A discussion: iTrials and level shifts
The penalty of which you speak applies to the Tin Mage and Apex task forces, but not to trials.
Side note: I can't remember for sure, but I thought there was a level penalty for those who didn't have anything slotted at all (in regardes to Incarnate powers). So that someone with no slots filled would be -8 to the level 54 mobs. Am I mistaken? Is that still the case? If so, then I would go so far as to say anyone without at least a tier 1 alpha should avoid any trial out of common courtesy.
I've been trialing since they went live. I think at current count, I have 45 level 50+3 toons, 25 of which are tier 4 across the board (including alpha). Admittedly, I play 2-4 hours a day, and I focus on incarnate content almost exclusively. Thankfully, I don't mind the grind. It offers continual opportunities for stress-testing builds.
However, a person who plays significantly less than I do, by now (especially one who has been around since the advent of trials, but also newer players with far more options to obtain components and merits than we did at the outset), should have one or two single shifted options, if not dual or triple. A request for a single level shift should not be generating the vociferous protest that it does. Numbers speak. The penalties that exist as the level difference approaches 5 increase dramatically. Past 5, you really may as well not be there.
There are no hard iTrials, only hard peo-... er... wait.

Not sure if that question was addressed to anyone in particular, but I'll chime in:
I want to make one additional point about the "grind": If you've played the game long enough, you've probably done nearly all (if not absolutely all) of the content at least once (probably with different toons). At the point you've done any mission/task once, every time afterward could be considered a grind. This includes iTrials and any other set of missions.
I suspect that my understanding of "grind" is different from other people's definitions. What is yours? |
"Grinding", for me, means repeating the same task (mission, TF, etc.) 2 or more time successively with the same character.
Doing Frostfire 4 times with 4 different characters is not grinding to me, because each of my characters have a different mix of powersets, thus will need a different approach to the mission depending of the AT and the powersets (i.e. running it with a EM/Shield tanker is not the same as running it with a Emp/Elec defender)
Doing an ITF every week with my tanker would not be grinding if I have the opportunity to do some other content in between with that character.
Doing trials (i.e. DFB) or Holiday content (i.e. Halloween's "Haunted House" mission) over and over with the same character ? Grinding.
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Long time Protectorite, but I usually don't wander into the Protector threads. Riverdancer tipped me to this hot topic, so I thought I'd chip in.
I'm in agreement that non-shift 50's need to try to limit themselves to BAF and Lambda if possible. They're still popularly run trials, so there's no reason they can't limit themselves a little. The time it takes to get that first level shift is so short, we're not talking about a long term ban or anything. Even on a run of bad drops I think the longest it takes me is a couple of days of playing.
Now, if you absolutely can't find a BAF or Lambda that day, it's unreasonable to expect someone not to try to make some advancement. But that person should be aware that they're costing the team a certain amount of efficiency that's going to be felt.
When it comes to the rest of the trials though, I think it's fair game for anyone with at least 1 level shift to join. It's up to the person forming the league to make sure the team has enough to accomplish the task. If you're seeing too many +1's and not enough +2/3's, then speak up. There's enough reasonable players on this server that people will do what they can to help.
Side note: I can't remember for sure, but I thought there was a level penalty for those who didn't have anything slotted at all (in regardes to Incarnate powers). So that someone with no slots filled would be -8 to the level 54 mobs. Am I mistaken? Is that still the case? If so, then I would go so far as to say anyone without at least a tier 1 alpha should avoid any trial out of common courtesy.
And that's my 98ยข.
Kill 'em all. Let XP sort 'em out.