stinky, but the previous owner got a deal on it way back when and the new managment isn't interested in putting money into something that's still working. And of course the prevelance of social media have undermined the whole rationale behind dedicated forums.

Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
The basic gist of it is, that they'd have to devote some full time staffing to forum moderation. Think about it. You're allowing people to log into a forum in a completely ungated manner.

Yes, it's all dreadfully manual and probably would be a ***** to script auto-signups for. But would YOU want to have to comb through 60-70 individual forums looking to root out malicious spammers, in addition to having to do your REAL job during the day?
More manpower is a real argument, as is the technical stuff which I don't know much about.

But the access would be gated behind the 'teir' system. If it could be made to work, they'd be granting access to long-time veterans with established track records. Not saying there aren't a few people like that who're total PITA's, but that's what the ban stick is for.

The idea isn't to just hand forum access to everyone online, just long-time vets who are more likely to be community assets than community problems.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
they'd be granting access to long-time veterans

with established track records.
Not necessarily.

There are a great number of VERY long-term vets with no (or next to no) history on the forums. I know of at least three, personally.

Moreover, EULA aside, I'm certain there have been "account sales".

Clicking on the linked image above will take you off the City of Heroes site. However, the guides will be linked back here.



Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
Within the confines of the game world, where developers do all the work & players enjoy the result, yes, by all means impose restraints- it's a business & the bills have to be paid. Of course, I'm finding myself continually surprised by how few in game restrictions I encounter as a max tier vet- the entire panorama of CoH is spread before me, aside from some end-game content that did not fully engage my interest when I was a paying customer.

But forums are not the game, they're an adjunct to the game. And unlike the in-game environment, the forums are 'created' by the players. Experienced, motivated players participating in forums are a resource for the game & its players, VIP and otherwise.

In game, I'm a total leech.
I enjoy (nearly) all the environment has to offer for free- aside from the dearth of character slots & incarnate stuff I haven't noticed any difference from my days as a paying customer, other than I'm not paying anything.

Here, on the forums, I am a resource. Left to my own devices I instigate discussions, I help people out with advice where appropriate, I participate in discussions. Even people who don't like me would mostly admit that on balance I'm 'good' for forums.

It doesn't make sense to me that I'm given free run of the game, the thing they deserve to be paid for, while being denied free run of the forums, where they could be taking advantage of my content creating largesse.
Paid subscriptions pay for forum moderation. Your forum contribution doesn't come close to paying for free access. If you wish to contribute to the forums in the sections for paid subscribers, then you can subscribe. If you choose not to subscribe, then you are limited to the all access sections. The developers could choose to go back to the setup they had before Issue 21 where if you stopped subscribing, you couldn't access the forums except to read them.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
Paid subscriptions pay for forum moderation. Your forum contribution doesn't come close to paying for free access. If you wish to contribute to the forums in the sections for paid subscribers, then you can subscribe. If you choose not to subscribe, then you are limited to the all access sections. The developers could choose to go back to the setup they had before Issue 21 where if you stopped subscribing, you couldn't access the forums except to read them.
Hey look, it's someone making a bunch of points I've already addressed!

Allowing some access rather than none was a smart move.
Further liberalizing access would be an even smarter move, provided the technical hurdles are fairly low.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
Hey look, it's someone making a bunch of points I've already addressed!
Whatever. I expressed my feelings about it rather than just /jranger.

Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
Allowing some access rather than none was a smart move.
Further liberalizing access would be an even smarter move, provided the technical hurdles are fairly low.
No, it wouldn't be a smarter move. A more costly move? Yes, but not smarter. It would also be a more beneficial move for the players that aren't paying for the game. There is little to no benefit for Paragon Studios or NCsoft to do that however. If you want an open access forums, there are several dedicated to the game where you don't have to pay for forum access.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
Whatever. I expressed my feelings about it rather than just /jranger.
Expressing a badly considered opinion poorly is no improvement on a simple 'unsigned'.

No, it wouldn't be a smarter move. A more costly move? Yes, but not smarter.
How, more costly?
Either people would be paying hard cash for forum access, as per my original suggestion, or would be long-serving veteran players who've already provided substantial material support for the game over the years, who'd bring veteran experience and passion to the larger forum community and who would require little in the way of active moderation.

If you want an open access forums, there are several dedicated to the game where you don't have to pay for forum access.
True, and I'm making use of them.
But I'd prefer to use my energy in the service of the official forums.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



here's a weird thing-

checking new posts a whole bunch of beta boards & stuff came up, posted in a VIP forum stalker thread, and it let me?

Now I'm back to being Mr. Nobody.


here's the thread, I'm post #213

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
Expressing a badly considered opinion poorly is no improvement on a simple 'unsigned'.
Considering that the opinion you are saying is "badly considered" directly opposes your's, I'll go with "hit a nerve" instead. It is a valid point of view and likely one that you don't want to consider because that would mean that the suggestion will fail.

Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
How, more costly?
Either people would be paying hard cash for forum access, as per my original suggestion,
Most players would balk at paying the true cost of forum moderation, so it would cost resources that Paragon Studios doesn't have to service a few players. This game is already the bottom of the heap of the NCsoft priority for web development, and you are talking about wasting the precious amount of time they do get to appeal to a tiny fraction of 1% of the players.

The European players have a stronger position than you do (after all they are paying for subscriptions), and they are losing complete sections of the forums.

Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
or would be long-serving veteran players who've already provided substantial material support for the game over the years, who'd bring veteran experience and passion to the larger forum community and who would require little in the way of active moderation.
Two words come to mind after reading this: "Yeah, right." The more passionate the player usually means more active moderation is required. Also there have been plenty of examples of long time players that continually need to be moderated over the years. At its most basic level, this quote has no basis in reality.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
Most players would balk at paying the true cost of forum moderation, so it would cost resources that Paragon Studios doesn't have to service a few players.
Those few people who do buy the forum access license wouldn't really increase the moderation requirements by much... probably about commensurate to how much they pay monthly for the license. I'd put it at $5/mo, so mods could spend twenty minutes to half an hour extra, per month, per person, modding these schmoes... and the likelihood that someone who puts forth money SPECIFICALLY to access the forum would jeopardize their right to using that license is rather miniscule. The likelihood that someone who buys a forum license (not one who has it included "for free" with their subscription) would require more than half an hour A YEAR of moderation time is still rather small. I've gotten four finger-shakes in the six-plus years I've been here and collectively they've probably taken someone a minute, total, all four, to scold me.

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City Info Terminal: http://cit.cohtitan.com
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Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post
Those few people who do buy the forum access license wouldn't really increase the moderation requirements by much... probably about commensurate to how much they pay monthly for the license. I'd put it at $5/mo, so mods could spend twenty minutes to half an hour extra, per month, per person, modding these schmoes...
All that still doesn't account for the Web Team developing the system for however many players that would potentially buy access. Those costs would also have to be included in any proposal to change how things work currently.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
Considering that the opinion you are saying is "badly considered" directly opposes your's, I'll go with "hit a nerve" instead.
Mildly annoyed that you failed to read the thread and note that your points had already been addressed. The validity of your opinion I leave to the judgment of the readers, having already clearly stated my own.

Most players would balk at paying the true cost of forum moderation, so it would cost resources that Paragon Studios doesn't have to service a few players. This game is already the bottom of the heap of the NCsoft priority for web development, and you are talking about wasting the precious amount of time they do get to appeal to a tiny fraction of 1% of the players.
Forum moderation is already in place, imposing whatever "true cost" you're imagining on the groaning backs of the playerbase.

Adding a "tiny fraction of 1% of the players" (your words) to the existing population would present an insignificant increase in workload for the mods.

The European players have a stronger position than you do (after all they are paying for subscriptions), and they are losing complete sections of the forums.
They need their own mods, which isn't the same thing at all.
That really does impose a significant extra cost to running the forums.

Two words come to mind after reading this: "Yeah, right." The more passionate the player usually means more active moderation is required. Also there have been plenty of examples of long time players that continually need to be moderated over the years. At its most basic level, this quote has no basis in reality.
The quality of your logic is consistent, if nothing else.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
All that still doesn't account for the Web Team developing the system for however many players that would potentially buy access. Those costs would also have to be included in any proposal to change how things work currently.
If it goes in the store as per my initial suggestion, price it accordingly.

If it is instead added to the 'tier' system as a reward for longterm subscribers, those players have already provided the game with literal years of material support.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
All that still doesn't account for the Web Team developing the system for however many players that would potentially buy access. Those costs would also have to be included in any proposal to change how things work currently.
Considering by my suggestion, someone would be paying $60/yr, and really all that would be needed is to create another user group (add Premium+Forum to the existing user group list, which takes 1 to 15 minutes - we'll be generous and give them a full hour!) and another link between the accounts and forums (the forums already check to see if you subscribe, they can add a similar check for a forum license...and most of that code would already be written for the VIP check - this would take between one day and...let's be generous...a month of non-dedicated coding and testing).

At my suggested $5/mo, even if only 100 users buy it the first month, that's still enough to pay for it outright and then any repeat buyers are pretty much pure profit because those actively paying for a license (versus passively gaining a license through subscription) aren't going to jeopardize their use of it - and the thing's already paid for.

EDIT: I will say, though, that my faith in the NCsoft web team is pretty much nothing at this point, so I will put that as a point in favor of not doing it at all.

Paragon Wiki: http://www.paragonwiki.com
City Info Terminal: http://cit.cohtitan.com
Mids Hero Designer: http://www.cohplanner.com
Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post
EDIT: I will say, though, that my faith in the NCsoft web team is pretty much nothing at this point, so I will put that as a point in favor of not doing it at all.

At last, an irrefutable point.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post
Considering by my suggestion, someone would be paying $60/yr, and really all that would be needed is to create another user group (add Premium+Forum to the existing user group list, which takes 1 to 15 minutes - we'll be generous and give them a full hour!) and another link between the accounts and forums (the forums already check to see if you subscribe, they can add a similar check for a forum license...and most of that code would already be written for the VIP check - this would take between one day and...let's be generous...a month of non-dedicated coding and testing).

At my suggested $5/mo, even if only 100 users buy it the first month, that's still enough to pay for it outright and then any repeat buyers are pretty much pure profit because those actively paying for a license (versus passively gaining a license through subscription) aren't going to jeopardize their use of it - and the thing's already paid for.

EDIT: I will say, though, that my faith in the NCsoft web team is pretty much nothing at this point, so I will put that as a point in favor of not doing it at all.
Given the current NCsoft web team, I would say that you are giving them far more credit in how much time it would take than can be reasonably assumed.

Not only that, I think that you are grossly underestimating how much it would cost for their pay, not to mention managing them. Web developers are paid around $20-$30/hour. A team of 4 of them, not to mention management and testers (a joke with these guys, I know) would add up to significantly more. Then multiply all those expenses with planning, meeting times, testing, QA, and roll-out. You will get a time that is significantly longer to develop than you are stating. So at least a month. I'd say that this would work out to significantly more than $10,000 for the minimum costs needed.

At $5/month that would take 2,000 subscribers for the first month, or almost two years for those 100 users to pay for the system (if the price tag was $10,000).

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters