33rd Annual Villainy Awards Show




Announcer: ...welcome back to the 33rd Annual Villainy Awards Show! Live (or very nearly so) from Grandville in the lovely Rogue Isles! And now... to present the prestigious Best Villainous Plot Award... Silver Mantis and Scirocco...

Scirocco: Thank you everyone... thank you... my goodness... er... badness... you look lovely tonight Mantis... perhaps you and I could go to dinner together after the show...?

Silver Mantis: No, thanks Scirocco... I'm a woman with a healthy... hmmm... "appetite"... I want a full meal... you would barely qualify as an appetizer...

Scirocco: .... charming....

Silver Mantis: And the nominees for Best Villainous Plot are... for The Corruption of Dark Astoria... Mot...

Scirocco: For The Death of Statesman... Darrin Wade...

Silver Mantis: For The Whoops... My Bad... Cap Au Diable Power Grid Meltdown Incident... Doctor Aeon...

Scirocco: For A Multitude of Evil Plots Too Subtle and Convoluted For Us to Count Much Less Identify And Name... the winner of the past 32 such awards... Lord Nemesis...

Silver Mantis: And the Naughty award goes to.... (rips envelope open with a spine)... Darrin Waaaa...

(Lights suddenly go out... seconds later they go back up again...)

Scirocco: Sorry about that folks... we apparently had a small technical problem... problem... problem... Mantis why don't you announce the winner of this incredibly important and illustrious award that obviously indicates the greatest, most intelligent villain of them all?

Silver Mantis: Searching Snide Non-Sequitor Sub-File.... File Not Found...

Scirocco: ... ch..ch..ch..ch.. charming...

Silver Mantis: And the award goes to... (holds up hand as though to read something but the envelope itself is three feet away on the floor)... Load Voice Modulation File: Pleased Suprise... Lord Nemesis!

Scirocco: Lord Nemesis could not be here tonight... or IS he?... so I will be accepting... taking... acquiring... stealing... pilfering... absconding... the award in his place...

Announcer: Stay tuned for more of the 33rd Annual Villainy Awards Show! Coming up... Best Personal Vengeance... Best Base Betrayal... and the Best Supporting Lackey awards!

My mind wanders so often you've probably seen its picture on milk cartons. - Me... the first person version of the third person Steelclaw



what is this thread complaining about?



The lack of a "pants" option for Troy Hickman's characters.



Originally Posted by MajorDecoy View Post
The lack of a "pants" option for Troy Hickman's characters.
It's not that the option is lacking, it's just that he refuses to wear them.

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...



Originally Posted by Steelclaw View Post
Silver Mantis: For The Whoops... My Bad... Cap Au Diable Power Grid Meltdown Incident... Doctor Aeon...
I just laughed harder than I have in a week. Thank you, Steelclaw!



O.O What my villian wasn't even nominated. > *plots revenge*
Also sense someone already brought him up...

Cancel the kitchen scraps for widows and lepers, no more merciful beheadings and call off christmas!



Originally Posted by 2short2care View Post
O.O What my villian wasn't even nominated. > *plots revenge*
Also sense someone already brought him up...
For a minute I thought I was up for Best Villain...

Troy Hickman - So proud to have contributed to and played in this wonderful CoH universe